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private Mlp: Black Death

Jack Baker

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Kazas awoke in the middle of the night, unable to sleep. The pain in his chest was absolutely agonizing. " damn... What is this.... At this rate.... No! Stay strong! Fight through whatever is happening!" Kaz muttered to himself. He exited his house. The only ones stirring about were the night guard, still on order from Kazas. He remembered that Terminan and he had to fly to Zenebatos, which Kazas dreaded. He did not want to go to the royal capital, not in his condition, anyways. He flew up to the top of the village, where there was a crescent moon there to greet him. He sat alone, trying to communicate with simorgh from within his mind.


' you never truly did completely combine your soul with mine, did you?'


Simorgh replied, '" no I did not..., you were not ready for that, so I infused your soul with vestiges of my power... Unfortunately, your body cannot take such tremendous spiritual power. Eventually, if you stay the way you are, you will die. I did not completely become one with you because the cost is steep indeed...."


' then what is the price I must pay?!? I care not! All I seek is the power to protect my friends, my family, my nation... If it costs me my very being, then so be it!'


"' very well... You wish to know the price? The price for completely merging with me is that of being born again. You will have little to no memory of your past life. You will not even know that you have the power of the pheonix. You will not know who your friends and enemies are, and your mind will be subject to indoctrination, meaning that those who have ill will towards you will seek to steer you in the wrong direction. You may or may not even remember that you have a family. All that you will remember is how to speak and fight. And in the end, when you pass on, your soul will be imprisoned within your blade, and as the pheonix lord, it will be your job to serve a worthy fighter who takes up your sword. You won't even know your own name. That is the price for becoming one being. It is as a newborn coming into this world, as we will be totally combined to form a new being."'


' very well.... I accept that price. '


'" so be it, but not yet. Return to your home and sleep. We shall do it tomorrow in the midst of the others.'"


' alright. I'll do it.'


Kazas did as instructed, and went home, and finally fell back asleep

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Vaas broke out of meditation blood rushing to his hoof's, "If they want to mess with the griffon empire so be it, but i'm not waiting for them!" Burning down all the trees around him leaving a seal on the ground where he was mediating. "Fiddlesticks did you offer him the deal yet?" Leaving a burning hoof mark.


Fiddlesticks spirit walked along with Vaas, "Yes...and he agrees to our offer." Starting to laugh wickedly. 


Vaas puffed out a cloud of the plague, "Good, this agreement should help us a lot. Did you find where that portal lead to?" The cloud entering one of the swords on his back.


Fiddlesticks rubbed his scythe, "Kazas's home...very protected and they are waiting for you to show up." Glaring at him.


Vaas smiled wickedly, "It would be rude to keep them waiting..." Shoving his hoof into the ground a portal opened up. Jumping in he could feel the snow falling on his head. Looking around he noticed he was on a hillside over looking a village, "Must be his home. Should we stay quiet or make our presence know?" Smirking at Fiddlesticks.


Fiddlesticks smiled, "Let them come. More souls for him to use." Returning inside Vaas he waited for his next move.


Vaas nodded as Fiddlesticks returned. Vaas dug his hoofs into the ground and began to focus. A echo of a heart beat could be heard throughout the village and shadow played tricks on the minds of the villagers and whispers filled the dark corners of the village. Vaas whispered one thing that could be heard throughout the village, "I'm here..." Leaving a dark feeling behind.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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Kazas was awakened by the sound of a war horn's call. His mind was pacing frantically. ' shit he's here... He never gives up.... We gotta evacuate the village.' Kaz tried climbing out of bed immediately, but fell and hit the ground, clinching his chest. " dammit.... The villagers...."


Terminan, kaz's father, had sent his wife away an hour after Kazas did. He knew something was up when he saw taya flying away with his grandchildren. A griffon of 55 and a stalwart officer of the griffon civil war, he was the one who taught Kazas how to fight with a sword and shield. He was getting on in years, but was still an able bodied fighter. After the war, he was elected governer of the serdian reigion. Kazas had inherited many of his traits, including his love for his friends and his protectiveness. He had donned his old armor, sword, and shield, and had awaited for the horn to sound. He saw the pony in question surrounded, and went to meet him. He cleared his way through the crowd, seeing spears, arrows, and the unicorns ready to hurl magic at vaas. " so, you must be the one of whom my son spared.... So have you come here to talk, or have you come to fight? I care not. I took the liberty of sending a letter to empoeror doel regarding you at my son's behest. A small army had been flying here in preparation for you.... Now I understand you have great power, same as my son, who wields what I passed on to him. But make no mistake, you can't best an entire army. Now step forward, or retreat back into the portal. This is your first and final warning"


Kazas dragged himself and got up. He went to Diego's house and woke him up by yelling. " DIEGO, VAAS IS HERE!!! WAKE UP!"



