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private Ponyville-A month later(Action/Adventure)


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Star Fire

Fire awoke he start to look around but he is in forest he do not know. Fire kept on looking and he saw a castle in a distance. And then the sun start to come up and the castle started to look familiar. Fire kept looking around " This Forest, where am I" Fire said being confused. Fire look at the Castle again and he look more familiar and then " Oh Dear Celestia that is the Crystal Empire" Fire was in shock. " How I got here the last thing I remembered I was going home and then" Fire stop to think more header and he remembered something. " And my magic started to go out of control and I passed out. And at still not tell me  how I got here" Fire was more confused. And then some guard come to him and they hold up their spears at Fire.


Hold there changeling you under arrest, the guards think Fire is a changeling the way he looks. " Guards I not a changeling at all I can prove it" Fire look at his back and he remembered he do not have is saddle bag on him. Fire look at the guard and said " I do not have my paper but if you take me to the castle I can prove how I say I am." The guards look at him and take him to the castle prison and they look at Canterlot paper woke and he was right. But they talk to the princes Shiny Armor about this pony. Shiny come to the castle prison call.


Shiny look at Fire and said " How should I know you are not a changeling" Shiny look at Fire. " Well first is I do not eat love at all. And Twilight and tell you that " Shiny look at him. " Did you say Twilight my sister, wait are you that Fox Pony she was talking about" he look at Fire. " Well Yes you must be Shiny Armor Twilight Big brother I well like to say nice to meet you but I in prison call." Fire said in a joking ton and Shiny said " Oh yes guards let him out of there" Shiny said to them. " Thank you Shiny Armor " Fire was happy being out of prison his first time being in prison. "Yes sorry for that you know you can be more careful, and how did you got here at the first place. Ponyvlle is like a 1,230 mile away" Shiny look at Fire. " That the thing I do not know how I got here" Fire and Shiny was walking to the center of the castle.


(OCC I using Shiny Armor for this part it dose not mean, I well use him gust for I finish this story or post)

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Upstairs in a green cacoon Parcel dream of his changeling self walking through an empty Ponyville there was a mist all around then figures began to move and the mist cleared revealing dozens of changelings all with the same sick smile. Then one by one each began to change Nexus, Luminari, Iccaris, all sucking him dry, "no please stop changelings can't feed off of eachother they're not supposed to...no!"

Then it started, small at first growing louder and louder til it was a battle cry, traitor. traitor. traitor. "No. I'm not, I'm so sorry please I'm sorry!"

Celestia stepped from the croud then but no it wasn't Celestia. Chrysalis! She showed her true face getting up in Parcels face baring her fangs and spat out the words, "Then prove it!"

Boon awoke gasping and sweating falling out of the cacoon and tumbling to the floor. "Ow!"

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The stallion sighed knowing that he had to help a friend out, "You can use me, just make it quick,"


"Are you freaking crazy? A little bit, yes. Look, Nexus risked his life saving ponyville.It's the least I can do for him. He helped us and now we have to help him...or rather I have to help him"


Dogboots began to brace himself before having his love drained from him by Nexus.

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A knock at the door jolted Plagal awake.  It seemed that he had fallen asleep at his desk.  "What in the..." he muttered.  "What time is.... oh curses," he said when he saw how light it was outside.  "Just a moment!" he called to the door as he scrambled to look presentable.  Still trying to straighten his mane, he opened the door.  "Ah, Corkscrew!  Good morning.  Er, are you alright?  You look exhausted."



Corkscrew looked at Plagal when he opened the door.


"After that whole incident yesterday, I'm surprised I even woke up today to be honest. To be honest though, you look like you fell asleep at your desk. This battle must have made for an amazing song."


"Just wanted to make sure everypony was ok. I'll be seeing you around town."


Corkscrew waved a hoof at Plagal and moved on to the next house.

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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"Just so you know, the process is harmless. Parcel drained me because that is his hook. Hooks being a side effect to feeding that is unique to the individual. Like cutie marks."


