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private The War on PACE: after the war (SoL)


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JT had reached the controls of the Gauss Cannon, "sure hopes this works." he said to himself as he aimed it. he had all of the shock troopers targeted and was ready to fire, he yelled into the radio, "Joshua, you might want to find some type of cover!"


The generaly watched on cameras as he saw the gauss cannon target his men, his jaw dropped."

Cezary was lying down on the balcony of the Ponyville library when the cannon started moving....

"Oh shit, is that thing targeting us or them right now?" he asked to no one in particular.

He spotted a PACE soldier entering the edge of his range and flicked off his rifle's safety, exhaled, and fired. He then saw the satisfactory spray of blood from what was left of the trooper's helmet.

"Scratch one, target eliminated."

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Cezary was lying down on the balcony of the Ponyville library when the cannon started moving....

"Oh shit, is that thing targeting us or them right now?" he asked to no one in particular.

He spotted a PACE soldier entering the edge of his range and flicked off his rifle's safety, exhaled, and fired. He then saw the satisfactory spray of blood from what was left of the trooper's helmet.

"Scratch one, target eliminated."

Rocket saw the shot and followed the trail, he saw the pony on the balcony. he flew over and said to the person, "nice shot!"


JT powered up the cannon and was ready to fire it, he was nervous. he waited to see Joshua jump out of sight.


The general heard a soldier come up to him and say, "sir we need to touch down we are going back to new London!"


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Hank was still holding them off not knowing anything about the cannon they are about to use. He sighs and closes his eyes as he ran out of ammo and waits for him to die.


Twilight smiles "but.. hank is.. still out there.. are you really going to do it? Well, do it anyway i am sure he will be fine."



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Hank was still holding them off not knowing anything about the cannon they are about to use. He sighs and closes his eyes as he ran out of ammo and waits for him to die.


Twilight smiles "but.. hank is.. still out there.. are you really going to do it? Well, do it anyway i am sure he will be fine."

Rocket yells to JT, "JT if your going to shoot it, youre going to have to do it now!!!"


JT yells back, "not till Joshua is out of the way! Hank!!! are you able to get out of the aera!!!" Jt watched the numbers on the screen hit 90% then it hit 95%


The general watched in horror as a blue ball of light build at the tip of the Cannon


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Twilight sighs "there is no response from Hank.. its like his part is shut off.. Just do it! If he dies he died for our cause! HE died to save us all!" she is about to cry as she looks way from where the cannon is pointed.


Hank shut his ear piece off and waits for the blast



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Twilight sighs "there is no response from Hank.. its like his part is shut off.. Just do it! If he dies he died for our cause! HE died to save us all!" she is about to cry as she looks way from where the cannon is pointed.


Hank shut his ear piece off and waits for the blast

Cezary put on his sunglasses to prepare for the blast, but saw something through his scope, it was a grey pony! He did some quick calculations, and it looked like the pony wouldn't be catching the main blast, but would at least be singed if the thing operated like he thought it did.

"If you're worried about friendly fire, don't! He'll be fine... probably"

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Twilight sighs "there is no response from Hank.. its like his part is shut off.. Just do it! If he dies he died for our cause! HE died to save us all!" she is about to cry as she looks way from where the cannon is pointed.


Hank shut his ear piece off and waits for the blast

"shit.... JOSHUA DUCK!!!" JT hits the fire button and a huge blast is seen. the shock troopers look to see a huge light going straight towards them, the blast goes past Joshua and splits and hits each indivudal shock trooper. there is a huge blast and it sends a shockwave that blows trees down. miraculously, Joshua and hank aren't affected by the blast. JT is completely shocked. "how in the hell did it not hurt them... hmmm.... well it looks like PACE just gave us the upper hand in this battle"


The general shouts, "well at least the thing works!!!!!"


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Hank got knocked back from the blast. He had some burn marks and sighs "im alive..." he blacks out right there.