He ran around the entire village, waking up the villagers and the daemontouched. The villagers headed his warning and started to fly to Zenebatos. Some stayed behind, donning pitchforks and torches. He went to where the daemontouched were. " jester, seer, darkness! Vaas is here! In my current condition, I can't fight him and win. Please, help save my village!"


Ooc: ( at this point, kaz and the others are gonna get creamed unless raze, the daemontouched, and Diego step in.)

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Vaas grinned at the griffon ordering him to stand down, "Send your letters. I don't care who knows of my presence, but I don't take kindly to those who threaten me." A figure of Fiddlesticks stand behind him.


"Pick your words carefully griffon." Starting to laugh wickedly giving off aura of fear. 


Staring the griffon in the eyes, "Put down your arms or this could get...bloody." Putting one of the blades into the snow. "Oh I did you mean this letter by the way?" Tossing a letter at the talons of the griffon. "I didn't kill him if you are wondering. I think this is the work of the necromancer, but if you rather attack me." Putting the other blade in the snow and cracking his hoofs, "Be my guest." 


"If you care for your fellow griffons you might want to drop your arms and move out of his way." Fiddlesticks shadow hanging over them. "We are just here for a meal and then we will be off." Grinning wickedly at them.


Stomping his hoofs letting out a echo, "Tck tok your time is running out." Sending fear throughout the village. "Oh yes did you say he was your son?" Running his hoof on one of the blades. "One more thing...did you think I came alone?" Smirking at the commanding griffon.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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Terminan smirked. " boy... In war, you have multiple assets if you're smart. Griffon art of war requires all letters to have copies and multiple couriers on detail. Now Kazas may be smart, but you're talking to his father. I taught him everything he knows. Ah, that must be the reinforcements..."


Terminan looked up and saw hundreds of griffon warriors flying over the village. Empoeror doel had reiceived the letter and had hastily sent extra griffon fighters. " now like I said before, you have great power, young colt. But it's not enough for an army. And the fact that my son spared you in battle should've been enough to discourage you from causing trouble in our homeland. However, it appears that you still want something.... Tell me, stranger from another land.... Do you have anyone you love.... Anyone that drives you to keep living? And if so.... How do you think that this pony would feel? Would you proudly look your loved ones and want them to see what you are? Are you glad you turned out the way you are?" Terminan would try reasoning with vaas, signaling the griffons not to attack, but to keep their arms at hand.



Kazas grabbed his nodachi from his home and rushed to the crowd, pushing soldiers out of the way. He finally pushed until he was at the middle, where he found Terminan and vaas confronting each other. " damn you.... You come to our village and you threaten us and everything we love.... Even after I healed your body so that you could live once more....." Kazas drew his blade and started to charge at vaas, but fell mid charge, holding his chest and coughing up blood. Quickly, rem came from the crowd of soldiers and dragged Kazas back to safety, and Kazas faded from conciousness.


Terminan observed all of this. " THAT bad, ehhhh? Looks like you gave the boy a run for his money.... Now.... Any beef you have with Kazas, you have with me. I am his father, and it is the duty of the parent to take care of his child. Now.... State what you really want, or get out."

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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"Love..." Softly spoken. "Everything I loved was ripped from me!" Stomping his hoofs again causing a small quake. "The only reason I push on is because I have a feeling something big is going to happen soon which will change history forever."


Picking up his blades he jumped away from the griffon. "My business here is to talk with Seer, white, and even your son. If i can't get that i could always go to plan B which is this." Puffing out a cloud of the plague and sucking it back in he looked at the griffon with smile. "So will I get my talk or should I start on plan B? Because ether work for me. Fiddlesticks could you open that special portal?" Looking up at the giant shadow.


"Indeed I can young colt." Mocking the griffon. A red portal opened behind Vaas, "Is it that one portal you have been working on?" Studying the doorway.


