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private Ponyville-A month later(Action/Adventure)


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He simply nodded his head, pulling a map from his bag and looking over it.


"Well, if we move through along this path here, then through this clearing, we should be able to avoid the wildlife be in Ponyville in about 5 hours." He returned the map and started towards the path in question.


"If we're really luck, maybe I'll be killed by a timberwolf on the way." He muttered under his breath. He turned his head to look at Cypriss.


"Let's get moving. The sooner we get this done, the better."


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In the time she had known Nexus she had come to think of him as the closest thing to a friend she had ever gotten and she had gotten used to they're routine of waking up traveling through undergrowth and thick forest then making camp and going to sleep. But what bothered her the most was the empty silence between them but today she was going to change that, "so tell me something about Ponyville, I'm curious as to what kind of.... town we're going to."

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Nexus looked over to his companion, a changeling he has come to consider a friend, despite her...moral difficulties. He wasn't really in the mood to talk, but he figured it would make the trip much less bracing.


"Don't know much more than you do, I only stayed there for a few days before Virus attacked and turned me into...this." He looked down as he walked, observing the black fur that coated his body, his frown growing deeper.


"Then there was that whole alicorn Corkscrew fiasco, which lead to Parcel getting captured and tortured because I couldn't pick a bucking flower in time..." He was growling at this point, before calming himself, returning to his depressed demeanor.


"From what I've seen, it is a fairly small town with a close knit community and a strong basis of love and friendship." He looked down, his ears flattened against his head.


"Yeah, love and friendship..." He said in a low tone. 


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

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Corkscrew was revealed to see Fire. His words seamed to make him feel better. The alicron was trying to hide his fear.


"I..I'm glad to have you here with me, Now go back to bed. I..I'm fine now. Honest."


Corkscrew laid back down, pretending to sleep to put Fire at ease. "In the morning, I'm going to have a talk with Princess Luna about this." he said sadly



Little Fire


Fire saw Corkscrew trying to hide his fear but he didn't say anything to Corkscrew.


Corkscrew tell Fire he is fine but Fire know he is not fine. Fire huge he one more time and said " Big Brother promised me you be next to me when I wake up" Fire ask him hoping he is the nice brother he still knows.


Fire then close his eyes and fall to sleep. Holding Corkscrew hoof as tight as he can.




Twilight finally come back to the caste she came off the cart and enter the caste. She walk to her room and start to go through her books. Trying to fine anything of Mars in her room but didn't fine anything about Mars in her books.  


Then a purple dragon came out of the bedroom " Twilight I see you back form Ponyville." He was looking at her and ask her " Why are you look at all the books Twilight at this late at night" he ask her.


Twilight look at Spike and tell him " I trying to fine a cure to help Corkscrew to become normal again. But the  books I have do not have it. Maybe the library in the caste may have it" Twilight said and happy tone.


Spike tell her " It may have the cure but I think you need to sleep first and then you can help him out in the morning " he tell her.


Twilight look at " I can't sleep in the time like this Spike Corkscrew need it as fast as possible" she tell him.


He look at her shook his head " Twilight first you need some sleep being tire will not help him and your self if you can't concert what you doing" spike tell her.


Twilight look at him and put down the books she have " You are right Spike I need some sleep and in the morning I well go the library and fine the cure for Corkscrew. And maybe help Fire to get his memory back" she said to him.


" Good Twilight I going back to bed see you tomorrow good night" Then Spike went to bed.


" I think I need to go to bed now to but in the morning I will fine the cure" Twilight thought self. She walk to her bed and take off the crown and want in the bed and close her eyes and want to sleep.

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The changelings face brightened at the prostpect of going some place that had a whole lot of love, she hadn't fed since the unicorn that Nexus had sent back to the villiage they were headed to now. Though Nexus wasn't too keen on feeding upon "innocent" ponies she could tell that even he was getting hungry. She would have to form a plan to slip off and find that unicorn, its love was the most delicious thing she had ever tasted and she wanted more.


