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private Mlp: Black Death

Jack Baker

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Kazas looked at vaas's trembling form. He was losing blood very fast. If Kazas didn't act, vaas would die. Kazas looked at raze, then at vaas. Kazas deicided.


" sorry raze... But I'm not going to let him die." Kazas's flames took control of his body, he grabbed vaas's throat, and cauterized the slit. Kazas then put his other claw on vaas's forheaf, and began the transfer of life energy again. He talked to vaas. " even if you were the devil... I'd still forgive you. You're my friend and Diego's as well. After this, it's deicided. You're living with Diego and I, provided he wants to go to be with his family. No choice." Kazas smiled. When the transfer was done, Kazas stood, and limped between vaas and raze, who had looked at Kazas with disgust.


" sorry raze... I just can't let him die... Stand down... He's offered his life and payed the price. If you want him..... Then come for him... But I won't make it easy if you do. I protect my friends until the end! Vaas... I never betrayed you... I was only worried. Now... Raze, make your choice. Take a defenseless life and listen to your bloodlust again, or walk the path of a master of his own mind and walk away?"


( sorry I have a guilty concious. Can't let PD go to early. That would be mean XD)

Edited by Dirge of souls

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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((Ooc:Damn it all!))


"Hmph," Raze said. "I was going to kill him for the sake of not compromising the mission, and, well, other things. If you really think he's your friend, then you must have a twisted version of friendship. Whatever..."


"Heyheyheyheyheyhey, hey!!!" The other Raze appeared from out of nowhere, standing next to the real one. "Where's the killing, why ain't he dead?!"


"Shut up," Raze said to his counterpart. "If the griffon wants to keep him alive, then let him. It won't be my fault though whenever he turns on us all.."


The other Raze scratched his head, then shrugged. "Alright, whatever you say, man. It ain't my decision to make anyway..."


"What?! What the hell do you mean?!"


"Come on, man, I was just coaxing you to do it! It was all on you when you wanted to kill him anyways. I'm just like your road dog, following your ass around, you know?!"


The real Raze sighed. "Whatever.."


The other Raze yawned. "Anyway, I'm not one for drama, so I'll see you later!" Raze blinked, and he was gone.


Raze looked at Vaas again. "Reflect on what I said earlier. Now's your time to do what's right. I suggest you take it..."

Edited by ~Twisted Genius~

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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Diego nodded at the griffon, then concentrated once more. This had to end, one way or another, here. There was no use in them all fighting one another, when they had a far worse enemy in this land. "Do you not remember the necromancer?" Diego yelled. "If he could see this happening right now, and it's possible that he can, he would be hugging himself in joy at seeing us destroy each other! It means he can continue his work and do just what he likes, without fear of retribution coming up behind him!"


The chaos mage also had that nagging instinct in his head that the necromancer was his father and wanted the confrontation to happen. As long as Raze and Vaas were fighting each other, and drawing in every other pony in the company into their fight, then the true purpose of the mission would never be met. They would destroy each other, and it would be all for nothing, in the end. The plague would continue if its source was not broken.


Diego's horn glowed once more, and he flung a bolt of magic at Vaas. It was not magic designed to hurt; it was, in fact, the same spell he had sent towards the Ursa. It was a spell designed to send anything, from Ursa to pony, into a deep, peaceful sleep, with restful dreams. There was no doubt in Diego's mind right now that this was what Vaas needed more than anything at the moment.

  • Brohoof 1



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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((OOC: Seems I'm still around somehow. Third time is the charm right?))


Vaas passed out out do to Diego's magic. Laying peacefully on floor, but his face show signs of disappointment and regret.


Raze you killed somepony who surrendered you have lost all my respect. Kazas you attack my weak points to help Raze win...Hopefully obtaining more power I will unlock something that could wipe my memories from my mind. I would be heartless nothing would stop me from killing everypony in Equestria. I have a feeling once I wake up I will be in chains. I wll not face Celestia for my actions here. I won't even return for my pay. The profit of this mission seems to be srinking to something that's not even worth the trouble anymore. Next time we fight Raze I'll remember what you did to me as I surrenedered. I will show the same to you, but my style is more like ripping each hoof slowly and the most painful way. I wll rip your heart out and make you hold it as you bleed out. Nothing will stop my rage towards you next time...not even winter or anything from my past! He thought as he was sleeping.

