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private Ponyville-A month later(Action/Adventure)


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Dogboots eyes narrowed at Corkscrew after mentioning the guard and the princess. "I'm afraid not Corkscrew. Besides, i've been incredibly busy worrying about Max these past few weeks." He replied to the orange pegasi. The stallion didn't enjoy bringing up Max in coversation but it had been bugging him for a while. "Anyways is there a reason why you ask?" He asked curiously to Corkscrew.



"Oh thank goodness! I may have done something bad when I was in Canterlot......I....I...Do you remember the hole story I told about the love potion prank that was pulled on me at graduation where I was hitting on the princess as I got my certificate? Apparently Celestia wanted to get back at the cadets who did it. She called them all to my assignment meeting and that's when it happened.....Wait, whats wrong with Max?


Corkscrew had forgotten his trouble, for the time being as his face went from stressed to one of concern.


"Is there anything I can do to help? Is there a serous problem? My troubles are nothing compared to what might be at stake here."

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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"Oh thank goodness! I may have done something bad when I was in Canterlot......I....I...Do you remember the hole story I told about the love potion prank that was pulled on me at graduation where I was hitting on the princess as I got my certificate? Apparently Celestia wanted to get back at the cadets who did it. She called them all to my assignment meeting and that's when it happened.....Wait, whats wrong with Max?


Corkscrew had forgotten his trouble, for the time being as his face went from stressed to one of concern.


"Is there anything I can do to help? Is there a serous problem? My troubles are nothing compared to what might be at stake here."


"Max maybe well...is developing a potion addiction. He's been concocting potions like rainbow sight and disorientation then drinks them. He's been drinking more than he's been selling these past few weeks. I've tried telling him but he just tries reassuring me that it's nothing. Either way its got me worried to the point where he's actually mixing potions now. Heh, I sound like a worried mare." He replied to Corkscrew smiling a little bit at what he was saying. 

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"Max maybe well...is developing a potion addiction. He's been concocting potions like rainbow sight and disorientation then drinks them. He's been drinking more than he's been selling these past few weeks. I've tried telling him but he just tries reassuring me that it's nothing. Either way its got me worried to the point where he's actually mixing potions now. Heh, I sound like a worried mare." He replied to Corkscrew smiling a little bit at what he was saying. 




"Potion addiction is nothing to laugh at. One little slip up and who knows what happens. If you want, I can try to have a talk with him and straighten him out. Only thing is, The only way to do it is cold turkey, and who knows how that may go. We just have to think of a way to keep his mind off of them."


He pauses for a moment.


"Are there any hobbies that he likes that we know of that we could use to distract him? Ether that or lock up away for a few days without any potions and see what happens.....I'm kidding, that would just be a last resort."

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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"Potion addiction is nothing to laugh at. One little slip up and who knows what happens. If you want, I can try to have a talk with him and straighten him out. Only thing is, The only way to do it is cold turkey, and who knows how that may go. We just have to think of a way to keep his mind off of them."


He pauses for a moment.


"Are there any hobbies that he likes that we know of that we could use to distract him? Ether that or lock up away for a few days without any potions and see what happens.....I'm kidding, that would just be a last resort."


"Honestly, nothing is coming to mind. It's weird that I should know what he likes to do but it seems that potion making is his only hobby." He said a little depressingly. The stallion had no idea how to help his friend and locking him away for a few days would be the only option.

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"Wait, I'm pretty sure I need a job. And a new home. Wow, how have I forgotten these things," Storm Cliud thought to himself. He was about to take off but then the thought hit him, he needs to make some friends too, so he folded his wings and decided to walk the whole way to city hall.


(This is like the perfect opportunity for anypony to befriend him. And please take it, pweese?)

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As Golden ran, he saw other ponies get off the train. He thought to himself, "Interesting. A bunch of pegasi, an alicorn-that makes two already in this town-that's gotta be a record-a few people looking around Ponyville- eh, maybe I'll talk to them sometime. For now books are more important." He finally reached the library, opened the door...and found himself in heaven. "Wow. This place has everything ever in the history of books." Raising his voice, he continued. "Can I speak with the owner of this library?"

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While walking to the town hall Flare noticed a dark colored pegasus and thought of seeing if it know it's way around here. "Excuse me sorry for interrupting you but do you know where town hall is at oh and my name is Flarebolt what's your name" Flare asked

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Honestly, nothing is coming to mind. It's weird that I should know what he likes to do but it seems that potion making is his only hobby." He said a little depressingly. The stallion had no idea how to help his friend and locking him away for a few days would be the only option.



"If you need backup, I'm willing to go with you. For all we know, He may have created a potion that could be a weapon. All I know is we need to get him off that stuff as soon as possible. Who knows what may happen next. I'll fallow you there. Do you know a good place were we can keep him off that stuff?" 

