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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Return of Harmony

Strong Hooves

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Ampyrion looked blankly at the water balloons. "Good enough." He quickly popped them to retrieve the water from each balloon, catching the water with levitation before it splashed to the ground. Concentrating, he reached out to the water molecules that composed the levitating sphere of water, expanded them, and froze the ball solid. He ran over to the tree with the ball in tow.

"Hey manticore!" he yelled, jumping up and down. "Over here, ugly!' He chucked the ball of ice with all his might at the manticore.

Edited by Aureity


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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*Mercer watched in amusement as he watched the ponies struggle to fight the manticore*

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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The impact of the ice ball shattered the ice on the manticores head, as well as hurting it greatly, the neast swung around and began to charge Ampyrion, anger burning in its eyes. Cloud knew he had to time it just right, "Wait.... wait..... NOW! LOOK OUT BELOW!!" he yelled to Ampyrion as he began breaking the vines, the tree beginning to falter from the loosened grip.


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Ampyrion leaped backwards, praying the tree would be enough to knock the manticore out of commission, while still hurling insults at the manticore to egg it on.

Edited by Aureity


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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After a few seconds, the tree fianlly fell from its binds, hurling down straight at the manticore, just as the beast leaped at Ampyrion, the tree and all its weight came down on its head. Cloud looked down to make sure it worked... the manticore no longer moved...


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*You all suddenly hear slow, steady clapping, coming from above you.*

"Bravo ponies, bravo. Encore, encore."

*You look towards the voice to see a griffon sitting in a tree above you, looking down at you*

"Not a bad show. Couldn't have done better myself."

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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Lightning swooped down towards the Manticore, not caring if it was dead or not, and started punching it in the face repeatedly. "NO. PONY. MESSES. WITH. LIGHTNING. BOLT!" She shrieked at the beast.


(Ninja'd a bit. Also, Apollo, I have noticed that you have an odd way of showing action. I suggest you type as if you were writing a book, to avoid confusion. Instead of "*You look towards the voice to see a griffon sitting in a tree above you, looking down at you*", you could type "The small group of ponies looked up to see a griffon sitting in a tree, looking down at you." It's a lot easier to understand. Sorry if I sound mean, just trying to help!)

Edited by SuperTheAwesome

Call me Super. If you see me outside of RP World, call Animal Control.

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"Uhh... Lightning? Its dead now" said Cloud as he pulled the mare away, he then looked up to the griffon clapping his hands, a sudden feeling of distrust coming over him... "And who might you just be?"


"Oh, no one." *Mercer jumped down from the tree and landed hard in front of the ponies, just so they can see the pendant around his neck that represents the element of Betrayal.* "Just a passerby, I enjoyed watching you ponies fight. There aren't many of you left after all."

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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Cloud saw the pendant, his pupils shrank as he looked, he knew what that symbol was... "Betrayal" he whispered, he began to back up slowly, motioning for the others to do the same, "We want no trouble from you"


*Mercer chuckled* "Relax, Im not looking for a fight. I know what you're up to, as does Lord Discord, but I'm not here to stop you. In fact, Im here to deliver a message. From the royal fool himself."

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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Still wary of the griffon, Cloud asked, "What message excactley?"


"He said that he will let you go free and find the elements, collect them all. But on one condition. You find them, then find their bearers, and he wishes for those ponies, to do battle with the elements of disharmony." *Mercer tapped his pendant.* "The old jester has become bored, and he wants some excitement. You ponies are the spark for what will become a new era in the world ruled by Lord Discord. Be proud. You and your friends will make noteworthy positions in Discord's slave fields." *Mercer spread his wings.* "Well I must be off then, I've got things to do. And remember. Dont. Trust. Anyone." *Mercer flew off into the sky, leaving the ponies surprised and confused after hearing his words.*


(Gotta go now, later bronies.)

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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Cloud listened to the message, So he knew this whole time, he thought to himself. He shook his head, then turned to the others, "Dont let him get into your head guys, I know we can find the elements AND the bearers, and we CAN beat Discord!" with that, he continued onward into the forest...