  • Brohoof 2


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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Resh grinned as he was released from the unconscious form of Vaas' body. "Well, then, I guess that I should follow through, eh?" He shouted to the others. He quickly slashed his blade across White's throat.


It made it halfway across her throat, when, energized by adrenaline  she blocked the blade, spun around, and bucked him straight into the forest, taking down a couple dozen trees. "Heh... take that, daemon." She whispered. Then she seemed to notice the blood oozing down her throat. She collapsed, hooves to her throat, trying to keep her windpipe sealed.


The Jester sighed. "Y'know. I can't even do anything anymore. Like some above force thinks I'm overpowered or something." He shook his head. "Ah, well. We didn't kill that daemon, and we still have that necromancer. And the bandits are kept at bay. So... that's good I've still got opportunity." He then noticed White Rose convulsing. "What?!?" He sprinted over, as well as the White Darkness- Shadow Seer was still slowly regaining consciousness- and they cauterized the wound, healed the windpipe and artery, and sealed the wound with magic. The Jester stood up with the unconsious forms of Shadow Seer and White Rose. "Too many people are getting hurt today... let's get going. Though I suggest that we stop for the day before we enter the village."

Edited by Thunder Knight
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" I agree. Diego, lets go. I'll carry vaas. The daemon seems to be gone from his body..." Kazas took vaas's sleeping body and slung him over his shoulder to carry him. " jester, and all of the others that aren't hurt, I have a favor to ask. Before we were attacked by the large group of bandits, I was serving rear guard for the group. I was attacked by two ponies. One I slew, and the other, I left trapped in my weighted chain, tangled by the legs. I hit him hard enough that he should still be out. If you don't mind... Could you retrieve this pony for me? I have my hands full at the moment. He may very well have useful information for us. Can you do this for me? Diego and I will watch over the injured. This pony may have useful information for us."


Kazas spoke to Diego. " hey, do you think you can help me with the unconcious? We need to set up camp. Lets get our tents ready, as well as theirs."


Kazas laid vaas's body on the ground, his head propped up by a tree, and started to pitch the tents. He then remembered vaas's scythe. " dammit..." Kazas mumbled. " better get that thing back."


" Diego, I'll be back shortly. There is something I must retrieve."


Kazas went back to the area of previous engagement and found vaas's scythe. He picked it up, and felt a surge of sadness and grief. " is this always what vaas feels....?" He heard a female voice. Soft. It reminded him of snow for some reason. It spoke one phrase to Kazas, then no aura eminated from the scythe.


.'" Thank you for saving vaas. Keep him safe.'"


Kazas felt shocked. Was this winter? Or someone else? Either way, it saddened Kazas, but he was going to bring the weapon back to vaas. He returned to the camp, putting the scythe near vaas's tent. Kazas continued setting up camp. When he was done, he and Diego laid seer, rose, and vaas in their respective tents.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Raze looked around, and saw that White was bleeding from her throat.


"Damn it all!" Raze said as he saw what had happened.


We can't go on like this. We need to set camp here again until morning. Damn it, this is the second time in a row this shit has happened, and if this keeps up, we'll all be dead before we even reach the necromancer!


He walked over to a tree, and sat down, once again trying to sort out his thoughts...


I've lost control again, Vaas is sure to strike another fight with me, and for the rest... once again, it's come to this point. Nothing's changed... I'm still the cold-blooded monster that I always was...


He looked at the unconscious bodies of Seer and White. He shook his head.


We're not getting anywhere with this. The necromancer might as well kill us now, get it over with! He found himself getting a headache. Dammit, I'm getting frustrated... He stood up, and walked up to Kazas.


"Hey, Kaz," Raze said to him. "As much as you think Vaas is your friend, I need you to help me restrain him, so he doesn't try anything stupid..."