Vaas nodded, "Yep the portal that can bring the fallen back to life and copies their soul's essence which means I could have a army in a few seconds if needed." Looking at the bloody Kazas, "Seem your not doing that well. I must thank you for killing my insane side you have gave me the skill to cause more pain then death itself! Plus I learned something about this portal you will like." Pulling out a small ice cyrstal with some blood of the old Vaas had, "See this blood it's old Vaas's blood." Tossing it into the portal.


The sky darken and frost started to leak from the portal. A scythe landed in front of Kazas, "Never thought you would see that scythe again did you? Don't worry it gets even better." Pointing to the portal. The old Vaas walked out of the portal, "Did you really think you could kill me that easily?" Laughing out loud. Picking up his scythe he stood next to the real Vaas, "You can call me Ice-born so you can talk to one of us without confusing us."


Vaas grinned at the griffon, "Just put down your arms and we can bypass a bloody fight or you can face me, ice-born, and all your fallen brothers. You have a limited time before i reveal my next surprise." Raising one of his blade which was leaking a mist of the plague around the blade.


((I'm traveling a darker path and more peaceful just has a twisted method. Also the other vaas won't be the same as the last time.))


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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Terminan looked at his son, who was throwing up blood. " very well... You may pass. But know this... If you even lay a finger on anypony or anygriffon here... It will cost you more than your head. Remember that you are an enemy of the state and that you are subject to capital punishment for even being here. However, I will allow you your talk with your friends, provided you leave my son out of this. As you can see, boy, he isn't in good condition... Remember... If you even think about hurting someone here.... You will be hung by your entrails and paraded through the royal capital of Zenebatos. Such is griffon law. Remember, you're not in your homeland anymore.... Boy. You have no respect from us. Now go to Dias's house. That is where some of those who came earlier were." Terminan yelled at his men. " clear him a path to Dias's house! If he tries anything, slaughter on sight!"


The griffon soldiers moved and formed a path to Dias's house. Terminan pointed to there. " I am fair, and as long as you harm no one, you are permitted in Seles, but let one thing be sure, if you try anything... I'll know... And I will personally turn your innards outwards. Now call off your little portal, that ugly copy of yourself, and that little malovolent spirit of yours."


Terminan went to his son, who was lying on the ground, guarded by troops. Terminan picked up Kazas and held him in his claws. He moved toward vaas. " look at his face... That's not the face of a killer. For whatever reason, he brought you back from the brinks of Tartarus. I don't know what my son saw in you, but he's more forgiving than I. Now go talk to who you need to."


Terminan, with his son in his arms, returned to his homestead.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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"Watch your threats. You never know when those will come back to bite you in the ass." Glaring at Terminan. 


Turning to one of the soldier, "Tell White, Seer, or Diego to meet me soon if they don't want to see another fight." Standing next to the portal he ordered Ice-born to returned until needed.


Fiddlesticks returned to Vaas, "That old griffon would be a crushing blow to Kazas." Whispering to him.


"Go quickly or face a fate worse than death." Sending a chill to the soldier. "Tell them to meet me on the hillside outside of this village. Now leave my sight." Walking towards the hillside he looked around before speaking to Fiddlesticks, "He would a massive blow to Kazas if something was to happen to his daddy." Filling a vial full of the plague. "Fiddlesticks can you do me a favor and search for a cave or something hidden from plain sight?"


"Why do you ask for a hidden place? Feeling a little open? Or is there something brewing in your mind?" Pondering on the request.


"I think I got a plan that could work for the best...could sweeten the deal with...you know who..." Speaking very quietly.


"Aw you're thinking ahead of game. I shall find a good location." Dashing out of Vaas.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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Syuveil, the solider, of whom vaas threatened, jumped in front of him. " Not. So. Fucking. Fast. Listen here, outsider, I already don't fucking like you or your little bitch spirit, and I ain't gonna take your bullshit like Terminan or Kazas. If you think for a fucking second that you have free reign in our village, you better think twice, you ugly shit. You don't go anywhere. You play by our rules. You're in our homeland. Not even a harbinger of death could hope to walk out of here alive. Now you will not go off on your own..., you will pay heed to terminan's command, or you will die. Simple as that. Wherever you go, we follow."


The group, now bolstering 100 on the ground and at least 300 in the sky, were poised to attack. " Dias's house is the only place you're going motherfucker.... Now turn your happy, unintimidating emo wannabe crybaby ass around, and get in that house where those daemontouched are waiting. We won't tolerate your bullshit. Now go!"


