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private The War on PACE: after the war (SoL)


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Rocket laughed, "you are a way better warrior than me!!" Jt cotinued walking and decided that they were far enough he radioed to the base, "can I get a pickup? We are about 5 miles out of ponyville, and we have been walking for a long time. It would be greatly appreciated." Rocket sighed, "thank celestia! Finally!"

"I'm glad that you guys made it back safe! When I heard that you guys had been captured I nearly had a heart attack! I'm on my way in one of the rigs we 'borrowed' from the base while you guys were busy running for your lives. It's going to take me about 3 minutes to get there... try to stay alive till then." Cezary said with a sigh of relief and a smirk

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Hank smiles "Rocket, i seen what you could do.. i am nothing without the sonic screwdriver.. oh JT here is your screwdriver back." he tosses it to him and smiles "now lets just relax and wait for them to come and pick us up okay?" he smiles and yawns as he looks around



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Blackshard let out a figurative breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding this whole time. Today had certainly been eventful... Of course, she was in a Resistance. It was to be expected

"Relax?" she turned towards Hank with a smile, "Celestia knows that's what I need right now!"

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Jt puts the screwdriver back in his pocket, then he pulls out a cigar an lights it he sits down and looks at the stars he thinks about wars he had talked about in school and he thought about Vietnams tet offensive. His mind begin hatching another grand plan, but he wasn't ready to share it.


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"Alright y'all, pile in... we've got room to spare." Said Cezary through the window of a stolen APC.

"I killed the tracker for it, but I'm sure you guys just really want to sleep right now, so I'll try to make the ride as calm as possible. It's a beautiful night, I just wish I wasn't seeing it under these circumstances..." He said, with a somber look on his face.

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JT hops in and says, "don't worry brother, I am working on the next plan, and this time I plan on endin this horrible war!"


Rocket hops in and says, "JT we are hopelessly outnumbered!"


JT smiles, "that's we're you're wrong! We need to gather the entire resistance army and get in touch with the equestrian army! Then I will unveil my plan!"


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Hank hops in also "hello. Highest rank in the equestrian army. Just tell me what i have to send and i will tell them word by word." He salutes and smiles "if i get some time.. i could turn some weapons into sonic weapons.." he sighs and looks at the stars "JT. I am glad you are good."



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Blackshard's eyes widen as she climbs up beside them. The Equestrian Army? A plan? Many different scenarios proceeded to pile into her head all at once before an idea comes to mind.

"I could contact my sister!" she starts, looking from Jt to Rocket, "She's inlisted in the Equestrian Army....I-i think she could help us..."

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"Hank, Blackshard. I need our friends in the army to army to hear me plan, I need to send a request to have a war meeting with the generals. And I also need all of the resistance leaders to hear my plan, so we need a letter sent out to them too. If my plan works, this war will be over!" Jt says with excitement


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Blackshard nods briskly, already forming the words she would write to her sister in the letter. Whiteshard would want this war to be over just as much as she did. The only thing left to be done was convincing her Other Half to persuade her superiors to meet with JT.

Shouldn't be too hard...

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Hank nods as his AIs appeared. Hank smiles "did you get all that?" All the AIs nod as they went to tell all the generals that there will be a war meeting. Hank looks at JT "should i be there? I think i should." He smiles "after all i have info you all might need." He smiles.



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"Of course! You are a superior officer In the equestrian army, you need to hear the plan as badly as anyone else would need." JT says. "We shouldn't have a problem with the generals in the equestrian army, my hard point will be getting all of the war chiefs of the resistance. We need all of them!"


Rocket nods and begins radioing to the camp. "We need all of the war chiefs for a war council!"


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"If I send a message to Whiteshard the normal way, we run the risk of it getting intercepted by PACE." Blackshard realizes, "I actually might have to fly the message there myself..."

She stretches her wings slightly, experimentally.

"I can get there fairly quickly..."

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Hank smiles "My AIs already contacted them. they cant be intercepted. And JT thank you for letting me come there. It is a honor." He smiles "i will make sure there are no flaws in the plan." He laughs "which i am sure there would not be." He looks outside and smiles


(Going to bed night.)

Edited by kappa214



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Hank smiles "My AIs already contacted them. they cant be intercepted. And JT thank you for letting me come there. It is a honor." He smiles "i will make sure there are no flaws in the plan." He laughs "which i am sure there would not be." He looks outside and smiles


(Going to bed night.)

"good job, hank! now we need to get the resistance members, we need to get Chief Rainbow dash from cloudsdale and Chief Applejack from outside appleoosa. Dash should be easy, since they barely get attacked. But Applejack will be hard to get because of The PACE's Presence"


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Hank smiles "well. You forgot who my sister is. the element of magic. we can just teleport there. And get her and teleport out.. my AIs could just tell rainbow dash.. i hope.. i bet twilight will be surprised to see some of her friends again." He smiles "JT.. do you want some sonic weapons?"