He then walked over to the Jester and White Darkness, who was trying to set up camp.

"How do you think they'll fare with the wounds they've suffered?

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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Kazas was slightly repulsed by the idea. " look... I can see your point. But that would just piss him off even more. If we can't learn to trust each other, then we might as well die in vain without the mission being completed. Let a man be without his problems for a while. He did just offer his life to you... And in a roundabout way, you took it. I don't know what set him off, but I think that damn daemon lord had something to do with it. We should hunt him..., not our own... If he does do anything stupid, I realize I'm fully responsible and I'll gladly accept death as reprecutions for my actions.,, but I still believe he's got good in him. And you know me, I never give up on a soldier."


Kazas pulled out a journal, a quill, and ink and sat on a stump in the camp. He called to raze. " by the way, how's your aura? Had it spoken to you yet? I wouldn't know because only you can see whatever it is. Just wondering. As for the others, give them time to recover. They'll hold up just fine."


Kazas then started to write about the days events in his journal, while keeping an eye on everyone in the camp. " no casualties... Yet. Good."

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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"Alright. Whatever you say..." Raze said. "Dammit, it feels like I'm slowly losing control of myself, everyday this goes on. And you know what? I feel helpless to do anything. I'm a monster, just like Vaas, only worse..."


He looked at Kazas. "Look, I gotta go. I should probably see how the casualties are doing, just because. I'll see you later..."


He walked over to the tent where White Rose and Seer were, went inside, and sat down next to an unconcious White.


This is partially my fault. I couldn't do anything for her, and she almost died becuase if my helpless position. Fuck... FUCK!


He held his head in frustration...


"No..." Raze said to himself. "I will finish this shit... I won't succumb to anything, not even death himself!"


For a while, he sat there, in total silence. Then suddenly, he saw his aura manifestation appear from nowhere.


"He-hey! How you holding up?"


Raze looked at his counterpart. "Not now, okay? I'm in a bit of a rut, no thanks to you..."


"Hey man, I'm just trying to help my buddy... aka you... out a bit alright? If you keep being so morbid about it, I might have to stop following your funky ass around, you got that?"


"Just go away for now, alright?"


The other Raze frowned a bit. "Alright then, cya!" He disappeared once more...

Edited by ~Twisted Genius~
  • Brohoof 1

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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Jester shrugged. "I don't know. Shadow'll be alright, but we'll need to keep an eye on her for corruption for the next few days... White... not sure. Hope that blade didn't do anything stupid like shatter, or pierce the windpipe on the other side. She's out for a couple days, and when we get back, she'll probably have to have some kind of surgery to remove possible shrapnel, but she'll live and continue to fight." He grimanced. "At least she actually got to fight real targets and not bandits or clones made out of smoke."


White slowly began to regain consciousness. He blinked, focusing her eyes. "Hey there, Raze." She sat up a little bit and massaged her neck. "I was caught off guard, I guess... again." She shook her head. "I feel useless."


White Darkness was watching the village. It was dark and gloomy and.... something felt wrong about it. Like it wasn't supposed to be there of natural means. Somehow... somehow... someHOW! That was it!  No wonder this town would be corrupted, cause Vaas and Diego- both who have connections to chaos energy- to become evil, and all of the strange stuff I've noticed in the Everfree. This entire city...

Is a sitting on top of a sealed rift to Tartarus. And someone's trying to break that seal.



Meanwhile, beyond Equestria...

Resh- his main essence, anyways- was still in Tartarus. He had received a mission from the Great Chaotic One, High Daemon Lord Void, to destroy the town and re-open the rift. Which he planned to do anyways. So, not only did he get rewarded double he was able to do, he was able to get rewarded twice for the same thing. Maybe even becoming a High Daemon Lord, like Void. That would make his day. To be able to boss around his peers, like that upstart, Ros'Kan. He believed the way to do it was to create the plague virus- which was bogus. It would only draw guards to the one place they didn't want infected- or attacked. Of course, he was ignored, and the Cursed One, Celestia, had seen it coming and sent mercinaries, including the feared Daemontouched. Off their game, he reckoned, but then again, this was the first major Chaos attack in years. Of course they'd need time to get used to actualy combat again. He expected a challenge the next time he met them. Then there was the Phoenix spirit. They had a grudge, going over 2000 years back. He was just about to be reborn, too, the Celestia created the gate and put the Daemonhunter dog there- the one that could destroy escapees with a touch- and locked him away again. He could find a way out for over a thousnad years after that.

