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private Ponyville-A month later(Action/Adventure)


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"What are you crazy?!" That was obvious, "the hunters are coming we need to get ou-..." Boon paused seeing a note stuck to the young fouls flank with the words "Rule #3 Get to the center" Boon backed away unnerved, was this guy dangerous? Why did he want to go see Virus? Did he know anything?

Obviously he needed answers, "who are you really you say your name is Axel but who are you really where do you cpme from."

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Axel grinned at the message laid out before him.


"So, this guy wants me to come to him, huh? No need to convince me." He looked up at Boon, a serious look on his face.


"Ok, you want the truth. I am not actually a changeling. Not really. My real name is Nexus Tersona, a bat pony who lives...lived in this very tribe. I can't explain the nature of this place without confusing you, so let us say for simplicity sake that I am from the future. 16 years from now, your leader-what's his name, Virus I think?-He invades Ponyville, with the intent of doing to it what he did to this clan. My clan. I assembled a team, managed to save a few ponies, and killed a few changelings along the way, but thats where things went wrong." He noticed the foal stopped crying. He seemed interested in the bat changelings story. He pressed on.


"In my timeline, you abandoned the hive to live the life of a regular pony. You were sent by Celestia to warn about the coming invasion, and helped out quite a bit in the strike. However...you were starving yourself. So I let you feed off my love-specifically, the love for the small filly who owned the book you burned-and when you tapped me dry, you reverted back into a mindless changeling drone. I flew after you, but collapsed in front of the now changeling controlled hospital. And thats when I ended up here. As a changeling, watching you torture my friends and family who I assumed died 16 years ago." He gave it a minute to absorb everything that was said. He realized that he just broke a rule, but in all honesty didn't really care. This Virus could go buck himself.


"Also, in my timeline, you go by the name Parcel, not Boon. Although Boon is a much cooler name. So is Axel, come to think about it..." Nexus mumbled that last part to himself.

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Boon waited a few seconds before opening his mouth to replay but just then an agonizing pain shot through his whole body like being electrocuted from the inside. He cried out in pain. "What's happening....urgh!!" this carried on the pain so unbearable that he nearly passed out but tried to stay strong. on the ground he convulsing and screaming.  

then just as sudden as it had come it left, Boon stared wide eyed at nothing breathing heavily and trying to understand what had just happened. 

The note was on the ground behind Boon's back, "Rule #4 You break a rule, I'll break you both"

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Nexus felt a jolt of pain shoot through his body, and it appears that Boon was suffering to. The bat changeling opened his eyes to check on the foal, who was standing next to him now. He looked horrified at what he was seeing. Nexus bit into his hole-ridden hoof to keep from screaming, but soon slumped against a wall as he waited out the storm. Eventually the pain stopped, and he was able to release the bite he had in his hoof. He drew blood with how hard he bit. He looked over to Boon, as shocked-no pun intended-as he did. He then noticed a note behind him. 


"Rule #4: You break a rule, I break you both." Nexus read aloud. He crumpled the note before dropping it.


"Buck you, Virus." He turned to the child, still shaken by what he saw, and Nexus knelt down-slightly wobbly-to talk to him.


"It's OK, we're fine. A bad pony just got a little mad is all. Nothing to be concerned about." He looked around to see of he could spot a good hiding spot. It was then that he remembered something.


"Ok, child, listen. A few blocks away, there is a secret tunnel system hidden behind a poster of the Night Guards. It leads to the base of the mountain. I want you to go there and get to safety. There is a town called Apple Loosa about 3 miles from here. It is run by the Apple family. Somepony there will help you if you tell them what happened." Nexus looked around again, looking for something that could be used as a weapon. He spotted a rusty pipe, and quickly picked it up and handed it to the child. He seemed to be struggling a little with the weight, but was handling it well. nonetheless.


"Stay out of sight as you make your way there, and only use this if you absolutely must. You think you can make it?" He nodded his head slowly, still scared but the bat changelings support was helping.


"Good, now go. Get out of here and remember: Don't let what happened here break your spirit. You are in for a miserable, shell of a life if you do. Can you do that? Can you make the most of your freedom instead of living in regret?" Again, a nod.


"Good, good. Now go." And with that, the foal scurried off, dragging the pipe behind him. Good thing hell was breaking loose, or else that pipe would give him away. The bat pony turned to Boon.


"Let's make our way to the town center. And let's try to do so undetected,"

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"Maybe I shouldn't go with him, changeling no wait bat pony wasn't just insane he was down right dangerous." Thoughts raced through hishead until a plan formed.


"How about I go with the kid you know so he doesn't get hurt." This was perfect he could get away from the walking disaster and get a free meal out of the deal let him face Virus alone.

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Nexus brought his face inches from Boons.


