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private Equestria Divided Roleplay


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((Ohmygosh, I left for a day, and I miss two well-written pages..))


House Everfree (OFFICIALLY NOW [Yay!]) - The Old Castle Ruins - Lady Fluttershys' Dining Hall


Jade awoke after a few minuted and almost jolted upright at the scene before her - a mega vine monster, inside of which was Evergreen, was whacking the Stormwing Commander and the other Stormwing ponies gathered while they hurled various weapons into it. Jade sat staring for a minute before she realized how stupid she was being. Slowly and silently, she crept from her position, eyes still mostly closed, and headed towards the soldiers. She snuck behind them and was unsure of what to do. Should she kill them? They wouldn't have hesitated to kill her, she knew, if they had to. She spotted a dagger in the belt of one soldier, but it would be too risky. Could she get help? No, no one even knew she was in House Everfree yet. She couldn't do what Evergreen was doing, seeing as she was an earth-pony, so that didn't leave many options. She couldn't and wouldn't run. No hiding either.


So, that was a problem.


The Cult of Laughter - Manehattan Inner City - Some Dungeon/Prison


Derpy grunted in response to Lila, then bellowed in anger through the cloth in her mouth. How dare they torture Wind with cupcakes?! She tried with newly discovered strength to bash down the gates, not noticing the pony who had just addressed Wind.

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House Everfree - Everfree Forest - Outside the Castle

The Timberwolves paused, sniffing the air. They were so close to the castle... The could smell the enemy now... Blood had been spilled... And they were going north. Well, naturally, the wolves would follow.


It did not take long for them to find their quarry. A number of pegasi flying away from the castle haphazardly. One of them had a bright rainbow mane... The creatures would just have to wait for their prey to roost before they could strike. 


House Everfree - Everfree Forest - Old Castle Ruins - Dining Hall


The vine creature collapsed into a green heap on the floor of the castle dining hall, and out from within it emerged Evergreen. She was covered in shallow cuts and blotchy bruises from where the Stormwing had been fortunate enough to actually strike her. Swaying slightly, and drowsy-eyed, she glanced at Jade. 


"Nice... Nice of you to join us," she mumbled, smiling wearily at the mare. Her eyes were lined and bloodshot. It was a wonder she was still standing at all, yet on she went, plodding unsteadily across the hall, kicking a Stormwing soldier in the chest as she passed over the moaning colt who was still clinging to life by tenterhooks.


After she reached her destination, she knelt beside the struggling pegasus mare, the shaft of a spear still poking out of her side. Fumbling with the bloodstained satchel that she even now kept with her always, she opened it and began poring over the herbs inside. Her hoof was shaking, and she was smearing blood all over her stock. Finally finding the leaf she needed, she began to mash it into a poultice. "Dear, I'm going to try and patch you up, alright? Eat this," she thrust a second leaf forward into the pegasus' mouth. "It'll help with the pain." She turned to dab the poultice around the spear still lodged in the mare's side, but her hooves were still trembling too badly for her to use the precision required. She had overstretched herself, she knew it. If she tried to help the pony, she would do more damage than good in this state, but if she didn't, she would die... And Fluttershy wanted her alive... Evergreen closed her eyes. There was nothing she could do.


((Hint, hint, Jade. Come be useful.))

Find the Heart of the Jungle!

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Wind was about to yell again until she heard the voice of somepony near the door leading into her cell. "I always thought I had a wonderful singing voice...what's the catch ?" She asked, giving the pony a suspicious look. "I feel like its something creepy or strange if I think about the way you just said "yes...a nice condition indeed" It makes me feel like you would be a wonderful addition to the Cult...anyway...I could probably get out of her after a while but I suppose if you're gonna get me out now than...okay...whats the nice condition ?" She asked, flying down from the ceiling and landing on the floor of the cell.

She still felt suspicious about this pony but she figured it would be a good quick way to get out of the cell and back to the cult for some muffins from derpy...also she would get the chance to finish Cookie...FINALLY.

She looked into the ponies eyes and couldn't help but smile. his eyes were so unique. Her eyes were red as well but his...they were beautiful. "You have beautiful eyes." She said, giving him a toothy grin.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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House Whitegold - Manehatten - Prison Cells


"Oh? Why thank you. Most ponies think i the eyes of an insane genocidal murderer. Yes Genocidal. Now, the condition. That is, you three shall owe me. Owe me... hmmm a favor. Sì a favor. That shall be called for at a latter date. Sì..." He smiled wickedly. Heheheh a good favor at that too. These ponies will be useful. Very useful indeed. 