Edited by Skycoaster (Corkscrew)

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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As Golden ran, he saw other ponies get off the train. He thought to himself, "Interesting. A bunch of pegasi, an alicorn-that makes two already in this town-that's gotta be a record-a few people looking around Ponyville- eh, maybe I'll talk to them sometime. For now books are more important." He finally reached the library, opened the door...and found himself in heaven. "Wow. This place has everything ever in the history of books." Raising his voice, he continued. "Can I speak with the owner of this library?"


Twilight heard a voice in the library she come out of her study room. She tered in to the main lobby of the library. She saw a gray unicorn in the lobby she walk to him and said "Oh hello there how can I halp you sir" she smile. Twilight look at him and noticed a golden horn but not as weard like a Pony Fox.


Star Fire

Whin Star Fire was going to the market place suddenly he saw a unicorn runing to the library. He saw a golden horn on that unicorn. He became intersted on that unicorn he decided to go to the libary to see this golden horn unicorn. He saw him entered the library Star Fire well walk in the the library and saw Twilight talking to him.Star Fire weighted to she finshed talking ot him.


(OOC sorry it take me so loge to post this in haveing my borther. He talk to me and I have a hard time to thing to pote on here.)

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@, @,


Upon hearing Flare speaking to somepony else, Aerial turned her head to see a grey pegasus stallion walking along near them. She turned around and took a step closer to them both. "Hello, my name's Aerial Shot, and I'm guessing you're new to Ponyville, too?"

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((Sorry... I will be posting a lot more actively next week! x3 ))




As Stella flew around her new home, she bumped back into her new friend; Ariel. She heard her asking a question to a grey pegasus who walked next to them. Still in the air, Stella grinned sheepishly. "Sorry Ariel! I didn't mean to bump into you!" She suddenly had an idea... Oh! If I got friendly enough with someone... Maybe we coud rent out a house or something together! It'll be so much cheaper!

~Sig is currently under construction...~


My current OC for roleplays: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/stella-shine-r2971

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@Fire Star (Fox)

"You know what? Is there a section on advanced health, both mental and physical?" Celestia knows I need that right now. "Also, do you know a good place to find a job and a hom? I just thought you would know. You seem knowledgeable." Golden was looking around asas he said this, marveling at the books that were here.

(OOC: how  do you mention someone in a post?)

Edited by golden009
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After Darksun took Rarity back home he took the pets for a walk he left a note on the desk at home for corkscrew saying "I took the pets for a walk ill be back later. And just so you know you left with the kiss on your cheek. Who kissed you? Tell me when you get back. -Darksun.


Darksun left the house with the pets. They went down to the fields so they could play. He had Jingles Ormmar and Pookie and a couple balls of yarn.


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"If you need backup, I'm willing to go with you. For all we know, He may have created a potion that could be a weapon. All I know is we need to get him off that stuff as soon as possible. Who knows what may happen next. I'll fallow you there. Do you know a good place were we can keep him off that stuff?" 


Dogboots pondered Corkscrew's question trying to think of a good spot. "Besides the basement? No where else. I can't think of a good spot to keep that stallion still. For hay's sake even solitary confinement would be a better place." He said jokingly to Corkscrew as he led him to the house.

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Not looking where she was going, Aerial Shot didn't even see Stella until she bumped into her. "Hey, watch where yo- Oh, Stella! Sorry, I didn't see you there," she smiled sheepishly, "Um, we're on our way to town hall to see if we can get houses. You want to come with us?"

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Stella grinned back. "Sorry! Yeah, I sure need to find a house... Hey, who's this guy?" she asked, pointing at the grey stallion. She didn't even think about how rude pointing was and how loud she'd talked. Stella froze as she thought how the pegasus stallion could be insulted, so she quickly turned and gently nudged Aerial forward, towards the dirction of the town hall. "Well we better get going!"


((You active? :3 ))

~Sig is currently under construction...~


My current OC for roleplays: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/stella-shine-r2971

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Max finally awoke. He felt horrible. His stomach was completely drained, his head was throbbing, and every muscle ached. He looked up and say trace amounts of a lime green vomit around the room. Finally getting himself up off the ground, he looked and saw a near full waste bin. Filled to the brim with the sick bile. It gave off a less than pleasant odor, and upon finding a mirror, Max saw that his muzzle was coated in the stuff. He made his way to the bathroom, struggling to stay standing, and washed his face off, splashing the cold water a means to wake himself up. He needed to get something into his system, he went down to the kitchen and grabbed the first bottle of liquid he found, drinking it hastily without looking at the contents. He saw that he drank more RV potion.

