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private Ponyville-A month later(Action/Adventure)


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@@thor9356, @@Antismurf9001,

Princess Celestia

Celestia was keeping her calm. This was just the distraction she needed to hope that Plagal would forget what Pinkie had said about Corkscrew and the alicorn.


"You know DogBoots, your not showing very much respect to your friends house now are you? How would you feel if somepony kicked your door in while you were having a private conversation?"


Celestia stands up and walks over to DogBoots. "Now what's this I hear about you disliking me in Corkscrew's reports? You do realize that my advisers run Equestria anymore, correct? Any more, I'm just in charge of the sun and the defense of Equestria. If you had an issue with one of our laws, you should have taken it to the pony that You elected to placement."


Celestia had been doing this for 1000 years and knew just what buttons to push to blow over situations.



Night was falling in Canterlot, the moon was rising and it was soon time for bed for the reluctant alicorn.

"Come on Little Bro." Corkscrew said, his head still down, "You can sleep next to me, or in the nice bed that Luna and Celestia had brought in for you."


Corkscrew let out a large yawn which signaled that it was time for him to hit the bed.


"First thing in the morning Fire, I'm taking you flying."


Corkscrew was out like a light, snoring away. It was the first nights sleep that he had gotten since the invasion.

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"Defense is a pretty fickle term Celestia. I didn't, "elect" anypony. You claim that you're in charge for the defense of Equestria? Defending them from just foreign threats? Funny how you focus more on that and turn a blind eye to what happens to the others. Even worse you try casting the blame on the ones who we "elected". Ask yourself, Do they care at all? Course not! We're the ones that grow the food and what do we get? Low wages and disrespect!" He said stomping his boot down in anger. This was the stallion's only chance to tell the princess what really happens in Equestria. 


"I've traveled across Equestria for the past 7 years and the one's that you claim are in charge don't know what it's like to be hungry, to work with their own hooves, to lie to their families and tell them that it's going to be alright when you're about to lose your farm because of the land that YOU supplied them with! What's worse is that you don't even know how badly we get treated! All because we don't have wings or magic," He said in an angry tone towards the princess. The thought that Corkscrew had reported how the earth pony felt towards her had slipped his mind.

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Princess Celestia


"You really are hard headed. You traveled around Equestria, but yet you forget about where you are. Look at the Apple Family. The own their own farm. They run there own farm, and they make a profit. Ponyville in general is a great example. It was founded by earth ponies and is run by earth ponies. It dose very well."


"Now, what would you have me do? Have you forgotten the story of hearts warming eve? Pegasi controll the weather, unicorns magic, and earth ponies are the strongest and most gifted with plants."



"Now if you'll excuse me, I have somepony to deal with in Canterlot. It was nice meeting you DogBoots...Now Mr Plagal where were we? Oh yes. The dark alicorn."

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"The Apple Family is one of the few that are able to turn a profit Celestia. Not only that but with so many connections around Equestria, it's no wonder they were able to profit. However, you raise another question. How did somepony like you even come into power? As you mentioned hearts warming eve, there were 3 tribes all with their own respective leaders, all of which came together...yet it never said anything about you coming to power. Strange isn't it? 3 tribes who've endured so much and then finally come together only to have two alicorns suddenly run things. Mysterious isn't it?" He retorted back at the Princess.  

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Princess Celestia

Celestia was back to glaring at DogBoots.

"You know, there is a book in the library on Equestrian history. I think you should read it. There is a whole chapter in there on the alicorn age."

The earth pony may have just stumped the princess. The gears in her head began to turn.


"I'd like to hear your idea on how to make Equestira more fare than." She said in a fake caring tone.

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Night was falling in Canterlot, the moon was rising and it was soon time for bed for the reluctant alicorn.

"Come on Little Bro." Corkscrew said, his head still down, "You can sleep next to me, or in the nice bed that Luna and Celestia had brought in for you."


Corkscrew let out a large yawn which signaled that it was time for him to hit the bed.


"First thing in the morning Fire, I'm taking you flying."


Corkscrew was out like a light, snoring away. It was the first nights sleep that he had gotten since the invasion.




Little Fire


After Corkscrew tell Fire to go to bed " Ok Bro" he said in a joking ton. Fire went to bed with Corkscrew he snuggle to Corkscrew and Fire close his eyes. After 2 hours later he wake up and saw Corkscrew still seeping. Fire slowly movie got of the bed making sure he didn't wake him up.