Several griffons took a position behind vaas with spears to his back. It was clear that they would kill him if he didn't comply. Syuveil got in vaas's face. " one more thing, you daemon possessed, fucktard pony... I heard what you said about Terminan and Kazas... And if you even think for one damn minute that you're gonna get away with any of the sort of assassinations you're planning, fucking forget it. You're a cowardly little fuck for saying such a thing. Now get your ass in Dias's house. You have no room to bargain."


OOC: ( sorry for his corse attitude. I planned syuveil to be like that)

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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White Darkness woke up instantly. He ran outside, followed closely by Shadow Seer, White Darkness, and The Jester. He and Shadow glared at him for a while before he started to pick a fight with a soldier. "HEY!" White Darkness yelled. Drawing attention to himself. "You aren't allowed here, Vaas- as I'm sure you are well aware..."


Just then, the portal home, opened, and White Rose and Raze stepped out, White pulling Raze. "What... what?!? How did you get here! You..." She shook her head. "Whatever. Just... Vaas. You have who you want to talk to here. What the heck do you want? As you can see, everyone's patience here is running short." She shook her head slowly, sad that she had to be sounding so harsh. This was getting close to a full possession. Soon she would be talking to a demon...



Silently and slowly, pulling over the skies of the Griffon Empire, was a ship. A large airship, with the symbol of the Inquisition on one side, partially torn up. On the other side was a picture of a mask. A large energy cannon dominated the upper decks.


A shadowy figure in the cockpit surveyed the village before. His instinct was right. HE had been here.


*BZZT* "This is Captain Thunder Knight of the Battleship Blackbird to the Communications Department of the Griffon Empire... we have a confirmed intruder by suspect #10342. Corruption seems inevitable. Reccomended course of action...?" *BZZT*

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Raze saw Vaas going to the portal, and decided to follow him.


"Oh, boy.... here we go again." he quickly ran inside, and found himself back in Kazas's village.


There was turmoil everywhere. Griffons and ponies alike were scattering around in pandemonium, not knowing what to do and shocked at Vaas's abilities.


"Why am I not surprised?" Raze said sarcastically as he wandered through the village tryingn to find Vaas or Kazas.


"What's up with you? You don't seem so enthusiastic about all this... Raze turned to find R walking right next to him.


"Who WOULD be enthusiastic about any of this? Anyway, it's not surprising to me anymore... I've seen this happen too many times already in just two days. I'm just waiting for Vaas to end the world with a stomp of his hoof. He's seems pretty capable of doing that..."


He really is a pain in the ass, isn't he?"


"You sure got that right..."


They kept walking, until they saw Kazas's father. Raze quickly approached him.


"I'm assuming you met Vaas?" Kazas's father nodded solemnly, without a word. Raze looked around.


"I need to find him, or Kaz, and stop them from killing each other... again. Where are they?"

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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Diego had awoken at the bang on his door, and immediately guessed what was up. Once again, it was Vaas refusing to leave personal enemity alone in favour of the mission to defeat the necromancer. He felt angry at the pony. Why couldn't he just leave Kazas alone? Why persue him to the griffon kingdom, why let a grudge stand for so long, that it destroyed everything that the group had worked for so far?


Starfall had awoken too, and listened as Diego told her that he had to go and speak to Vaas. "Maybe I can reason with him," he said. "I have to try one last time, before the others kill him. I have to believe that there's still good left in him." Starfall understood and let him go. Before he left the house, Diego put a protection spell upon it, knowing also that his daughter would protect herself and her mother.


Diego galloped to the meeting place. He still had not used his wings, which were tucked close by his sides, and did not intend to, no matter what anypony said. He was not a flier, and he thought, he never would feel safe up in the air. He halted next to Jester in time to hear what White Rose said. He agreed with her. Just what did Vaas want, anyway?



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"I've came to say goodbye.I'm planning to attack the village myself. This could be the last time you see me since i got the whole griffon empire on my ass...which i enjoy because they just providing me souls that will be used against them later." Looking at White and Raze. "Even if we didn't get along i've come to face facts...you did try to help me when i was the old Vaas even if it did end up killing me." Smiling at them. "I didn't come to harm this time i just needed to talk to one of you." Nodding to them. "Even a deadman needs a...friend.... or two..." Kinda choking on his own words.