"Uh oh. You aren't suppose to drink these on an empty stomach." Max muttered to himself. His eyes returning to a pulsing rainbow color, His vision colored vividly yet again, He stumbled out of his home. He felt very sick in the stomach, but tried to shake it off.


Max spotted what looked like Dogboots and Corkscrew talking about something. Max thought this a perfect chance to take his mind off his nausea, and made his approach. He didn't even notice that his concierge was still covered in lime vomit.

"Hey Dogbo-" was all Max got out before he rushed to a nearby bush and went for round two of the violent upchucking. It was a vivid rainbow color this time, and burned more coming up. It only lasted about 2 minutes before his stomach was pumped dry yet again. Max stumbled back over to the pair, shaking, muzzled again coated in puke.

"S-sorry. Anyway, w-w-what's up?" Max asked in an unstable tone. His eyes returned to there normal blue, only this time they were also bloodshot.


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

Signature by Marco

My OCs:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/max-r2747




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"Yeah, my name is Storm Cloud. I just moved here from Cloudsdale. I also wanna become a Wonderbolt, what about you?" Storm Cloud smiled nicely at Aerial Shot and raised his hoof to shake hooves. He also noticed that his wings were asleep so he flapped them once and a small surge of electricity ran through his wings

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Max finally awoke. He felt horrible. His stomach was completely drained, his head was throbbing, and every muscle ached. He looked up and say trace amounts of a lime green vomit around the room. Finally getting himself up off the ground, he looked and saw a near full waste bin. Filled to the brim with the sick bile. It gave off a less than pleasant odor, and upon finding a mirror, Max saw that his muzzle was coated in the stuff. He made his way to the bathroom, struggling to stay standing, and washed his face off, splashing the cold water a means to wake himself up. He needed to get something into his system, he went down to the kitchen and grabbed the first bottle of liquid he found, drinking it hastily without looking at the contents. He saw that he drank more RV potion.

"Uh oh. You aren't suppose to drink these on an empty stomach." Max muttered to himself. His eyes returning to a pulsing rainbow color, His vision colored vividly yet again, He stumbled out of his home. He felt very sick in the stomach, but tried to shake it off.


Max spotted what looked like Dogboots and Corkscrew talking about something. Max thought this a perfect chance to take his mind off his nausea, and made his approach. He didn't even notice that his concierge was still covered in lime vomit.

"Hey Dogbo-" was all Max got out before he rushed to a nearby bush and went for round two of the violent upchucking. It was a vivid rainbow color this time, and burned more coming up. It only lasted about 2 minutes before his stomach was pumped dry yet again. Max stumbled back over to the pair, shaking, muzzled again coated in puke.

"S-sorry. Anyway, w-w-what's up?" Max asked in an unstable tone. His eyes returned to there normal blue, only this time they were also bloodshot.





"You were right DogBoots. He's a mess. What do you want to do about him?"


Corkscrew goes over to Max.


"Hey buddy, can you here me? You look like you haven't slept in days. You almost look like you need a vacation there Max."


Corkscrew looks back at DogBoots. 


"You were right. We need to do something about his, and fast. Do you have any suggestions or to you just want to wing it?"


Corkscrew lets out a slight chuckle.


"Get it? Wing it because Max and I are..... Never mind. Anyhow, what do you want to do?"

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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"Get it? Wing it because Max and I are..... Never mind. Anyhow, what do you want to do?"



Dogboots cracked a smile at the pun but soon threw it out of his mind and focused on the situation. "I say tie him to a tree and wait a few days." He said bluntly looking at the messy pegasi. Dogboots did care about Max but when he was like this he couldn't help but be blunt. "Either way, we don't have enough ponies to pull off an intervention and we don't have many options. Still, something is better than nothing. We could admit him into an asylum but the closest one is in Canterlot and neither you or I don't want to drag him kicking and screaming." He said trying to look over what options they could try but there wasn't much to go with.

Edited by thor9356
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"You were right DogBoots. He's a mess. What do you want to do about him?"


Corkscrew goes over to Max.


"Hey buddy, can you here me? You look like you haven't slept in days. You almost look like you need a vacation there Max."


Corkscrew looks back at DogBoots. 


"You were right. We need to do something about his, and fast. Do you have any suggestions or to you just want to wing it?"


Corkscrew lets out a slight chuckle.


"Get it? Wing it because Max and I are..... Never mind. Anyhow, what do you want to do?"



Max didn't notice at first Corkscrew approaching at first. But he eventually looked over at the orange stallion after he started talking.

"Hmm...Oh I am uhh...I'm fine. Never better. Everything is-is pai-fine. I meant fine. You worry too much." Max said, putting a hoof on Corkscrew's shoulder.