@@Spell Shock,



House Moon and Star - Whitetail Woods


As Eternity was about to tell one of the stories that his brother used to tell him he sense something nearby. A living thing. But this one had more magical energy than simple rabbit or squirrel, or even a bear. It was a pony. Or maybe a deer. He jerked his head up a looked around a bit. He realized it were behind him, whoever or whatever it was. 


He sighed. "Listen." Not specifying who he was speaking too "You can come out now. I know you are here." he got up on his legs and picked up his staff. "Whoever you are show yourself. If you plan on harming us I suggest you run away now." he said trying to sound intimidating. His horn started to glow. He created a nothing ball of magic that floated by him. Preparing for some sort of bandit attack. He then whispered to the others "Spell and Lightning stay down and hide in case we are attacked. Star get be prepared, somepony is stalking us."

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Cult of laughter - Manehattan - prison cells




Wind's eyes sparkled as he said this. "Really ? I always get told the same thing...its very flattering." She said, smiling and biting her lip, then looking down at the ground and back up at the pony. "Well personally I would like to say yes...depending on what we would have to do...and you would have to talk to my friends about it...I think they're both just down the hall from us." She said, flicking her tail in the direction of her friends.

She was beginning to like this pony...his wicked smile...his bright red eyes...the signs of a true maniac. "Also...before any of us agree to this. What house are you apart of ? I just feel like I should ask. I don't much approve of Stormwing...they think they're the best fighter's but I could take em all on easily. Not that I'm saying you're part of Stormwing...i'm just rambling." She said, sitting down and yawning tiredly, obviously bored of being in the cell. "So...where ya from...what's your name ?" She asked, feeling rather interested in this pony.


(OOC: I hate it when you need to fit in just a couple of small short questions into 800 characters dry.png )

  • Brohoof 1

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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@@Nightfall,@@AnonBrony, @@The-Master,


House Whitegold - Manehatten - Ivory Tower - Foyer


Rarity kept her gaze on the "unicorn", then gestured to the messenger and the prateorpony. "Follow me, good sir," she said in a soft, sophisticated, eerie voice. She proceeded to lead them all up to the top floor, where her quarters were located. She cared not one bit that this pony had to haul his cargo up the long flights of stairs that stopped at different floors before reaching the top. 


House Moon and Star - Whitetail Woods


Star Rain was quite ecstatic to hear some campfire stories, as she had never been camping before. Perhaps when she was very very young, but it was all such a blur. She then began to feel like she was being watched. She looked around nervously, hoping to her father's spirit that House Moon and Star did not find them. However, a new suspicion entered her mind. This forest lies close to Earthborn territory. What if EARTHBORN found us?! Not wanting any unicorn around her to lose their horns or worse like what happened to her father, she used her magic to coat everypony and herself(Long Stride not included) in magic armor. Cyan light glowed as she prepared to fight.

  • Brohoof 1

R66Gz.gifClick this dragon hatchling to help it grow, please!

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House Whitegold - Manhatten - Prison Cells


"House? Oh i do not wish to serve one of those idiotic houses and there stupid quarrels. Quite honestly sometimes they are fun to watch from a distance. And fun to mess around with heheh. So i am not part of a house, and definitely not Stormwing, I'm an Earth pony after all. At least I think I am. I am one right? Don't answer that. " he stopped talking as soon as she mentioned name. "Name? Oh Names aren't important, I'm no pony special."


He took out a large painting from his small saddle bags. Which seemed physically impossible. "I'm just going to take your answer as a yes." He layed the painting on the floor. It was a painting of a large hammer resting on a hill. He reached his hoof into the plaiting and pulled a large sledge-like hammer out of the painting. "Now this would do nicely shall it not? Stand back now." Holding it in his hoof he swung the hammer at the bars knocking them out, yet making a lot of noise that probably would of alerted everypony in the building. "There you are free. Sorry for the noise. This hammer can be loud." He turned his head and heard the sounds of hooves heading to the Cells. "Oh. Some guards. Right on time. How 'bout that huh? Go kill any pony who enters while I free your friends alright?"

Edited by AnonBrony
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Wind's eyes widened as he reached into the painting. "That's...amazing." She said, smiling wildly.


Before getting out of the cell, Wind gave him another suspicious look. "You never told me what the catch was...but I suppose its too late for that now...I will help you but don't hurt my friends." She said, stepping out of the cell and grinning at the guards. She still had the chains on her hooves so she used them as a weapon.


