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House Stormwing – New Ponyville


Rainbow Dash’s expression was unchanged, a stern image of defiance. “Why would I help Fluttershy? What has she done for me? Attacking our city, destroying our House? She is beyond help.” Slowly her staunch look seemed to fade, replaced with one of almost grieving. As she spoke there was no tone of superiority, no hint of command. “I can’t save her, even if I wanted to, I just can’t. What matters right now is that our city survives. I trust my commanders, but more than anything I trust Scootaloo to stay strong. They’ll hold until we can get help to them.”


Rainbow turned back and examined the troops behind her. “Zecora is ours. For what she’s done I will not forgive her. You can do anything you like with the others but leave the Pegasi and their leaders to me. I have old debts I would like to settle.”


House Stormwing – Cloudsdale – Outside the Citadel


It was her. Scootaloo froze up when she heard her name, the massive form of the ent somehow supported on the clouds. Terror seemed to be clawing its way into her, her limbs unresponsive and her breathing irregular. “Z-zecora…”


Without warning Wing Commander Spitfire landed in-between the her and Scootaloo, giving the Zebra a wicked death glare. “Don’t you dare touch her!” She lofted her heavy iron shied in front of her, short sword drawn and ready. But Zecora’s eyes were not set on her. No, I seemed that her plan was far worse. She prepared to take down the gates to the citadel with a final blast. “Oh no you don’t! Soarin’, now!!!”


From either side came the outflanking units of Thunderes from Windsoar, taking the enemy from both flanks. Wing Commander Soarin’ Rallied his troops near the great ent and raised his hoof. “Concentrate fire! Bring it down!” They unleashed a volley of lighting onto the bark and branch, enough to stop the heart of a Manticore.  After one last volley they made a tactical withdrawal, flying back to the Citadel to refresh their clouds. From the fifty Hoplites forty yet remained. They still had hope of holding them back yet. Stormwing still had more than one trick up their sleeves. “Call out the Fallen. Release them upon our foes.”


Long Stride – Manehattan – The Undercity


“I think I can watch my own back from here on out, but I certainly will keep an eye on you. This place can be unforgiving.” He hefted his saddle bags one last time and shielded his face with his hood. He kept his Earthborn armour on for some reason, maybe he intended to sell it, but he wasn’t too sure. “Spell…” He turned to the filly and tossed her a small bracelet. It was very simple, nothing more than some woven twine and a blue gemstone in the centre. “My mothers. It gives me a reason to keep an eye on you, so keep it safe.”


And with that he turned and left, no final goodbyes and no last words. He wasn’t too sure where to go, but he was sure his military experience may come in handy. He kept his head down and kept to himself, heading in no particular direction simply hoping he would come across a bar.


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Spell and Lightning Shock - Manehatten - The Undercity
Spell nodded, there were no questions needed. She would quickly repeat the stone-flux thing and carefully enchant it against magical types of stealing and when she would put it in the safest place there is. The place where no one would find it, if they weren’t looking precisely for it in that precise place. She used it rarely, mainly due to the risk of someone knowing about that place, but she didn’t intend to go loosing someone’s mother’s bracelet.

Lightning of course mingled and made sure no one was watching while Spell did it, she also though it was kind of important. Spell was very good at hiding things, especially small, like the bracelet.


She would when look around; while Spell finalized putting protection spells. They were mostly low level ones, but she was working under the banner of – hundred “puny useless spells” is better when one which will give away their position just by magical echo it would give off.


- “So where to? Honestly, I wouldn’t mind eating something hot. Like a stew” – Spell replied, looking at the saddlebag – “It’s really cold, even with that incubator on”.


She when would, as almost forgetting it, add a strap to her saddlebags below. So it wouldn’t be stolen by more simple things, like grabbing it and making a dash for it. She would do the same to Lightnings.


- “Almost forgot. Living near unicorns kind of does make you forget there are those who use other methods” – she said.

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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House Earthborn - New Ponyville






Fixit gave a sigh of exasparation. Everyone was so goddamn pushy, wanting everything at once because they had some delusion of superiority. He was sick of it, everyone shouting at oce, the endless bickering. Applejack wasn't doing anything about it, so he decided to take charge himself.


"That's ENOUGH! For the sake of the stars, just BE QUIET! If we keep yelling and fighting between ourselves here NOTHING is going to get done, so if we can all just tone it down a bit maybe we can make some progress," he turned to the ent with a stoic expression "Ent, I apologise but House Stormwing asked first and their House is on the brink of destruction. However, I am not in command here; Supreme Commander Applejack is, and I trust in her to make the correct decision."


The Six Gifted - Equestria - Hidden Montain Hermitage





The Composer watched with interest as her brother plucked at the banjo's strings.