After he got out of bed he walk to the door and open it quietly and walk out quietly. He close the door quietly and he walking around the castle after a 30 minutes he saw Princess Luna. She was in the garden like feeling the wind brush her face.


Fire decided to walk to Luna he tap Luna on her shoulder she jump and she turn her head.


Princess Luna


" Oh it is you Fire why are you out of bed" she ask him


Little Fire


" I not tired at all Luna can't I play here for a bite" he ask her.


Princess Luna


" No you can't not play here you need to go to bed now Fire" Luna tell him.


Little Fire


" Ohhh Please " he beg her.


Princess Luna


" I say NO now GO TO BED"  Luna tell him with her royal voice.


Little Fire


" Ok Luna I go to bed " Fire walk away form Luna. Fire smile and tell himself " Well not yet I have to got some thing first " Fire run around the castle for 2 hours. He come back to the room tired he open the door quietly and close the door as quietly well. He went on the bed with Corkscrew and close his eyes.

Edited by Fox801
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Corkscrew had finally fallen asleep. His mind was racing with horrible nightmare instead of dreams. He could see the changeling queen mocking him. He could see an angry Fluttershy walking away. In his dream he was all alone. The last thing he saw before he woke up, covered in sweat, was little Fire leaving him alone in the dark void.


When he awoke, he entered the bathroom, hoping to splash some water on himself to stay awake. the last thing he wanted was to relive that. As he looked into the mirror, he noticed that he had shrunk down from the size of Celestia to that of Cadence. As he used his magic to try to turn on the light, he saw it. The nightmare that still resided in him was trying to return. His fur was almost black again.

"NO NO NO!" He screamed at the mirror. He flew over to the bed and laid down next to Fox and began to hug him. "I will watch over you forever! Please tell me you will never leave me!" 

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Plagal Cadence


"Oh, that's right Miss Pinkie, now that you mention it I do remember-" Before Plagal could finish, he was cut off by Dogboots bucking the door open.  Naturally, this startled him quite a bit.  What the...  What HAVE I gotten myself into??? he thought.


From there, he listened to Dogboots lecture the princess about the discrimination against earth ponies.  Being an earth pony himself, he had ever really seen this, though he had lived his entire life in Canterlot and had been fated to a career in the arts rather than manual labor.  He found the argument interesting, but even so, he could not help but feel uncomfortable there, and constantly was looking for an opportunity to sneak out.  The princess kept glancing at him, so it seemed like this opportunity would not arise. 

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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"First off, get rid of the whole monarchy system and establish a counsel with each leader representing all the races. Earth, Pegasi and Unicorn. Not only is this a fair way of doing things but also a more effective and democratic. Every time any issue comes up from anypony. The counsel is allowed to hear the pony's case and put it to vote. More than likely the vote will always be 2 to 1. Keeping things fair and organized. You and your sister will still maintain your duties when it comes to rising the sun and moon along with dealing with threats such as dragons, mythical creatures and any other foreign troubles that might harm this country. Also, it would be wise to establish documents and laws that everypony is equal and should not be treated any differently regardless of career, race or rank. I have also well laid plans for how to deal with nearly every scenario. You can keep glaring at me all you like Celestia, but once you've worked a day in your life," He replied back to the princess. The stallion had thought about this for quite a long time and made plans on how to deal with all this. However, he knew that that wasn't going to be enough. He needed to add salt to the wound before she could even come up with anything else.


"I bet your younger sister would know what it's like. After all she did spend over 1000 years on the moon, so she definitely must know what it's like to be a work horse. Kinda makes me wonder how your sister would run things now that she's free from the Nightmare forces..." He said grinning at the princess. Dogboots didn't know what would happen next but for once he felt good. He didn't care what would happen to him. As long as he got to confront the princess then it was worth it.


(OOC: Greatly appreciate it if you could do a mention or a quote in your next post otherwise I won't know if you replied or not. Thanks!)

Edited by thor9356
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@@thor9356, @@Antismurf9001,



(OOC: Greatly appreciate it if you could do a mention or a quote in your next post otherwise I won't know if you replied or not. Thanks!)

(OoC I was using my Iphone for that last one....Sorry about that.)