But this much was true now.

He was free.

And he demanded revenge.

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Kazas, after awhile, got up and withdrew his writing supplies. He pulled out a ciggerette and lit it with his sword. The entire group witnessed the sword call out to Kazas. " okay.... So you have a sword with the power of a pheonix lord that can bring salvation or destruction at your whims, and you use it AS A DAMN LIGHTER SO YOU CAN SMOKE?!?!? Kazas..... If I still had a physical body... I'd slap you in the back of the head. '"


" hey, easy! I don't have a lighter. Calm down simorgh. It's not that big of a deal. Besides you're a pheonix! You love smoke and fire!"


Kazas took a puff of his cig. " hey since everyone's busy and I'm done helping to set up camp, I'm going to get that captured pony I mentioned. I'll be back"


Kazas then went his own way, back tracking the path up until the bandit raid. He found the emerald pony, still knocked out.


' there you are... It's about time I got to you'


Kazas picked up the limp, unconcious pony, and started back towards the camp.


1 hour later


Kazas reappeared in the camp with the pony slung over his shoulder, still trapped in his weighted chain. He laid the pony on his back. " this everyone, is the catch of the day. This is where we will get our information from. Ahh how convienient. He's waking up now... Raze, got anything you wanna ask him?"


Ooc: ( twisted, you deicide what information we get from this pony.)

  • Brohoof 1

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Diego felt faintly troubled by the events that had transpired, but was glad that things had been settled without a death. Whatever Vaas had done, he didn't deserve to die just yet. Everypony had to remember their important mission and focus on that for the time being; personal enemities could be left for later, once they had entered the village and done what they came there to do. Once the camp was built, Diego went around it creating wards of protection. This time, mindful of what had happened the last time, he adapted the protection wards so that only the members of the company could pass in and out of the camp. Anypony else would find something stopping them.


When Kazas arrived back at camp with the unconscious pony slung over his shoulder, Diego opened the wards to allow both inside, then closed the wards again. That way, if the pony woke up and attempted to escape, he would find himself unable to cross the wards and therefore could be easily recaptured. Diego decided as well to attend the interrogation session, just in case.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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Vaas woke from his slumber gripping his throat he could feel a cut, "Seems Raze did end my life, but somepony keeps bring me back. I think this is a sign..." Reaching into his bag pulling out a rope, "A brighter tomorrow shall not come but a darker night shall fill ponies with fear." Making a noose out of the rope he put it around his neck hiding the cut. He stood up feeling pain everywhere in his body he fell to the floor, "I can't be this weak...something doesn't feel right." Mumbling to himself. "Where's my scythe!?" Shouting in his head.


Stumbling out of his tent falling to the floor he tried to regain stability. Laying on the floor he started to breath heavily, "Need to find Winter...if they touch my scythe they could learn how to stop me easily." mumbling to himself as he dragged himself to a tree to help him stand. Standing he could feel tons of pain rushing to his head making him collapse on the floor grabbing his side he could feel some blood coming for some cuts, "Need...to...find...Winter..." Laying against the tree breathing heavily and blood leaking from his cuts.

Edited by Plague Doctor


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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Raze looked at White. "You're not useless. You were just caught off guard, that's all. It's nothing to be ashamed of..."


He then heard Kazas tell him something about interrogating an unconscious pony.


"Hold on, I gotta do something first. You take it easy, okay?" He put a hoof on her shoulder. "Take care..."


He went out of the tent, and saw an emerald colored pony restrained in a trap, knocked out cold. He looked to be one of the bandits that ambushed them earlier.


