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private Ponyville-A month later(Action/Adventure)


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Nexus rubbed the back of his helmet.


"Hes, sorry about that, Dogboots. I get a little excited around changelings. Ironically Parcel inadvertently saved my life. Turns out I can feed off love. Like I said, ironic." He said with a chuckle.


"Also, thanks for not reacting to my appearance. I have been scaring ponies brick-less since I got back." He said comically. He was much brighter and less stoic.


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

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@@thor9356,@@ActFast231, @@slimmyjimjim,  


Corkscrew sees Nexis, Parcel, and Luminari talking to DogBoots. 


"Looks like his mission was a success, I'll be right back everypony."


Corkscrew flies up to the group to congratulate them. Upon approaching, he immediately notices something is different with Nexis.


Hey DogBoots, Congrats Parcel, and with the buck happened to you Nexis? You are still Nexis? Right? Did you merge with a changeling?"


Corkscrew stops to look over Nexis. Well, you still have your fathers armor on, so that's one thing. If you can shape shift at all, I would go back to a bat pony form. your kind of freaking everypony out."

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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with the buck happened to you Nexis? You are still Nexis? Right? Did you merge with a changeling?"


Nexus looked over to Corkscrew, a smile on his face.


"Well, your half right. I absorbed the magic that Virus was using when he tried mind controlling me, and I guess some of the changeling code was fused into me, making me a hybrid. Not as bad as I imagined." He said, looking to the jet black fur on his foreleg. 


"Plus, it makes me look like a badass." He added with a grin.




Well, you still have your fathers armor on, so that's one thing. If you can shape shift at all, I would go back to a bat pony form. your kind of freaking everypony out.


"I can try." Nexus focused on his previous form, but couldn't change. He remained in his hybrid form.


"Huh, weird. I can shape shift into Parcel just fine. Why do..." Nexus thought that maybe this was his "hook" as Parcel called it. Apparently each changeling has a side effect occur when they pull a line, and is unique to each changeling. Parcels is that he drains the victim of energy. Maybe Nexus just can't change into anypony he hasn't fed on. That means that he will never be his old self again.


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

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Nexus looked over to Corkscrew, a smile on his face.


"Well, your half right. I absorbed the magic that Virus was using when he tried mind controlling me, and I guess some of the changeling code was fused into me, making me a hybrid. Not as bad as I imagined." He said, looking to the jet black fur on his foreleg. 


"Plus, it makes me look like a badass." He added with a grin.




"I can try." Nexus focused on his previous form, but couldn't change. He remained in his hybrid form.


"Huh, weird. I can shape shift into Parcel just fine. Why do..." Nexus thought that maybe this was his "hook" as Parcel called it. Apparently each changeling has a side effect occur when they pull a line, and is unique to each changeling. Parcels is that he drains the victim of energy. Maybe Nexus just can't change into anypony he hasn't fed on. That means that he will never be his old self again.


Corkscrew gave him a look.


"Um...ok then. Well at least you guys didn't have all the fun. I got to rescue Fluttershy, and got my flank kicked in the process and defeated some high ranking changeling. I was pretty beat up, but the fox pony Fire Star used some kind of magic to heal me, but I haven't felt right since. I don't know what it is. It kind of has me worried a bit."


"So what happens now? Do we just sit under our nice little bubble, or go on the offensive? I prefer the latter, but...I guess we'll just have to wait for orders I guess."

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"So what happens now? Do we just sit under our nice little bubble, or go on the offensive? I prefer the latter, but...I guess we'll just have to wait for orders I guess."


"For now, we need to get a letter to Captain Armor informing him that the situation is under control. We should check collateral damage and send some ponies in to get the hospital up and running. There are still ponies in the basement in pods so I recommend helping them ASAP. A public address should be organized to inform the public that the threat has been neutralized as well. Me, I am going straight to the motel and relaxing. I have had one hell of a day. It involved me dying." He said, throwing up a salute, his claws jolting with it.


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

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Parcel looked over at Corkscrew, "the changeling didn't bite you, did it?" He was worried he didn't think about anypony else would get hurt heck he hadn't had time to think at all with all that had gone down today this was the first time he got to really breathe and he did just that. Breathe. He thought back at all that had happened and then a thought occurred to him and he turned to Nexus, "why didn't the elements push me away did they not see me as a threat?"

