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Megamare's "Art" contest!


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I have not drawn him for a while now and I also have not used paint for a while, but still decided to give it a go.


Here is my OC Red Star with the colors given, using MS paint. :3



Edited by MuLeKsI
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well this sounds like fun. i haven't used paint sense i was like 12. 

well here is my entry. Fallen Star (unlike twilight) did not leave Rarity's Boutique fast enough and now he is trying to get her to dye his mane back to its original color 


  • Brohoof 1
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Hey! I am a hand drawer, and honestly- the rules aren't fair for this topic- I mean, no hand drawn ones? Ok,c'mon! I can do deis! (Dee-is) just look!!

The rules are completely fair. If you can't participate, you can't participate. Sorry.

well this sounds like fun. i haven't used paint sense i was like 12. 

well here is my entry. Fallen Star (unlike twilight) did not leave Rarity's Boutique fast enough and now he is trying to get her to dye his mane back to its original color 

Technically the background of this image violates Rule 2... I think it would be nice if you just drew the OC on his own :)
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Technically the background of this image violates Rule 2... I think it would be nice if you just drew the OC on his own



"Well now how am i sapos to fix my mane now that you scared her off?"


ok im sorry about the first one it just didn't look complete without the background and i didn't think it would mater but here we go just whats left of my oc after rarity had her way with him


  • Brohoof 1
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well this sounds like fun. i haven't used paint sense i was like 12. 

well here is my entry. Fallen Star (unlike twilight) did not leave Rarity's Boutique fast enough and now he is trying to get her to dye his mane back to its original color 

i really wanted to see what you were talking about and i can't keep from laughing at the exspression in fallen star's face. it cracks me up how cute it is!


"Well now how am i sapos to fix my mane now that you scared her off?"


ok im sorry about the first one it just didn't look complete without the background and i didn't think it would mater but here we go just whats left of my oc after rarity had her way with him

haha- oh, he looks so good! (devious grin on my face) you did a really good job! haha it's just so funny now that i can see and connect what you were telling me and what i see now. haha why didn't you put these on deviant?

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this looks like it could be fun- is there a due date? i hope im not too late! eek! cuz i would really really love to do this and it can't huirt to try right?

Okay, so I've decided to hold an art contest. There is a prize, but I am not announcing it until the winner is decided.

1) You must make the drawing of your OC alone.
2) You must use these colors only.
3) The drawing must be made in MS PAINT. Yes, MS Paint. I'm being serious. [/trollface]
4) You may only submit two entries.

Have fun!



is there a due date? im working on one as we speak is it too klate? please tell me it's not too late cuz i would really love to get my entry in :(

this is my oc adelind, in microsoft paint. i havn't used mspaint for ages and going back to after using damuro was quite - erm- difficult but also- it made my art look clean- i might use ms paint now for awhile lol


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