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private Ponyville-A month later(Action/Adventure)


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Cypriss was confused and looked back at Mo to see him smiling but it was his "I just stepped in something but I'm going to pretend I think it's funny" smile. This she recognized so well but didn't say anything about it instead she said, "you know this guy?"

She saw Mo look from corkscrew to Nexus and then take a step closer to Cypriss wrapping his paper thin wing up her back and around her neck. "Why of coarse I have yet to thank you for our last meeting, I'm so glad to see you're alright." His voice was smooth and slick like silk and his tone indicated that he wasn't pleased in the least.

The thing that confused her the most was his wing on her back this was an unnecessary display of effection that shouldn't have been done in public, but why was he doing this now, she wondered, why was he acting like a husbamd like some pony being all comfortable with her.

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Hmm, I am going to assume match means that she has been put into an arranged marriage of some description, maybe just for the sake of reproduction. That is going to complicate things going forward. He also seems to be showing a sudden and odd amount of affection in the presence of Corkscrew. Perhaps he's jealous, or protective. Do these two even love each other? I could check...No, they may sense it. I think. It isn't like they know what being fed on is like. I may investigate later...wait, why do I even care? I...don't know. Eh, I'll chalk it up to curiosity. I think. I hope.


"I think we should let these two sort it out, Cypriss. We need to depart immediately. I only have three days until Parcel...Boon is killed, so we have no time to waste. Luminari, Cypriss, let's move out." He said, gesturing to the exit of the castle ruins.


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

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Luminari hung back unsure of what was going on, for the moment she was being more drawn back than usual. She felt terrible about giving their position away sure that she would make an aweful soldier, she couldn't believe that she couldn't do the one thing she had done almost her entire life and she felt more than a little sick. When Nexus beckoned for them to leave she abliged smiling a little in relief happt that they were leaving a tense and awkward situation between Corkscew and Mo.




Cypriss looked at Mo who nodded as if in comfirmation that she could leave which she didn't need, she was going to go whether he liked it or not. And she followed after Nexus feeling disgruntled to think he could tell her what to do like he owned her, Cypriss decided to settle it with him later.

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The squad of three exited the castle ruins, and made there way deeper into the Everfree Forest. A few minutes passed in silence, before Nexus decided to make conversation to pass the time.


"So, Cypriss," He said without looking away from the path.


"What's the story between you and Mo? I'm assuming that match means couple, am I right?"


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

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"Not exactly, they aren't like pony relationships it's more like a partnership. See, changelings are in capable of reproducing only the queen can do that, but Chrysalis cannot train all of those young changelings so each year before she lays her eggs every changeling is put into a pair. Each pair has a changeling that represents a female and a changeling that represents a male this match will then teach two hatchelings the ways of changeling life. But me and Mo were just matched we haven't even been bonded yet, I don't really know much about him just that he's the captain of the changeling guard."

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"Bonded? So, nothing is set in stone? Interesting. Truth be told, your the first changeling I have encountered that had a noticeable slant in gender. I was unaware changelings had genders until today. Maybe the soldiers and infiltrators aren't suppose to have distinguishable gender? Also, I noticed Mo being rather possessive of you back there. If you aren't bonded yet, why is he already acting like an overbearing husband?"


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

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As the three depart,  Corkscrew waves half halfheartedly. "You three have fun now..."


 His attention fixed on Mo.


"Alright? Alright! Do you have any idea what I've been through the past few days?" He said angerly. "Let's see...Oh yea. First you almost kill me, than I get my love fed on by some parasite, and that's not even the best part. After that, I grow this thing!" as he points a hoof to his head, "and go pure evil for a day, now I'm an alicorn....so yea. Did you have any fun since I knocked your flank out in that cave?"

Edited by Skycoaster (Corkscrew)

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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"Sounds like the prince and princess are too busy to teach the denizens and what do you mean crystal ponies are an offshoot of earth ponies? Are you saying that the crystal empire was originally founded by earth ponies?" He asked in a curious tone. The stallion would be surprised though if that were the case. The earth ponies actually carving out their own civilization and then evolving somehow to Crystal Ponies.

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"Well, there are a number of theories involving how precisely it happened. I for one favor the theory that the events of 'Hearth's Warming Eve' (as absolutely changed up as they are) hold a grain of truth, but that it was a mass exodus of ponies to a warmer land after a climate shifting, with Wendigos simply following the cold as basic predators. A number of Earth ponies, unable to follow due to the extreme stress of such a journey for someone without the ability to fly or use magic, stayed behind to try and survive. Naturally it was only the beginning of the change, but I suggest what happened was that they found the crystal, which allowed them to channel the internal earth pony magic. Hundreds and thousands of years passed, and a symbiotic evolution eventually lead to the Crystal ponies, specially evolved to utilize the channeling effects of the crystals."


During this explanation, Frayed Logic's hunger started to get the best of him, and he began eating more and more of the donuts quicker and quicker, outright swallowing the last one in a bite and a half. It was almost humorous: the sheer desire of him to expound and explain  while still hungry enough to desperately eat caused a total conflict of interests.

