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MLP Birthday Scenario Game


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1: I am the President and Doctor Whooves is my secretary of Defence 

2: I Switch Lives with Scootaloo

3: I go to the Ball and Dance with Lyra (Awesome!)

4: I Celebrate Hearth's Warming Eve with Angel Bunny

5: I Go on a Adventure with Big Macintosh

6: I now Mortal Enemies with Pinkamena Diane Pie

7: I want a Bedtime Story from Rainbow Dash

8: I Rule the World with Snowflake

9: I Huggles with Rainbow Dash for Every other Week because I help her catch Derpy Hooves, then Rainbow Dash Challenges me to a Race.

Rarity SIG 17 Standard Size.png

Thanks Kyoshi for the Signature

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  • 2 weeks later...

1. You wake up finding that Princess Cadence has tied you to their bed. 

"I need an adult" O^O

2. Bake cupcakes with Gilda 

3. Best Friends with Shining Armor

I'm actually fine with this. I'd get to see McFlurry now and again. ^^

4. RotL w/ Bon Bon


5.My Pet pony is Fluttershy.

Again, I'm meh-ish on this one... uwu

6. Married to Pinkie Pie. 


7.*gets a present from a chicken*

Oh, thanks Scoots. >->

8. Trick or Treat with Spitfire.

Sweet! ^^

9. I write letters to RD for 12 hours because we tried to get cider but they ran out, then Spitfire said we broke an academy record. 

This is incredibly specific, but okay. :twi:

Edited by CinnamonPop


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1. You and Cherrilie have to destroy FOX news

2.Handcuffed for life with Princess Luna 

3. Make a thousand clones of Zecora

4.Become best friends with Twilight Sparkle 

5.Your best friend is Chrysalis 

6.Iron pony competition against Derpy

7.Getting a phone call from Sweetie Bell 

8.Become BFF's with Pinkie Pie

I now have 3 best friends :3

9.You huggles Rainbow Dash for a year bease she has taken you under her wing, then Rainbow Dash gives you a hug.

I like all of these :)

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  • 2 months later...

1. You wake up finding that Applejack had tied you to their bed.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

2. Bake Cupcakes with G3 Pony. Not bad thing.

3. You and Cheerilee become best friends. Could see that happening. 

4. Participate in Running of the leaves with Pinkanema.  I guess I'm running away :P 

5. Your pet pony is Flitter. I'm aright with this :3

6. Married to Diamond Tiara.  Divorce :eww:

7. Scootaloo commits suicide. :wacko: Damn. 

8. Trick or Treat with Zecora. meh

9. You bake pies for Rainbow Dash tonight because you and she tried to get cider and they ran out, then Spike becomes your slave. I'm not sure if Spike :mustache: approves this :P 

Edited by The Cerberus


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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  • 3 months later...

1.- You wake up finding that Fluttershy had tied you to their bed

2.- Bake Cupcakes with Octavia

3.- You and Nightmare Moon become best friends

4.- Participate in the running of the leaves with Silver Spoon

5.- Your pet pony is Colgate

6.- Married to Nightmare Moon

7.- Learning stuff from Scootaloo

8.- Trick or treat with Discord

9.- You write letters to Rainbow Dash for 10 days because you and she tried to get cider and they ran out, then Applejack invites you to go applebucking

Edited by Gabosor
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  1. "you woke up and applejack is on your bed."..kay.. creepy as buck
  2. "Bake cupcake with Minty.'
  3. "You and Cheerilee become best friend".. Never thought I would become a friend with an teacher.
  4. "participate in the running of the leaves with  Pinkie pie" - sounds fun.
  5. "Your pony is flitter." don't know who's that.
  6. "Married to Sweetie belle"- kay...?
  7. "Scootaloo committed suicide"  as expected..
  8. "Trick or treat with Zecora" awesome nice choice
  9. "You'd be joining the wonderbolt with RD for 24 hr, and try to get some cider and spike  become your slave. "  I wonder if spike would like to join us for some cider.



♪ "I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come through"♪


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  • 1 year later...

1. I woke up to find that dounut Joe had tied me to his bed.

2. Bake cupcakes with spike

3. Me and Octavia become besties

4. Participate in running of the leaves with Applebloom

5. My pet pony is Vynil Scratch

6. Married to Big Mac ( sorry Sugar Belle)

7. Scootaloo would like to meet me

8. Trick or treat with Celestia

9. Try out a new trick with Rainbow Dash every other day because Rainbow and I tried to get cider but they run out then Twilight Sparkle scolds me.