One guard ran at her while the other began to load one of those fancy shooter things. Wind whipped the guard running at her then swung one of the chains around his neck. She pulled the guard closer and met him with a wingblade, she chopped his head right off and turned to the other guard who pointed the gun at her. "Oh...a shooter thing...how fu-" She was cut off as the guard fired the gun. But Wind hit the gun with one of the chains not a moment to soon. The bullet hit the ceiling and the guard's eyes widened as the chain in Wind's other hoof came out of nowhere and hit him in the face. The guard stumbled backwards but Wind wasn't done yet. She swung a chain around his neck and flew up to the ceiling, pulling him into the air...choking him.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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Lila laid still on the ground, unable to move from magical exersion. She could hear voices down the hall... Wait no, theres no voic... Yes! There they are......


Lilas ear twitched to the sound of a loud banging. It seemed distant however. Like she was dreaming. Again there were voices, but muffled and the words seemed to slur around her as well. How long was she out for? Had she even fainted? Was she even awake? Yes. I believe so. Or.... No? She couldnt tell. Her eyes also felt heavy and tried to open them but couldnt. She felt... weak. She never felt weak. Lila let out a groan and somehow rolled over on her side. She tried opening her eyes again and did. Everything looked blurry and couldnt make out the moving shapes going on in front of her. There was then a loud crack that still sounded very distant but at the same time it hurt her ears. Finally she was able to do some what of a self check but it only hurt her head and made it swim hindering her ability to think straight. Again she closed her eyes with a small tired groan, and everything seemed to go away again.

(Some side effects of magic exertion.)

"And with a sigh, she closed the old dusty book and set it gently back on its self. Wishing for a better day to come tomorrow. So that today can be forgotten and lost in the memories of that book..."

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/cadence-r2169 -Cadence (Little Hop)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lila-fireheart-r2356 -Lila Fireheart: The queen of FallenMoon
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flash-note-r5473 -Flash Note: Silent, sweet, and explosive....


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House Whitegold - Manehatten - Inner City boundary - War prison - The Cultists' cells


Arqueteers rushed in, firing their guns at the escaped prisoner and attempting to hoofcuff the guard who had let her go. A couple pegasi guards flew overhead to capture the traitorous guard(they have no idea that pony is unaffiliated and is simply wearing a disguise) with a net. One of the pegasi used a captured wing blade to slice the chain strangling his friend. He then turned toward the no longer imprisoned Cultist and slashed at her with the intention of weakening her. "Secure the other prisoners!" a rather high-ranking pony shouted. The guards rushed toward the cells that held the Cultists and tightened the chains keeping them imprisoned. They kept their distance away from them to avoid being killed in case they somehow broke out and attacked them. 


The other prisoners who weren't Cultists simply looked at the action with some interest. To them, it was just like the old gladiator battles from ancient times. Brutal, bloody, deafening, and entertaining.

R66Gz.gifClick this dragon hatchling to help it grow, please!

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Long Stride - Whitetail Woods - The Campsite


It did not take long for the unicorns to notice his presence, some even shot up magical armour and defences in their cowardice fashion. He was losing his touch, when he was young he could creep up on a grazing deer and cut its throat before it knew what hit him. Hunting deer had become quite a sport after they joined Everfree. Now he could either flee, fight or surrender and hoe they take pity for a crippled earth pony. He chose the later, seeing as the odds were no longer in his favour.


He stepped out into the light, casting aside his hood to reveal his war torn features. He kept the sword concealed for now, he didn't know what to expect. He didn't speak or make eye contact, but he raised his forelegs in surrender and submission. When he noticed he wasn't dead just yet he began to speak in a gruff tone. "Sorry to disturb you, I am no bandit nor ruffian. My name is Helm Hammer, a simple traveler from the south. I ask you show me mercy for I do not desire to be killed." He kept his name and origins hushed for now, he did not yet know these pony's intentions. You could never be too careful.

Edited by The-Master


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House Moon and Star -  Whitetail Woods

Spell would nod, levitating one of others bags of crystalized glass from her saddlebags and looking for whatever else she could use, she would well, stand by something green , since her coat was perfect to camouflage against something green. Lightning would fly up into a tree crown and sneak around up there a little bit, letting Spell know where she is via small little “Sign” they had for circumstances like that.