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Ampyrion raised an eyebrow. "He's the element of betrayal. How do you know he's not planning an ambush while we have our guard down, and walk right into a trapped castle thinking we won't be stopped?"


(Which one is rping honesty anyway?)


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Nidal dropped down from her cloud; she had heard it all. "You seem to think the elements of chaos are eternally loyal to Discord. He's the element of betrayal, just like you said, meaning why wouldn't he betray Discord? Just as the element of greed would fight against him if you paid enough; the element of despair would make him suffer if given the chance; the element of hatred would everything, including him; the element of deception would deceive him; and the element of darkness... well, I have nothing on that one. Darkness really isn't a feeling or act or whatnot, so I can't think of any of that one."

Edited by Linguz
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Cloud looked at Nidal's sudden apperance, suddenly curious, "And how do you know about the elements of disharmony so well? Other than that... where were you when that manticore attacked? We couldve really needed your combat experience"...


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"I'm a trader and an assassin. One of the things I do is gather information. How else would I possibly know where to trade the best items, where to stay away from due to chaos, where to go to get an assassination job, and a whole bunch of other random information, including bits and pieces about the elements of chaos, which is what I've come to call them. I could be completely wrong about how they work together, but if they're the essence of chaos, I doubt it works very well. As to where I was..." She pointed up at the cloud she had been resting on. "There. I was watching you and your little friends fight, even saw you speak to that griffin. If I had come in and struck down the manticore, where would that leave you? You'd have no more experience and no more ability to survive here than before. Believe me, I don't want you to die, but that is why I did what I did. I might not be around you few forever, after all." As she spoke the last several phrases, she passed by C2, her tail seductively passing by, wavering up and down while remaining in contact with his coat. She pulled the tail away and spoke to the party as a whole. "I might be back soon. Carry on without me, as I might not return at all. Don't let the beasts sneak up on you and keep a sharp eye and keen ears to all forms of danger. If you think you feel something near you, don't shrug it off. Take up positions and look for it. Better to be safe and slow rather than dash for it and die." She spread her wings and got ready to take off, waiting for a comment by the group.


(I gotta go now =/ I'll be back on in the morning.)

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(i go to sleep and you instandly get 2 full pages)


lunatic got up from the ground still shaking

"that are some wise words for a pony so bitter. its a shame what this world does to us, even the everfree wasnt always like this. it used to be a magnifecent forest were the wildlife would live in peace. and now even this peacefull creature got his end." lunatic points a hoof at the tree with the dead beast under it.

lunatic looks at cloud.

"thank you for saving me."

lunatic looks at the rest of the group.

"thank you all."

lunatic walked towards his bag that had been fallen on the ground, got his book out of it and started to write with a shaking hoof.

Inspired by myself.

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Nidal glanced over at Lunatic. "So you think I'm bitter do you? Or were you referring to some other creature?" She let the tension in her legs go and folded back her wings.


(By the way, Lunatic, remember you're honesty.)

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As much as Cloud didnt like her way of thinking, he realized she was right. Try as he might, he couldnt help but shiver at her seductive touch, but he shook his head and reaserted his seriousness. He looked to Lunatic as he said his comment, then back to Nidal, "Perhaps not bitter... but... this world has definitely made you... cold. Im not sure if its just the harsh truth of this world, but you seem to be numb to others around, not really caring what happens to them"...


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"You would understand if you had seen what I've seen, but sadly, that would probably also break you and anyone else here who saw it. I've seen too much loss to be willing to suffer the pain of it, so I just don't attach myself to anyone or anything." She sat down and glanced over them all before setting her eyes on C2 again. "Now, anyone have any more questions or comments directed at me?"
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Cloud listened to what she said, a pang of empathy welled up in his chest for Nidal. He looked into her eyes, trying his best to see what secrets they held... he knew there was... something... but he couldnt figure it out. Cloud shook his head and said, "I... I just dont think I'll ever understand you... perhaps... thats a good think... I guess I'll never find out"


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