"Well if you are not from this town then where are you from?"

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"Macintosh Hills. I lived with my mother and father in the Terra Nova clan until the age of fifteen, when the changelings attacked the Hills and wiped my clan of the map, along with my parents. I have been wandering around, never really staying in one place for too long, ever since." He answered mechanically. He would of sounded sadder about it, but he essentially has numbed himself over the past week. Maybe this would explain why he had such a deep hatred of changelings. 


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She looked over at him a flicker of true sorrow in her eyes before she was only concerned about his physical health but now his mental health was causing her to worry not for the mission but for him, a thought occurred to her, 'what will happen to him once this is all done.' She shook her head knowing that she must not get to attached to him least his fate be the same as Mo's.

She thought about Mo now how she had not been too terribly upset at his death, for several reasons he was to only be her match so as to hold her back from committing any more crimes and he would've waisted a perfectly good meal by killing that Luminati or whatever its name was. The only redeming quality she could think of was that he was a very good captain. Not that Chysalis cared, she had her new pet and his ability but what of Nexus, she wondered, he could control anyone he wanted, that kind of power would go to anyones head.

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Nexus looked over at his travelling companion, and saw what looked like sorrow and concern. If he wasn't wearing goggles. she would of seen a tired, near broken look in his eyes. In hindsight, Nexus was handling things better than most. All that has happened would of broken a lesser pony.  At least Nexus was able to retain some level of sanity and stability. 


"It's ironic really. The same changeling that took my family from me all those years ago ended up stealing my equinity and freedom as well. I guess that's karma for all the killing I've done over the years." He said with a shrug, his monotone voice ever present. 


(Feel free to time skip whenever you feel it appropriate.)


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

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Corkscrew noticed that a shadow had moved in front of his door. Knowing what time it was it could only be one of two ponies. He slowly got up, not to disturb Fire, and headed over to the door. He noticed that it was the pony who he had hoped it was. He dared no to stick his head out in his current state to the guard stationed in front of his room.


"Um...Princess Luna...could you come in here please. I'm...I'm having a situation...it's..it has me...maybe you should just see for yourself."


He waited until she came and the door shut before he revealed himself. His fur an eerie shade of orangeish black.


"I'm afraid! I'm afraid that....that I'm....I had a horrible dream and I woke up looking like this. If it weren't for Fire I though I was going to loose it."

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They had been walking for what seemed like hours when they came to the edge of the Everfree Forest and without missing a beat Cypriss changed into a yellow mare with a purple streaked mane she turned to Nexus now, "i think we should split up we'd cover more ground that way." she tried hiding the small smile crawling its way across her face, she was excited at the thought of hunting again and couldn't wait to start looking for the little unicorn that had tasted so good.

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Nexus looked over to Cypriss, having taken the form of a yellow mare, and nodded his head.


"Remember, we have explicit orders to scout only. We are not to start trouble until given the go-ahead. That means absolutely no feeding unless your're dying." He turned to find them entering the town, and they were about to split up, but once they got into town square...


"What..." Nexus whispered numbly to himself. There, by city hall, was three statues. One was of Corkscrew, the other of Parcel, and the last one of...




Nexus stared, dumbfounded, at the statue of himself. On shaky hooves, he walked over and read the plague.


"To the heroes that gave so much in the defense and preservation of Ponyville, and Equestria." Nexus stared up at his stone doppelganger, before very shakily making his way back out to the outskirts of town, before collapsing onto his knees. 


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

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She was about to wonder off when she heard Nexus say something, thinking he was talking to her she turned around, "what is it?" she followed his eyes to the statue and her mouth fell open after a few moments she regained her composer and trotted over to him.

"wow, that's pretty cool you got your own monument." she smirked putting a hoof to his shoulder guess these ponies have some idea of what they're doing after all. Saying this she walked passed him down one of the streets down Ponyville not knowing exactly where she was going.

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Nexus didn't even acknowledge that Cypriss walked off. He slid his goggles off, letting them rest on top of the bandanna. He let his head rest on the ground, a look of utter misery on his face.