Spell would be prepared to yet again use glass to ruin someone’s eyes and vision for the rest of their lives, she just didn’t had any weapon of sorts she could use, unlike in old times. They really should visit a blacksmith, she though.


And Lightning was ready to fall on them from the air, squishing them. She didn’t have any offensive-attacking stuff on her, but she could do a bit of a surprise attack. And well, she was good at hiding when there was a chance to do so. Not everyone could find her when she really hid properly, definitely not random strangers who have little idea of her sneaky talents.


Both could move while sneaking too, so it wasn’t a problem either. They would be quite silent; Lightning would watch out for bad, old branches in the crone and Spell for anything what would make noise if stepped on.  It was not at all alien for them, to sneak around in the forest, it would seem. This was logical, considering they were traveling in the past. 

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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House Everfree - The Old Castle Ruins - Lady Fluttershys' Dining Hall


Jade only then realized that the Lady Sparrow, or whatever she was called, was wounded. She felt truly hurt by Evergreens' comment, much more than she had expected. "I," she began a little shakily, "I'm...I'm sorry, I didn't..." her face and voice hardened and she trotted swiftly over to where Evergreen was mending the pegasus mare. "How do I help to heal her?" Her eyes were locked on those of Evergreen when asking the question, then moved to the wound, which was rather large and had a spear coming out of it at an odd angle. She'd never healed anything before, but she might as well try to start now. There would not be any more deaths, not then.


((Yeah, Jade is a little useless at this point, but trust me - she'll get better. I have PLANS, teeheehee...))


The Cult of Laughter - The Manehattan Inner City - The Underground (I Think) Prison


Derpy heard a scuffle down the hall, a fight, and then guards ran to her cell, tightening the chains. Are we getting out of here? she thought. Does the rescue-pony have muffins? They confiscated my muffin basket earlier...she sniffed a little, but then she was distracted from her sorrows when she heard a loud CLANG! followed by various shouts and guards scampering in many directions, and a few of them came to her cell and tightened the chains around her hooves and wings.

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House Whitegold - Manehatten - Ivory Tower - Foyer


Rarity kept her gaze on the "unicorn", then gestured to the messenger and the prateorpony. "Follow me, good sir," she said in a soft, sophisticated, eerie voice. She proceeded to lead them all up to the top floor, where her quarters were located. She cared not one bit that this pony had to haul his cargo up the long flights of stairs that stopped at different floors before reaching the top. 


Nightfall, or rather, Dusk Graystone followed Rarity up the stairs, eventually reaching the top floor, looking a little tired. He hadn't used his magic for the first couple of floors. But then, he had realized that something might break, or he might not get to the top looking so pleasant to talk to. On his way up, a little panic creeped into his mind.

"What if you don't get up there fast enough? She's sure to reject you, seeing as she doesn't trust you at all, and then- No, she does trust you, enough to invite you to the top floor, but she obviously doesn't trust you at the same time, seeing as she was glaring daggers at you earlier. Well, if you don't hurry, she'll get angry, and then maybe she will reject you, and maybe you'll become a target of her own assassins."

He quickly dispelled all thoughts of being rejected, however, thinking that they would come true and that if he kept thinking on them, that his success would drop drastically. Soon enough, he found himself on the top floor with Lady Rarity herself. He felt ready to make his case.

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@@Spell Shock,




Whitetail Woods - Campsite


Eternity lowered his guard when the pony showed himself. An Earth pony? He has scars. Was he in the war? What is a pony like him doing in a place like this?


"An Earth pony huh? Surprised to see you around these parts. You look like you are a soldier. Earthborn." He then remembered the practice that Earthborn like to do. He raised his guard again for a bit. "You're not going to cut off our horns are you!?"


He looked at the pony again. He did not seem like a killer. He seemed like a tired, worn out, old pony looking for a home. Even if he was Earthborn, he doesn't look like the kind to hurt us. Eternity paused for a bit and let his guard down again. he sighed. "No. I suppose you aren't. You don't seem like one to do so. It was silly of me to assume you were. My name is... Eternity." He decided to use his real name. he figured a pony like him wouldn't of known who he was. Even if he was Twilight's student at one point, he still wasn't an important member of the house. He was no General or Politician. "Are you head to Manehatten too?" He asked Helm Hammer.







Manehatten - Inner City boundary - War prison - The Cultists' cells


The stallion watched as the Euphorie killed the guards. It was such a lovely sight. He saw a couple of guards coming after him. "Oh no ya don't!" he screamed and threw the hammer at them and smashed one of their skulls in. The hammer returned and he killed the other. The other guards were busy with the Euphorie. So he then rushed over to another cell. This one with a pegasus in it. When he saw the crossed eyes he knew who it was.