Raze looked at Kazas with doubt. "Kaz, you want me to interrogate a BANDIT. Someone who has nothing to do with this mission?

Kazas just shrugged. "Very well, I'll see what I can get out of him, but it won't be easy..."


He kicked the bandit hard. "Hey. Wake the fuck up."


The pony grunted in pain, then opened his eyes. When he saw Raze, he tried to lunge at him, but his restrains kept him from doing so.


"Fuck!" He grunted in frustration. "Let me out of here!"


Raze looked at him in the eye. "Not until you tell me what I need to know. First: do you know anything about a secluded village five miles from here?"


The bandit stared at him for a while, then laughed. "You knock me out and restrain me just to ask DIRECTIONS? This isn't exactly the right situation for something like that, ya think?"


Raze punched the pony in the face. "Shut up. This isn't some little tea party here, this is an interrogation. Now speak, or I'll break one of your legs..." He grabbed the pony's hoof.


"Alright alright! I'll talk.... yes , I know about this village... it's not natural. You can see the village folk living there with no sign of the plague at all! They live carefree lives while we suffer in anguish! Twelve foot stakes surround the village as a protective wall, but there's no guards for security. While most bandits believe it to be on a hill, the ones who have truely seen it know of its true location: in a large, flat clearing surrounded by the trees. Now here's the weirdest part. Every other week at night, a tall unicorn colt, followed by a mare carrying a dead corpse and six other followers wearing black hoods, go to the edge of the village. Then, the mare lays the corpse on the ground, and the colt puts his hand on the corpse's head. You could see it spasmming everywhere, and suddenly... it comes to life."


Raze stood up. "Anything else?"


"That's it, man, that's all I know!"


"Very well then, you've earned your freedom." Raze then knocked the pony out once more by hitting him in the head with the end of his blade.


"I hope you wrote that all down, Kaz; now let him go. If you'll excuse me..." He went back into the tent where White Rose was.

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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" got it. Stakes that protect the village. Citizens are carefree.... Cult starts bringing life back to the lifeless... Got it. It's all here. And as for you, don't attack strangers on the road. They might just be too hot for you to handle ( PUN!). I'll release you. Then get out of my sight."


Kazas unchained the pony. He got up and trotted away from the main camp in shame. Kazas looked around and noticed vaas was gone. " ah shit..... Where'd he go? He left his scythe. Dammit... I'm starting to wonder if this is truly due to bad spirits... Or his own accord."


Kazas grabbed the scythe and started to look for vaas. The scythe, after awhile, began exerting a malice infested aura. It spoke to Kazas.


'" foolish bird.... let us be.... Leave us and our master alone... We curse that DAMN LIGHT!!!"'


Kazas replied " silence. I'm delivering you back to you're master. I've no need of a weapon that can only beckon death"'


The aura from the weapon was gone, and Kazas wondered on, finding tracks and a small trail of blood. " dammit! Again?!? Really?!?" Kazas followed the trails until he found vaas in a critical condition. He ran to vaas, scythe in hand. " dammit vaas! You're wounds still haven't fully healed? Guess i must be running low on life energy..."


He sat the scythe next to vaas. He started up his fire, and started to transfer life energy to vaas yet again. " vaas... How many times will I have to bring you back? After this, don't move for a while."


After awhile, the transfer was complete, and vaas was left unscathed, with all cuts, including the slit on his throat " are you trying to die? Vaas, you're going to end up destroying yourself. I brought you back your weapon. Take it."


Kazas left the weapon in front of vaas, and started to limp back to camp. He looked back and said something to vaas. " you got people that care about you, ya know... Don't take it for granted."

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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"Kazas wait...I must explain something to you alone." Reaching for his scythe. "I know you wish to understand if my spirits are controling me, so if you want to learn the answer we must talk alone." Grabbing his scythe he could feel the spirits rushing into his body. His eyes turned white and his veins became red. It almost seemed as if he was burning from the inside. A black light engulfed him cause him to disappear leaving a pile of ash and his scythe.