"What tune is that?" she asked, as she pulled out a piece of parchment from one of her saddlebags and took her black quill from behind her ear. She set the parchment down on the floor and titled it "A Painter's Plight" and sketched out some staves. Now, how to open such a piece? Perhaps a dramatic pair of quavers would do the trick? She scribbled down the notes and played them in her head. Yes, that was good. It conveyed a sort of primordial dread and tension, fitting the song's subject perfectly.


She wrote a few more bars and then stowed it away for later work. For now, she was content to watch her brother exercise his greatest talent.

Edited by Archi the Sandworm

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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The Cult of Laughter - Manehattan (Inner City) - Somewhere...


Derpy looked at The Artist, then started to back away slowly. "A-...Abandon the Cult?" she said, hesitating. "I don't...think...I don't think we should. Me and Tondrak are Prophets, and I can always make more muffins..." Then she turned away and started to trot off, first slowly, then faster and faster, and her speech progressed in a similar manner. "You said we do you a favor, and I say that that favor is letting you let us back to the Cult!" Once she had enough momentum, Derpy flapped her wings and kicked off the ground, trying to fly back.


House Everfree - The Old Castle Ruins - Lady Fluttershys' Dining Hall


Lady Fluttershy entered, and Jade bowed slightly. She guided Lily and herself back towards the table, away from the staircase. "It's fine, we all managed," she lied. "My Lady, we do not require anything at the moment, I don't think, but Lady Sparrow is injured. We may need a doctor of some sort..." She looked, a little worriedly, towards the gash in Lilys' side. It's healed now, she thought, but what if it re-opens? Can it? And is it really healed enough for her to be walking..? 

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House Everfree - Castle ruins - mane hall




Rain sighed and followed Fluttershy out into the mane hall. He quietly stood behind her as she spoke.





Cult of laughter - Manehattan - undercity





Wind rolled her eyes. "Give me a minute." She said to The Artist, before spreading her wings and flying after Derpy.

When Wind reached the mare, she tackled her and pinned her down on the roof of an old building. "Derpy. If you go back to the cult, the Artist will most likely hunt you down...its exactly what I would do, The cult would also try to kill Tondrak, Lila and me...I thought we were friends Derpy. This pony is obviously not joking around. If we leave we will probably die...he has power. If we go with him than at least we have a chance at Survival." She said, still holding Derpy down.





The Six Gifted - Equestria - Hidden Mountain Hermitage




Kichirou smiled as his sister began writing some notes down on a piece of paper. "Just a random tune." He said, looking back down at the banjo as he began to play a little faster...and faster...and faster.

Edited by Jolteon

Something something something something


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The Artist - Outside the Under City.


The Artist was underneath the two Pegasi. "Oh, now why would kill you two? You Two are very useful killers and you owe me a Favor.  Heheheheh I'm getting a sense you all don't want to join me. That too bad. Well, i guess you should be saying Good Bye to Lila. Isn't that right Lila? My new assistant." 


He put his hoof around Lila. "I don't know if I would Hunt you down per say, but if you do leave you will be seeing me again. Very soon perhaps.  But like I've said, That cult would offer you nothing. I can offer you much more. If you would still like to go back to the Cult than fine. Go on keep delivering letters and waiting ages just to get body parts for your smiling doll. Go head. I won't kill you. Hehehehehe" He laughed a bit.


"So what is it? Me or the Cult?"



@@Spell Shock,



Eternity -  The Under City.


"Okay I am back. Hows everypony doing? I see you didn't get into trouble. I got us some robes we could use to hide ourselves. Here. "He was about to levitate them but it might draw a bit of attention. so he actually grabbed them from his back and handed (Hoofed?) them out to each of them. "Wear these. Also Spell. I got you a gift." He gave her the blank journal he bought. "I know you lost your journal back in Hoofington. And you always wrote in that thing. So here. You can have this one. It's not as pretty as your old one, but now you can write stuff down." He smiled at the filly. "As for where to next. I'm not sure. I guess we can look for a place to eat. There might be a place that sells food around here."

Edited by AnonBrony
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Wind looked down at the artist then back at Derpy...then back down at the artist. "I would love to help you...but the cult WILL send out ponies to hunt us down. And I don't fancy being a Smiling Doll. So it all comes down to whether or not you can guarantee our safety. Not that I can't protect myself...I am one of the best Euphories in the cult so...yea. I will also need my...special stuff." She said, thinking about the drugs all the Euphories took. "I can make that stuff though...or you could paint a machine that makes it...and then we could use that...you could also paint some fancy armor for me...and you...OH MY GOODNESS YOU ARE A GOD." She said, loosening her grip on Derpy as she thought about how the Artist could create almost anything. "Also...what would be required of us ? Just kill random ponies ? Or do you have some sort of code...because I do not like going by any sort of code kinda thing...I just like this war...its like a game...where I always win." She said, smiling and looking up at the sky. Then she thought about Pinkie Pie and the cake twins. "But what about all our friends at the cult ? And The Laughing mare...I have always wanted to help bring her back...but if I leave I wont be able too."