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Nexus shrugged at that.


"I don't know Parcel. Maybe you weren't ejected because you are not connected to the hive mind. Or maybe you were just perceived as non hostile. I can'r say I know the details of the inner workings of the Elements." He pondered that. He couldn't think of why he was spared. Again, he shrugged.


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

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Parcel looked over at Corkscrew, "the changeling didn't bite you, did it?" He was worried he didn't think about anypony else would get hurt heck he hadn't had time to think at all with all that had gone down today this was the first time he got to really breathe and he did just that. Breathe. He thought back at all that had happened and then a thought occurred to him and he turned to Nexus, "why didn't the elements push me away did they not see me as a threat?"


Corkscrew looked at Parcel with slight concern.


"Should I be concerned if it did? I was so angry when I was fighting it, that I didn't really feel my wounds till after the battle. When I defeated him, he reverted back to his true form. Did you know of a larger changeling with a bent horn and red eyes?"


"As for the spell, Caption Armor said that it keeps out all threats, so it must not consider you one."

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Rubbing a hoof under his chin deep in thought, this one can see the differences between us very unusual only changeling eyes should be able to see that. Is he a changeling? No he would not have been attacked if he was and he would've been pushed back by the elements but that still doesn't explain why he can see our features we should all look the same to him. I think I'm going to keep an eye on this one.

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"As for the spell, Caption Armor said that it keeps out all threats, so it must not consider you one."


Nexus looked between them, thinking of any possible side effects of a changeling attack. Sometimes the bigger one carried the feather flu on them to infect ponies they fight, but it may be possible that Fire healed it. But then again, Fire's magic could of caused this. Magic is a delicate thing that can do harm when one doesn't know what they're doing. He shrugged.


"Listen, I'm heading to the motel, I have been up for days now and would like to sleep." He said, throwing up one more salute before taking off. His wings felt strange flying. They moved the same but were...it was like flying with plastic wings. It was odd. Soon enough, Nexus reached the hotel room. When he entered, and shut the door, he began removing his fathers armor, setting it down heavily in front his bed. He finally got a good look of himself in the mirror. His mane and tail were a deep, solid blue, his cutie mark got bigger. His back was not jet black like the rest of his fur, but was actually an odd teal color. He had changeling fangs, and his eyes were solid green. He could just make out where his pupil should be, but it was odd not to see white. He flopped down on his bed, and immediately fell asleep, snoring softly.

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I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

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"Listen, I'm heading to the motel, I have been up for days now and would like to sleep." He said, throwing up one more salute before taking off.


"OK, I'll better get back to my place to check in on everypony. I'll see you tomorrow. I'll be sure to mention your heroism in my report to the caption." Corkscrew said, saluting Nexis, "and yours too, Parcal."


Corkscrew couldn't shake the feeling that Parcal was staring at him.


"Um....Is there something else I can do for you? I guess I'll be going...."


Corkscrew thought to himself for a few moments. "Was there something on my face? Did I do something wrong?"


He waived to the reformed changeling and DogBoots and made his way to his house.


@@Fox801, @@Antismurf9001


Corkscrew returned to his house to see if anypony was still there.


"Thanks for helping me out there Plagal. Tell you what, Next time I see the armor in Canterlot, I'll have a custom set of light armor made for you." Corkscrew laughed. 


"Thanks for the healing Fire Star. I don't think I'd be here without you."


As soon as he spoke those words, he began having a sever headache and fell onto his couch holding his head. His eyes pulsated

a glowing white once and than it was gone.


"Thanks again everypony, but I think I'm going to get some sleep and see if I can find out just whats going on with me. Fox, if you wouldn't mind, could you have Twilight look over that spell. Anypony can stay if they want to, I'll just be upstairs sleeping."

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Plagal Cadence


Plagal had to shield his eyes from the light that emanated from the Elements.  When it finally died down, everything was calm.  As he opened his eyes, he asked no one in particular, "Did... did we do it?  Did we actually win?"  His face brightened and he laughed.  "Ha ha!  Ha ha ha!  We did do it!  We actually managed to drive off the entire changeling army!  That's incredible!"  Had he not been in heavy plate armor, he would have leapt into the air clapping his hooves.


"Thanks for helping me out there Plagal. Tell you what, Next time I see the armor in Canterlot, I'll have a custom set of light armor made for you." Corkscrew laughed. 