"Oh! Why isn't it the infamous Derpy Hooves and her Iron bum! ... Or was that a different Derpy... Oh well. I'll letting you free. You ponies just owe me a favor. Okay?" He listened for a response but all he heard was muffling because she couldn't speak. "I didn't hear a No!" He the lifted the surprisingly light hammer and knocked out the cell's bars. "There you are free!" Then he realized she was still tied. "Oh let me get that for you." He opened his saddle bags and came a flying dagger-like object the swooshed over to her and cut her free then flew immediately back into his saddle bags. "Oh and here" He took out a small drawing of a muffin basket and reach into it and pulled out some muffins and threw them to her. "What kind of Derpy are you if you don't have muffins?"


He then rushed over to the Unicorn who was lying on the floor. She looked like she had a headache. "Hell there. I'm letting you are your friends out. You just owe me a favor! Si?" But before she answered he broke her cell bars "Si!" he screamed. He then broke her chains with the Hammer and proclaimed "NOW RUN LITTLE CULT PONY RUN! KILL THEM ALL!!" He started to laugh like a mad-pony, well he was a mad-pony. So he laughed like he should of.

Edited by AnonBrony
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Whitetail Woods - Campsite
- “You might want to stay clear off House and Moon territory if you headed to there, by chance” – Suddenly Lightning would reply, jumping off of the tree on the ground. She had no real problems with strangers, until they do something stupid – “They trying to get their hooves on a lot of “free” labor. Pegasi and earth ponies. For whichever reason. And all the big stars are right now in Hoofington with some searching around the Hoofington itself, I would guess”.

She had no intentions of hiding that information, just in case he was heading to well, Hoofington. She didn’t know, but she didn’t really want some random ponies getting into trouble just because they didn’t warn anyone.


Spell would when come up too, I guess. She however wasn’t too quick to trust and still had the bag with glass on standby, just in case. She started looking him over, she didn’t really liked the mentions of Earthborn military, which was arguably the worst down to principles, out of all armies out there. There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of hurting and killing innocent ponies, even if you disagree with their race. 


He could notice Lightning still haven’t rested her wings fully, looking around. Just in case, it’s never too bad to see if there is anyone else in the woods. Like a squad of soldiers. Spell would do the same, but she would look at the guy they could see.

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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The Cult of Laughter - The Manehattan Inner City - The Underground Prison


Derpy said "YES" through the cloth in her mouth, although it was rather inaudible. She would do anything to get out of that cell. She was soon handed a basket of muffins. she went *SQUEE* before saying, "Yay, MUFFINS! You are the BEST!" She then trained her good eye on one of the guards and launched into the air, heading straight for him. He fell to the ground with a metallic noise, and Derpys' eye flicked to the next guard before she pounced on her as well.


The next few minutes was a flurry of blood, gore, screams, and just an overall fracas. Corpses fell to the floor as Derpy and the other cultists ran through the halls, shrieking and laughing dementedly. The rescue-pony was killing as well, and Prophet Derpy thought he was a very devoted cultist, if he was one, and it was lucky that he had stumbled upon them.


At last they saw the exit, but the guards seemed to have been there already, as the door was bolted. "Blood Wind," she yelled, "work your Euphorie-tastic skills!" She then pelted the door with muffins, as the basket she was holding seemed to have an almost infinite supply, if not completely infinite. Yay, she thought.

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Lila woke again after a few hours? Minutes? Seconds? She couldnt tell but everything seemed clearer than before. Not only that but she had a major headache and felt sick to her stomach. It took a few seconds but she realized that her door was open and the chains around her hoofs were loose. She stood up cautiously, losing her balance for a few seconds but quickly corrected herself as best she could. In her wake were numerous dead bodies laying around just asking to be resurrected into laughing dead. She focused on one of the bodies but as soon as she attempted the spell her headache worsened. After a minute she let the headache die down as much as it would before following the bodies until she found Prophet Derpy, wind, and some new pony she had never met before. Lila began to make her way over to the trio before she was knocked over by something hard and slid across the ground. When she looked bak up she found a spear pointing right at her. In a rush of panic a powerful beam of pure energy hit the guard right in the chest. After that it all went black.

"And with a sigh, she closed the old dusty book and set it gently back on its self. Wishing for a better day to come tomorrow. So that today can be forgotten and lost in the memories of that book..."