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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Spell and Lightning Shock - Manehatten - The Undercity

-“Oh, thank you kindly”  - Spell would reply, putting the robes and helping Lightning to put them on I guess. She would put the journal away in her saddlebags and would recheck all the spells yet again. If there was one thing Spell didn’t lack it was absolutely incredible paranoia.


 She would look around, her saddlebags were firmly attached and she was pretty well hidden in those robes. The only thing which gave her away was her eyes, which as always were illuminated low-green at the pupils.


She when would freeze on the spot. Lightning would also. She would look around, so did Lightning. They sensed something, neither could tell what exactly but they got Goosebumps all over their bodies from that.


- “For some reason, I think something really bad is going to happen somewhere” – she replied - “Best stick together. I just have the feeling”


Spell really looked out of the loop; she never had a feeling quite as this. She couldn’t say what and would it be with them, but she knew – something really fishy is going to happen. Maybe going in here wasn’t the greatest idea. 


Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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House Whitegold - Artisan District - Performance Hall - On Stage

House Whitegold
Artisan District
On Stage

Swift turned to the previously silent performer, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm a whisper of wind, a snatch of conversation... Swift Nimbus..." he announced dramatically, "but seriously, I'm just a lowly agent who happened to be in the right place at the right time..."

Swift returned his gaze to the mess of curtains. "Strange... this assassination attempt seemed like more of a personal attempt. She didn't have the qualities of a trained assassin." 

Swift tossed his hair back arrogantly. "No doubt she's probably just another victim of political foul play, hoping for a chance to strike back at Rarity for whatever reason."

Encore grimaced, silently agreeing with what the stallion was saying about foul play and personal attempts. It was true - the mare that had attacked had not been very skilled at the craft, he supposed. Whatever Whitegold was, it was not truly the safe haven many believed.


Swift suddenly paused, tilting his head and turning towards Encore, seeming to take in the performer fully for the first time. 

"So where do you come into all this then? I take it that you were the one singing... This is probably a bit much for you; a glimpse into how ruthless individuals can be, even towards the innocent..."

You've got to be kidding. Seriously. 



"Well, yes, I was singing, but I'm not unfamiliar with the way the world works, Agent. I..." Encore did not seem particularly pleased at being interrupted again. But listened politely nonetheless.


Remembering Sweetie Belle, Swift paused for a moment. "Speaking of the innocent, I suppose that you'll want to return to Miss Sweetie Belle's side. The way that you rushed to defend her, without thought for yourself... She must mean something to you."

The corner of Encore's mouth twitched, but that was the only sign that Swift might have hit a soft spot. After a short moment of recovery, Encore spoke. "Well, honestly, I'd been hearing noises from the area she was hiding since the performance started, so I was alert anyway, but... I suppose..." He trailed away, thinking, finishing the thought in his head.


I just don't want to lose anypony again.


"You're right. I should go check on her." His voice sounded flat, emotionless, matching his demeanor, which were both reflecting about the opposite of what he was feeling at that very moment.




House Everfree - Castle Ruins - Dining Hall


Eve really had nothing to contribute to the conversation. Jade had already made her point for her, about the care of Sparrow. Instead of participating, she almost sulked in the corner, and watched resentfully as Sand left the hall, wishing she could have left, too. She didn't like being cooped up in this moldy ruin of a castle. Did Fluttershy not trust her?

  • Brohoof 1

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The Cult of Laughter - Manehattan (Inner City) - Somewhere...


"Wh-why," Derpy began, baffled, "would the Cult chase you and Tondrak and Lila? Are...you planning on leaving them?!" Then The Artist began to speak. "The Cult wouldn't hurt us!" Derpy shouted at him. "They...wouldn't...would they?" She shook her head violently, as if there was something in her ear. "The Cult would never let us down! And what do you mean 'your assistant'? Lila's with us! Right, Lila?" Then Wind went over to The Artist, praising him as a god. "No...Wind, not you! What about the Laughing Mare? She's a real goddess! And remember all of the ponies you slaughtered for the Cult? That was fun, right? Please, I don't wanna' turn you into a doll! T-Tondrak, help..?" She was quivering a bit, unsure of what to do. Tears began to form in her eyes.


Tondrak looked towards Derpy. He was still very angry at her for dragging him into the painting and the Artist had his book, but still...he didn't like that Artist guy, and he did want to hep the Laughing Mare.


