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Return of Harmony

Strong Hooves

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Nidal held out her rapier. "I could try to pick it. It might be enchanted to only open with a certain key, but I can try." She got up and walked up to the door, putting the rapier into the lock and attempting to open it up.


(Does it work?)

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(Eenope, lol sorry Linguz)

Cloud let out a sigh as picking the lock was unsuccesful, as soon as Nidal stuck her rapier into the lock, a magical energy spark shot out of it, hitting her and flinging her back before going back to its original state. "Nidal!" said a surprised Cloud, he ran over to her, seeing as she was alright, he smiled and held out a helping hoof...


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Lunatic looked worried at nidal and finaly said. "I dont know another way and it seems most likely that we will find an answer in the library."

looking arounds in the large dark room with the only light comming from his horn."but whatever we do we must hurry we are like sitting ducks here."

Edited by lunatic

Inspired by myself.

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Nidal was shocked at being blasted back and skidded across the floor for a second before coming to a stop. She saw C2 offer up his hoof to help her up and, even though she didn't need it, decided to take it. She got up through his help and shook herself off before putting the rapier back across her back. "So it is magically defended. So be it. We'll be going with your plan L. Go ahead and lead the way."

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Lunatic took the lead of the group back to the stairs and further down to the library.

The library was huge with so manny books as the eye could see and the shelves reached high into the dark.

the magic in lunatic horn starts to fade slowely.

"argh.. i dont know how much longer i can keep this light alive. we need to find some sort of candle. there's bound to be one around here. but keep your eyes open were in a dangerous place."

walking past the shelves Lunatic saw the silly giggeling pony pulling out some books.

"DONT! they might me also megically defended. we dont know what the alicorns did befor they left this place."

Lunatic looked across some of the books. "e.e.e.e.e.Elements of harmony here it is"

carefully Lunatic got the book from the shelves and started to read.

"keep a lookout till i find something usefull about the door."

Inspired by myself.

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Cloud nodded and flew up, taking a lookout position on one of the high rafters above the book shelves, he glanced at everypony else as he kept watch. occasionally glancing toward Nidal ever now and then. What is it about her that I cant get her out of my head? he wondered, no matter how hard he thought, he couldnt figure it out.


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"Hey Cloud." *Mercer said. He had been watching the ponies for some time now from above.* "Progressing smoothly so far?"

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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(urgh. I was hoping that WOULDN'T happen)

Cloud jumped back in response and took a fighting stance, "What are you doing here?!" he said glaring at the griffon.


*Mercer raised an eyebrow*

"Just visiting my future brother. I have to keep an eye on him after all. Make sure he doesn't hurt himself."

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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Cloud raised an eyebrow, "Future... brother?" he said confused


"A little spoiler for you guys. One of you, is the element of Loyalty. My brother/sister element."

*Mercer explained*

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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(OH sh*t thats me!!!)

Cloud raised an eyebrow, clearly confused as to why he would want to watch over them, if it only meant wasting the one who became the element of Loyalty. "Uhh... Right" he said, slowly backing away.


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(OH sh*t thats me!!!)

Cloud raised an eyebrow, clearly confused as to why he would want to watch over them, if it only meant wasting the one who became the element of Loyalty. "Uhh... Right" he said, slowly backing away.


"Relax, Im not here to harm any of you. In all honesty, I like Discord about as much as you do. But I have to obey him. Its like, a requirement to keep this power he has given me."

*Mercer told him*

"So stay a while, lets chat, get to know each other. I wont hurt any of you."

*Yet he thought to himself*

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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Heh, says the Element of Betrayal... "Uhh... considering that you still work for Discord... and posses the Element of Betrayal... Id rather not, besides, I think the others need me"...


"Okay, later then. And remember. Im always watching............... Except for when your using the bathroom. I respect privacy."

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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still reading Lunatic finaly found something.

"The guardian door! that must be it!"

Lunatic started reading faster.

"The guadrian door. there is one for each element. and it can only be opened with an act of the element of that matter."

lunatic looked up at the group.

"thats it! so if were looking for the element of honesty that would mean the bearer of that element should speak the truth. and the element of magic should use a spell and the element of kindness should do something that shows kindness."

Inspired by myself.

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(I didn't wake up from my nap till 1:30 am :)


Ampyrion scowled. "So then we're stuck, are we? Or does anyone wanna give a go at playing truth-or-lie with the door?" he asked sarcastically.

He kicked the door halfheartedly. It didn't budge a single inch.



(I don't think anyponies in the group, except maybe the disharmony ones, actually know the element of truth is in the group)

Edited by Aureity


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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(Yea, I stay up to date. I also only post when I can put in something substancial.)


Nidal looked at him as he landed and then looked up at BM (Betrayer Mercer). "What did he want? I can't imagine he appeared just to speak kind words." She shifted her weight and looked around the library for how BM had entered if not the door.

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"I think that's a bunch of bullshit. How could opposite elements be siblings if Discord created the Elements of Chaos artificially? Unless he's talking more than just blood siblings, at which point anyone can be linked with nearly anyone." She shrugged it off and found the entrance that BM had used to get in here. "We'll have to keep an eye on him for even if he has betrayed Discord, that doesn't mean he won't betray us for someone else."
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Cloud nodded, "Right... so are you feeling ok? You got hit pretty hard by that spell when you tried to pick that lock" Cloud didnt know why he was asking her, she was most likely perfectly fine, yet he felt compelled to ask anyway...


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"I'm not hurt and feel perfectly fine. All that it hit me was basically a blast of air charged with a bit more force. Enough to shove you back and tell you that you're not getting in without a key." She smiled at his worry and thought that he would be so easy... to steal from, that is. If he kept going like he was going, he'd end up falling for her completely... which would make it harder to steal from him. She shook her head the moment she felt her facial expression start to change into something she'd prefer to keep down while in their presence. "But what about you? You tried to kick it open, and it didn't budge. Didn't that hurt?"
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