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"She better not think of trying to still my Flare" Luna said to herself and angry at Nala and Flare. "Well lets keep going and I'm coming with you just in case if anything bad happens to one of you while we are on our way there" Luna said to Flare and Nala and hoping that Flare and her relationship stays the same.

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"U...its ok" Flare said as he got up. "So shall we get going then" Flare said as he continued on to the class room/school. "So what brings you here anyways Nala you here for singing lessons or are you planning on learning an instrument also cause I can help you learen guitar.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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(dont give me ideas cause I plan to use them if i see an oppertunity)


"Oh maybe I should learn guitar it sounds fun" Nala said as she followed behind Flare. "Flare is so cute when he blushes...I wonder if he has a girlfriend..." Nala thought to herself as she looked behind her self and saw Luna following them. "So Luna do you sing at all" Nala said


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"Oh I sing sometime and I also play the clarinet and in contest I try it get at least third place but that part doesn't really matter" Luna said wondering what is going to happen today. "So enough talking about me we need to know more about you" Luna said.

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"Really more about me...well ok" Nala said as she turned around to face Luna and walked backwards. "I like to sing and I love to star gaze in fact I can make a star with magic and im clumsy" Nala said as she continued on about herself then stopped as she turned around back to walk normal.


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"Yah I'm clumsy to but that doesn't stop me from doing my chose" Luna said. "Even though I dropped two or three of my glass cups that broke" Luna said whispered to herself and hoping that they didn't here her say that at all because that would be embarrassing for her. (I actually have done that for real just so you know that is true)

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((Well at least it was a glass cup i dropped a vase and a glass sclupture once))


"Well are we even close to the class room flare" Nala said getting close to him. "So you think we could do a duet sometime today Flare" Nala asked as she stepped away a bit knowing how close she got to Flare. "Cause I would love to sing a song with you" Nala said


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"Its just up ahead and sure we could sing a duet...dont know when but probably soon" Flare said as he hummed a little song to himself. "Why would you ask me anyways we just met and I never heard you sing" Flare said as he wondered why she was getting so close to him but pushed the thought aside as she stepped away from him

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Yah it looks like we are getting closer to the class room" Luna said giving up the fight for Flare and started heading to her apartment. "Well then I'll see you later then bye" Luna said and when she ran to her apartment and lied down on her bed. "Well no need to cry over spilled milk" Luna said.

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"Listen...Nala...I dont know what your trying to do but I kinda already have a girlfriend so yeah sorry" Flare said as he saw Luna run off. "I hope shes okay....I should go check on her" Flare said as he followed Luna to her apartment and left Nala at the entrance of the music room/class.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Well I don't need to worry about anything at all it's not like there are not any other ponies out there . . . well even if no pony likes me ill be ok I think in not like it will be the end of the word if I don't find a special somepony so if I ever have another compaction for another pony if that will ever happen I'll just give up when the compaction starts so that I won't have to worry about anything at all" Luna said to herself different then usually.

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Flare knocked on Luna's apartment door. "Hello Luna...are you there....Luna" Flare said hoping he can talk to her then remembered about the case. "Maybe this will make it up to her...this ring....hopefully" Flare said as he looked at the ring with the sapphire gem in it.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Oh he already has a girlfriend...okay" Nala said as she entered the classroom and saw a few other ponies in there and...a changeling. "Um hello...is the teacher in here and why is there a changeling even here" Nala asked still confused on why a changeling is here


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"I think that I here somepony knocking on the door and I wonder if there really is a pony there" Luna asked herself as she opened the door and sees Flare. "Oh hello so why are you here"Luna said acting a little stranger then usually. "So are you going to answer me are or are you just one of my imagination that I see" Luna said.

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"Uh im the real Flare Luna....are you okay" Flare said wondering why Luna is acting so strange. "Listen Luna I have been meaning to give you something for a really long time...." Flare said as he took out the box. "Hopefully she isn't mad at me at all...i really hope not"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Yes I think that I'm ok" Luna said titling her head a little to the left like she might be confused. "So what is it that you want to give me I wonder" Luna said even more curious about what it is. "Well it could be a little fairy or something like that maybe then again are fairies real" Luna said to herself

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Flare opened the box and showed a(now that I notice ponies dont have ring....do they???) blue sapphire ring. "I wanted to give this too you sooner but I was afraid of giving it too you" Flare said as he saw Luna tilt her head. "Great she is mad at me....dear celestia shoot me now if I cant even make her happy" Flare thought

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Why thank you but I think that I need some time to think about this" Luna said happy that he gave her the ring. "Well it's not a fairy and hay Flare are fairies really or are they just made up" Luna said to Flare now tilting her head a little to the right wondering what his next word are.

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"Uh fairies...I believe they do exist cause if I read in books they appear at certain times...I can try to catch one for you if you want me to" Flare said as he tried to hold back tears. "Well I need to go...to the park....Ill meet you there hopefully" Flare said as he headed back to the park.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Well now I know that they are real well I guess that I need to try to fix this mess hopefully and try to find a way to solve this misfortune that I have" Luna said as she saw Flare walking away and came back to her senses. "Wait Flare I'm sorry for the way I acted I just don't know what came over me I'm so sorry" Luna said.

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"Really now cause it sounded like you didn't care...and that really hurt me" Flare said. "No excuse me I need to go to the park" Flare said as tears fell from his eyes. "It's better if she just told me that she didn't like me instead of just lying to me" Flare said as he arrived at the park and pulled out his guitar and played a sad song on it.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"I'm such a baka I knew that I shouldn't have been in that stupid compatiton because when I get in a compatiton tha invalvs which mare will be with the cute stallion I just start to go a little co co if I'm in the competition for to long I should have gave up right when she started it but that's partly my fault to ah I hate this" Luna said

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Flare punched the tree he was sitting under with his hoof. "I HATE MY LIFE" Flare yelled as he cried. "What the hell is wrong with me...again I'm going to be alone....if that's going to be the case then fine i will be alone forever" Flare said as he played Monochrome Kiss.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"I am such a baka just like when I was younger to they caled me baka all of the time and I didn't know what it meant until I was nine but things never got better I gust want things to be easy for me to say to other ponies but its not" Luna said as she put her instrument together then started playing Lonely Bird.

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Flare stops playing the song and plays Blue Bird on his guitar. "Just like everyone said...im gonna be all alone for my life" Flare said as he kept playing the song till he stopped abruptly. "Why....why does my life always turn out horribly" Flare said as he put away his guitar. "First mare I met after a while and it turns out like this...Mi Amore Luna...shes for someone better then me"                                                                                                                                         

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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