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/cadence-r2169 -Cadence (Little Hop)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lila-fireheart-r2356 -Lila Fireheart: The queen of FallenMoon
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flash-note-r5473 -Flash Note: Silent, sweet, and explosive....


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The Manehattan Inner City - The Underground Prison 


"Oh poor little Unicorn" the stallion said as he walked up to the fainted Lila. "Don't worry Derpy. I'll carry her." He pulled out a painting and sucked her inside. "She will be safe in there for now. No questions. Just get out of here safe and I'll return her to you."


The soon arrived at a locked iron door. "No need for the Euphories skills Signorina Hooves." He said still carrying the hammer. "I got this."

The hammer soon disappeared and he pulled out another rather large painting. This time it was a picture of several explosives and clocks. He reached inside and pulled out a bomb that was already primed and ready to blow. "Stand back." he said to the ponies "FUOCO NEL BUCO!!" He screamed as he through the bomb at the door. The iron door blew open and fell down with a loud thunk. "You can thank me later." He said.


A Couple of guard were standing at the doorway when it fell. "Ciao." he said to them as he threw a bomb into their faces and blew them to bits of blood and guts. It was a glorious sight. "Now run my little ponies. Go and cause some chaos. Heheheh. Also," he said towards Derpy" your friend Tondrak the Necromancer is here in the city. He has his crown. Make sure you don't leave without him. Wouldn't want that now would we?" 


(OOC. Marathon. When you awaken you are in a forest. alone. K? things will be explained later.)

Edited by AnonBrony
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Wind dodged the attack by the guard and rolled her eyes. "You ponies need to understand that you DONT...JOIN...A...EUPHORIE IN THE AIR." She said, whipping the pegasus with the chains. She flew past the other guards and followed her friends towards the door, occasionally flying down to the ground and snapping a guards neck...which was a little difficult, she ended up getting a long cut down the side of her body...but she just smiled and ignored it.

She kept smiling happily until Derpy said her...other name, Blood Wind. Blood's eyes widened and she smiled...but this time, there was something more, she almost looked like she just wasn't there. She burst out laughing as the guards exploded on the other side of the door. She flew out into the sky doing a few barrel rolls on her way towards two guards. She wrapped the chains around there necks and within a few seconds had them high up in the sky...suffocating them like before. "WEEEEEEEE." She said, shaking the guards loose so the fell down to the ground and landed with a loud *CRACK*

She flew down towards another guard, about to pull him into the sky and just drop him.

Something something something something


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Long Stride – Whitetail Woods – The Campsite


Well, the name change seems to have worked. Helm will do for now. They knew he was of Earthborn but that could be worked around and they seem to think he’s harmless. I guess he could play that to his advantage. These unicorns upon closer inspection were no ordinary rabble drawn out of Whitegold’s Undercity, they seemed slightly more formal and elegant almost. It was probably best not to anger them right now, especially seeing as there was no way of telling just how powerful these ponies could get when in danger.


“I was not heading towards House Moon and Star, although it is now clear that it was where you are from. No, I’m simply travelling south to Manehattan. I thought to find safety in numbers, for there are many cutthroats and brigands in these parts. It’s not safe alone at night.” It seemed to be working, but Long Stride wasn't getting his hopes up just yet. He had to act the part. “But why are you here? You must be from Moon and Star, so why are you muddling in the affairs of the South. You’re not part of the damned Inquisition are you?”

Edited by The-Master


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Gilda-House Stormwing-Cloudsdale Fortress


Gilda was shocked when Everfree decided to attack Cloudsdale directly. This took way more gonads then the pegasus she scared in ponyville all those years ago posesed. Still it was not Gilda's first time on the defending side of an assault. "Guards on me," she called out to her personal guards who were engaged with wild pegasi from Everfree. "The Ten of us should be enough to help bolster the weakest parts of the defensive line," she told them before spotting Dogmatics troops from Dogmatown. Dogmatic had trained them well and they were currently in a 'spear' formation. They all rushed forward in an attempt to bust straight through the middle of the enemy force so that the enemy could be surrounded, a good plan by Gilda's standards.


Dogmatic-Stormwing-Just outside Cloudsdale


Dogmatic had shot off like a bullet when he headr about the Everfree attack. His troops were obviously trained to handle combat without him but he always felt they were more secure if he was the one leading them. When he reached Cloudsdale he saw his troops penetrating the enemy line. It was o good plan and gave him an opporutunity to meet his troops on the enemy flank. He went in claws blazing in a fury as he raked them across enemy wings and eyes, inturrupting their flight to get rid of them quickly.