All I wanted was to marry Discord. :'(

Edited by DiscordDiamond
Grammar issues
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On 4/11/2017 at 3:16 AM, Button Feri said:

1. You wake up finding that Donut Joe has tied you to their beds....wut? XD

2. Bake cupcakes with Spike. Oh well XD

3. You and Octavia become best friends. i like that :3

4. Participating in the Running of the Leaves with Applebloom. She would probably win >.>

5. Your pet pony is Vinyl Scratch. Yussss x3

6. Married to Big Mac. Oh god o-o What have i done...

7. Scootaloo would like to meet you. ^~^

8. Trick or Treat with Celestia. ehehe cancer.png

9. You huggles Rainbow Dash for 12 hours, because you and she tries to get cider and they ran out, then Twilight Sparkle scolds you. Aww XD

What We have same birthday

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  • 11 months later...

1. I wake up and find that Daring Do has tied me to her bed.
Hmm... kinky.  What would my wife say, though?

2. I bake cupcakes with Shining Armor.
I bet it goes as one would expect... the fire was HIS fault, I swear!

3. Me and Diamond Tiara become best friends.
My wife might disagree, because... well, you'll see who she is in a second.

4. I participate in the Running of the Leaves with Doctor Whooves.
I guess for science?

5. My pet pony is Braeburn.
I... don't know what to say about this one.  Free apples, perhaps?

6. I am married to Scootaloo.
She becomes a teacher for the School of Friendship (And a tutor) in the future, so I guess that's a win in my book.  Plus she's skilled at scooters.  I had a scooter growing up... it was fun.

7. Scootaloo has plans with me.
My wife has plans for me... gulp. (For all I know, her plans might involve getting Daring Do and herself to tie me to HER bed for... reasons.)

8. Trick or Treat with Lyra.
Because who could say "no" to free candy, and a chance to chill with the resident Human? ^_^

9. I dress up as Rainbow Dash for 10 days because she and I tried to get cider and they were out, then Zecora brewed me up a potion.
Either I was drugged, or the plans my wife had involved forcing me to wear one of her Rainbow Dash Fanclub Outfits, then drugged me to like wearing it, only for Zecora to provide the cure via a potion... yeah, that makes sense!

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1. You wake up finding that Rainbow Dash has tied you to their bed.

Umm, Dashie, I'm not Applejack, so... :sealed:

2. Bake cupcakes with Cadance.

Royal cupcakes! Yum! :yay: I wonder how much I could sell them for?

3. You and Princess Luna become best friends.

*Sigh* I knew my dream of becoming closer with Celestia was not meant to be... At least Luna is there on the caring rebound. :worry:

4. Participate in the Running of the Leaves with Queen Chrysalis.

Umm... @DivinePony1000, I think I might need your help with this one! :lie:

5. Your pet pony is Shining Armor.

...Well, I guess we can always share armor, at least. :wacko:

6. Married to Queen Chrysalis.

NO!! DIVORCE! :BornAgainBrony: DivinePony1000 will hate me forever! And besides, my heart belongs to sunbutt!

7. Scootaloo was a spy all along.

I KNEW IT! The flight disability shtick was just a rouse all along! :okiedokieloki:

8. Trick or Treat with Doctor Whooves.

WOW! I don't care how I got there, I am in for perhaps the best adventure ever! :D

9. You go camping with Rainbow Dash every 3 days because you and she tried to get cider and they ran out, then Colgate brushes your teeth.

:confused: ...That's it. No more triple layer nachos before bed. I have no idea what just happened, but I guess this is my life now.

Edited by Samurai Equine


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  • 3 years later...

1. Me & Rainbow Dash Do A Drive-By On A Target Of My Choice

2. Mortal Enemies With Cadence :(

3. Banished To The Moon With Princess Luna :LunaMCM:

4. Buck Apples With Queen Chrysalis :blink:

5. Start A Band With Shining Armor

6. Handcuffed For Life With.....QUEEN CHRYSALIS?!?! :blink:

7. Derpy Hooves Was A Spy All Along 

8. Become Enemies With Dr. Whooves

9. Become Wing Pony For Every Other Day Because Rainbow Dash Crashed Into Me Then, Colegate Brushes My Teeth


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