Turning his back to Derpy, he said over his shoulder, "I'm not sorry." He walked over to The Artist, not letting his true plans be revealed. I hope the Laughing Mare will forgive me, and I hope she knows my true intentions.


Derpy looked at Tondrak, then back at Wind, then to Lila. "I...I..." she began to cry, then turned and flapped away.


(OOC: Man, Derpy is one active NPC. I was originally planning on just having her tag along in the background for the mission so she could deliver messages if needed)


House Everfree - The Old Castle Ruins - Lady Fluttershys' Dining Hall


Oh no, Jade thought to herself, this is not good. Looking around, she saw how uneasy everypony seemed. Lily wasn't able to walk on her own, Sand seemed off but was at least able to handle himself, but was now gone, Eve was sulking, and even Lady Fluttershy was a little shaken from something. The Stag seemed to be steadier than the rest, but not by very much. If I don't keep calm, I can't imagine what might happen to everypony else. Jade moved a little close to Lily to help her keep standing a bit more.

Edited by TheSonicAlicorn
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The Artist - Outside the Undercity


The Artist Frowned. "Where do you think you are going?" He said angrily but Derpy couldn't hear him. "Brushy, retrieve her." His brush then flew out at tops speeds with a rope attached to it. It caught up to the crying mare and circled around her to stop her flying. "Oh poor poor Bright-Eyes. Why the sudden departure. You didn't even say Good bye. I did say you didn't need to join me but you shouldn't leave yet."


"Good Choice Tondrak." He said to him. "I knew you were wise enough to make the right choice." He looked back towards Wind  "What about you Bloody? I can assure you protection from the Cult, even if they do hunt you down. Hell, I could probably find some way to tell them you all died. You will be safe with me. And forget that Laughing Mare. You don't need the Laughing Cult to summon her. With what we are going to do, you can start your own damn cult, maybe even take over this cult. You will make new friends. You would still have Lila. You can be with me." He said to the Mare looking straight in the eye with a charming and seductive look. 




@@Spell Shock,



Eternity - Manehatten - The Undercity.


"Oh don't be saying things like that Spell." He said to her. "I'm sure we will be fine. ...Hopefully. We just can't attract too much attention. Now where in hell is there a place we can find something to eat? Or maybe a place we can sleep? We might have to sleep out on the street like everypony else."

Edited by AnonBrony
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The Six Gifted - Equestria - Hidden Mountain Hermitage





The Composer raised an eyebrow. "Improvisation? It has been a while since our last improv session, hasn't it brother?" Their last improvisation session she could remember had been 15 years ago, before she had commenced the rebuilding of her clan. They'd had so much fun in the centuries past, meddling where they saw fit and going where the wind took them. But, like all good things, those times had come to an end, and the real work had begun. Her purpose in life was clear - it was achieving that purpose that required all of her concentration.


She watched as the Musician's playing sped up a little. She knew more than anyone that his music could affect others emotionally an mentally; what was he trying to achieve here? Was it really just an innocent jam on the banjo, or was he trying to convey something?


Deciding to remain silent on the matter, she turned to the Storyteller "Mythos, did the Artist happen to tell you where he was going before he took it upon himself to leave? Perhaps if I know where he's left his trail of havoc we can work on damage control before it's too late."


Damn that fool! she thought, I swear on the sun and moon I'll have that stallion fixed or have his head on a plate for the trouble he's caused me!

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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House Whitegold

Artisan District/Military District


Swift nodded to Encore, before returning his gaze to the empty concert hall. "Well then, good luck with that. I'm sure that she's fine... although a scratch is usually all it takes to make an aristocrat weep."


He bowed dramatically to Encore, "I suppose that this is where we part ways then... I'll probably be in trouble for getting involved in this, so I'd better get back to the base."


He paused for a second, before quickly adding, with a layer of embarrassment; "nice singing by the way..."


With that, the agent galloped silently from the hall, leaving Encore alone.


Swift moved across the city, noticing (with a wince), the aftermath of the cultist attack; frightened shop-keepers and a surplus of Whitegold guards. He was in trouble now....


Maybe if he just bluffed his way through, if he pretended that he had been fighting the cultists, rather than fooling about with an assassin then he might escape unscathed.


At last Swift reached the military district and, eventually, the 03 base itself.


He ascended the floors until reaching the top, pausing in the small waiting room. It was time to face the director, and if he'd found out what Swift had gotten himself into...


The agent sighed, shaking his head.


Then he'd loose the last shreds of respect he had left.

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House Whitegold - Manehattan - Artisan District - Performance Hall


Encore watched as the agent pony sped away, wondering just who he was. Ah, no matter. They'd probably never meet again anyways. Before leaving, Encore looked around the hall. The curtains were torn, either by stray knives or clumsiness. There were remnants of props everywhere, and there was a hole blasted in the floor where the prop table had been. Blood was splattered on the floor, and led out the door. He grimaced. It would cost the Artisan District a pretty penny to repair these damages. But it would be repaired, no doubt. Manehattan had to have its performance hall. With one last sweeping look about the place, Encore flew from the room as Swift Nimbus had before him.