"Thanks for the concern though." Despite his protests, Max was not fine. His muzzle and concierge coat were drenched in vomit, every muscle ached badly, and his head was throbbing. Plus, he felt drained of energy and his stomach cramped at its vacancy.



Dogboots cracked a smile at the pun but soon threw it out of his mind and focused on the situation. "I say tie him to a tree and wait a few days." He said bluntly looking at the messy pegasi. Dogboots did care about Max but when he was like this he couldn't help but be blunt. "Either way, we don't have enough ponies to pull off an intervention and we don't have many options. Still, something is better than nothing. We could admit him into an asylum but the closest one is in Canterlot and neither you or I don't want to drag him kicking and screaming." He said trying to look over what options they could try but there wasn't much to go with.

Max could only faintly hear what was being said, and he kept getting glances.

"What is that about a tree? Is there a protest? I should grab a Laughs-a-lot potion before I head over there. Unstoppable laughter will surely throw them off" Max's stomach growled loudly at the moment, almost on cue. 

"But first I should eat...and shower." He said with a nervous laugh.


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

Signature by Marco

My OCs:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/max-r2747




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Dogboots cracked a smile at the pun but soon threw it out of his mind and focused on the situation. "I say tie him to a tree and wait a few days." He said bluntly looking at the messy pegasi. Dogboots did care about Max but when he was like this he couldn't help but be blunt. "Either way, we don't have enough ponies to pull off an intervention and we don't have many options. Still, something is better than nothing. We could admit him into an asylum but the closest one is in Canterlot and neither you or I don't want to drag him kicking and screaming." He said trying to look over what options they could try but there wasn't much to go with.




Corkscrew called DogBoots over so that Max wouldn't here what he had to say.


"What are your thoughts on..... brocading his lab and just keeping him busy for a while. Keeping him as far away from that lab as possible and locking it up for a few days. That might do the trick. I would kind of feel bad to tie somepony up like that. Other than that there is always Alicorn Magic. I can see what DarkSun or Celestia.......Oh crap. Forget that I mentioned Celestia."


Corkscrew looked at Max who was in shambles. 


"Um, Max....Do you want to come over to my place? We are having a.....Party...Yea that's it....A party!"


Corkscrew looked to DogBoots and winked.


"If we can keep his mind off of potions, and show him he can function and enjoy himself without them, will be the best way. Get a pad lock and lock up his lab just to make sure though."

Edited by Skycoaster (Corkscrew)

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Corkscrew called DogBoots over so that Max wouldn't here what he had to say.


"What are your thoughts on..... brocading his lab and just keeping him busy for a while. Keeping him as far away from that lab as possible and locking it up for a few days. That might do the trick. I would kind of feel bad to tie somepony up like that. Other than that there is always Alicorn Magic. I can see what DarkSun or Celestia.......Oh crap. Forget that I mentioned Celestia."


Corkscrew looked at Max who was in shambles. 


"Um, Max....Do you want to come over to my place? We are having a.....Party...Yea that's it....A party!"


Corkscrew looked to DogBoots and winked.


"If we can keep his mind off of potions, and show him he can function and enjoy himself without them, will be the best way. Get a pad lock and lock up his lab just to make sure though."

"A party huh? That sounds...fun." Max's voice still matched his movement: Shaky, unstable, and on the verge of collapse.

"I should wash up first. Maybe grab a few potions for the occasion..." Max was still oblivious to his unwavering dependency on potions. Luckily, he hasn't been addicted enough for any prolonged mental or physical effects. But he needed to get help soon.


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

Signature by Marco

My OCs:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/max-r2747




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Flare continued towards town hall seeing different types of ponies with different types of personalites. "Wow this place sure is lively" Flare said as he finally arrived at town hall. "Ok now who do I speak to about getting a house" Flare said before he almost dropped all of his stuff

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"A party huh? That sounds...fun." Max's voice still matched his movement: Shaky, unstable, and on the verge of collapse.

"I should wash up first. Maybe grab a few potions for the occasion..." Max was still oblivious to his unwavering dependency on potions. Luckily, he hasn't been addicted enough for any prolonged mental or physical effects. But he needed to get help soon.



"Yes, a party, but first lets get you something to eat, My treat!"



Corkscrew looks to DogBoots.


"I'll take care of this. You lock the place up."


Corkscrew helps Max up. 


"You know, there is great deal on lunch specials at my favorite restaurant in Ponyville, but we got to hurry."


Corkscrew motions to DogBoots. 


"We can't let him in that house, or he'll think something is up. Do you know if there's a hose around here?"


Corkscrew sprays Max off and then helps him to the restaurant.

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