Plagal chuckled and replied, "Hopefully that won't be necessary!  Er... I'll just return this set to where I got it if that's alright."



The earth pony headed straight home after returning the armor.  He hoped that the doppelganger hadn't done anything because he had work to do.  He had the urge to create that it seemed he had not felt in a very long time.  In any case, Plagal knew that tonight would be a night of music.

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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After they send the changelings back were they come form. Twilight look at Fire and ask " Why are you here did some changelings attack the library."


Star Fire

Fire tell her " They did not attack the library but Corkscrew was hurt" Fire said. " I come and help Corkscrew heal him with my magic" Fire look at Twilight. " And then he start to glow" Fire put his head down for no other ponies can't hear them. " Twilight I think Princess Luna help me to heal Corkscrew I think that why he start to glow" Fire tell Twilight.



Twilight look at Fire and tell him " First of all Why did you use a magic you do know how to use that well but at lest he is OK" Twilight was happy Fire and Corkscrew here save. Twilight was surprise to hear that maybe Princess Luna may help Fire to heal Corkscrew.  " Ok Fire I think is time for you to go home now, Me and the girls well to the rest go home and rest OK" Twilight tell Fire. Twilight left and start to help out the other pones to clean up ponyville.


Fire Star

Fire left to home when he was walking to is house he saw lost of ponies were hurt. When he walk around the library he saw more hurt ponies. He love to help them out but his magic was use up, Fire was so tired. Fire got to his home then something happened to him,  his magic start to glow green and started to surround him" What is happening to me" Fire said be for he collapse on the ground.

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Parcel scratched the back of his head a bit embarressed, turning to Dogboots he said, "hey do you think I could stay at your place for tonight?" Not having any money he was left with not much of a choice he would have to decide tomorrow where a permanent place to stay but the earth pony's place would have to do for the night.

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"Yeah, you can shack up at m- the cottage. Follow me," He said wheeling himself in the direction of the cottage. Dogboots couldn't even call it his place and he knew he had no right to. Truth was, the place still belonged to Max and the earth pony was only keeping an eye on the place till he returned.

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He turned to Luminari and kissed the unicorn on the cheek promising to meet her tomorrow and feeling her love give him strength which was weird because he wasn't feeding his line wasn't wven attached to her yet he could feel it going straight to his chest and filling him with warmth. Is this what being in love feels like? It was true that changelings could feel emotions they were just trained not to so that consciousness wouldn't interfere with feeding but Parcel had resisted the training for so long that he felt all kinds of emotions and this was the first time he'd ever felt love. And he liked it.




She watched as Parcel left with the brown stallion sighing deeply and after loosing sight of him after a while she turned and trotted to her own room at the inn. Thinking to heraelf as she often did she thought about writting a letter to her best friend in Manehattan Cutie Pie but she decided it could wait for tomorrow now she just needed some rest.

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"Here we are!" He said wheeling into the cottage that belonged to his close friend. The pictures of Max and his wife still adorned the walls and none of him and Max. Then again the two never took any pictures together so it was obvious that there was nothing there.


"Your room is upstairs first room on the right. Bathroom is across the hall in case you need to take care of business," He informed the changeling before heading to his room.

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The stairs creeked as Parcel climbed them the whole house seemed strange, like everything was out of place but it was only going to be one night so it wasn't going to bother him too much. When he peered into the room he noticed the same kind of bed that was at the inn Nexus said that it was used for sleeping but it didn't look too comfortable so he instead decided to make a cacoon in the corner of the room that he would destroy in the morning. This was the way all changelings slept and he started making the cacoon using what all changelings used, saliva.

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It had been a long night. The battle the day before had taken allot out of Corkscrew. His ribs still ached and he was still very sore, conforming that magic could not heal everything. Corkscrew slowly rolled out of his bed to, looking in the mirror. 


"Celestia, I look bad" he said with a depressed tone. "I better go check on the damage to the town."


Corkscrew left his house and began walking down Ponyville's main street, looking things over, Knocking on doors to make sure everypony was OK. After checking a few blocks, Corkscrew began to feel light headed again and had to sit on a bench to regain his thoughts, He looked around, hoping that nopony had seen him grab his head in pain. After a few moments, the pain was gone, and Corkscrew pressed on door to door checking on the residents of Ponyville. The next door he came to was Plagal's.