Fiddlesticks heard Vaas use of that word and was a shame of his deed, "Vaas it's good to have allies, but don't be making friends here. Are you going soft on me?"


Vaas looked to Fiddlesticks, "Shut the fuck up i'm not any softer than that rock over. Now stay quiet as i finish this talk with my...friends...that word will never be easy to say." Clearing his throat.


Holding out his hoof, "I hope to meet again one day hopefully it's not with my corpse." Giving another smile to them. "Can you do me a favor and give that soldier a present from me?" Holding out a small box.


((Don't take kindly to threats. The past will bite you in the ass.))


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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White Rose sighed as he heard him talk to himself. She also shook her head slowly. "You... you do understand that if you attack this village, with the intent that you gave me to do, then it will be my duty- as you are using a force of evil and chaos in your work- to stop you?" She shook her head slowly. "I'm-I'm sorry, Vaas. But duty comes first." She slowly took the box. "And... I'll be sure to give it to him."


Don't worry, White. Even giving him the fact that he's an idiot that doesn't know up from down, he's not that big of an idiot... either that, or his life means nothing to him anymore.


I believe it is the second one.


Shadow Seer shook her head. "I feared that this would come to pass."


The Jester said nothing but unloaded all of his guns and attached them. Then he spun them up. "Whenever your ready, Vaas, we can get this thing started."


White Darkness did nothing but step back, inspecting Vaas.



Resh, becoming impatient, had decided to roam around and see Equestria and the Griffon Empire while he waited. He eventually was drawn to a small village and watched. It was those hunter of daemons. And... a friend he had not seen in over a century.


Last time he had seen him, he was looking for a host. He had wished him luck, and it seems that he had found one. Floating invisible over Vaas, he communicated with him.


Hello, friend... do you still go by Fiddlesticks? Or have you changed that over the years?

Edited by Thunder Knight
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Raze saw White and felt a bit surprised when she pulled him and yelled at him.


"Hey hey hey, there's no need to yell. I'm here for the same reason you're here, okay?"


He sighed a bit and shook his head. "I get that your patience is running thin, mine is too. It doesn't mean that you have to gang up on me; that's not something we should be doing right now... And why yell at me? If I'm annoying you, you could just tell me, you know."


He turned to Vaas. "Exactly who do you need to talk to? I was going to discuss a few things with you back at camp, but you took off to the portal just as I was going to say somethin'. Now, before you run off again, let me talk..."


He pulled Vaas over to a wall where no one could see or hear them, and he spoke.


"Look... I just wanna make sure you're on terms with everypony here in the group. You've already sparked five fights in two days. Two. Freakin. Days. C'mon, man! Can't we just focus on the mission, get things over with and bag the necromancer, return and get our reward then part out separate ways and forget we ever saw each other?"

Edited by ~Twisted Genius~

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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"Exactly my thoughts," Diego said, stepping forward. He looked straight at Vaas. "Vaas, I consider you a friend," he said. "But if you carry on the way you are going, you are just going to end up dead. Worse than that; if you use your evil spirits to attack the necromancer, you could end up simply walking straight into his hooves and helping him. The souls you carry around with you could end up working for the necromancer, which I know is not your intention."


He paused, then said, "Raze is right. Can't you just put your fights aside and work for the greater good? We set out on this mission to save Equestria from the plague which ravages the land due to an evil necromancer who does nothing but bad. Is that to be set aside, purely so that you can continue to work thru your various grudges? Nopony needs to constantly spend his life steeped in bitterness and hate. I realised that a little while ago. It's a shame that you can't realise it also, cuz your current stance does you, and everypony around you, no good whatsoever."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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Terminan held his son in his arms, taking him to his house, while ordering the griffon soilders to kill vaas immediately if he tried anything. Terminan layed his son on the couch, and Kazas soon awoke.


" dad... I need to become one with simorgh, or I'm finished... It's the only way..."


'" Kazas, I wanted the same thing years ago. You must already know the price for such a thing...'"


" I don't care... If its to save nation and everyone I love, so be it...."


" son.... Very well... I'll take you out back... We'll start the ritual there..."'


Terminan picked kaz back up and took him behind the house. He let him lie in the middle of the yard. All of a sudden, simorgh came out of Kazas's body and took a place next to kazas's body. Terminan spoke to the great pheonix. "' greetings old friend... Or should I be saying goodbye in this situation?"'