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House Everfree: Stormwing Invasion Forces

As the gargantuan re-purposed Grand Oak continued its perpetual advance, it swallowed and consumed the bodies of those already slain in battle. Much akin to a mobile fortress, it devoured their bodies as fuel for its progress. Even the living were viable options for its ravenous hunger. Captives and those too wounded to be of any more use were thrown into its acid gullet, their screams unheard by gunnery technicians who had been deafened specifically for that purpose. A direct hit from its main gun shattered one of the main redoubts that kept sections of Cloudsdale held together. With a thundering roar, a large thunderhead cloud deteriorated, sending ponies and structures it supported plummeting to the ground below.


The arrival of more Griffons drew a smile to The Witch Queen's face. Griffon feathers, claws, and beaks were highly prized alchemy reagents. The eyes were a little more difficult to handle, as they required fresh extraction just before the potion was brewed, but she would settle for three out of four for the time being. Her mount had absorbed some of its entourage as they eventually succumbed to their own personal troubles. While it did make her a more obvious target, the enhancements each successful absorbtion added to her capabilities were a fair trade. Her Ent-slave raised its Flayer Cannon yet again, sending a ray of energy that vaporized a flock of griffons. This battle was going to end soon. While her forces had taken losses, each of these deaths was simply a reallocation of resources. Bodies were used for fuel or weapons, while those among Stormwing who fell was another pony who could no longer fight back. Ponies were no where near as renewable as her creations and this gave her a certain amount of pride.


House Everfree had sacrificed the vast bulk of its air forces in the initial clash. Parasprites were easily spawned creatures, but they tended to die quickly. Those that remained of those insects were ushered back into the forest to renew the breeding pools stock of eggs. Those pegasi who served Everfree were a more valuable resource, kept under the careful protection of Parasprite meat shields, when those were available. Now they clumped together in squadrons, keeping close to the Ents providing ground to air cover. A number of druids were scattered in each of the troop collections, finishing the final preparations for what Zecora planned to be the check-mate of the engagement.


House Everfree: Fluttershy (If you read this and go 'wtf', that is probably justified.)

Fluttershy was flopped in the bed, unable to move. "The Liege has dealt with Rainbow Dash for now. Rain Fell... you must not speak of what you see in here. Its one of my greatest shames," she said quietly, a tear trickling down her cheek. The stone bowl she reclined in lit up, light green magic flowing up from the floor along the swirling patterns of lines. It began to pool in the bowl, slowly filling it until only her head was left on the surface. "Everypony has to die at some point Rain, even the Princesses. When a body is laid to rest in the earth, it slowly decays and eventually becomes one with the dirt it resides in. However, the soul is an eternal thing and each soul is unique to the pony that it identifies. Even Twilight Sparkle can not retrieve those spirits which have departed this world against its will, one of the key reasons necromancy is terribly dangerous and death has remained absolute. But ever since the Princesses disappeared, my Liege has collected the souls that would otherwise have departed this realm, siphoning them into the forest. This is why Ents are so common, where once they numbered perhaps only a dozen. Those souls that are considered too difficult to mold for other purposes are further refined and sent deep below the earth, where no pony has ever been or will ever reach: The Well of Those Passed."


She seemed to regain some of her strength as she soaked in the magical infusion, weariness departing her face. "When the Forest expands, more Souls, both those too powerful to be collected before or those previously too far away from its influence can be captured. I do not know why he wants them, but whatever it is requires immense power. Every soul that is sucked into the Well produces magic for as long as it remains there. Those souls with more magical ability produce more in comparison to those who could not use it. The magic produced by the Well is funneled back into the forest and those sworn to it, those who swear the Vow: Hist Vol Shiin in the forest tongue. In return for the vow they receive abilities most normal ponies could not ever achieve. But only a select few, one group that now includes you, knows the truth of how this powers are gained."

The magic flowed back out of the bowl and into the ground, revealing a rejuvenated Fluttershy. "There are many who would consider these actions immoral at best and unthinkable at worst. But they are blinded by their ignorance. The Well is a place of refuge for those kept within, away from the pains of life and the chaos that is consuming the Astral Plains." She looked at Rain Fell sadly. "Please do not judge me for this. For in the most literal way, I have no choice. The Liege has gained control of my own soul and trapped it in the Well of Those Passed with all the others. I am only able to remain alive if I follow his will and things will remain this way as long as he has possesion of my spirit. That is why I called Rainbow Dash, that I might tell her this. But now she too has turned a blind eye. I have recieved word that out of all of the Six Elements of Harmony, only Applejack will heed the call I have sent out. I can only hope she does not become like the others."