"They...they think I'm a hero. Somepony who died protecting them from a fate worse than death. And now...now I'm here to seal that fate." Saying that, a small amount of moisture formed in his green insect like eyes.


"I should of died that day. I shouldn't be alive. Now I'm an evil queens pet, with only her minion as my only friend, who just left me to go hunt innocents." That small moisture slowly grew, becoming rather noticeable in his eyes. He picked his head up for a second, resting his pack down into his forelegs, his eyes pressed against his black fur.


"I'm sorry, dad." He said, before the barrier he has kept up for so long broke. No sound could be heard until one got within a few feet, and the only indication of life was the jerky movements of his back.


(Emotional writing is always interesting to write.)


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

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@@Skycoaster@@thor9356, @@slimmyjimjim


Plagal Cadence


It was too much for Plagal.  Between accidentally angering the Princess, Dogboots lecturing of said angry Princess, and now the arrival of a changeling (who was apparently a friend?) Plagal's mind was spinning.  He wasn't cut out for dealing with complex social interactions.  He still had no idea what he had gotten himself into, but he was getting himself out of it, and he was going to do it now.


"Eh... heh, heh," he laughed awkwardly, trying to address those around him, "well, it's certainly been... something, but I really must be going.  Do have a... good day."  With that, he made his way out of Corkscrew's house, his current state making it look as though he had had just a bit too much cider.  You know, he thought, some cider would be excellent right now.  Pity it's not the season for it...

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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The stallion couldn't help but smile at the mare. He still missed Rockshire very much and to see her again made the earth pony drop all his anger and hate towards the princess for a few moments. Dogboots soon closed the gap between the two and kissed her. It was only after a few seconds that the stallion could feel his life being drained right out of him, but for some odd reason, he didn't resist.

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Pinkie Pie

"Where you going Plagal? The party is just starting! Oh...OK See you later?"




"Hey DogBoots, are you suppost to turn that color? Ohhhh Boy....this is bad....Where's Twilight or AJ when you need them? Can ether of you hear me?"


Pinkie began pacing the room frantically. "Wait, what if I...No....She looked back to DogBoots.

"Ummm....Ohh, I know may....no that won't work ether...DogBoots? Nice new changeling that DogBoots knows? Ya gotta help me out here."

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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He could feel a smile creep across his face and tried fighting against it, 'no!' he thought 'i can't give into the hunger, this is what she wanted this is what Chrysalis was trying to make me do.'

He closed his eyes tight trying to only take what he needed but then he took a little more then a little more and then more. He wanted to stop but just couldn't until he didn't want to stop and when he got sick of the taste he dropped the stallion cutting the line and stood up a malevolent look in his eyes. A cruel smile was plastered on his face as he walked out of the house looking for his next victim.





She trotted around the small town looking at the different buildings shivering when she saw how tiny some were, pony houses always made her uncomfortable by how closed they were. She had her line out swaying it to each pony she passed but all were emotions she didn't like the taste of, when she wasn't looking she bumped into a blue earth pony with a purple mane and hovered her line over him. His emotion was longing and it's flavor was so tempting she just couldn't resist, attaching her line to him she smiled, "well, hello I'm so sorry, I'm such a clutz sometimes." she blinked her long lashes thanking herself for making such an attractive disguise.


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Nexus slowly got up, his green eyes showing orange rim around them, his bags much larger now. He put his goggles on, and slowly made his way back into town. He couldn't bear to look at that statue, less guilt eat him alive again. 


"You OK, mister?" Nexus turned to face the voice, and found a brown earth pony, a bit slim but taller than him, wearing an identical copy of his current bandanna.  He had a light southern accent. Nexus was thankful for the goggles, as he didn't want his eyes seen for more than the obvious reason.


"Yeah, I'm fine." He answered numbly. A drunken griffon would of been able to see threw that paper thin lie, though.


"Sir, with all do respect, you look like the trottin' dead."


