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Apple      Bloom

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*lasers shoot down through the roof and circle around quickly. A circular chunk of roof falls down onto the ground.*

Hai! ^^


Why the hell did you say you would spoiler your gifs, but didnt actually fucking do it? That's more annoying than the actual gifs themselves. Which, by the way, I didn't miss at all.

Spoiler your crap next time.


Watch out, we got a gangsta here http://mlpforums.com/topic/41107-iight-so-whats-gucci/

Awww, I missed the gangsta. :c

The 10.000th member...http://mlpforums.com/user/10000-ctystal-heart/Wasted on a typo'd name :cTwilight loves you too :3<to be fair, all I did was cropping random vectors>All he need is an utility belt and a side kick. You can be the sidekick :V

Well, shit. :/

Maybe Feld0 will delete or merge it.

Speaking of cute ships, here's my obligatory gay post for the day:[img=http://cdn.derpiboo.ru/media/BAhbBlsHOgZmSSIsMjAxMi8xMS8yMi8yMl8yNF8xMV83MzJfMTYwMTU0X19VTk9QVF9fBjoGRVQ/160154__safe_shipping_big-macintosh_cute_sleeping_gay_caracaramac_artist-apertureindigo.png] Call me old-fashioned, but I think I prefer not dying, meself.

I'm oddly ok with this.

Have you ever had that frustrating moments where you simply forgot what you were thinking just a moment ago? I was planning to search something... something, maybe about Godzilla. Applebloom is also involved.

I do that all the time and i freaking hate it. :mellow:

The concept behind this series of pictures is mind boggling, sort of like a puzzle. Care to try and solve it?

Why don't you love me?

Not sure of a concept, but I can say that Dashie loves and misses AJ.

Fluttershy loves and misses Dashie.

Twilight loves and misses Fluttershy.

AJ loves and misses Rarity.

Rarity loves and misses Spike Pinkie.

Pinkie loves and misses Twilight.

Their hearts aren't the only thing that's broken... So are their legs. All of them except for Twilight. Edit: And Fluttershy.

It's anthro, so they're actually not broken.

So, how does this look? I made a request yesterday, and this is result. Just keep in mind that Asteria's eyes are supposed to be gold. Not sure if I can get someone to fix it... Maybe if I can get it vectored, then the person doing it can make sure the eye is the right color.[img=http://mlpforums.com/public/style_images/mlp/attachicon.gif] The Scholarly Duo.jpg Is it weird to want to hug your own OCs?

It looks pretty good imo.

Asteria is pretty cute as well.


And no, I wouldn't say its weird to want to hug your OCs.

Thanks. I always try to put effort into my posts. Unlike some people....I think I might know actually. He did this thing where he brohoofed a post, then unbrohoffed it, the rebrohoofed it, over and over again. If not, I doubt anyone else would know. Besides mods, but they don't share their secrets...Okay, gotta sleep....

Yes, he did do that. I remember it.

But I'm sure that was just the straw that broke the camels back. He couldn't have actually gotten banned for that by itself on a clean slate.

Edited by TGAP DJ HVen MM the Mighty
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*lasers shoot down through the roof and circle around quickly. A circular chunk of roof falls down onto the ground.*

Hai! ^^

[Patches up the ceiling with dirt]

Hiya :3

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internet is super-slow for some reason. i blame the weather over here.



You have to donate to the site for that VnCRQ.png

Most of us here got a chance to change our when the site celebrated its first anniversary

E: shot ninja'd

mine got removed because i had "Bitch" in the title.




Speaking of cute ships, here's my obligatory gay post for the day:


gay is good. thread needs more gay.


Hell yesh






It's just feels more natural for some artists to draw that way. The same way how some draws ponies with chest boobs.

Why is Celestia so terrified, for? i thought she liked having orgies in the bed...



filly fluttershy shaking her ass in a suggestive manner is disturbing. just sayin'.



this thread also needs more anthro


Problem Solved. 











why do i never get any welcomes like this for? :c

  • Brohoof 1
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[uses TNT to blow up dirt plug]




[Makes a piston trap]

You totally don't need that block of diamond over there ;) 



gay is good. thread needs more gay.

this thread also needs more anthro


Yes, yes and more yes. 

why do i never get any welcomes like this for? :c

I can never find anything random enough. :P



Edited by JayBee
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[Patches up the ceiling with dirt]

Hiya :3

Aww, I liked that hole. :c


Hai! ^~^


[uses TNT to blow up dirt plug]




Yay! Its back!



gay is good. thread needs more gay.


Why is Celestia so terrified, for? i thought she liked having orgies in the bed...


this thread also needs more anthro



I could do without that one. :x


Its because DItzy rocked both their worlds. Celestia's not used to being the one to get rocked.


I'm ok with that one.


And I definitely want that one very much!




Ehh,... I already got a nuclear reactor making me some UU-matter; I can make all the diamonds I want.

What nuclear reactor?

I just came up from the basement to get into my secret stash of drinks and it was gone again. Just a giant hole...



This is the balcony.














And its still snowing.

You don't even know how jelly I actually am! D:


I freaking love when it snows!


Just add christmas lights to it and Its sooooo bucking beautiful!


i'm in a bit of a "i hate myself"-period right now.

Awww. :(


You need to get out of that mood right this instant, missy! >:c

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