Nexus took a minute, thinking how the hell he was suppose to do. He thought back to the feeding that saved his life. It was just a simple embrace. But he wasn't very comfortable hugging the earth pony. He remembered something then. He connected his line to Dogboots, and saw if that did anything. He could see his memories and emotions, and the eye on his chest piece began to glow. This felt wrong. He felt wrong intruding on somepony's mind. A mare flashed into sight. She had an orange mane and brown coat. Rockshire. That's her name. She had a strong presence in the earth ponies heart, and held a lot of love. Nexus looked down to see his armor gone. His jet black hooves now brown, and he was smaller than he once was.


"What the h-" His voice was that of a mare. It was at that point that it hit him. He has changed form into Rockshire. He looked up at Dogboots, unsure what to do next.


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Corkscrew looked at Plagal when he opened the door.


"After that whole incident yesterday, I'm surprised I even woke up today to be honest. To be honest though, you look like you fell asleep at your desk. This battle must have made for an amazing song."


"Oh, it's that obvious?  Heh heh... heh..." Plagal laughed awkwardly.  Clearing his throat, he continued, "Well, er, the piece isn't finished yet, though I have an idea of where I want it to go.  That wasn't all I worked on though.  I have dozens of unfinished works, and I suddenly had the inspiration to finish all of them!  I didn't quite yet... but I'm getting there."


"Just wanted to make sure everypony was ok. I'll be seeing you around town."


Corkscrew waved a hoof at Plagal and moved on to the next house.


"Right, yes, of course.  I'll see you around."


After the pegasus had left, Plagal prepared for the rest of his day.  He sat down at his desk and prepared to write when a familiar presence entered his mind.  Hey!  What's wrong with you?  Didn't you just say yesterday how you were going to go out and meet some other ponies?  Are you really going to give up on that in less than twenty-four hours? his consciousness scolded.


Plagal frowned and muttered, "Oh, it's that easy, is it?  You just say, 'Oh, I'm going to stop being such an asocial jerk,' and it magically happens?"


Obviously no, but shutting ourself at home isn't even trying, his mind pointed out.


Plagal sighed, and placed his quill back on his desk.  "You're right," he admitted.  "I suppose I'll have plenty of time tonight to work on these."  He rose from his desk and went out the door.  "So, where to?"

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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Corkscrew continued knocking on doors, making sure everypony that remained was still OK. As he neared the end of the town, he approached Twilight's library. He wanted to thank Fire Star for healing him, even though the spell was wearing off, it was a nice act at least. He approached the door and began to knock. Hopefully Twilight would know where Fire Star was and maybe could fix his spell. 

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Parcel got up from the floor and walked from the room think about the dream from the previous night he was so deep in thought that he didn't notice the notch at the top of the stair and he tripped tumbling down to the ground floor with a crash. Rubbing his head with one hoofhe looked up noticing two figures by the door just a few feet away when the fog had cleared from his mind and the figures unblured he could see Dogboots but there was somepony else somepony he knew very well for he had taken that form the very first time he arrived in Ponyville. The real one? Not likely. "You!" Parcel atracked the changeling not knowing who it was but only knowing that itbwas about to feed on his new friend, "you changeling scum how dare you come into this town I'll kill you!" Parcels eyes bore into the false Rockshire as he revealed his true form the blue ofbhis changeling eyes burning with rage.

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Nexus was taken by surprise at the sudden attack.


"Whoa whoa what are you doing Parcel?!?" The hybrids voice squeaked in his Rockshire form. Nexus tried reversing back but he couldn't. Something was keeping him in this form. But that was a mystery for later as he was looking into the blue changeling eyes of Parcel, who looked ready to kill.


"It's me! It's NEXUS!!" No avail




Nexus turned to Dogboots, a look of confusion and shock in his eyes.


"Dogboots, talk some sense into him. He doesn't know what he's doing!" Again, his voice squeaked in the mare's voice. In Rockshire's form, the hunter was a LOT less intimidating. So he-or currently she-would need help.

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@@ActFast231, @@slimmyjimjim,


"Parcel, get off her or him or whatever! Nexus is here cause he needs somepony to feed off for awhile, just like what you did to me when we first met. So I volunteered," He said trying to pull Parcel off of Nexus' Rockshire form. The stallion practically fell off his wheelchair and was still trying to pull the changeling off of Nexus.