Manehattan - Hospital Class No. 1


Encore may not know Lady Rarity personally, but he knew of her, and therefore her personality, as much as any pony in the overcity of Manehattan did. Naturally, Rarity would have insisted that her sister recieve the best treatment from the best ponies in the best hospital in the city. So that's where Encore went. 


Doctors and patients alike cast him scandalized looks as he walked into the lobby. He hadn't thought about it previously, but he must look a real wreck after that fight. He spotted a mirror, and saw himself in it. His nicest suit was torn and crumpled, as it was obviously not made to be fighting in. His mane was a real wreck - after all the work he had put into it - and his face... The makeup had come off due to the exertions, and the scar that ran down his eye had been revealed, and dark bags were visible, revealing his fatigue. But he didn't particularly care. Not at that very moment.


He closed his eyes, and his ears twitched as they listened for the sound of Sweetie Belle's voice. It did not take long for him to hear it. It didn't sound like she was alone. Well, she probably had a whole battalion of guards with her. Smirking at the thought, he made his way to the room her voice had emanated from, and was therefore unsurprised when he found three guards blocking entrance to the room. He couldn't see Sweetie, nor whoever else may have been behind the Praetorponies, so he simply made his voice heard. 


"Sweetie Belle?" he called. His voice reflected his tiredness as well. The guards grimaced and sneered down at him. They were rather taller than he was. Figures that Rarity would pick the biggest praetorponies there were. "May I, Encore, come in?"

Edited by Flareon

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Long Stride – Manehattan – The Undercity


It was just a simple thing that bracelet, but it meant that the old pony would have no choice but to keep an eye out for them. Rummaging through his saddlebags he pulled out a small purse of bits, something he had managed to slip out of Spell’s bags when she wasn’t watching. Magic could only prevent a few things, a thief in the night not being one of them. It wasn’t much money but it would last him a day or two. A meal and a room would do him nicely.


If he was going to survive down here then he would have no choice but to sell his services as a mercenary. He liked to think he was good at his job, that being killing, but he did like to make a mess of things and wasn’t well known for his subtlety. Then again the nobles would pay well for a Pony of Fortune, but he would have to make a name for himself. His Earthborn armour wasn’t exactly the most subtle disguise, but he didn’t exactly have much choice at this point. He would keep himself cloaked for now, avoid any unnecessary attention and maybe he could last for the day.


It didn’t take long for him to find one of the bars, a rickety old shack that seemed to only fit a dozen or so ponies. He wasn’t exactly fussing at this point; it had been months since his last pint. Paying his bits the barpony he was served a mug of lukewarm ale, but he savoured it none the less. The stallion behind the counter continued to look at him with a curious eye as he drank.


“You aren’t from around here, that much is obvious, but how long did you plan to parade about in that gear before you were killed by guards?”


Long Stride rested the pint on the counter and wiped his muzzle with his foreleg. “As long as I need to. Not sure how it’s any of your business.”


“A well built soldier like you, I’d be a waist. Many folk around here have use for a soldier like you. Perhaps you should see a friend of mine, he can help you out, earn you a few bits. You certainly look like the kind of pony who’s got what it takes. Welcome to Manehattan.” 


(OCC: Long Stride will now be identified by the House Whitegold header.)

Edited by The-Master
  • Brohoof 1


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Kichirou laughed. "That...was quite fun. I miss the days when we did things like that..." He said. He stopped playing a tuned a few notes before starting again. "We could just start whatever we are meeting about without The Artist...somepony could explain everything that we talked about when he arrives or something." He suggested, placing his banjo next to the pile of other different instruments






Wind covered her ears as The Artist mentioned...her other name. "No no, Mrs B cannot come out right now. And I would love to join you...but as I said before, I need some things from the Cult...like Cookie. And what would you do if I did say no ?" She asked.

"Derpy. I will never betray the cult...lets just say that I am taking a small break to help our handsome friend here." She said, grinning and gesturing at the Artist. "I am going to agree...but I don't want to be considered...Not part of the cult. Because I will always be part of the cult...and I will always agree with the cult's ways...but I do owe The Artist something...so this is as close as I can get."

Something something something something


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@@Spell Shock,  


Eternity - Manehatten -The Under City


They walked around for a while. Keeping low and having their hoods up. Spell being extra cautious. Finally, Eternity noticed a Tavern. May not be the greatest place for three young mares to be but they would probably provide food and a place to sleep.