"Don't even think about harming that child. You don't think I know that's what you'll do? After seeing what you did to that old pony, I know that's what you're thinking. That child's parents are dead because they tried to save him. I will make sure their efforts are not in vain." He glared daggers into its blue eyes.


"So this is how this will work. You will shadow the kid, make sure he get's there safe. I will be watching. If you harm the child, not only will a beat your ass until you can't feel your legs, but then I will drag your half dead body over to the clan center and use you as a shield in the fight against Virus. Understood?" The bat changelings horn glowed menacingly. He wasn't going to let an innocent kid-real or otherwise-be hurt for a meal. Even if he had to beat the hell out of his only ally.


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Boon gulped how could he argue with such logic but what confused him was how did this bat know wjat he was thinking the only explination was that the bat had him line in Boon, well two could play at that game and he attached his line to the bad feeling his anger and jimped a little at how intense it was. He had no choice but to follow orders. But then he saw it, a note stuck to a wall a few yards away, "hey isn't that one of those things? " he pointed with a hoof at the note he could read it from here but wriiten on the note was "Rule #4 Don't breathe"

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Nexus took the note, reading its contents, and facehoofed.


"Virus you mincy little prick!" He called out. He tested a breath, and felt mild pain.


"Crap, he is-ow-making it hurt to-ow-breath. We need to-ow-find him before I-ow-SUFFOCATE!" The bat changeling pondered what would happen if he died in this realm. He figured he would either die for real or turn into a mindless changeling. Both were terrifying fates. Every breath caused pain, he needed a way around this.

"Is there-ow-a way for changelings-ow-to sustain themselves-ow-without breathing? I-ow-don't feel like dying or becoming a mindless-ow-feeding machine. No offense." He added. This...sucked. And it was unfair. How the hell was he to defeat this guy if he couldn't breath without taking damage?

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Boon inspected the note and gasped and then winced from the pain and tried to speak without breathing, "The hunters they put gas in the vents......we have to get to the center now........and get this..... foal out of here." 


What was he saying what did he care if the pony died or not two minutes ago he had tried to use him as a meal and now what? What had changed? All these questions were pushed to the back of his mind as he started running toward the central core turning back to yell, “C’mon we’ll take the short cut!”


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Nexus flew up, and scanned the area. He saw the little foal crawling into the tunnel in the distance. It appears that there is too much panic for anypony to notice him. He smiled, happy he got away, and began to follow Boon to the town center. When he caught up, he began speaking to it.


"Wait, how are you going to help me fight Virus. Your part of the hive mind, and he RUNS the hive mind. I'm not, given my unique nature, but you may be susceptible to mind control." He didn't need to fight two changelings, so he needed to think this through carefully. One false move could cost him dearly.

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"psshh," he scoffed at the word fight Boon wasn't about to fight anything much less a bat pony/changeling. he ducked under some trash taking in another breath and wincing when he only crawled for about a few seconds before there was an opening to the core and he turned around to watch as Axel, no, Nexus made his way out of the opening, "well actually there's something I've been meaning to tell you..." he stopped and chuckled, "you got something there on your face."

snickering he took off the note reading aloud "Rule #5 Hold on tight" he screwed up his face, "what is that supposed to mean?"

but it was too late the next second the floor was gone and they were falling through blackness their delicate wings unable to work against such strong winds. 


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Corkscrew was relieved that he had found the real Plagal, than nodded.


"If you'll excuse me for a moment, I have something to take care of."


Just as he said that, he began to walk towards Plagal's house. The imposter was looking at him. When he turned his head, Corkscrew moved in and put the second Plagal into a headlock. He made sure the real Plagal could see as he head butted it, making it revert to its true form. Corkscrew was wondering how many other doppleganers had infiltrated Ponyville.


Corkscrew locked up the changeling. It was hard for him to kill another creature so close to a pony.


Ah, changelings, Plagal thought, that explains a lot.  He winced slightly, remembering when the changeling queen had infiltrated and invaded Canterlot.  From personal experience, he could confirm that those cocoons were anything but comfortable.


Corkscrew walked outside and up to Plagal.


"My house should be safe. If you want, I've set up a small base of operations there. I've got to go find Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. I have my extra set of armor in there. Put it on if you like. Besides it would be kind of funny to see an earth pony with pegasus armor on...that and how big it would be on you."


"Oh, er... thank you!  I very much appreciate it.  Also, good luck."  At the same time as he spoke this, his mind raced, Armor!  He wants me to wear his armor?!  How bad is this?  Does he expect me to fight?  I can't fight!  I'm a composer!


Calm down, I doubt he expects us to fight, his consciousness reassured.  He probably just wants us to have a little extra padding.  Though that probably also means that things have gotten pretty bad and we're screwed.  Unsurprisingly, Plagal wasn't appreciative of this reassurance.