Death's doors appeared in front of the ash pile. Vaas walked out of the doors looking like a new pony. "Seems you touched my scythe...did she talk to you?" Looking into the doorway seeing a golden spirit wave to him as he exited. As he stepped out of the doorway the door slammed shut disappearing into the ground. Picking up his scythe he unleashed a dark pulse, "That should help Seer out a bit, but for White I have no cure for her." Walking up to Kazas. "You have given me life again. It's my turn to repay the favor." Closing his eyes and reopening them his right hoof starting to glow green slowly moving it to Kazas's head, "This is how the dead show their thanks to you." Putting his hoof on his head Kazas body started to fix itself and renew his life energy. Removing his hoof his eyes went back to their normal shade of red. "Shall we have that talk now?" 


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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" thanks vaas. I really appreciate this. Lets have the talk" Kazas said, putting his back up to the tree. Vaas showed no intentions of harm, that much was clear.


" yes... Your beloved did speak to me. I was given one task from her... She said thanks for keeping you alive... And to keep you safe... Not that you actually need my guardianship. You're a great fighter. But I had actually picked up the scythe twice. The second time... I didn't get such a welcoming messege from the others trapped in that scythe... I'm just worried that they are malevolent and if they truly desire to control you..."


Kazas lit up a smoke with his sword. This time, simorgh said nothing to protest this. "I've been wanting to talk to you about this for awhile, actually... I was hoping we would eventually have this talk, friend. And by the way, thanks for not killing raze when you could have done it so easily. Same goes for me. Things would've gone to hell in a hand basket. I'm glad that you came to your senses or we'd be dead"


Kazas offered vaas a cig. " now... Is there something you wanted to tell me?"

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Vaas shook his head as Kazas offered him a cig, "Did you feel the spirits pain and suffering as you held it?" Fixing his noose. "About that fight...If you ever say something about Winter again I won't hold back to unleash my full force to cut your head off. Are we clear?" Giving him the death stare. "About my spirits some protect no matter the cost, but I can almost say they wont control me fully." Laying the scythe on the ground next to him. "Also I need to speak to you about Raze...you know this fight will happen again, but this time there will be only one walking away from it." Running his hoof on the scythe's blade. "I wish I could come live with you, but I'm just a outcast with no future." Feeling a cold chill run up his spine. "You said your home is in the mountains right? Maybe I could live out my life in peace there...but I must think heavily on the subject. You know there will be a price on my head after ponies hear about what happen on this mission seeking ravage on me for something or just earning the title Hero." Decaying a flower in his hoof turning it into a glass of water.


"Even stuck as my weapon she watches out for me, but the other souls will only listen to it's real master. You must keep this a secret between you and me even if it means saving somepony's life...I really only have two weakness...you know my first one...but the second one has to do with the scythe itself. That's why I don't like being without my scythe at all times." Putting the scythe near Kazas's ear.


"Vaas is a good person, but his soul is infused with the essence of death. He seeks the spirit that Raze is carrying. Try to stop them from killing each other before Vaas signs his soul away to turn into something far worse than this plague. Please help me out Kazas." Winter spoke to him.


Pulling the scythe away not knowing what just happen. Taking a drink of his water he looked at Kazas, "Anything else you would like to know?"

Edited by Plague Doctor


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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Upon hearing vaas's threat, Kazas's face became serious. " look, I'm you're friend, and I'm trying to help you. Don't push away those who care about you... It'll make for a miserable existence. What you don't realize is that what you consider your weakness is actually your strength... More over, it is your control factor... The thing that keeps you sane and holds your psyche together. You must learn this... Then you control your power. You've lived with despair for too long. It's time you had hope.... Regardless of what you think, you would be able to come live with us. Anyone chasing would give up, because anyone who lives with us is considered one of us. We protect our own... And I would pity the imbecile who would charge into a village of 500+ angry, armed griffons. As for your secret, it's safe with me. Don't worry about anyone else finding out about it. And as for raze.... Just don't talk to him. If he starts anything, I'll finish it. No need stain our hands with our comrade's blood."