Princess Celestia

"Ok Mr. Dogboots. You brought up some good points. I like the counsel idea, and you are right about rights, however I ask you just one question. How? How would you go about making this happen?"


"I offer you this other question. Once everypony is equal, that means equal taxes, correct." Celestia beamed knowing that she may have just pressed a button. "I hope that you have a plan on how to transition peacefully. Also, think of this. What's stopping two of the three counselors from ganging up on the third. What would stop magic and air from going at it again? You need a system of checks and balances."


"You bring up defense. Where would the guard fall under. The control of the alicorns? I had a similar discussion over 200 years ago. Equestria was at war. Each race of ponies had their own army, however the unicorns refused to send their troops to help. Needless to say, this did not sit well with the pegasus general.....Corkscrew's Grandfather....and Commander Apple. When Canterlot got attacked, they refused to sent their troops to help because the unicorns didn't help them."


Celestia had just rembered something.

"Oh, and by the way, there are FOUR races of ponies. Or are you leaving the Crystal Ponies out of this. That means they can tie."

Edited by Skycoaster

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"Oh, don't think I haven't forgotten about them. Cadence and Shining Armor are handling things quite well in the Crystal Empire. I know your knowledge must be scarce but it's quite obvious that the Crystal ponies have evolved from Earth Ponies. Quite strange how they aren't pegasi or unicorns...Strange. Anyways, I doubt that as I know who to put in charge for each faction. For the Apples, I would like to one of the members.Specifically, Applejack who knows how to work a day in her life and is the element of Trust. For the Unicorns your successor, Twilight will be given charge of the Unicorns. She's proved herself more than capable of leading and to get out of bad situations. As for Pegasi...that is the only question. I cannot put Rainbow Dash on this list. Though while she is the best flyer and the Element of Loyalty, she is incapable of being a leader and her head is always in the clouds." Dogboots said to Celestia who grabbed a nearby glass of water.


"As for military force, half of the Royal Guard will still stay with you. However, the other half will train new recruits from all three races. Doesn't sound too bad really. Any other questions or is there anything else?" He asked in a fake nice tone.

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Corkscrew had finally fallen asleep. His mind was racing with horrible nightmare instead of dreams. He could see the changeling queen mocking him. He could see an angry Fluttershy walking away. In his dream he was all alone. The last thing he saw before he woke up, covered in sweat, was little Fire leaving him alone in the dark void.


When he awoke, he entered the bathroom, hoping to splash some water on himself to stay awake. the last thing he wanted was to relive that. As he looked into the mirror, he noticed that he had shrunk down from the size of Celestia to that of Cadence. As he used his magic to try to turn on the light, he saw it. The nightmare that still resided in him was trying to return. His fur was almost black again.


"NO NO NO!" He screamed at the mirror. He flew over to the bed and laid down next to Fox and began to hug him. "I will watch over you forever! Please tell me you will never leave me!" 




Little Fire


Fire fallen to sleep. He started to have dreams his first thing he dream was, him and Corkscrew playing some games. Corkscrew look happy, him and Corkscrew were so happy being Brothers. But same thing stared to happen Fire happy dream become a Nightmare.


Fire saw Corkscrew not the happy Brother but a evil one how what to destroy Equestria. Fire saw Corkscrew defeat the Princesses and he was having a evil smile. Fire was the last one to stop him Fire was a Alicorn the only one how can end it all. But Fire can not do it he can't hurt his Brother at all.  


" Brother please stop it you are hurting a lots of ponies" he was yelling at him. But he look at Fire the only thing Corkscrew said was have a bad nightmare and a dark magic surrounding him and Fire saw him and laughing at him. And he awoke up for Corkscrew was hugging him.


Corkscrew was tell him he will watch over him forever. Corkscrew just ask him to tell him never leave him. Fire was confused why he was telling him this and he felt something wet on his shoulder. Fire herd him crying he tell him " Brother you do not need to cry no more I all was be with you as long as you need me" Fire tell him but still confused.


When the sun started to come up the light come through the window. Then he saw Corkscrew looking dark like the nightmare he saw in his dream, Fire eyes open big. Fire started to got scared he walk back a little. And then he jump at him and stared to cay and tell him " Big Brother you not evil at all, Brother you not evil at all" he several more times. Fire hug so tight hoping his brother well not  turn evil and hurt no ponies at all and the some time the  Princesses at all.