House Everfree: The Everfree Liege and Sand

The Liege grumbled to himself when the pegasi fled. He had just gotten into the flow of things. A large number of souls were flowing into the Well if his mind was relaying the message correctly. This was good, but there was still not nearly enough. Too many were still outside of the Forest's grasp. Noticing the wounded Lady Sparrow, he saw another opportunity to expand his influence. The ground shook softly as he advanced towards the trio. His weaponry was absorbed back into his body, the grim modifications being replaced by those more in tune with a friendly chat rather than war. His eyes dulled a little, becoming more welcoming. "Welcome to the Hall of Everfree," he said in a voice like caramel candy. "Two of you are sworn to Fluttershy already, and to me by relation. But one of you is not and is gravely wounded as a result." He leaned forward to examine Lady Sparrow. "Child, your connection to these woods is strong and I know you have come here to seek guidance or help with the darkness at the heart of the Forest. I can help you with this, if you so desire. If you swear the oath: Hist Vol Shiin, your wounds can be healed and your body given new strength to protect your home."


Sand had not been absent from the fight, prefering to stay hidden while still assisting the others. He now crouched in one of the upper buttresses, drawn back into the shadows. In one hoof he clutched a long staff, that had a long hole in one end. Unlike the hoofcannons of Earthborn, it was a crude weapon meant to spread its shot across a wide but focused area. "Have to be careful around him," he muttered to himself. "I do not like the ease with which he moves between fighting and talking." He observed the area, looking for possible threats. His attention was drawn down the stairs Fluttershy had descended by a flare in magical power, but it soon subsided.

  • Brohoof 1


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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Cult of Laughter- Manehattan District- Inside a random painting...?


"Ugh..... my head." Lila said quietly as she pushed herself up. She was sitting on something soft and it seemed to tickle her fur slightly. Not only that but her head was practically screaming at her to take some pain killers or something, anything to get rid of the headache. After a few minutes Lila finally began to take in her surroundings. She wasn't in Manehattan thats for sure. All around her were tall oak trees that shot high over head. Their leaves a beautiful forest green. And the grass had a sweet scent to it too. Lila could see the sun trying to break its way through the thick leaves which created complex patterns made of a light shadow. She herself was sitting in a rather cool area with a light breeze. Last she remember she was trying to escape Manehattan with Wind and Derpy. There was an other but couldn't quite put a hoof on it. The scene would have been great had the headache not brought her back to try and figure out where she was. Perhaps it was an illusion spell that the Whitegold guards were using on her just for the fun of it. There was off in the distance a particularity dark area of the forest. "Maybe I can get out of here.... *sigh* I see no where else to go." With the final thought she got on all fours and began to trek over to the area.

"And with a sigh, she closed the old dusty book and set it gently back on its self. Wishing for a better day to come tomorrow. So that today can be forgotten and lost in the memories of that book..."

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/cadence-r2169 -Cadence (Little Hop)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lila-fireheart-r2356 -Lila Fireheart: The queen of FallenMoon
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flash-note-r5473 -Flash Note: Silent, sweet, and explosive....


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Dogmatic-House Stormwing-Battle of Cloudsdale


"Well it's not like one faction with guns caused enough trouble," Dogmatic muttered as he flew off to what remained of his men. "We need to take out that fortress.... tree... thing before it turns Cloudsdale into a speck in the sky! We need to find out who is controling this thing, it has to be a unicorn or a zebra. They would be in a secure position where they could observe the battle without getting killed," Dogmatic told his now 15 man force, who all followed him while he flew in a zig zag to confuse the gunners. After a while of searching they were unable to determine the ringleader. "Well then we had better focus on taking out it's guns," he told his troops as they coordinated a hit and run strike on the nearest gun.


Gilda-House Stormwing-Cloudsedale-Alehouse


Gilda burst through the enterance to the Ale House and grabbed the nearest barrel of Ale she could find. "Okay guys, we need to take out that big plant," she told her guards who all started grabbing their own barrels and flying out. Gilda flew out and found the nearest commanding Pegasi officer she could find. "We need an escort, that plant needs to go down and the only way to do that is with fire," she told him with a gesture to the Ale and her flint.

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