Kazas put his claw on vaas's shoulder " besides, if things go well... Diego will come as well. I've been watching over his family for years, you know. But... In all seriousness... The one whom you treasure most has bequeathed me with a new mission, and I'm swearing an oath to fulfill it. I'm never going to give up on you. Not in this lifetime. This is all I wanted to know... Now do whatever you please... There is a matter that simorgh and I must talk about.... But remember this vaas.... The pain you feel lets you know that you are no monster. As long as you hold on to what is most dear.... You will be you. Always remember this... And always remember that Diego and I have your back."


With this, Kazas took his leave of vaas. He wondered into the woods, far from the main camp. When he thought he was far enough, he spoke to simorgh.


" simorgh.... There must be something I can do to become more powerful to protect my newfound friends... Anything would suffice. Simorgh... Tell me what I can do."


" there is one way to become stronger.... Permanently join your spirit with mine... And power unrivaled shall be yours... However... With this... You shall assume the mantle of the pheonix lord... And I shall mix with your spirit... Ceasing to exist... Yet making you strong..."'


" simorgh..,, is there no other way?"


'" no Kazas.... This is the only way.., impale yourself upon your sword.., and I shall mix in with your soul.., you will no longer require the sword to summon fire... And your life energy wil be increased 100 fold."


" but simorgh.... I'll lose you...."


"' such is the fate of a creature that swears undying loyalty to its master. Kazas! Taketh the soul of a pheonix lord! And discover power you never knew existed!"


Kazas unbuckled his armor. He shed a tear, and then raised his sword to his chest. He then impaled himself upon it, and simorgh's soul mixed with his own. With the last of his might, he pulled the sword out once the transfer was done. He fell flat backed on the ground, the scar on his chest sealed and cauterized once more. Conciousness fades, and Kazas feels the power slowly sync with his body.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Vaas watched Kazas leave him alone. Spirits flooded out of his body grabbing his noose lifting him off the ground, "Vaas don't forget about us! We are your army, friends, family, even your nightmares! You will listen to us and hunt down the target we came here for." Throwing him into a tree they crowded around him, "We grant you our powers, but you are starting to turn soft on us. Do we need to show you what happens when you turn soft around these ponies?"


Vaas starting to shake seeing all the spirits around him grow angry, "No...I will finish what I've started." Putting his hoof against the tree.


One of the spirits lifting him again, "That doesn't seem like you are 100% sure about this..." Slamming him against the tree.


Vaas's eyes filling with rage, "I'm not backing down from anything! The task will be complete and I will show them the powers of the dead, and don't ever question me again! I'll make sure your afterlife is a living hell!" Picking up his scythe recalling the spirits.


That village will become a soul farm for me. Nothing will be able to stop me! The dead will finally get there wish granted. Soon "she" will rise, and a new era of darkness will begin. A wicked smile coming over him.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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Diego sat apart from the others; he needed to do this alone. Concentrating his magic, he was able to recreate the viewing window that opened on the griffon kingdome once more. Thru it, he saw Starfall once again. She was walking with their daughter, and he felt himself yearning towards them both. This young pegacorn; he had never even met her, but once this mission was over, he vowed that he would travel to the griffon kingdom. Diego didn't think that he could live permanently there; with all its faults, Equestria was where he lived and it would be a wrench to leave it for good. But perhaps he could persuade Starfall to divide her time between Equestria and the griffon kingdom, so they wouldn't ever have to be apart again.


There was also important work to be done in Equestria. Diego wanted to finally convince the ponies that chaos magic wasn't the inevitable force of evil that they thought it was. An errant thought came whispering into his brain; that if he earned the right to alicornhood, perhaps they would be convinced by that...



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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Vaas's vision was blurry with the thoughts the spirits making him remember who he came on this mission for, "His future will be controlled by me..." Mumbling to himself as he walked out of camp not caring if anypony followed him. He seemed to be a different pony his eyes seemed to be filled with no care or even rage. He seemed almost as if he wasn't himself.