Edited by Fox801
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@@thor9356, @@Antismurf9001,



As for Pegasi...that is the only question. I cannot put Rainbow Dash on this list. Though while she is the best flyer and the Element of Loyalty, she is incapable of being a leader and her head is always in the clouds."

Pinkie Pie

"Oooo Oooo. What about Fluttershy....Na...The other ponies would walk all over her. Hey DogBoots, What about Corkscrew. He's brave and selfless, and I kinda feel that we would have a gender rebellion if they were all mares. The only thing I can think about him being bad is he's a mare chaser."


Princess Celestia

Celestia Face hoofed at the mention of Corkscrew. She couldn't tell them the truth about what happened to him and Fire. That's all she would need.


"Well, thank you for your imput DogBoots. You are welcome at the Castle if you wish to discuess this further in time with my sister present. Now I must be off to take care of somepon....Somethings in Canter. It was a pleasure." Celestia leaves the house and heads for Canterlot.


Pinkie Pie

"Um...that was weird. Hey, have you guys seen Fluttershy lately?"



When the sun started to come up the light come through the window. Then he saw Corkscrew looking dark like the nightmare he saw in his dream, Fire eyes open big. Fire started to got scared he walk back a little. And then he jump at him and stared to cay and tell him " Big Brother you not evil at all, Brother you not evil at all" he several more times. Fire hug so tight hoping his brother well not turn evil and hurt no ponies at all and the some time the Princesses at all.


Corkscrew was revealed to see Fire. His words seamed to make him feel better. The alicron was trying to hide his fear.


"I..I'm glad to have you here with me, Now go back to bed. I..I'm fine now. Honest."


Corkscrew laid back down, pretending to sleep to put Fire at ease. "In the morning, I'm going to have a talk with Princess Luna about this." he said sadly

Edited by Skycoaster

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A pale blue figure stumbled through the croud a tattered brown traveling cloak barely hanging onto the stallions back. The figure made its way up to where the earth pony and the regal princess stood and fell to the ground between them with a resounding thud, a hood covered the figures head but the glass-like blue wings protruding from torn holes in the back of the cloak was a dead give away, this was the changeling known as Parcel Shift.

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@@Skycoaster, @@slimmyjimjim,


As soon as the princess had left the stallion stomped his hoof down on the floor making a very loud thump.


"Whatever," He said after the Princess had left. It didn't take long before he noticed Parcel return to Ponyville.


"Pinkie, you raise a very interesting point though. Corkscrew is missing and so's Fire. Haven't seen either of them at all today. Plus I believe Celestia is letting on more than she knows about our missing "friend"," He said before turning to Parcel.


"Parcel, good to see you again. Where have you been lately?"

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@@Skycoaster, @@slimmyjimjim,


As soon as the princess had left the stallion stomped his hoof down on the floor making a very loud thump.


"Whatever," He said after the Princess had left. It didn't take long before he noticed Parcel return to Ponyville.


"Pinkie, you raise a very interesting point though. Corkscrew is missing and so's Fire. Haven't seen either of them at all today. Plus I believe Celestia is letting on more than she knows about our missing "friend"," He said before turning to Parcel.


"Parcel, good to see you again. Where have you been lately?"

Pinkie Pie

"Actualy, its been more like a week, but who's counting. Celestia said Corkscrew didn't make it. Oh, hey Parcel! Whats up!? I bet Parcle knows what happened to them. I think he chased after that alicorn. He better come in and lay down he dosen't look too good."


Pinkie Pie picks up the changeling and puts him on Corkscrew's sofa.


"Feeling any better? I think I have some cookies if that will help."

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The changeling groaned when he was moved, his ribs were very clearly showing indicating that he had not fed in a long while. His coat was paler than usual and his eyes had deep circles under them. Parcel tried speaking but no words came out only creaking gasps which made no sense. He thought to himself, "I need to feed, but I don't want to.. not right now." his lips were cracked with cheeks shallow needless to say he was in bad condition.

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The stallion sighed knowing what had to be done about this. Though it wouldn't be the first time it happens.


"Parcel...you can feed off of me. Besides, I want to see her again," He said to the changeling. 


