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Apple      Bloom

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don't tempt me.


pop quiz: how do you use a gender-changing spell on someone who has both?


her face is fat. :v


no thanks. not only because of the risk of crying filly Twilight, which will probably lead to severe guilt and heart-failure, but also because watermelons are ew,


it shouldn't be til it's published. maybe a mod or so was able to read it. either that or you were nervous-reading it 8 seperate times.



maaaaaay i be of service about that?


pardon my blunt edge here, but you can't have sex with a game console. so the stallion wins.

yeah. i went there.

Her face ain't fat, her cheeks are just very chubby <3

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Well this sure was short... Peace guess I will see you guys in the next couple a' days... Adios amigos!

Aww... laters D:




*sniff sniff*

hmm... does anyone else smell lies?

Nope. No lies 'round here.



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yeah, fat. chubby is just a more lighthearted variant of the word. :v

Damn you. There's a better word to describe her cute little cheeks. I was gonna say plump, but that's a word I'd associate with ass instead of cheek :/.

  • Brohoof 1
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I came in after futuredog was revealed to be Street Comedy. When I saw a post made by him, despite the fact he was already banned, I thought I had a lapse in sanity... But clearly Boss Cuckoo did something to reveal the traitor for what he was.

What in the world are you talking about?

I think the changed their policy for that. The banished badge seems to have disappeared.

It was fun figuring out who it was when he created a second account just to mess with people. Glad he's gone... 


Clearly I'm not the only one who is sick. It's something in the air I tell you. I hate being sick...


Aah. Ive no idea who Boss Cuckoo is.

I was talking about Machinegun lola and how she was banned.

Really? It was really cool. Not sure why they would take it away.

We talking about the same person? Frenzyhero aka False Perception? I don't remember him making a second acc just to troll around.

He was actually a pretty cool guy.

have YOU tried doing it with your Xbox? (or as my dad likes to call it, the 6box)


That is between me and my Gears 3 LE console, ma'am.


unless you're planning to piss on the floor, you have no choice. besides, i'm in charge of the restroom facilities here.

Wait, when did this happen?!


yeah, fat. chubby is just a more lighthearted variant of the word. :v

Basically. I should know. I'm an expert in that area.


Damn you. There's a better word to describe her cute little cheeks. I was gonna say plump, but that's a word I'd associate with ass instead of cheek :/.

Plump is still just slightly less than fat....


and as much as I love ass, I have never associated plump with it.

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Aah. Ive no idea who Boss Cuckoo is.

I was talking about Machinegun lola and how she was banned.

Really? It was really cool. Not sure why they would take it away.

We talking about the same person? Frenzyhero aka False Perception? I don't remember him making a second acc just to troll around.

He was actually a pretty cool guy.


That is between me and my Gears 3 LE console, ma'am.


Wait, when did this happen?!


Basically. I should know. I'm an expert in that area.


Plump is still just slightly less than fat....


and as much as I love ass, I have never associated plump with it.

Whatever, you get what I'm talking about.

  • Brohoof 1
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