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Apple      Bloom

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Huh...it's like you roleplay 24/7 but you don't realize it. :blink: ...Interesting. :mellow:

You should totally see me when i don the name 'Weyland', I couldn't stop myself from posting countless questionable images :P


I guess you can call me SW, DW, Shefira, Sunshine, or even Weyland. Whichever works


I notice you installed a rotator, but it just seems to be a bunch of PNGs or something.

Yep, twenty four random stuff. One of them is highly special :o

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You should totally see me when i don the name 'Weyland', I couldn't stop myself from posting countless questionable images I guess you can call me SW, DW, Shefira, Sunshine, or even Weyland. Whichever works

Forgive me, for being an innocent being, but how does "Weyland" have to do with posting questionable content? :P Or it was kinda who you were back then? (which if you were, I'm guessing you had a lot of fun. :P )


And will do! And I'll leave Weyland to those who have known you with tha name for a longer time, SW or Star (for whatever's sake :P ), will be fine, if you don't mind. Just one question. Shefira? :huh:

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Posted Image


Care to give me a hint?

You will know it when you see it :o


how does "Weyland" have to do with posting questionable content? :P Or it was kinda who you were back then?

I guess you can say that, yeah...


Just one question. Shefira? :huh:

For a good one months I used that name here, it's a vowel away from my girl's name :P

  • Brohoof 2
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I guess you can say that, yeah...




For a good one months I used that name here, it's a vowel away from my girl's name :P


Ah, I wub Ciriliko, for making such cute Luna and Celestia. :wub:


Ah. Were you as much of a Lunatic as you are now? :P


A vowel away?...Huh...I thought it be like "Shefir" or "Shefra". A vocal away...hmmm...Shefiru? (you are welcome to kick my flank and then send me to the moon if make horrible mistakes. ^_^ )

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Some of the threads in the Show Discussion can be outright weird...


Is it different from the PNG ones? It's Luna, right? Wonder what would happen if I copied it....

From signavatar, you can only get the currently viewed image from screencapping (right-click save will give you a random result iirc)


Yep, it's the Luna one :P


Ah. Were you as much of a Lunatic as you are now? :P


A vowel away?...Huh...I thought it be like "Shefir" or "Shefra". A vocal away...hmmm...Shefiru? (you are welcome to kick my flank and then send me to the moon if make horrible mistakes. ^_^ )


Hell yesh, my faith exists solely for the New Lunar Republic Posted Image


Close enough, but unless you know our language, it is very unlikely you will ever guess it

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Some of the threads in the Show Discussion can be outright weird...

Every single thing that can be analyzed, WILL be analyzed, regardless of how trivial, weird, or outright idiotic it may be, whether it is an actual good thing to discuss or not, amen. :mellow:


Hell yesh, my faith exists solely for the New Lunar Republic Close enough, but unless you know our language, it is very unlikely you will ever guess it

I should have known. ^_^


And I guessed as much. I actually tried figuring it out so that it sounded like it could go from Indonesia, and after that, something that sounded for a woman. But I'm guessing that more consonants and a few not-so-seen in English combinations join together in Balinese, right?

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Yep, it's the Luna one

Haven't seen it yet. Also, I'm waiting on two signatures. Those, plus the plushie that hasn't gotten here yet, makes three things. But luckily, the signatures will get to me sooner.
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Every single thing that can be analyzed, WILL be analyzed, regardless of how trivial, weird, or outright idiotic it may be, whether it is an actual good thing to discuss or not, amen. :mellow:

Tsah. There is a fine line between analysing canon materials and pulling random theories from their asses. Some of them couldn't even accept that fanon is not by any means canon

(I can still remember a certain guy insists that Derpy Hooves have a house and a daughter in the show. Hooves met faces that night)


But I'm guessing that more consonants and a few not-so-seen in English combinations join together in Balinese, right?

Eh, not much. it's just that what normal names here would sounds damn weird in English-centered place like this :x


Haven't seen it yet. Also, I'm waiting on two signatures. Those, plus the plushie that hasn't gotten here yet, makes three things. But luckily, the signatures will get to me sooner.

You're on the roll collecting all the signatures, eh? :P


Isn't it almost Thursday already? I hope nothing happened to the shipping :c

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Isn't it almost Thursday already? I hope nothing happened to the shipping :c

Me too...


Also, I went to a request stream, and had this made.

Posted Image

Mine is the one on the bottom right. It's Lapis Lazuli. Click on it for full view. It has some funny stuff in the picture.