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Hank smiles "well. You forgot who my sister is. the element of magic. we can just teleport there. And get her and teleport out.. my AIs could just tell rainbow dash.. i hope.. i bet twilight will be surprised to see some of her friends again." He smiles "JT.. do you want some sonic weapons?"

JT smiles and shakes his head, "no. ill stick to my P90, its been good to me tis entire war, I want my last battle to be with it."


Rocket chuckles a little bit, then says. "hes carried that gun empty through three miles of desert.... I don't think he will ever give that thing up"


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Hank laughs 'well.. how bout i modify your gun.. so that it gets a second trigger that can do things the sonic screwdriver can but better.. like remove platforms so they can fall. And a lot of more other stuff.. lets lay out your plan really fast. So i can spot things."



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JT smiles, "my plan is a three parter. And all are from historical wars.

Step 1: turn earth against the war. We do this with counter propaganda, show earth videos of the refugees. Of we turn support against te war, we can hurt there numbers.

Step 2: unite equestria. Our problem with the war is all of the resistance and the army at divided, if we unite. We outnumber PACE


Step 3: attack everything at once. We overwhelm them and drive them out of every city. There's no way they will be able to defend all of us together!"


Rockets jaw dropped, "that's brilliant!"


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Hank nods "my AIs can record and with thw aonic screwdriver. I can hack it and change the propaganda. Reuniting will be easy.." he smiles and laughs "anything technology i will be a good support to. I can change things to advantage us." He smiles and laughs



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Jt smiles, "I knew your hacking abilities would come in handy! But I fear uniting will be more troubling then we think. I hope my speech I make at canterlot for the war council will help."


Rocket looks, "Jt I'm sure it will, you know how to get a crowd to come together usually"


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"I want to come to the war meeting..." Blackshard decides after listening to them plan.

She turns to look at JT pleadingly.

"I want to be there when they plan the final battle." She says determinedly, eyes narrowing, setting her shoulders stubbornly. If this was finall the end of the war on PACE, she wanted to be present.

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Hank nods "my AIs can record and with thw aonic screwdriver. I can hack it and change the propaganda. Reuniting will be easy.." he smiles and laughs "anything technology i will be a good support to. I can change things to advantage us." He smiles and laughs

"Propaganda isn't a problem anymore... I have PACE watching re-runs of bad sitcoms right now... that should be sufficient. And with regards to your offer of sonic weapons, I'm going with the opposite angle, my Vintorez is subsonic, but that means it's probably the only silenced automatic weapon with it's range... they'll be carrying sonic jammers and wearing hyperkinetic shielding... the slower something goes the better off it will be." said Cezary.

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"Gentlecolts," Golden Age began to speak, pacing back and forth between the ranks. His troops were lined perfectly in two rows. Bayonets were fixed tight on their muskets. They stood at attention, eyes fixed either on the Lieutenant, or on some other point of focus.

Golden Age held up a piece of lead. "Do you know what this is? This is a minie ball! Solid lead! Heck, you could even write with the bloody thing! This beauty doesn't pierce through you like today's bullets, it punches its way through you!


If it comes into contact with bone, it'll shatter the bone into tiny fragments. Those fragments will fly into tissue, causing more trauma. Ain't she lovely?" He said with a chuckle. "By now you are all aware of the destructive power of this thing. Whether it be on pony, or changling, this bullet as proven itself time and time again. The army now has pulse rifles, and machine guns and....what ever the heck else! But I know darn well we're the only regiment that uses these babies! Those PACE laddies won't know what bloody hit 'em!"


"Sir! Perhaps now it would be a good time to issue us some armor sir? I'd like to have more protection than 30 pounds of wool and leather!" His sergeant said with a grin.


The rest of the boys laughed


Golden Age chucked "Aye, you may think that lad. But armor wouldn't do ye any good either! If a longbow can punch through armor, imagine what a machine gun, or a laser would do! Armor doesn't protect soldiers, leadership protects soldiers. Which includes not only tactics, but have a strong bond with your lads.


The lieutenant stared up into the sky, gazing at the moon. "Well now, I'm guessin' ye all are as cold as I am. "Company! Unfix, bayonet!" The bayonet came off and was placed back into their scabbards. "Prepare to break ranks! Break ranks, march!" His lads let out a grand huzzah as they moseyed back to their own tents. Golden Age did the same


He placed his belt, haversack, and canteen on one of his tent poles. He threw his hat and coat on a chair and collapsed onto his cot.


He decided he would write to JT in the morning.


He blew the candle out in his lantern and eventually went to sleep.

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"I want to come to the war meeting..." Blackshard decides after listening to them plan.

She turns to look at JT pleadingly.

"I want to be there when they plan the final battle." She says determinedly, eyes narrowing, setting her shoulders stubbornly. If this was finall the end of the war on PACE, she wanted to be present.

JT smiled, "blackshard, it would be an honor to have yo at the meeting as part of my council. the way you kept your head through the attack shows me how well of a warrior."


Rocket said, "yea definetly! and you will be able to talk to some of the soldiers better having a sister in the army"


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