It took a while after entering Corkscrew's home to put the armor on, but he did it and was proud of this accomplishment, at least until he saw himself in the mirror.  The helmet was lopsided and his mane stuck out of it messily, the body was clearly too large and had empty sockets where a pegasus' wings would be, and he was pretty sure that he had managed to put the horseshoes on backwards.  "This looks ludicrous," he grumbled, but left the armor on, if only because he thought Corkscrew would get a good laugh about it.  "I suppose all there is to do now is wait..."

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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Nexus frowned at the note, then yelped as he was sucked into a black void. He tumbled through, fighting hard to orientate himself in this abyss. 


"NO! It is NOT stopping us now!" The bat changeling called out. He eventually found himself in a white void, and was able to stand on...he wasn't sure what he was standing on. It was all white. Which made Virus stick out like a sore thumb. Jet black on pure white clashes a bit.


"Why do this to me? Out of anypony you could've dogged, why pick me? What makes me so special that you're trying to integrate me into your hive mind? Sure I hunt changelings, but then again, so does the Guard. So does the griffons, So does the bat ponies. It seems like regular ponies are the only ones who aren't trying to kill you. So why target me?" Nexus was surprised by this statement. He was so busy before, he didn't consider why he was being targeted, but now that he was here, he wanted answers.

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"Tch," the crooked smile tore across the changelings face, "what is it that you want to hear that you're special that you were so strong I just had to have you, well what you're not. I want to tell you a story about a changeling queen who wouldn't ever let her subjects leave her so she created a virus so that if ever a changeling wanted to leave she would plant it in their head and send them off into the pony world. Do you really believe that our great ruler would just let him go you're precious Parcel." He spat the name out in disgust, "no she knew that sooner or later there would be a kindhearted pony that would allow being fed upon in order to save their friend," his tone was mocking and dripping with sarcasm, "don't you see you aren't special you're just the only pony dumb enough to let a changeling feed on you and that's how I got into your head." The cruel smile vanished as Boon appeared out of no where and look around in confusion until he saw Virus. "Ah Boon my good boy come over here you're just in time," Boon trotted over to Virus standing next to him glancing at Nexus while Virus ruffled the changelings hair.

"I'm sure you've met my apprentice, right?" 

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Nexus stood there, a blank expression on his face. He was processing the information he was just given. He fell for a trap, got infected with a changeling virus, doomed Ponyville, Boon/Parcel betrayed him-if it ever was on his side-and now he was going to have to fight an impossible fight to try and get out of his own mind. The one time he opened up and this happened. He fell to his haunches, rubbing a hoof over his eyes.


"Celestia-damnit. I had hoped that at least one of your kind wasn't completely evil, but I guess that was just wishful thinking on my part. All the crap I have survived and I fall prey to a trap of the heart and mind. Well guess what?" He stood up, looking ahead, a tired expression on his face.


"I don't care. You killed everyone I cared about, and now, after 16 years, you find the one that got away. I may not be special, I may not be important, and this meeting may have been a coincidence of my compassion, but that doesn't mean I can't do good. Normal ponies are capable of great feats when the need arises. I don't know if I can beat you. I have fought dozens of changelings, but never a hive mind. Plus you got your mindless pet there to help. But you know what? I am going to go ahead, and give it a good ol' college try. Because if you aren't stopped, countless others will suffer and scar the way I have. You made me a shell of my former self, so I only think it fair to return the favor." Nexus disguised as his true form, donning armor and claws.


"In a way, I pity you changelings. You will never know love the way that us ponies know it. Can you truly feel it when you feed on it? I doubt it." He stood there, staring back at Virus, and in the bat ponies eyes was exhaustion. He was tired of all this heartbreak and fighting. He hated changelings, but he decided that if he lived through this, he would settle down, give up wandering for a while. He needed a rest.

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Boon looked from both his master to the stranger he had just met, what was happening all his life living in the changeling hive he was told that changelings were good and that everything that tried to hunt us were evil and vile creatures but then this...this bat shows up and digs up old memories of wanting to be a pony and everything was so confusing. He thought about the child's book that belonged to   the small filly that Nexus loved so dear he thought of her sitting in her pony home with her pony parents reading a pony story and wished he could have all of that. 

Just then Virus' face cracked clean in half and was astonished snapping his head over to Boon wide eyed. When Boon attached his line to Virus he only felt one thing, fear. Virus was afraid of him.

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Nexus attached a line briefly to see what the reaction to Boon was. Fear. He then attached a line to Boon, and saw that his memories were returning. Because of him. Maybe he didn't screw up as bad as he thought. 


"What's the matter? Did your pet run off the leash?" He asked in a coy manner.


"I think I remember hearing something that explains the situation pretty well."


Music could be heard playing. Good to see Nexus had some control. Soon he began to

. He sang about letting go of the past, learning from your mistakes, and never giving up. It was a song his dad taught him. He forgotten it until now. He wouldn't forget it again. Singing it seemed to relieve some of the were that the bat pony was suffering. It always made him feel better. After finishing, he looked Virus dead in the eye and said.