Rockshire always helped him forget about his anger towards Royalty and Nobility. Plus he needed something to take his mind off of the Princess.

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Parcel moved his tongue around inside his mouth even after clearing his throat his voice barely croaked out, "I won't be able to stop... you won't be able to survive..." He put his hooves underneith himself shakily pushing himself up, "I have to warn you... the queen she's coming back... I don't know when but I know....... I know."

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"It's fine Parcel, besides it's going to take more than that to put me down," The stallion said reassuring the the changeling. It was pretty crazy to do but he couldn't stand by and let some changeling suffer. 


"It tears me up, but still he needs help and he helped save Ponyville, so it's the least I can do for him," He thought

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He shakily reached his line attaching it to the stallion barely able to keep it out. His body slowly began to change into the mare Dogboots loved so much, red coat with an orange mane a horn began to grow from his head, brilliant blue eyes and a cutie mark resembling a carving tool on the flank. even in a weakened state any changeling can form a perfect copy.

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Nexus awoke to find the familiar sight of the Everfree forest. Sitting up, he looked around the camp he made-its only occupants being him and one select companion-and gave a low groan. Slowly, he got to his hooves, stretching his crystal like bat wings with a satisfying pop. The next thing he popped was the joints in his neck, effectively getting rid of any sort of stiffness in his bones. Looking up, he saw sunlight poking through the many trees, and figured it to be around ten. The fire in the center of the camp died out long ago, leaving only ash in the makeshift pit. He gave a deep sigh, running a jet black hoof through his dark blue Mohawk. 


"Another nightmare. Like my waking life wasn't bad enough..." He mumbled to himself. He started to dawn the light leather armor he had-having decided that his father's Guard armor was too heavy and loud for it to be practical for a scout and infiltrator-taking time to put on the chest piece, leather boots, and gauntlets he was given to substitute for his claws. The gauntlets hid in them blades the size of medium knives, and were wicked sharp. He tied a bandanna around hid neck, the color of it matching his mane, and to finish the suit off, he wore a set of goggles with sky blue lenses to hide his changeling like eyes. Beyond the crystallized wings, with this outfit, he was impossible to tell from a changeling or pony. And really, at this point, he was neither.


He out his saddlebags on last-they being small and lightweight, only meant to carry small amounts of food, materials, and meds, without interfering with stealth and agility-and trotted over to his sleeping companion. He hated to wake her from what appeared tobe a peaceful sleep, but they needed to keep moving.


"Cypriss, wake up." He said plainly, but loudly enough to rouse her.




I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

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At the sound of his voice she jerked awake she spun around eyes wild she pulled her left forehoof forward a blade protruding from a strap attached to her hoof. The blade was pointed toward Nexus but when she saw who had awoken her she relaxed straightening up and fixing her extremely messed up hair, "oh it's just you. Are you ready to go?"

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Nexus had grown accustomed to such reactions, so he didn't even flinch when she pointed a blade at him, and instead, allowed a rather weak chuckle to escape his lips. 


"Yeah, been ready for a while now. Come on, we need to be in Ponyville by nightfall. As long as we don't run into trouble, we should be there in a few hours." Nexus spoke in a low tone, giving his voice an almost depressed feel to it. Ever since his power transfer with Chrysalis, being forced into joining her ranks, and seeing what they did to Parcel...


Nightmares have plagued him for the last week. They usually have different events, but they always end the same-all he knows and cares for destroyed by a doppelganger of himself as a full changeling. With him always powerless to stop it. He has woken up in the middle of the night in cold sweat several times since he was sent to infiltrate Ponyville, and the lack of sleep was beginning to take its toll. He had large bags under his eyes, and the nature of his dreams and current state have left him almost emotionally dead. He moved and acted mechanically, and his voice only ever had a hint of sadness in it. At least he has company. 


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

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She trotted passed him glancing over at his expression before putting out the dieing fire with her bare hoof. His slow decent into depression hadn't concerned her at the beginning but now it had become a problem to the point off her having to keep her line reeled in, something she would've never done before, in case she caught a taste of his negative emotions. She even noticed his physical performance was lacking and they had to stop for camp sooner and sooner each night, if this continued they would be behind schedule which would prove not so good for the blue colt. "We better get moving, knowing this forest I know we'll get slowed down by something and I don't want to camp another night."

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