"Well, this looks like a Tavern. Probably the best place we can find around here to stay. Now remember, Lay Low, keep your hoods up, act natural, and let me do that talking. And stay close."


Eternity walked in. He walked up to the bartender requesting two rooms to rent for the night. It was 25 bits. He requested two rooms; one for him, and one for the mares to sleep in. As soon as he payed the old looking Stallion bartender he notice who was drinking right next to him. It was Long Stride. Eternity didn't say anything though. He just kept his hood up and said nothing to him. Eternity also ask for some food too. He was able to get some fruit and hay and some water for them to eat for about 15 bits all together.







The Artist - Outside the Under City



The Artist was becoming impatient. He knew the rest f the Six were waiting for him. He hoped they would of just said yes they would be on their way. Why do things always get so complicated.


"I was going to let you get some things back at the cult before you come with me. Same with you Tondrak. So. How about this. Journey back to the Cult both of you. Gather your belongings, if you wish to join me, sneak out and meet me in Fillydelphia. Not at the Cult hideout though. I would be in town. At the Art Museum. You two can go on ahead. I wish to speak with Lila and Derpy in Private."


(OOC: Just to speed things up. what I am about to type would of occurred after Tondrak and Wind have left k? You would of seen none of this.)


"Now that they are gone..." He walked over to Derpy who was tied up by his brush. "Oh poor, poor, Ditzy Doo. No, your name is Derpy Hooves. Or is it Bright Eyes? heheheheheh Lila," He looked over to her. "Deary, my new assistant. It is time to prove your Loyalty. Kill her."


The Artist began to laugh. "You heard me. End this mare. You do want to see your parents again don't you? And be happy right? But lets not do the deed here." He took out a painting and sucked them both in. They were in a burnt down, depressing forest, ash litter the ground, and the trees were all burnt and blackened. Once they were in you could here his laugh again echo in the forest. Derpy was still tied up. The Artist appeared next to Lila. "Here is a dagger. Now. Stab her. Just one Fatal Stab."


(OOC: IMPORTANT FOR OTHER TO READ AS WELL: I have said 100 times before. And I will say it again. No pony is going to die. No matter what. Even if Lila Does Stab her. Derpy can't die. I probably should of mentioned this before... Yeah, you can't die when you are inside one of the Paintings. Even if your head is ripped off your body. You would still live. But Lila and Derpy don't know that img-1304597-1-wink.png  And when you leave the painting you would be the same as when you entered. Derpy will be fine no matter what happens. But whether she feels what it is like to die is up to Marathon. ...Damn... I am evil.)

Edited by AnonBrony
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Lila had been standing back watching the whole thing unfold. She let out a gasp as Derpy was tied up, and she was about to say something but stopped when the artist said it was time to prove her loyalty. There were so many things that he could have her do to make her prove it, and what he told her to do wasn't one she expected. For one she actually likes Derpy out of all the prophets because 1: great muffins, 2: very nice, 3: the only Pegasus that didn't get on her nerves. When the artist stuck them inside a painting with the burnt tress, and the ashes flew into her face making her sneeze. The artist gave her the dagger and Lila took it with slightly shaky hooves before turning to the tied up Derpy. *Just pretend you're killing a stormwing. pretend you're killing a stormwing...* "I'm sorry Derpy." Lila whispered before driving the blade deep into Derpy's neck, then pushed it to the side cutting a large hole where blood spewed from. Lila pulled the dagger out and threw it on the ground before turning to the artist looking for his approval, not wanting to have disappointed him.

"And with a sigh, she closed the old dusty book and set it gently back on its self. Wishing for a better day to come tomorrow. So that today can be forgotten and lost in the memories of that book..."

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/cadence-r2169 -Cadence (Little Hop)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lila-fireheart-r2356 -Lila Fireheart: The queen of FallenMoon
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flash-note-r5473 -Flash Note: Silent, sweet, and explosive....


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The Artist was clapping his hooves while floating in the air. He began to laugh again. "Great Job Lila. You are certainly proven yourself to me." He floated over to Derpy. "Now Miss Doo," he levitated lower until he was face to face with the mare laying on the ground bleeding all over.


"How does it feel to be dead?" He said to the Mare lying on the ground


Derpy was still alive. No pony is able to die within his domain. He didn't like t much but it might be better that way. Ponies would be to feel such intense pain they couldn't before. Including this mare. She now knows what it feels like to be stabbed in the neck, lose a ton of blood, and toe be a dead lifeless corpse. She right now could feel the intense pain, and the Artist was loving it. He always loved it when a pony knows the pain in death and when things go his way. He was happy. He laughed again.


"Hey Derpy? Come on speak up gal. Wanna muffin? Ahahahahaha! Oh the pain feels wonderful doesn't it!? Bwahahahaha!" He continued to laugh like a mad pony. Well, he is a mad pony. Another Pawn added to the playing field. Simply perfect.

