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The Weekly Poll

"This is, like, the best topic eva."

-Someone who is not praising themselves

Inspired by This Thread

It appears you found your way to my thread. Excellent.

Anyway, this is non-offical weekly poll. I shall ask the users of My Little Pony Forums, or, the ones that appear on this thread a question that must be answered by an opinion, and you shall answer. Or Not.

Most of these polls are free-choice, that means they will not have specific options you can choose from.

Any user may participate, and you can only vote once per poll.

If you wish to tally [After a couple of users post, you post the results of the poll so far] ask me.

I will not have one of those polls on the top, no, since I cannot change it, but I will be posting the poll down there


"If Feld0 was a girl, would you go out with her?"
-Free Choice-

- What is the Meaning of Life? Edited by Velvet Remedy
  • Brohoof 1
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I shall certainly follow this.


So, the meaning of life, eh? I follow this scientifically. Life is there to maintain and to create more life. All emotions we feel are just there to make sure that we reproduce and stay healthy.

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The meaning of life, ties into the reason and events on our existence as human beings. In science, it says the reason why we are place on this earth and to show if we have a purpose as human beings in this universe.

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We Just Live it to Exist: 1

Create Moar Life: 1

42: 1


Oh, I was the one to vote 42. Just saying in case you guys get confused or something.

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There isn't any meaning to life on its own. You give it meaning.


I mean, sure, I could be all scientific about it and do the "create more life" thing, but it feels like a cop out to say that.

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Science tells us that the answer is 42 but I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that there really isn't much meaning to life itself. Individuals find their own reasons for living, giving meaning to their own lives.

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"I remember when I was seventeen. I was trying to understand it all, too. It passes. There is only one meaning in life, brother: to make and bring up children. But let them be tormented by the question. And answer it how they can. Well that's the theory."


The stalker is never wrong, no?

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Interesitng, I'lll follow this! Anyways, I choose this quote to answer this:


"Life has no meaning. Each of us has meaning and we bring it to life. It is a waste to be asking the question when you are the answer"

- Joseph Campbell

  • Brohoof 2
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Ecclesiastes 12:13-14


"Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man."


Eeyup, that makes a whole lotta sense.

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There is no meaning to life. We are the biggest predator to mother nature herself. We exist simply to exist.


But God thinks otherwise. We are put on the earth for a reason which remains hidden to us for our lifetime.


Either way, 'You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.' ― Albert Camus

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Interesitng, I'lll follow this! Anyways, I choose this quote to answer this:


"Life has no meaning. Each of us has meaning and we bring it to life. It is a waste to be asking the question when you are the answer"

- Joseph Campbell



I like this answer.  I agree that life probably has no meaning, other than what we assign to it.  So if you are tallying responses, put me down for this one. 

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The meaning of life is to pursuit of your unique talents, skills and dreams.

Every one has some thing that only they can accomplish or perfect in a new special way.

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Life is what you make of it. There is no singular, dictionary "meaning"; it will be different for different people due to their differing talents and interests. 
Although, from a scientific, biological perspective, the meaning of life is to reproduce and make sure the species doesn't die, as well as to contribute your unique genes to the pool should they be favorable. But, I take a much more philosophical view on life and its purposes. Mark me down as "varies on the person."



And 42. smile.png 


Edited by Yosef von Uzenvard
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There is no universal meaning to life. One persons meaning of life will alter from another. Life is what you want it to be. It is what life means to you. Live it how you want, whatever brings you happiness.

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We Just Live it to Exist: 3
Create Moar Life: 2
42: 1
Find your Own Meaning of Life: 4
Pursuit Talents, Dreams, etc: 1

: 1

Fear God: 1

Edited by Shift of Spades
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The meaning of life is the combination of genetic sequences along with chemical reactions and electrical impulses that emulate thought and free movement among other things that classify a life form.


Yeah, I felt like being bluntly literal. :)

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Pretty much sums up this question. But, in my opinion, we live to die, gentlemen. Death is the most certain thing in life. This doesn't mean you shouldn't have loads of fun, pursue your dreams, etc. Life is a gift, given to you by your parents. It's the biggest gift one can receive. Don't waste it.

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The Who Cares Tally:
We Just Live it to Exist: 3
Create Moar Life: 2
42: 1
Find your Own Meaning of Life: 4
Pursuit Talents, Dreams, etc: 1

: 2
Fear God: 1
Live to Die: 1
Spread the Gospel: 1
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Okay, sorry for double and late post, but new poll time.


Previous poll winner is 'Find Your own Meaning of Life'.



If Feld0 was a girl, would you go out with her?


No: 1

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Well, that is certainly an interesting question.


My answer is, of course, that if Feld0 was a girl, she would be too busy taking over the world with feminine charms to date me.

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