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Shocked Parcel turned to Dogboots, "is this true?" But then something occurred to him, even if he responds yes this changeling could be making him say it I don't even know this one's hook it could be anything. He turned back to the Rockshire practically growling, "ok listen very closely because I'm only going to say this once, if you are Nexus then tell me what is the boook I burned into your head. Get it wrong and I'll make sure you never feed on any other living creature ever again you picked the wrong town to feed off."

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"You burned the "Tales of Equestria" the book with a wooden pony. It had a smile on his face and a look of determination. It belonged to Meryl, and I read it to her every time she visited. You kept it under your pillow back at the hive, and burned it in my mind. That get you to back off?" Nexus looked over to see Dogboots crawling over to them, trying to get Parcel off. This caused a concerned look on his face to form. He knew he loved this mare, but for Celestia sake he was crawling on his forelegs to save an illusion of her.


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A half smile crossed Parcels face, "hey sorry Nexus I just had to be sure I guess I'm just a bit on edge cause of....nevermind," he wasn't about to tell Nexus about his nightmare from the night before the hybrid might laugh at him or call him a little colt. "Anyway Dogboots are ypu alright you really shouldn't be fighting this hard over Nexus." He looked from Dogboots to Nexus giving The hybrid a look as if to say "I don't think he's ok" he was standing now and helping Rockshires form up from the floor, "so how come you didn't just change back?"

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"That's the thing, I don't know how. I think because you interrupted...whatever the hell it was we were doing that I am stuck in this form." Nexus went and helped Dogboots back into his wheelchair. He was glad that his strength didn't vanish with the rest of his body mass.




"Dogboots." Nexus said in a soft, warming tone he didn't know he had. Changing form really did make you a perfect copy of somepony. 


"If I recall, you ended up this injured protecting Parcel, after he turned into me..." Me? Why the hell did he just say that?


"Rockshire, whatever. Point is that you are killing yourself in m-her defense. Why?" He concluded. Something was up, not just with the earth pony, but with Nexus as well. He was slipping up. Was it possible to lose yourself in a changed form? He prayed to Celestia not. He didn't want to be Rockshire. Or a mare in general. Being a hybrid complicated things but he wouldn't trade up his real self for the world. 


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

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"Forgive me for what i'm about to do," He said before kissing Rockshire or rather, Nexus in Rockshire's form. From what the stallion had remembered last time. Parcel didn't revert back to his normal form until after he had drained part of his love. The same feeling was happening again as well. Dogboots could feel something being drained from him and before long, he collapsed back on the ground.

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Nexus has never kissed anypony before.


So when his first kiss is with a colt in a mares form, well...


His chest glowed a soft blue, and when the kiss was broken, Nexus fell back on his haunches, reverting back to his true form. He looked...his face was unreadable. It looked like his mind shut down. He blacked out. It wasn't until a solid two minutes that he began to blink rapidly, regaining his senses. He felt bloated. Like he wouldn't need to eat for a week. He looked around the room, trying to remember where he was. It was a cottage. Pictures of a green pegasus stallion with a cheerful mare adorned the walls. On one side was a changeling. Parcel. And next to him was a collapsed earth pony. Dogboots. He picked up the colt, and placed him back into his wheelchair. Several times he attempted speech, but came up blank. Until he finally croaked out.


"I-um, well, uh, th-thats one way of doing it." He looked back at Parcel.


"What happened?" He asked. He was still unsure what transpired, so a third party was just what they needed. 


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

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The first emotion he felt was humor amd he would've laughed if the situation wasn't so serious but when Dogboots fell to the ground he was surprised and then Nexus fell unconscious Parcel was shocked, this sort of thing shouldn't have happened. He just stood there for a few minutea thinking about what had just happened and was about to go get someone when Nexus sat up and it all clicked together and he let out a laugh, "oh, I forgot you've never fed before it happens to all of us you just over ate. I'll have to teach you how to eat now that we have the same diet."

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"Right. I...suppose you should. Though I feel fine now." The hybrid was slowly regaining composure. He wondered something.


"I wonder..." He focused his mind, and began to cycle through his different forms. He turned into Parcel, then Dogboots, then Rockshire, then back to himself.