A tree blocked his path as he walked in the forest. He raised his hoof and in a second the tree was completely gone. Continuing to walk he dragged his scythe behind him, "He shall be ours..." Mumbling as he walked deeper into the forest. A mask started to form on his face it seemed to be made out of ice with a Crest moon craved into it.


His footsteps didn't bring decay but froze everything around him. His stare seemed as if they could see right through a pony. His emotions disappeared it seemed as if he lost all control of his sanity. Looking as if he could kill anything without caring one moment on the effects it could deal to others he stepped onto a lake freezing everything in a blink of a eye. Walking to the center of the lake he sat there waiting for something to happen.


"His life shall end at our hoofs..." More than one voice speaking out of him.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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Kazas, after a time, woke up, light headed. He had indeed survived and had absorbed simorgh into his own being. Kazas was no longer the host of the Phoenix lord, but he had taken the mantle of the Phoenix lord. He and simorgh were now one being, with Kazas being in control, augmented by the firery soul of his Phoenix companion.


Kazas had a very melancholy look upon his face. He had sacrificed his best friend to obtain his power. " thank you simorgh... Though gone in consciousness, you are always with me in soul."


He had noticed that something was different. His claws were sharper... Ashen gray feathers had became pure white... And had an almost.., glowing quality. He now had complete control over the power of the pheonix lord. Though the sacrifice was great, he would not let it be in vain. Kazas looked at his sword, only to see that it had changed as Kazas did... It was no longer a straight blades sword made of ebony of gold. It had taken a curved form, and took a silver color. Inscribed on its blade was old griffoc language. Kazas looked upon the blade, and read aloud.


" when darkness arises, cut through with the light it despises"


" very well simorgh... Your last wish shall be realized."


Kazas walked back to the main camp, and took a sitting position near the edge of it. The others could notice that he had changed. However... There was something distant sending chills down his spine... Vaas... He had to find vaas! For whatever reason, he felt like he had to do it. He left almost as quickly as he arrived, choosing to go back to where he found vaas in the first place... Evil swarmed around, and it seemed as though it was leading Kazas to vaas.

Edited by Dirge of souls

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Vaas could feel somepony coming after him, "Whoever this is they will disappear like that tree." The voices laughing. Blowing out cold winds he sent them in the direction the presence was coming from. "Turn back now or face the colds winds." He the voices whispered on the winds as they passed.


He sat there waiting for something as he waited the area he sat in became a snow storm. Ice started to encase him, "Soon the transformation will be complete...no more Vaas, but welcome the ice-born Vaas." The voices mumbled to each other.


The spirits have taken my body from me. This isn't going to end while...hopefully no pony finds me or they will face cold killer Vaas. They blocked all weakness and his blood is like ice. Is there more forms to this scythe than what I was using? Strange if I could learn to control the spirits I could switch between forms. These spirits will learn to listen to me or else... Vaas thought somewhere deep in his own mind.


The long Vaas sat in the snow the more his body became encased in ice. His eyes started to flicker a blue glow and his veins turned a dark blue.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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Kazas felt the coming of a snow storm. " wha... Snow...?? In this reigion? That's very unlikely.... This snow isn't natural... It's artificially made by magic! Very well... I'll counter the cold by using my fire." Kazas's flame started to engulf him, keeping him safe from the fury of ice. He hurried and tried to track down the source of the ill begotten snow. he heard a voice, telling him to turn back. but he would not heed this warning, as he was much to stubborn and unconcerned with isle threats of inclemate weather. Eventually, Kazas found the source. And who else should he expected? It was vaas.


" vaas! What the hell are you doing out there? Get back to the main camp! It's freezing out here!"


Kazas had looked more closely at the pony. He was encasing himself with ice. " vaas! This is your doing, then?!? Why? Why is it that every chance you are given, you always seem to want to prove me wrong in my trusting of you!?!? I've given so much life energy to you, and to see it all thrown away..... Vaas! Was I wrong in wanting to save you?!?"


Kazas drew his sword, the fire around him growing hotter and more furious. The cold chill of death would not have him today.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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