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"Listen Luna we need to get this to Splash" Flare said pulling out a amulet powered only by unicorns. "This can protect her from any type of magic that will effect her...as long as it doesnt break" Flare said as he made it to where Splash and Meta were at. "Meta put this around her" Flare said throwing the amulet to Meta

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Alright then, let's head back to the school." Thunder Dash said as he exited the shop and waited for Metorite to come. He then thought about Splash. He hoped that she was okay and whoever did this to her was going to pay. He then spread his wings and prepared to rise into the air. 

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Red smiled warmly at the nervous mare, "My name is Red," he greeted her, "I'll be your classical instructor while you're here. I think it's only fair to tell you that I am a telepath. I primarily communicate with my mind. That does not mean though that I am reading your mind. Won't you come inside?" He opened the door for her.

Stella gasped. "A... A telepath..?" She knew that was rude, but couldn't help but be surprised. She blushed and then smiled gratefully and stepped inside the school. She was glad to take a look around where she'd be learning new things. She turned and waited while Red followed her inside.

~Sig is currently under construction...~


My current OC for roleplays: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/stella-shine-r2971

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Stella gasped. "A... A telepath..?" She knew that was rude, but couldn't help but be surprised. She blushed and then smiled gratefully and stepped inside the school. She was glad to take a look around where she'd be learning new things. She turned and waited while Red followed her inside.

Red chuckled a bit, exactly the reaction he had predicted.  "yes, I am a telepath.  Like I said though, I promise I'll respect your privacy.  I never got your name, ma'am......my I ask what it is?"  Red led her to the orchestra hall.  They passed several individual practice rooms, some of which even had students practicing in them, and a few trophies from old years passed.

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Stella began to feel a little less worried. "Oh erm... I'm Stella. Stella Shine." She admired all the rooms, and her eyes sparkled as she saw all the instruments. She wanted to just run through the room, find a piano and play. They all looked much better than her old one at home. It needed tuning anyway. "Wow..." She murmured. She really wanted to ask when she'd be able to play.

~Sig is currently under construction...~


My current OC for roleplays: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/stella-shine-r2971

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"Erm, I'm not sure about this, but here goes," Metaphor gulped. He slid the amulet around Splash's neck and buckled it on.

"Er, does it have a name? Most amulets activate through speaking directly to them..." Metaphor asked. He glanced at Splash, who seemed to stare out into space, her eyes glazed. He waved his hoof in front of her face, but she didn't even flinch.


"Erm, I'm not sure about this, but here goes," Metaphor gulped. He slid the amulet around Splash's neck and buckled it on.

"Er, does it have a name? Most amulets activate through speaking directly to them..." Metaphor asked. He glanced at Splash, who seemed to stare out into space, her eyes glazed. He waved his hoof in front of her face, but she didn't even flinch. He hoped she'd be fine.

"After we help Splash, we need to round up ALL our friends to fight Bomar. I know how to summon him. It's actually quite simple..."


"Erm, I'm not sure about this, but here goes," Metaphor gulped. He slid the amulet around Splash's neck and buckled it on.

"Er, does it have a name? Most amulets activate through speaking directly to them..." Metaphor asked. He glanced at Splash, who seemed to stare out into space, her eyes glazed. He waved his hoof in front of her face, but she didn't even flinch. He hoped she'd be fine.

"After we help Splash, we need to round up ALL our friends to fight Bomar. I know how to summon him. It's actually quite simple..."


"Erm, I'm not sure about this, but here goes," Metaphor gulped. He slid the amulet around Splash's neck and buckled it on.

"Er, does it have a name? Most amulets activate through speaking directly to them..." Metaphor asked. He glanced at Splash, who seemed to stare out into space, her eyes glazed. He waved his hoof in front of her face, but she didn't even flinch. He hoped she'd be fine.

"After we help Splash, we need to round up ALL our friends to fight Bomar. I know how to summon him. It's actually quite simple..."


"Erm, I'm not sure about this, but here goes," Metaphor gulped. He slid the amulet around Splash's neck and buckled it on.

"Er, does it have a name? Most amulets activate through speaking directly to them..." Metaphor asked. He glanced at Splash, who seemed to stare out into space, her eyes glazed. He waved his hoof in front of her face, but she didn't even flinch. He hoped she'd be fine.

"After we help Splash, we need to round up ALL our friends to fight Bomar. I know how to summon him. It's actually quite simple..."


"Erm, I'm not sure about this, but here goes," Metaphor gulped. He slid the amulet around Splash's neck and buckled it on.

"Er, does it have a name? Most amulets activate through speaking directly to them..." Metaphor asked. He glanced at Splash, who seemed to stare out into space, her eyes glazed. He waved his hoof in front of her face, but she didn't even flinch. He hoped she'd be fine.

"After we help Splash, we need to round up ALL our friends to fight Bomar. I know how to summon him. It's actually quite simple..."

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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((People who played FF6 will under stand the reference))

"The name of the amulet is golem" Flare said as he was about to leave then turned around and stayed. "It's a special amulet the protects against magic like I said...but it can only hold out till it breaks" Flare said looking at Splash. "I hope she gets better soon..." Flare left.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Golem, golem," Metaphor whispered. The amulet responded with a tiny wink of light. Metaphor smilef and sat back. The amulet began to work. The foul magic lines around Splash's body dissappeared and she came back to Earth. She gasped.

"Bomar!" she growled.

Metaphor nodded. He sent up a distress signal that only their friends could see within a five mile radius.

((sorry, I'm just getting used to using my 3DS on the forums, so the text repeated :P))

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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Flare came back in. "Splash I know you want to rest but what do you know about Bomar" Flare said wanting to know what Bomar looked like. "As in what did he look like and how can someone hurt him" Flare said with a bit of edginess in his voice for he is a bit angry

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Oh Splash your ok now that's good so you need to tell us about Bomar and if there is anyway that we can stop him from doing this to you and what's the whole story behind this and why is this happening to you do you have any ideas because if you do I would like to help you.