"You're bucked."


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@@thor9356, @@ActFast231,


Fire Star

" Ok Dogboots I well do that gladly" Fire said in a so happy ton. Fire use is magic and transports be before the changeling attack them. They got transports them in the library and he hard Corkscrew in the library. He look at Dogboots and said  " Now what if Corkscrew see this Changeling here he well thing we are helping the changeling to invade ponyville" Fire said in a panic.


"Have a idea were to Transports to Dogboots this  the only place I can think of" Fire still panicking. Hope Dogboots know a place to hide the bat pony/changeling.

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@@Fox801, @@ActFast231,



"I'm sure Corkscrew will understand once we explain the situation to him," He reassured Fire, not even bothering to hide the unconscious Nexus.


Dogboots noticed that Nexus was glowing a weird color though. Something that didn't seem like a changeling and it seemed to have stopped somewhat.

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@@thor9356, @, @@ActFast231,



Fire Star


" I hope so Dogboots for the bat pony/changelings" Fire said. Fire look at Bat pony/changelings start to glowing a weird color he look at Dogboots and ask he " Did glow before we transports or we was glow all already" Fire look confused.


Fire look at Dogboots " OK I well talk to Corkscrew and tell him what happen" Hope Dogboots is right.

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Virus looked from Nexus to Boon and back again, becoming desperate, "no please stop!"

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to it's just you know how much I used to want to be a pony and well I was just thinking and this bat says that it happened and it got me wondering what would happen if that happened and i was thinking is that maybe i could just go with hi-"

"NO YOU CAN'T! YOU CAN NEVER LEAVE!! BOTH OF YOU ARE MIIIIIIIIIIIIIINE!!!!!" the cracks were multiplying now moving across his face and down his body he whipped around to Nexus, "YOU! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!!" lunging at Nexus furry in his eyes but just before he put his hooves around Nexus' neck the cracks burst chattering Virus into a million pieces and causing both Nexus and Parcel to awaken.

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Nexus yelped in surprise as he was being strangled by Virus. He seemed to be trying a last ditch effort to control him. Luckily, he shattered before that happened. The void warped, and soon Nexus found himself awakening.




Nexus opened his eyes to see himself in a library. It must be the tree in the center of town. He turned back into a full bat pony, and felt his energy return. He stood up, looking around, the ethereal glow fading. 


"The leader-Virus-should be weakened. I...let Parvel feed off me to restore its strength, but it was cursed. Chrysalis cursed it so that anypony that willingly lets it feed on him or her is infected with a changeling virus. I just spent this entire time fighting the mind control that Virus tried to put me under. Parcel and I pushed it out, but I don't think it's dead. Weakened, maybe, but not dead." Nexus felt a little weak. He felt...off. A thought occurred to him. 


"And...I might still be infected. So while I pushed it back for now, I don't think it's gone. But that won't stop me from killing Virus." He looked down at his fathers chestplate.


"And I might need more armor. Also, where is my left claw?"


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"My apologies, but I needed a weapon to defend you while you were out," He said handing Nexus his claw back.


"Also, we need to come up with a plan to counter-attack. The hospital is already lost and there are very few places for others to hide. So, got any ideas?" He asked Nexus hoping that he would have a plan.

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Nexus pondered this. The hospital was the area of Ponyville that was under changeling control, so Virus was likely there. If he could kill Virus, that would hypothetically throw the rest of the invasion force into disarray, like killing a queen bee. But there was an army of those things between the two. They are going to need better equipment. 


"Dogboots, you gather up whatever equipment you can, grab the team I assembled and fortify the path from the hospital to town. Get some pegasi to guard the airways. We can't let them breach town. If worse comes to worse, fall back and protect the civilians. You." Nexus pointed to unicorn.

"I am going to send off a LOT of requisition forms, and I need you to send them straight to Celestia herself. We need better gear and we need it now. And see if we can get some unicorns to throw some barriers up." Nexus got to the desk and began writing down-with his wings-several letters. He turned to the others.


"Let's go, move!"

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Parcel awoke finding himself feeding on a young mare who looked terrified he blinked looked down at him self then back at the mare and laughed tears coming into his eyes, "I'm me haha I'm me!" he shifted into his pony form and embraced the pony in a hug. and twirling her around and then noticing the group of changelings staring at them. ten minutes later he was in a cacoon with the mare and two changelings guarding them.

Parcel turned to the mare, "what's your name?" she was crying by now and she was trying to compose herself she used her horn to make letters in the air that spelled out "Luminari"

A mute pony, huh. "I'm Parcel Shift and I promise you that we are going to get out of here....alive." he said these words so gravely and so sincere that she only nodded.

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