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House Whitegold – Manhattan – The Undercity


Not these guys again. At first they kept silent but Long Stride was swift to break it. “It seems I can’t turn one corner without you on my tail. Fine, I have other matters to deal to, you are not one of them.” He finished off his pint with a rather loud grunt. “Now, where is this friend of yours?” The barpony trotted back over after seeing to the other patrons. “You said you could help.”


“Ah yes. Well you’ll have to go further down the northern side, a little shop called “The Legionnaire”, can’t miss it. He should have all you need, so long as you have the bits needed.”


“I should be able to source some matter of funds. Who do I ask for?”


“Quick Wit, he should be able to help you. He’s tends to try to keep his cards close to the chest, but he would be more than willing to equip you. You’ll need it if you’re to survive in here. And for Celestia’s sake keep your armour hidden for now, we don’t need that kind of trouble here.”


House Everfree – The Southern Ruin – The Dining Hall


Lily gave one last glance at Jade and softly thanked her for the help. But now before her stood once again the Lady Fluttershy, although more pail since last she saw her, but no less beautiful. “Um… we kind of need to speak to you, Lady Fluttershy, if that’s okay. I think I have the strength for it. Don’t worry about the wound; it’s nothing we couldn’t handle.” She lied for now, masking the pain behind a nervous smile.


“It’s about the shadow, about the sickness. I’m sure you are already aware of the effect it’s had…  and all of the creatures it has brought from the deepest parts of the wood. But there was something else, almost an unnatural dread around it. I must sound crazy, but you could almost hear voices in the trees, whispering to you. It’s almost like they were dead souls crying out for help.”


House Stormwing – New Ponyville


If that stupid Earth Pony told her to be quite one more time Rainbow would have no hesitation towards fixing it now. Her grip on her spear seemed to tighten with every passing word he spoke, only serving to slightly infuriate her. To make it worse, Applejack was bloody well unresponsive to her. Sure she hadn’t seen her in a while, and the fact that she had admittedly tried to kill her a number of times, but still.


“You know what, I’m done with this. If you want to help then fine, but I’m not waiting here for you to make a decision. I’m going back and I’m taking my guard with me. If Stormwing falls then I would fall with it.” She did not wait for a response from any of the others, signalling the Hoplites to depart. They took off it a matter of seconds, heads turned north towards Cloudsdale. “They may never arrive, but that doesn’t mean can’t help.”


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@@The-Master,@@AnonBrony, @@Flareon, @, @@Spell Shock@@Nightfall,


(OOC: Holy smokes Anon! You're horrid! O_O)


House Whitegold -  Ivory Tower - Rarity's room


After disposing the body, Rarity read an urgent message from a pony in the militia.


Three unicorns, a pegasus, and an earth pony has entered the Undercity. No identification has been made on them, but the unicorns were in possession of robes from House Moon and Star, while the earth pony was clad in House Earthborn armor. 


She stopped at that part, recalling a message she got from a spy stationed in Hoofington. No doubt about it that the unicorns are highly valued members of that wretched House. They would make perfect workers for our little project. 


But still, I must truly confirm that it's them and not just some civilians who decided to switch sides. And I must know if they present a threat. And I must consult Dusk on this matter. After sending her request to the 03 director, she started down the stairs to the guest room that the "unicorn" was staying- no, LIVING in. She then softly, but rapidly knocked on the door. "Dearie, may I come in?" she asked.


House Whitegold - Manehatten - Military district - 03 base - Director's office


The director was facing one tough evening. First Cultists and some mystery pony wreaks havoc in the city, then the House's most famous singer gets attacked by some crazy mare. And one of his agents screwed up while messing around with her and that other singer! 


Trying his best to appear normal, he poked his head out of his office and saw just who he wanted to see. "Agent Swift?" he asked, signaling that he should come in. A messenger then came through the door with Rarity's message. He read it briefly and smirked at the awaiting agent.


House Whitegold - Manehatten - Hospital Class No. 1 - Sweetie Belle's room


Hm? Is there something Sweetie Belle is hiding? Nightshade thought, quickly noticing the biting of the lip and the moment's hesitation before the injured singer finished her sentence. I should press further. Maybe it'll be a useful hint for me! "Whatever does "drama queenish" mean?" she asked casually. "She just overreacts to stuff, that's all," she replied, trying not to give away too much. Nightshade tried to press some more, but she didn't get the chance when she heard a rather familiar voice behind her. "Encore?" they both said simultaneously.


Star Rain - Manehatten - Undercity - A random tavern


Great. Another useless piece of cloth to wear. Though it will hide us more. Star Rain pulled up her hood just as Eternity had instructed. 