"It's fine really, I don't want to be a burden."

"Nonsense. Ahm always looking to give a helpin' hoof. Now, whats seems to be eatin' ya?" Nexus sighed in resignation, accepting that he would have to tell this stallion SOMETHING.


"Well, I've been travelling for a while, and well, it's been a long and trying road."


"Ah know the feelin'. I used ta travel a lot 'fore settlin' here in Ponyville. Sometimes, things happen on the road that keep ya up at night, ahm I right?"


"Yeah, something like that."


"Well ah think a good long rest will do ya wonders. Where ya staying?


"I haven't figured that out yet."


"Well, if ya ain't got a place to stay, you're more than welcome to stay with me and mah wife.


"That's OK, I wouldn't want to burden you..."


"Ain't no burden. It would be mah pleasure. Me and Gusty love company."


"Well..." Nexus thought for a moment. He did need a place to stay, and he didn't have enough bits for a motel room.


"Would you be able to accommodate a friend of mine as well?"


"Course we could."


"Alright, I guess I'll stay with you and wife until I move on. By the way, I never caught your name."


"Name's Dust. But you can call me Dusty."


"My name is...Axel. Thank you for the hospitality, Dusty."


"Notta problem, Axel. Come on, lemme show ya to mah house." Nexus followed the southerner, eager to get off his hooves and into a bed. Once he got there, he would retrieve Cypriss and call it a day. Sunset was approaching.


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

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Dogboots soon fell to the floor his body was having uncontrollable spasms. The stallion could hardly breathe or feel his limbs. He turned to Pinkie trying to mouth the words help but they wouldn't come out. Eventually tears started rolling down his face. He tried holding a hoof out for help but it seemed almost fruitless.


"Am...Am I going to die? I can't die, not now! Please...don't let me die," 

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Pinkie Pie

"I'm not going to let anypony die. I....I need to find help"


She ran outside to see if anypony was around.

"Dose anypony know what to do when a changeling sucks the life out of somepony!"


It was at that point that she saw a filimar rainbow tail hanging off a cloud.

"Hey Dashie! I have a situation down here.!"


Rainbow Dash

Rainbow flew down to check it out.


"Hey Pinkie, whats up......Wow, DogBoots, you do not look to good. Pinkie, I would say take him to Ponyville hospital, but it's still under repairs from that invasion....Maybe...That's it! Fluttershy may be able to get him back to health. So dose it with animals, why not ponies? or we can try to get him to Canterlot...Dogboots, if you can hear me. If you want to go to Canterlot hospital, blink twice. If you want to try Fluttershy's close your eyes."

"I don't think he has...wait I think I might be able to catch Celestia. I just saw her fly towards Canterlot a little while ago."

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Plagal Cadence


"Heh, heh, not a problem," Plagal said to the mare.  "Honestly, it was probably my fault anyways.  I... have a tendency to get lost in thought, and it's worse at this particular moment.  So, sorry for that."  He was about to turn and walk away, but then realized that he had never seen this particular mare before.  He had to introduce himself, it would be rude not to.  Not to mention, his mind said to him, she's absolutely gorgeous.  Plagal very quickly silenced that voice.  "By the way, I don't believe that we've met.  I'm Plagal Cadence, an instrumental composer from Canterlot.  And, might I ask who you are?"


During all of this, Plagal felt a strange sensation in his mind.  He couldn't quite make it out, though then again, he hardly ever talked to random strangers (particularly ones that were so attractive) on his own until recently, so he assumed that it was merely a side effect.


(OOC: Edited to conform to fix Plagal's reaction to the feeding.)

Edited by Antismurf9001

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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Corkscrew noticed that a shadow had moved in front of his door. Knowing what time it was it could only be one of two ponies. He slowly got up, not to disturb Fire, and headed over to the door. He noticed that it was the pony who he had hoped it was. He dared no to stick his head out in his current state to the guard stationed in front of his room.


"Um...Princess Luna...could you come in here please. I'm...I'm having a situation...it's..it has me...maybe you should just see for yourself."