The pheonix spoke to Terminan "'' yes... This is indeed goodbye.... I feel so sorry for Kazas.... The price he pays is heavy indeed, especially after death.""


'" he has chosen what he wants to do... Now... Lets get it over with."'


With this, simorgh used his essence to gently take kazas's soul out of his body. It was an orange shaded hue. It floated there, in front of simorgh and Terminan. Simorgh let out a sigh, and channeled himself into a small floating spiritual entity, and mixed himself with the soul of Kazas. The soul became a golden hue, and Terminan grasped it in his hand.


'" salvation... Or destruction.... At the whim of the user.... Kazas... Please... Let this be good judgement... And may the all maker guide you in your path'"


With this, Terminan slammed the soul into kazas's chest. The whole village could hear intense screams of agony.... It was the worst feeling Kazas had ever felt. A bright light was seen from behind the house of Terminan, distracting everyone for a second. When the light disappeared, a new griffon was seen by Terminan... Kazas was now completely crimson feathered with a white lower body. He slowly regained consciousness....


When Kazas spoke, it was with a voice of confusion. " who... Are you... Who am I.... What am I doing here...???"


Ooc: ( don't forget who's home field you're in)

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Grinning at Raze's words, "I'm trying to end this mission, but you should know our pathes will always cross when I set out to attack somepony princess Celstia will send out White and others to stop my assault." Walking within the area. "You know there will be a war vs the giffons and undead soon, maybe a little to soon for my liking..." Thinking about the present.


Looking at Raze, "I understand I have been a lot of fights, but that was another part of me. That's when I had something to live for, but now is different. I'm using my wits more than my blades and don't you see my powers now I can scary a whole village just by sending echos."


Fiddlesticks heard a voice that sounded familiar, "I'm still fiddlesticks I would never change my name bacause it didn't sound scary. I'll let my blade and crows do my talking." Looking at the strange looking shadow. "I know you from somewhere just can't put my blade on it..." Thinking deeply on the shadow. "Don't they call you resh or something like that?" Rubbing his chin. "I know we have worked together before just can't remember when or where we have met before. Maybe you can refresh my memory of you."


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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"I know what that light means..." murmured Shadow. She quickly walked over to Termain's house. Entering, she saw Termain holding a crimson griffon who was just becoming conscious. "And so passes the last of the Phoenix Lords..." She murmured to herself, remembering meeting one like him a long time ago. She quickly put a shield around the house, disallowing entry from those outside. Then she shook her head and looked at him. "Hello... how are you doing?"



White glanced at the rest of the team, then back again. "I wish that there was a different way to end this, rather than you doing this and your eventual defeat and selfdestruction... even if it takes years and another generation or two." She shook her head. "I wish it so, but I do not see it a different way."


The Jester shook his head. "Look... If we are going to fight, can we fight and stop having all of the, 'I'm so very sorry for having to kill you' moments? Cause I've had enough of those, and I'm getting rather short on patience." White Darkness responded by thwacking him on the back of the head.


"What? It's true. I get tired of our leader having a heartfelt discussion with every villain we come across."



Resh smiled. "Ah, yes... back when. We were a hair's breadth away from fully opening the Tartarus gate... then you left to find a pony to replace your old host, and I stayed to finish opening it. Then that... Shadow Seer- the XLV, I think? Came up from behind me and shut down the portal. Trapped me in Tartarus for a century." He grinned. "Then I was reborn and decided that your current host would make a good protege for me, not realizing that he was with you." Resh paused. "I plan on finishing what I started, especially since I need the touch of a willing mortal to finish unsealing the rift. Do you wish to join me, Fiddlesticks?"

Edited by Thunder Knight
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Terminan put his son down on the sofa. He turned to seer, ready to unsheathe his sword, ready to attack. However, he saw that seer meant no harm and was in fact there to help. He let down his guard and greeted seer while Kazas was recovering on the sofa. Terminan spoke to seer. " so you're one of the ponies of whom Kazas has been traveling with for the past few days, I presume? It's nice to meet you. I'm Terminan, his father... But he doesn't remember that.... At least... Not yet. As you can see, he has changed from becoming one with simorgh....the fires of creation and destruction are his to control... He is good natured... But I'm afraid that with his memories wiped... He could be corrupted...."