"Better check on everypony...."

Corkscrew began to knock on Plagal's door to see if he was up.

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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The changeling hunter known as Nexus awoke the next day feeling rather odd. He felt much more rested, as he usually did when getting a good nights sleep after staying up for several days, but he felt different. He felt drained. He got out of bed, stretching, before walking over to the mirror. He sighed at the sight. He had hoped it had all been a crazy dream. Sadly not, he was still a hybrid-a changeling/pony mix. He noticed something odd though. He had a scar on his chest. But this scar was in the shape of a heart. That...was something he would look into later. But he had to see why he was feeling drained. He put on his fathers Personal Guard armor, all except the helmet. He left that in a safe hiding spot in the motel room.


Nexus walked to a nearby diner, seeing if eating would cure his weakness. It did feel similar to hunger. However, after eating the largest meal they had, he still was considerably hungry. He turned to see a couple sitting across from him. Good thing they didn't noticed the armored up hybrid, as that would kill the mood. It was a pegasus mare and unicorn stallion, and both were drinking hay shakes. They were staring lovingly into each others eyes. And Nexus found this mouth watering. Wait, what? He saw this as alluring as prench salad. The hunter's solid green eyes went wide at this realization. He needed to feed off love. 


"Celestia-damnit." He whispered under his breath. He paid for the meal and walked through town. He eventually found Dogboot's residence.




Nexus knocked on the door.


"Dogboots? I need some help with ummmm....something." Nexus didn't want to feed. It WAS painless, but he felt like it was invasive. He would read his mind, feel his love, and he felt like he was intruding into deep secrets. But if he needed to do this to survive, he would. But he would NOT manipulate. He would only take volunteers.  


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

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Corkscrew began to knock on Plagal's door to see if he was up.


A knock at the door jolted Plagal awake.  It seemed that he had fallen asleep at his desk.  "What in the..." he muttered.  "What time is.... oh curses," he said when he saw how light it was outside.  "Just a moment!" he called to the door as he scrambled to look presentable.  Still trying to straighten his mane, he opened the door.  "Ah, Corkscrew!  Good morning.  Er, are you alright?  You look exhausted."

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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Dogboots wheeled himself over to the front door from his room. The stallion had heard some weird noises upstairs but didn't even bother checking. It was one of those moments that the less he knew about Parcel, the better off he'd be.


The earth pony opened to door to Nexus standing at the front door. His half changeling/half pony form didn't really bug Dogboots as it didn't change his mind on how he felt about him as a friend though.


"Hey Nexus! What can I do for you?"

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Nexus nodded, and stepped in. He didn't want anypony outside hearing this.


"So, I woke up this morning with some major hunger cramps and weakness, and went to get some food. I got the biggest meal I could, and that did as much as drinking water when starving. And that's when I noticed a young couple a few tables from me and...well the long and short of it is that it looks like I adapted the changelings need for love." Nexus spoke sheepishly, looking ashamed, rubbing the back of his head. He hated this with a burning passion, but he had no say in the matter.


"So, I was wondering if you had any ideas of how I could...remedy this problem. I'm not sure what to do, and you seemed like the closest thing to a friend outside of Parcel, so I stopped by."


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

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"I see, so you need what? Somepony to feed off of then? Let me ask you, On a scale of 1 to 10, how hungry are you?" He asked looking at the changeling. Dogboots knew very well what he was trying to suggest too.


"I'm guessing we're today's special? Looks like it. Well what do we do? If he feeds on us then he'll turn into Rockshire. I know and I miss her but it's difficult to fight that urge to see her again. Her fiery orange mane and smooth brown coat. I mean I would love to see her again but we can't. We almost died last time too hadn't it been for Parcel's willpower to hold himself back. Could Nexus do the same?"

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A loud groan coming from the hybrids stomach was all the answer that Dogboots would need. Nexus looked up, shame present.


"Look, it doesn't have to be you. If you can suggest a willing participant I will go seek them out. I don't even know how this works. I'm not a full changeling, and I can't seem to change form to anything other than Parcel, so this is uncharted territory. I won't force you into anything." Nexus had no idea how he was going to get by on volunteers, but he would find a way. He would never play with the hearts and minds of others. He knows that pain well, and doesn't wish it on anypony.


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

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