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"So if these crystals possess magic properties, would it be safe to assume that Equestria is also taking an interest in these artifacts as well? So that they could increase their magic potential? You'll have to forgive me for my lack of knowledge in this subject, by the way," He stated before reaching into the box to grab another donut, only to find that it was empty.

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"You could assume that, but I doubt that. Ever since the Elements of Harmony become controlled by Equestria, they've not been too interested increasing their power in general. They do control the most powerful magic in Equestria. If anybody gets a bigger hoof, they are going to have quite the nasty time trying to catch up."

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"I wasn't talking about the Elements. The Elements are a deterrent for Equestria really, there's no need to improve their magic. Though I'm sure it would be of interest to Celestia and Twilight Sparkle. Both hold an interest in magic as you may have already known," He refuted.

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"In that case," Frayed Logic was thoughtful. "Our greatest asset there is the library. It managed to hold all of it's information through the reign of Discord, the reign of Sombra, and the thousand-year sealing. It holds a great many secrets. But they would  never ask such a thing. It would be a diplomatic nightmare, all told. Nor do we know all the information contained within."

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She cringed at the wors husband not used to hearing the pony words and she let out a deep sigh, "I don't know, like I said I don't really know him that well and changelings don't really need to show affection so him doing that was really unnecessary. I don't know what I was doing but I could definately feel jelousy from him." Indeed Cypriss kept her line out most ofbthe time, most changelings did, and now it was out slowly flicking in the air mainly hovering over the unaware Luminari. Never feeding only feeling.




A smirk crawled across his face happy to hear that the parasite made it in, "well, as far as I can tell the horn thing plays in your favor, and besides I'd love, love, love to stay and chat but I need to go now." He waved a hoof at Corkscrew turning to walk away.

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Nexus had his line out, and had it hovering above his head. As far as he could tell, only changelings can see lines.


"Ponies tend to get jealous when there dominance is challenged. I don't know. Maybe he loves you. Maybe. I didn't feel any love, just jealousy." With a deep sigh, he brought his line-a blue strand of energy-into his field of vision.


"Everything that's happened to me...my family, Virus, this transformation, and now I am doing the queens dirty work...I don't know, it just feels unreal. Doubly so considering that I died. I died when Virus did, and if my line didn't attach to Boon, I would of stayed dead. Maybe...maybe it would of been better for me to die there. A heroes death. Now I am going to hurt the ponies I fought and died protecting. I guess my only consolation is that not all changelings are bad. You seem alright." The hunter brought a hoof up and felt the line. It felt warm, like a tentacle.


"Sorry. I'm just rambling at this point. You probably don't care about the 'halflings' hangups."


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

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Corkscrew looks at the changeling caption with a dirty look. Not being able to feel love was taking hold even more. Seeing the changeling that helped do this to him had him depressed. As Mo left, he began the slow walk out of the ruins.

@@Antismurf9001, @Fluttershy
As Corkscrew left, he saw that Fluttershy had waited for him. He held his head down in shame. Though he was no longer a Nightmare, he still was quite a bit larger, and the horn remained. He was ashamed by what he had done.

"Hello Fluttershy." He said in a depressed voice. "Let's get you home, than I can drown my sorrow in Ponyville. Do you think you friend Rairty could make me a cloak. I..I don't want anypony to see me like this, not after what I have done."

Edited by Skycoaster (Corkscrew)

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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"That depends on who, "they" is. Do you mean the crystal ponies or Princess Cadence? Regardless, As long as life is good over there then I shouldn't have much to worry about. Still, the theory that earth ponies were able to evolve into a race that can use magical artifacts its quite fascinating. Almost sounds too good to be true," He grinned. The stallion had traveled all across Equestria and to hear this, made him want to leave Ponyville and see the Crystal Empire for himself.

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"It's quite the fascinating experience yes, which is why people have made the Crystal Empire the booming tourist industry of today.  But the Crystal ponies are scared. Most of them refuse to leave the area protected by the Crystal Heart, we've had no luck reforming the Knights for the purposes of defending anyplace else, and the odds of us regaining any territory at all is low. Frayed was deeply concerned by this knowledge: you could see it on his face. "We rivaled Equestria for size at one point. Seven kingdoms gave up their autonomy willingly to be our territories, including the Griffon Kingdom! Now we're just a tourist trap in the northern wastes."

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Cypriss watched Nexus quizzicaly only seeing him feel the air infront of him not able to see his or other changelings lines only her own. She let out a laugh when Nexus said he thought she was "alright" thinking back to her time in the hive, she was a criminal even in the changeling world, looking out for no one else but herself. Infact the reason she was matched with Mo was so that he could calm her down but she wasn't planning on giving up so easily. "Well that's impossible for Mo to be in love because changelings don't fall in love everyone knows that even Boon..."