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"Well, he's the size of any royal stallion. He's gray with red eyes, and he looks just like Sombra, his dad. The only difference is that he has less power, no royal robe, and he never wanted to be Sombra's son. He's simply misguided. He loves power, but never knows what to do with it. And he loves Trixie. Metaphor, call him," Splash replied. Metaphor nodded.

"TRIXIE IS THE STUPIDEST PONY IN EQUESTRIA!!!! SHE'S THE WEAKEST, MOST PATHETIC THING IN THE WORLD!!! SHE'S STUPID AND SHE LOVES ONLY HERSELF!!! SHE IS TRIXIE, THE WEAK AND HORRIBLE!!!" Metaphor sang in the loudest he could, which was pretty loud. Splash covered her ears. Metaphor sang and urged the others to insult her along the way. Splash joined in with her own song about how horrible Trixie's tricks were.

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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Stella began to feel a little less worried. "Oh erm... I'm Stella. Stella Shine." She admired all the rooms, and her eyes sparkled as she saw all the instruments. She wanted to just run through the room, find a piano and play. They all looked much better than her old one at home. It needed tuning anyway. "Wow..." She murmured. She really wanted to ask when she'd be able to play.

Red smiled warmly, "Pleasure to meet you, Stella."  He took her to a practice room and showed her inside.  "This is one of several practice rooms that we have throughout the building.  They are sound proof so nopony can hear you."  He then sat down, "What instruments do you play?"

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Stella felt a bit embarrassed. "I just play the piano. I'm working to my Grade 5 and then hoping to take theory..." She spoke slowly and quietly. ((OOC: music grades are like this in the UK, please tell me if they are different!)) she smiled and looked up at him, hoping only one instrument would be okay for the school.

~Sig is currently under construction...~


My current OC for roleplays: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/stella-shine-r2971

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Well I don't really like to sing in front of so many ponies so you guys can sing all you want now we need to find a way to save Splash from Bomar and so that he can never hurt her again" Luna said to the all of the ponies that are there. "Well we should wait for our tour to find him" Luna said.

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"Yeah im staying quiet I dont like insulting other ponies....even if they do deserve it" Flare said as he left and waited outside. "I swear people just wont let go of what Trixie did...I forgive her why cant others forgive her" Flare said as he pulled out his guitar. "Maybe theres something im not seeing here then.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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A purple haze filled the air.

 "Who dares insult the queen of my world as such?" a gravelly voice asked. A Sombra-like stallion stepped into the room.

 "Bomar, leave Splash alone!" Metaphor yelled.

Bomar looked confused.

 "I?" he asked.

 "Never mind! Just go back to where ever you came!" Metaphor growled.

With a pop Bomar vanished. Splash's horn made a weird noise.

 "Sorry, ya'll. Gotta go! Be right back!" Splash ran off.

Metaphor stood there awkwardly. He summoned his hapimode and strummed a few notes. The atmosphere in the room brightened, just as the hapimode lived up to its name.

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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(Am I too late cause i can fit in with my OC Nala: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/nala-sprite-r3165)


Nala arrived at the school in Manehattan after being told that is where the class is at. "I cant wait to see who my other class mates are in the music school" Nala said as she looked around. "Now if only I could find where they are at" Nala said as she walked around.


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Flare saw Splash leave in a hurry heading somewhere. "Hey Splash where...." Flares voice quieted as he saw Splash was too far for her to hear him. "Why was she in a hurry..." Flare said as he played a sad song on his guitar then stopped. "Even though I hate chrysalis for what she made me do...I cant hate Metaphor he didn't do it...just need to make sure I don't let my anger get to me over that dang reason I will never forgive her" Flare thought to him self as he went to the park with his guitar and saw no pony there.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Nala noticed a pony on the grass with a guitar. "I wonder if he know where the music class  is at" Nala asked her self as she walked up to the pony. "Um excuse sir do you know where the Music class from Ponyville is at" Nala asked hoping he knows where it's at and hopefully can show her the way.


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Flare looked after hearing a mare talk to him. "Oh uh yeah actually im part of the class whats your name im Flare" Flare said as he got up and stared at the mare. "I can show you where the class is my friends would want to meet you" Flare said as he lead the mare to the place where Red is at.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Well I think that I'll go and talk to Flare now"Luna said as she sees Flare guiding a mare to where Red is. "Hay Flare what are you doing and who are you" Luna asked Flare and the mare at the same time wondering how long Flare new this pony or if she was one of his old friends that he told her about.

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"Oh she is a new student im just showing her where the class is at right now" Flare said as he looked at Nala. "You never did tell me you name did you miss" Flare said as he continued on forward on to where they were heading before they stopped to talk to Luna.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"My name is Nala Sprite...or Nala for short" Nala said as she looked at Luna. "Whats you name" Nala said as he tripped as she walked to Luna. "Im Nala...oh wait I already said that...anyways its nice to meet you...ah i already said that too" Nala said as she putted her hoof out for a hoofshake/hoofbump


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"Hello I'm Luna it's nice to meet you to" Luna said as she gave her a hoof shake. "Are you ok and do you need any help at all because I would love to give you a hoof there and I know how it is to be clumsy it's ok I'm clumsy to" Luna said to Nala giggling a little about what happened.

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"Nice to meet you to im just wondering where the music class is cause I wanna learn how to sing better then I can right now" Nala said as she smiled. "Anyways come on Flare lets go I really wanna see the class room" Nala said before she tripped again and fell on Flare. "oh uh sorry Flare" Nala said getting off him and blushing


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