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This show has altered my perception of reality.

Kitty Cat Moonshire

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I learned that things always get worse after the end of the second season. JK but really, DHX dropped the ball this last season.


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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For me, combining my expirences in aviation with my notions about pegasus ponies has really messed with my perception of clouds. Once you stop seeing them as far away and totally out of reach, they become the most fascinating thing in the world.

Edited by MOX News
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Before the show I didn't really like bright colors, but now I really like bright colors! Not much else to say I guess, but purple is probably my favorite color now. 


Oh right one more thing. Everysince I started watching MLP and Pinkie Pie became best pony, I started liking to eat muffins. Before, I had no interest in muffins or cupcakes whatsoever. Yes thats right, Pinkie got me to eat muffins, not Derpy!

Edited by Flip
  • Brohoof 3

-"My little pony, not yours!"

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Because of a certain wonderful show that we all know and love, I now view a few things differently than before.

1. Rainbow colors. Before, my mind associated them with nature, and the homosexual community (no offence, you all are awesome). Now I see rainbow colors as being totally badass, thanks to rainbow dash.

2. The word 'yay.' Before, when said as fluttershy did, it would have seemed sarcastic and uninterested. Now I associate it with one of the cutest things ever.

3. Dragons. These used to be the symbol of utter power, now I view them as a cleaning maids who barf up letters from an overpowered princess. Not quite to this extreme, but they have been sissified in my mind tongue.png

4. Judging things! Now I can see that judging a book by it's cover, so to speak, is quite foolish, thanks to the discovery of this show.


So what about you? What do you view differently as a result of FiM?

Yes, it has definitly made me see things differently.

1. Same as your i used to think rainbows were for children and maybe homosexuals but thats ENTIRELY FALSE!


2. I have learned to be more kind to your friends and not judge a "book by its cover"


3. I have had a better disposition on life ever since watching it and watching it just makes me feel good in general.


Im sure I got a few more but this is fine i guess. 

  • Brohoof 1


Enjoy what was meant to be!

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I thought all shows that were aimed for little girls sucked due to being too girly. 


That was until My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic came along.


It's still the only show I watch for little girls though. 

Edited by Rush

Check out my "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" fan fiction on Fimfiction.net under the same username here: Rush.

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I used to just glide through life.  I used to be kind of negative, mainly due to just wanting to sit around and play World of Warcraft all day.  (I'd been away from WoW for a while when I discovered MLP)  Now, I feel super positive and I don't look at the ground so much and try to be the Mane6 in every way.  Overall, it's just helped my attitude and whenever I think of ponies I grin.  Whenever I'm walking to classes listening to pony music, I grin like a complete fool! :D

  • Brohoof 1


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Dear Princess Celestia,

Throughout my years of watching your students I have learned quite a bit. First I have learned it's ok to ask for help, you dont need to be afraid to do it just ask for it. And it's nothing to feel ashamed about. I've also learned friendship is a two way relationship, it takes two people to make it work. Also it's quite rewarding making others happy before yourself. The Elements of Harmony also are what make a friendship work, once you have all the elements together the possibilities are endless! Also looking on the bright side of things is much better then always looking at the negative side of things. Helping friends is also quite rewarding, along with being generous to others by sharing your knowledge on something you excel at (Such as Rarity's dress making. she was willing to make dresses for all her friends), Taking on more than you can handle is not good at all...And finally always encouraging and being their for your friends is the most important thing i've learned. Your students have made me a better person all around. And to never give up on life, when life gets tough if you have friends to help you through it, your gonna be ok at the end.


Your faithful student,


  • Brohoof 2
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I was never that into ponies before.  I like animals in general, but they were never really among my top favorite.  


And now pink is my favorite color.  I never used to have strong feelings about pink one way or the other.  My favorite color used to be teal.  

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Well, since the show is very popular and since we all value friendship in all ways imaginable, my perception of reality.

My Little Pony, I used to wonder what friendship could be, My Little Pony, You all shared this magic with me, Adventure & Tons of Fun, and having magic makes it all complete to have My Little Pony. To know that your all my very best friends!


One does not simply become a brony..

Love and Tolerate thy brony, and thy will have Friendship is Magic.

On Saturdays, I don't watch TV.

But when I do, I watch My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.


Stay pony, my friends!

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The Elements of Harmony! Seriously, in my life it's been kinda hard to uphold things like Kindness, Genoristy, Honesty... not so much Laughter and Loyalty, but occasionally... I was bullied a lot so I held grudges and didn't trust people, but I now I always tell myself stuff like "Fluttershy wouldn't do/say that, would she?".  blush.png


Apart from that, there's the whole "men-watching-a-show-for-little-girls-makes-life-awesome" thing, and random words suddenly filling my brain with ponies blink.png

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Not necessarily the case for me personally, but I think that for a lot of people MLP has changed their perception of manhood.  The fact that more and more people are accepting of this show and the fact that this show's fanbase challenges gender norms makes people realize that maybe there is something worthwhile in girls' entertainment and liking a show like this doesn't make you any less of a guy.


Sig by Thunderstorm

Check out my Rarity fansite!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I used to be kind of an... asshole for lack of a better term, not to everybody but if there was someone who I didn't like they were in for a bad day. now, if anyone is mean to me, or I really don't like them for whatever reason, I take a deep breath and I think before I speak instead of shooting off my mouth.

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