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Tsah. There is a fine line between analysing canon materials and pulling random theories from their asses. Some of them couldn't even accept that fanon is not by any means canon

(I can still remember a certain guy insists that Derpy Hooves have a house and a daughter in the show. Hooves met faces that night)




Eh, not much. it's just that what normal names here would sounds damn weird in English-centered place like this :x


Now that is silly, for not outright saying "DUDE LET IT GO!" or similar. :P But yeah, I can get what you mean. At least what I pull TRIES to make sense when I write it down (as an analyzer, I'll be damned if I pull a random theory out of nowhere :mellow: ).


And eh, it's nothing that I haven't seen before. For one, do you remember that GIGANTIC name made of consonants that Ganram posted once that went like "Llanggogogogch" or something like that? That's an actual name. It's the name of a lake in Wales. So trust me. That doesn't seem so weird. :P Besides, where I come from, we have our fare share of strange names if you're from indian descendance. :mellow:

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When status update took a very weird turn Posted Image



It has some funny stuff in the picture.

Researcher, not librarian.




Things Phil likes

Butss x6


What a weird request :wacko:


So trust me. That doesn't seem so weird. :P Besides, where I come from, we have our fare share of strange names if you're from indian descendance. :mellow:

But still, it feels weird for me :c

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Researcher, not librarian.




Things Phil likes

Butss x6


What a weird request :wacko:



First off, it says Butts & Cola. Second, I just gave him the ref, he took complete creative freedom with it. Third, Lapis is apparently studying Phil's interests. You know, cause he's a researcher. And the thing with "Researcher, not Librarian" was because I thought he was drawing my OC as a librarian, so he wrote that part.
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When status update took a very weird turn

Let it be said, I'm actually good with massages IRL. Or so I've been told whenever I did one. But hey! I don't think Sparky would be pleased if our firstborn child goes in your hands! I HAVE TO DEFEND MY FAMILY! :angry:


But still, it feels weird for me :c

Well, you did say you didn't like your language that much in the first place so...no matter. :P But regardless, if the name is similar to that one, it sounds nice to me. I mean, I probably wouldn't use it myself, but her name sounds...nice. :)










The Seven Deadly Sins


Either a fic, either a song, or you just watched Fullmetal Alchemist. :P
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Let it be said, I'm actually good with massages IRL. Or so I've been told whenever I did one. But hey! I don't think Sparky would be pleased if our firstborn child goes in your hands! I HAVE TO DEFEND MY FAMILY! :angry:

Well, you did say you didn't like your language that much in the first place so...no matter. :P But regardless, if the name is similar to that one, it sounds nice to me. I mean, I probably wouldn't use it myself, but her name sounds...nice. :)

Either a fic, either a song, or you just watched Fullmetal Alchemist. :P


Or it was a picture of rings representing them on Failblog.

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The Seven Deadly Sins

Not very deadly if you're already a daemonhost :U


But hey! I don't think Sparky would be pleased if our firstborn child goes in your hands!

B-But... I just want to send him to the Sedna so he can learn about the universe Posted Image


(the whole brainwash thing is a bonus)

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Not very deadly if you're already a daemonhost :U




B-But... I just want to send him to the Sedna so he can learn about the universe Posted Image


(the whole brainwash thing is a bonus)


Make it the reverse things!:










There not opposites, but they would work still, right? :P


Meh, the only Sedna I know is the supposed "10th planet of the solar system" and I ain't sending anyone there without a full spacesuit and supervision (plus, how do you know he won't be a she? ;) )



Er...how in the fuuuuuuuuuu did they even manage to get that? :blink: Meh, i'll take being able to transform into whoever whenever I want any time! :P
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Make it the reverse things!:








There not opposites, but they would work still, right? :P

Meh, the only Sedna I know is the supposed "10th planet of the solar system" and I ain't sending anyone there without a full spacesuit and supervision (plus, how do you know he won't be a she? ;) )

Er...how in the fuuuuuuuuuu did they even manage to get that? :blink: Meh, i'll take being able to transform into whoever whenever I want any time! :P


I don't know. :lol:

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Any ideas for a good Twilight Sparkle signature?


Hmmm...if you actually managed have Twilight like when she was trapped in the "ring of fire" by Chrysalis, showing our favorite bug queen all high and mighty, then Twilight all down...and suddenly insane Twilight, would that be possible? :huh: "Oh crap" face by Chrysalis is optional. Edited by Arcanel
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