Twilight smiles "Hank is okay! we can still win this!" she is jumping with joy "if they take them to their ship.. and hank escapes, he can destroy the ship from the inside."



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End Game, searching for stragglers from the blast, ran into Hank.

"If you're going to be destroying any ships, you're going to need these, they're my own special recipe, but a tad unstable"

He takes a book sized charge hooked up to a few wires from his bag.

"It's hardened, so EMPs shouldn't be a problem, but just make ABSOLUTELY sure you want to destroy something when you active them, they don't turn off after you turn them on. Just turn twice and throw."

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Hank got knocked back from the blast. He had some burn marks and sighs "im alive..." he blacks out right there.


Twilight smiles "Hank is okay! we can still win this!" she is jumping with joy "if they take them to their ship.. and hank escapes, he can destroy the ship from the inside."

the general yells at the body recovery ship, "I want that damn pony in my ship yesterday, he has a lot of explaining to do! AND CAPTURE THAT GOD DAMN GUY WHO SHOT THE CANNON!!!!!"


JT stepped down from the cannon and waked over to rocket, "ha, that was awesome, who's your friend?"


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Hank laid there slowly stiring as he shakes his head "i dont need those.. they will slow me down.. trust me.. i got the best way to do it."


Twilight nods "who is your friend.. well, since it is all calm maybe we can go and celebrate? Or at least have some time to rest?"



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Cezary called over the radio

"Be advised, enemy capture troops inbound on your location. Comms report ETA 3 minutes."

He got up from his perch and ran down the stairs.

"Anyway, now that the battle is mostly over, what do y'all do to celebrate a victory around here?"

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Hank laid there slowly stiring as he shakes his head "i dont need those.. they will slow me down.. trust me.. i got the best way to do it."


Twilight nods "who is your friend.. well, since it is all calm maybe we can go and celebrate? Or at least have some time to rest?"

A beam starts picking up the bodies and hank, he is transported to a small ship and put in a lockdown chamber. the soldier said, "you are being transported to New London. where the general and the board are waiting to talk to you. made the wrong enemy, pony!"


JT Watched the ship take off and muttered, "good luck, brother." then he turned back to the group and started a speech.


"Brothers and sisters, today is a great victory! not only did we liberate Ponyville, but we also gave Canterot more security with this great weapon!!! Equestria will stay its free and beautiful self. we just need to keep pushing them back to earth!!! but for now, I want everyone to rest and enjoy yourself. you all have earned it" he threw his fist into the air, "FOR EQUESTRIA!!!!!"


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Hank nods weakly "do you know what they are going to talk to me about?"


twilight smiles "FOR EQUESTRIA!" she notices Hanks body gone "no... Hank.. he is gone.. stay strong twilight.. stay strong.." she sighs and looks at the group smiling "lets all gather as much gear as we can?"



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Hank nods weakly "do you know what they are going to talk to me about?"


twilight smiles "FOR EQUESTRIA!" she notices Hanks body gone "no... Hank.. he is gone.. stay strong twilight.. stay strong.." she sighs and looks at the group smiling "lets all gather as much gear as we can?"

The soldier looks at him, "im a private, you tink im allowed to know? just keep quiet, you will find out soon enough. were heading to the citadel. you wont find a lot of friends there"


JT looks down to twilight, " definetly, and could you write to celestia? tell her about our victory?"


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azure and scarletrose copied JT and threw threw their hoof in the air and echoed "FOR EQUESTRIA!!!!!"


Azure went to look for a place to lie down his head was still spinning


scarletrose went to check on the wounded and carryed any who were too wounded to walk to the makeshift sick bay

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Hank nods "ok. well i am worried what they will ask me.. could you undo this cage? i promise i wont run off. i just took a blast about a couple of feet infront of me and i need to walk."