"Interesting. Looks like I pick up more transformations as I feed on more ponies. Good to know." He backpedaled quickly however.


"But I won't manipulate anypony to feed. Volunteers only." He turned to Dogboots.


"And warn me the next time you invade my personal space, OK?"


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

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@@ActFast231, @@slimmyjimjim,


Dogboots started to come to and soon opened his eyes. Nexus had returned to his previous form and Parcel was standing next to Dogboots.


"Sorry about that Nexus. I remembered from last time that when Parcel fed off of me he returned to his previous form. So I deduced that it would be the same with you and it looks like I was correct. Though I feel even more out of it than last time," He stated trying to keep his mind on the subject or rather keep his brain thinking straight. He was still a little dazed from what had just happened.

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Nexus thought about that, and then chuckled humorlessly.


"You sure that's the only reason you ambushed me? As I recall, Rockshire took up a considerable amount of space in your heart." Wow. Nexus replayed what he just said. He was slowly losing himself to this changeling nature of his. He would fight it. He fought off Boon, Virus, and Axel, and damnit he would fight off himself too.


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

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Corkscrew continued knocking on doors, making sure everypony that remained was still OK. As he neared the end of the town, he approached Twilight's library. He wanted to thank Fire Star for healing him, even though the spell was wearing off, it was a nice act at least. He approached the door and began to knock. Hopefully Twilight would know where Fire Star was and maybe could fix his spell. 



Twilight was walking back form the mayor offers. When she got to her library she saw Corkscrew was going to her library. He started to knocking on the library door, Twilight come up to him and said " Well hello Corkscrew how are you. I hope you have to say all of  the ponies are ok" Twilight laugh a little.


Fire Star

"I was hoping you or your wife can help me to send me back to ponyville" Fire said to Shiny. Shiny look at Fire and said " um.. I well like if you do not mine if you see my wife Cadance. I want her to look at your magic" he was still wondering how he got here. When they walk to the room was Cadance was in he huge her and he tell her about Fire. Cadance walk to Fire and look at him " Hello Fire Twilight tell use some much about you and how she look after you" Cadance said to him.


"Shiny tell me how you do not remember how you got here. I well use my magic to help you to remember if that Ok with you" Cadance ask him. Fire look at her and said " Ok " Fire said with a smile. Cadance nodded her head and start to use her magic, her magic start to glow and something start to happen to Fire magic. His magic start to glow green and Cadance was blasted back. Shiny run to her he ask " What happen Candance." Cadance look at her husband " Fire magic is not like any unicorn I sense his magic was like a Changeling." And then Fire magic start to glow on it own Fire try to control it. Cadance ran to him using her magic she was able to stop it.


Fire then pass out he fell down. Cadance tell Shiny "To take him to the room that my top unicorn can keep a eye on him. And got his family here and got Princess Celestia as well." Cadance said in a worry tone. 


( OCC Sorry if this post but I being a big thing up. I putting that Fire... Well you have to wait and see what happens. And I well not keep using Cadance and Shiny I using them for now.)

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"I technically shouldn't have even been with Rockshire. It wasn't right, none of it was." He said looking down at the ground. The stallion began to remember back at the time why it was wrong to have been with and it had completely betrayed his very ideals back then.

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"It's ok it happens to the best of us but me and Nez here have to get going there's still somethings I have to talk with him about being a new changeling and all, you know how it is." He turned to Nexus expectedly, "are you ready let's go." Turning to leave Parcel noticed Dogboots still a bit disoriented, "are you going to be ok?"

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"Look, I am by no means an expert in love. After all, you basically just gave me my first kiss." Nexus deadpanned. But he continued.


"But I think love isn't under the same restrictions society or even a pony's ideals or beliefs are under. If you love somepony, great, everything else be damned. And you do love her, no? You did just get on your forelegs and crawl to the defense of what was just a copy of her."


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

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Dogboots smiled, "Yeah, talk about deja vu. That was our first kiss back then. The situation was practically the same too except I was in a hospital at the time and in a wheelchair. You say everything else be damned right? Well what if I told you that she was having an affair with me then?"

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