He waited until she came and the door shut before he revealed himself. His fur an eerie shade of orangeish black.


"I'm afraid! I'm afraid that....that I'm....I had a horrible dream and I woke up looking like this. If it weren't for Fire I though I was going to loose it."




Princess Luna


Luna was walking in the caster on tell she hard a voice coming form the room of Corkscrew and Fire are in. She saw Corkscrew was a confused why is Corkscrew awake but she walk to him. He tell her he as a situation he ask her just see her self and she look at and said " I see um...." Luna look tensity at him.


Luna walk around him and back to the front " I would've never expected you to control your darkness that well" Luna said. " You need not to worry you this supposed to happen. It happen to me to, we was as light as the moon. But the nightmare started to come and one day the nightmare was so bad my coat and main have change forever. I guess it happen to you now you have change now and the last thing is" she pause herself.  


" The last thing, you need to fine out on your own. But do not get afraid you be just fine" Luna tell hoping that well come him down. " Now go to sleep now you need to your rest and hold your brother. With him and your courage you can face your nightmare you well see some thing you well hate and some well not be that bad after. And you well fondly will see the light but it depends on you Corkscrew" With that Luna walk out of the room and said to him. " Good night Corkscrew " Luna walk down the hall way. 

Edited by Fox801
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Luna was walking in the caster on tell she hard a voice coming form the room of Corkscrew and Fire are in. She saw Corkscrew was a confused why is Corkscrew awake but she walk to him. He tell her he as a situation he ask her just see her self and she look at and said " I see um...." Luna look tensity at him. Luna walk around him and back to the front " I would've never expected you to control your darkness that well" Luna said. " You need not to worry you this supposed to happen. It happen to me to, we was as light as the moon. But the nightmare started to come and one day the nightmare was so bad my coat and main have change forever. I guess it happen to you now you have change now and the last thing is" she pause herself. " The last thing, you need to fine out on your own. But do not get afraid you be just fine" Luna tell hoping that well come him down. " Now go to sleep now you need to your rest and hold your brother. With him and your courage you can face your nightmare you well see some thing you well hate and some well not be that bad after. And you well fondly will see the light but it depends on you Corkscrew" With that Luna walk out of the room and said to him. " Good night Corkscrew " Luna walk down the hall way.



"Good night Princess" he said as he slowly walked over to his bed, laying next to Fire.


As he began to drift off to sleep again, his nightmare returned. He was holding little Fire like he was a teddy bear, but not squeezing him. as long as he knew that Fire was by his side, outside of the dream world, nothing would faze him. He was able to tolerate the dream this time, knowing that his brother would never leave him. Luna's words helped him put his mind at ease, for the moment anyway. However he was still afraid of what was to come, and why did she mention what is to come.

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Dogboots blinked twice indicating that he wanted to go to Fluttershy. However, the stallion didn't even know who Fluttershy was, he never met the mare. It was the only option he had to choose anyways considering how embarrassing it would be to be rescued by the princess that he just told off. The earth pony's spasms were only getting worse by the minute.

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The changelings judgment was clouded, as it was every time he fed, but this time was different this time he couldn't see straight his vision blurred and he could see colors of emotions inside ponies bodies, swirling around inside them. but there was something he was looking for but he wasn't sure what, he prowled around the streets for what seemed like far too long when he found it. a bright orange color that seemed to shine. Parcel was in no mood for stealth so he shifted his weight into his haunches and gave a leap into the air pouncing on a brown earth pony that was walking next to somepony he didn't really notice and got ready to sink his fangs into his victims neck.





Cypriss gave a winning smile knowing that she would be able to feed off of this one for a while if she got his spirits up enough, "well, my name is Daffodil, but you know I'm really thirsty how about you?" Her smile only widened at the prospect of having a good meal that she rightfully deserved after spending so much time with mopey, this surely was a good treat for her. "things are finally starting to look up' she thought.


Edited by slimmyjimjim
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