'Parcel' Cypriss stopped and looked at the unicorn, "wha-" she began to say but was cut off when more words appeared 'his name is Parcel' then more ' and he can love' Cypriss smirked, "look little pony I know you think you know him but he's been Boon for a lot longer than he's had that stupid name besides did you even know that he was matched before he left?" Luminari said nothing only stared at her in disbelief and Cupriss continued, "didn't think so wow falling in love with a changeling your parents must be so proud." Cypriss sneared and then Luminari woke up out of the shock 'my parents are dead'

Now Cypriss having only two possible parental figures Chrysalis (who she saw as a creator) and the changelings who raised her ( who she saw as teachers) she could not even begin to understand that kind of pain so she only drew back and walked ahead.

Luminari on the other hand only looked at Nexus and gave a weak smile.

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"Cypriss, changelings can fall in love. I don't know what the queen has told you, but I've seen it. I have seen happy changeling/pony couples. And I know they loved each other, because when I killed one, the other died as well. It's what happens when a changeling bonds with another being in that nature. Or so I have observed." He turned his head to face her, but kept walking.


"No matter what you could of done, know that at least you aren't a murderous sword for hire. From what interaction I have had with you, you seem better than other changelings. Like for instance, you didn't murder me, or snarl or hiss, and in fact tried to save my life. Then you put up with my condescending attitude with little but a blow to the ground, which I deserved." Nexus started twirling his line around absentmindedly. 


"Feel free to double check with your line of you think I'm BSing."


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

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"Honestly, that's not bad. If anything that's a starting point. First off you would need to sponge as much money from the tourists over time and as soon as you have enough money, you could invest in rebuilding your armed forces. Not only that but with the Captain of the Royal Guard there as prince. It wouldn't surprise me if he trained his new army. After that it shouldn't be difficult taking over the other kingdoms. Problem is that your, "rulers" aren't ones for domination or war. However, that's how I would do things if I wanted to return my country to its former glory," He explained to the crystal pony before realizing what he had just said. It was a bit of a bad habit the stallion had. He knew ways on how he could topple Celestia and create his own version of Equestria.


"Err...sorry about that. I tend to over think things a little..." He said in an embarrassed tone.


((OOC: Sorry about not posting, I've had a real bad migraine for the past 2 days now.))

Edited by thor9356
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Frayed Logic arced a single eyebrow, suddenly doubting the good intent of his new employer, but he chose to ignore it. "The Crystal Empire's method of 'conquest', if you could use such a term to designate our methodology, has been culture. Our armed forces is primarily for defense. While yes, we could use our crystal to rather easily destroy our opposition and expand, that's rather foolish. I'm not sure if we could stand up against three alicorns and the Elements of Harmony even with the Crystal Heart and the greatest military mind in Equestrian history. After all, Sombra tried that. Not to mention that war between equally leveled powers only leads to extreme pain for everyone involved." Best to keep an eye on this pony. He had no idea what he had gotten himself into. 

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"Sorry if that made you feel awkward in anyway, It's just that I...don't hold a real high regard for Royalty or Noble families for that manner," He explained after noticing Frayed's facial response to what he had just said. The stallion felt embarrassed beyond belief, he had let a portion of his dark side out in front of this pony that he hardly knew.

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"A-alright..." Frayed Logic stuttered. "As long as you aren't actually planning rebellion or anything. I don't think the idea of monarchy is universally beneficial or anything, but the alicorns seem to have been specifically ordained by cosmic forces for their roles, and their role has never strayed us wrong. Until events conspire to render them incapable rulers, it just simply makes sense to maintain their rule. If the people were to choose we would choose them again and again regardless." It wasn't as though Frayed had never thought about it: self-governance had been done by the ponies before, but the appearance of the alicorn rulers power had just been naturally ceded to them eventually. There were systems in place for the rule of the people to become heard, on local levels and with several petitioning systems, but rarely was any massive upheaval needed.

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As Corkscrew left, he saw that Fluttershy had waited for him. He held his head down in shame. Though he was no longer a Nightmare, he still was quite a bit larger, and the horn remained. He was ashamed by what he had done.




"Corkscrew!" Fluttershy said excitedly as she saw her friend leave the ruins.  "Corkscrew, you're... you're orange again!  I'm so happy for you!"  She noticed that he still had the horn and was quite a bit taller than he used to be, but none of that mattered.  He was no longer the big, scary, evil-looking alicorn; he was just a big alicorn, and maybe only a little bit scary.  Her excitement faded though when she noticed that Corkscrew didn't seem quite as happy.


"Hello Fluttershy." He said in a depressed voice. "Let's get you home, than I can drown my sorrow in Ponyville. Do you think you friend Rairty could make me a cloak. I..I don't want anypony to see me like this, not after what I have done."


Fluttershy wasn't sure what to say.  How could she make Corkscrew feel better?  Oh... If only Twilight were here, she thought, she always knows what to say.  "Y-yeah, I'm sure Rarity could make you a cloak..." she managed.  "But I don't see why you're so sad.  You didn't do anything wrong.  None of what happened was your fault."

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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