Twilight nods as she starts to write a letter using a quill and paper "dear princess Celestia, We got back Ponyville but at the same time lost Hank.. they got him now and we don't know where he is being taken.. we will go and liberate the others soon. your faithful student, and solider, Twilight Sparkle." she wrote that down and sent it to her



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Rocket walked over to azure and scarletrose and smiled, "oh you two are ok." he hugs both of his friends. "are you two ok? you were really close to both explosions!" rocket grabs some of the wounded and helps Them. "oh wel, im just really glad that you two are back in one piece!"

Hank nods "ok. well i am worried what they will ask me.. could you undo this cage? i promise i wont run off. i just took a blast about a couple of feet infront of me and i need to walk."


Twilight nods as she starts to write a letter using a quill and paper "dear princess Celestia, We got back Ponyville but at the same time lost Hank.. they got him now and we don't know where he is being taken.. we will go and liberate the others soon. your faithful student, and solider, Twilight Sparkle." she wrote that down and sent it to her

The soldier smiles and says, "alright" but behind him a man with an eyepatch shouted, "ARE YOU STUPID PRIVATE!?! DONT LET THE PRISIONER OUT" then he walks over to hank, "YOU KEEP YER MOUTH SHUT IF YA KNEW WHAT WAS GOOD FER YA! Youll be able to walk around for a while, when we have yer shakles on and yer talkin to the board!" 


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He smiles "ok mister pirate, i don't know whats good for me. infact i don't even know who i am. Am i a prisoner or not? I could be a human that looks like a pony but you won't know that cause the spell that was casted on me. there could be a clone and i was the one fighting for you not against you. How would you know?" 



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He smiles "ok mister pirate, i don't know whats good for me. infact i don't even know who i am. Am i a prisoner or not? I could be a human that looks like a pony but you won't know that cause the spell that was casted on me. there could be a clone and i was the one fighting for you not against you. How would you know?" 

"heh, tough guy eh?" the soldier takes a stustick and smacks hank though the cage, "just be quiet until we het there"


The general saw the ship come in and smiled, "get the camera, we will need to send clestia this video" he said with a devilish smile on his face.


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Hank quickly got the stunstick after it hit him and hits the soldier on his other eye "i dont know if i am a tough guy." he smiles and drops the stun stick. and waits to be let out. He smiles at the private "so private? will you let me out?." he gave a smile "or do you want to lose an eye?"



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Hank quickly got the stunstick after it hit him and hits the soldier on his other eye "i dont know if i am a tough guy." he smiles and drops the stun stick. and waits to be let out. He smiles at the private "so private? will you let me out?." he gave a smile "or do you want to lose an eye?"

The ship is ported and the soldier smiles, "it doesn't matter now, its out of my hands." than two more soldiers come in and paralyze hank and take him to the council chamber. the put him in a modified cell where he cant move at all.


"welcome to your hell, pony" the general says with a laugh.


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"yea we were, i dont know how we made it it but we did, a little rough around the edges but with a little rest we'll be ready to fight again"  scarletrose smiled at Rocket


"a lot of rest" azure added  "  "cause i hope that is all the excitement for the day" azure said holding his head 


they reached the sick bay  scarlet handed the wounded over to the medics and nurses 


azure check the houses near by for an bed or some place to lay down

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"yea we were, i dont know how we made it it but we did, a little rough around the edges but with a little rest we'll be ready to fight again"  scarletrose smiled at Rocket


"a lot of rest" azure added  "  "cause i hope that is all the excitement for the day" azure said holding his head 


they reached the sick bay  scarlet handed the wounded over to the medics and nurses 


azure check the houses near by for an bed or some place to lay down

Rocket smiles to them and heads for the city hall building. he went up to the mayors office and laid down in what would become the war council room, he always rested in the war council room, it made him feel comfortable.


Jt said thank you to twilight and head for city hall, he knew his friend would be there, and he wanted to get some shuteye, too

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Hank smiles "how do you know what hell is like? have you been there?" he sighs "well what will we talk about? and can i get out of this box! i have been in tight places and i need to walk. I will talk to you and your board when i get what i want. And i want out of this box and able to walk!"


Twilight nods and smiles and sighs as she sat against a building holding Hank's guitar. 

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