It was not the prettiest place in the world, that's for sure. In fact, the tavern reminded her of one of those rooms in a pirate ship that had seen better days. She could see many ponies in the tavern. Some were eating and drinking(some she could tell were on the verge of getting drunk). Others talked in hushed whispers and a couple gambled. And alot of them were staring at the four of them. Because seriously, how often do you see a grown up stallion take three fillies, two of which don't even seem to be in their teens, to a BAR of all places?


I really wish they could quit staring at us... Her ears then twitched when she heard a strange sound from not very far away. It sounded like screaming, but it wasn't a ponies' scream. It was more like a bird's scream. I'll have to check that out later. And I also have a question for Eternity. His words back in Hoofington rang in her head. "You killed one of your friends Twilight! You risked her life! And For what!?"  Yeah... what was her reason? 

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Spell and Lightning Shock - Manehatten UC - Random Tavern
Long Stride, do you fancy returning anything?” – Spell would ask, looking at him when they would well, stumble into each other – “You could have just asked you know. It could be not an alarm spell on the purse, but something much worse. Broken bones, for example”

The alarm spell which she as I mentioned setup on her and Lightning’s things of course didn’t failed and just mentioning stealing after it apparently was done doesn’t help with it. And as I should mention, she put it on the first meeting with him, so I don’t fancy thinking he managed to steel it before. And as I said – both of them had very, very gentle sleep with their saddlebags on, not to turn around in their sleep. Spell was somewhat angry, it didn’t really matter to her, but the fact he thought he could just steel made her wish she could just do something destructive, but that would cause a lot of attention.


-“I mean, you do realize we both check our things on hourly basis? And traveling with one extra guy doesn’t live a lot of room to maneuver.”

Edited by Spell Shock

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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@@Spell Shock

House Whitegold – Manehattan – The Undercity


Well, it seemed it hadn’t taken them long to figure out that he had nabbed off with some bits. Their threats fell on deaf ears however and Long Stride shrugged it off. “Ever considered that not every problem and every variable can be solved with the simple application of magic? Welcome to the real world. I guess you’ve never really encountered a criminal in your life time. No, you’ve been cooped up in your city blissfully unaware of what we have had to suffer through.”


Long Stride exited the tavern in a huff, in a rather fouler mood than when he had entered. He left Spell’s small purse of coins on the counter, no magical trace still on them for some odd reason. “And Spell,” The old stallion turned to speak one last time. “be careful with that bracelet. I’ve found it has certain…  properties that may surprise you. Certainly helped me all these years.”


(OCC: Just in case you didn’t figure it out, the precious stone in the bracelet acts as an energy conductor. By wearing it on his hoof he was able to get around the low level spell. He used it for quite a few years as a way for stripping unicorn corpses of their loot with no threat of magical booby-traps and also for safer dehorning. Yeah, he did that.)


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The Cult of Laughter - The Manehattan Undercity - Somewhere...


Tondrak turned and left, thoughts of doubt and regret filling his mind. What if my plan doesn't work in time? What if...


The Cult of Laughter -  A Painting...


Derpy struggled in her bonds. The Artist had freed her just to tie her up again. Only this time she was lined up for slaughter. "No, Lila...You wouldn't..." Sobbing, she was sucked into the painting.


The last thing she saw was Lila walking towards her with a knife. Well, it should have been. She felt the stab and pain shot through her body from her neck. She should have died, but she didn't even pass out. Instead, she sat enduring the excruciating, flaming-hot pain as it crawled into every inch of her body. What stung her most, however, was that Lila would do that to her. Tears escaped from her eyelids that now, like every other part of her, felt literally dead. In an attempt to shout, to make some communication, she uttered a groan-like, "Whyyy..?" Her head fell on her chest, and she laid there, her head going blank.

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Spell and Lightning Shock - Manehatten UC - Random Tavern
She would levitate the bits from the coin purse into a small bag and threw it to Long Stride before he had a chance to leave.

- “I don’t care for bits, the only thing I cared about is the purse itself” – she replied – “It’s… a memento, reminder of what ignorance can lead too.”


The purse was… just a normal bag, with a single rose drawn on it. It also had a few drops of what seems blood on the edges.


- “Take care in here” – she would reply and just go on with her things. Money interested her the least, it would seem, it wasn’t much anyway. Just what she had after buying the bottles in Hoofington.


She when would go to Eternity and whisper to him.


-"I'm pretty sure we can be in deep troubles, i think we need quickly eat and take our full rest. I have this bad feeling."


She used the spell to mask the last part through, she didn't knew who could be listening. 


(OOC: All things on Spell, except the blank diar Eternity bough her have some meaning to her. This on in particular is about getting others killed by your own ignorance. )

Edited by Spell Shock

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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