Kazas finally regained full conciousness, and sat up. He was unarmored, but still carrying his sword. He saw seer and Terminan, than spoke. " gah... My head... Where am I? Wait.... I... Know you two...." He looked at Terminan. " fa... Father... Are you... My father....?" He turned to seer. " you... I feel like I know you... And I feel like... I can trust you... What's happened to me? I can't even remember my own name... I can only remember a griffon named taya... I must protect her... I love her..."


Kazas got up and stood, and stared at his claws in confusion. " I... What is happening right now...? I don't even know..."


Terminan turned to seer. " look, there is chaos out there, and I need to get out there. The villagers are evacuating and the griffons are ready to attack at a moments notice. Can you take the time to explain everything to my son while I keep everything under control?"

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Turning to all of them, "I'm not trying to start another fight!" Sending shock waves to near by mountains. "I just want to end this necromancer with my hoofs so i can focus on other things! I understand that my past will haunt me but i don't care. You can threaten me all you want but in the end our blades will meet." Lifting his hoof leaving a burning hoof mark. "If your going with me to stop the necromancer than follow me. If not stay out of my way." Opening a portal back to the forest near the village.


Fiddlesticks rubbed his chin at Resh's offer, "I would take you up on your offer, but this new host has something special to him. I think he could be the one that all demons have been waiting for." Looking down at Vaas as he spoke to the others. "Maybe you could attack this village to cause a small discretion. That present contains a one pissed off spirit that will rip him apart. You could take his body and use to raise a small army to attack the griffons. There will be a war soon between Underworld and the griffon empire and Vaas will be the hero that leads us into battle."


Vaas looked up at Fiddlesticks and Resh, "Come Fiddlesticks it's time we attack this village and takes what is rightfully mine." Looking back at the others waiting to see who would join him.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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Raze looked at Vaas, and shook his head. "Do what you think you should do." He saw him go into the portal that he conjured up, then shrugged. "I just can't seem to help anyone, huh?"


He sighed, set his things down, and sat down on a nearby rock.


"Well don't we look like shit!" R appeared behind Raze, then jumped in front of him. "Looks like that talk didn't help to change his shit thinking, huh? He really thinks he could take on the village alone? He's gotta have a death wish or something, am I right?"


"I don't know, and frankly, I really don't see why I keep caring about it. If he thinks he can take them on and capture the necromancer himself, then good for him. Let him do what he thinks is right. You can't really change his mind, so why bother? He'll most likely end up dead anyway."


He looked towards the Daemontouched. "So you plan on fighting him then?" He thought about it for a second. "I'm coming with. I'll see what I can do about this." He looked at White Rose. "But I don't know if you really need my help, right?"


He then decided to go into Kazas's house. When he entered, he found Kazas's on the sofa, passed out, looking not like himself.


"What happened to Kaz?" Raze said out loud.


((Ooc: PD, if you really are gonna do this, then I'll play as the necromancer, the villagers, etc. and I will decide what happens to you, the necromancer, and everyone else in the village. ))

Edited by ~Twisted Genius~

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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White Rose stood back. "Meh. Just... meh." She slowly shook her head. "Why? Why is it that the moment we get involved, it all becomes a giant, overcomplicated drama act?"


White Darkness grinned. "Maybe it's because you are a drama queen."


White turned and glared at him, before grabbing her blades and stalking into the portal.


The Jester shook his head and followed her.


White Darkness headed back to the house to get Shadow Seer, leaving Raze to decide to go into the portal or not.



Seer nodded. "Go and do what you must."


"Hello... Kazas. That  is your name, isn't it? Well... I'm going to try to explain this to you the best I can." She took a deep breath and began. "You are currently in a small, cozy village in the middle of the Griffon Empire. Your friend/mate, Taya, has moved to the capital of the Empire, Zenebatos, for her safety."


"What is happening here? A misguided young pony named Kazas had threatened to inflict as deadly plague to this village. We were able to drive him off..." He shook his head. "But before I get you acquainted with him, I need to answer any questions that you might have. Any question. However, there is a limit on what I can tell you.... for I do not know myself."



"You mean Swallow's Creek?" He laughed. "Of course I'll help you, friend. Especially since it concedes with my goal. They built that village over the rift!" He laughed and shook his head as he followed Vaas into the portal.

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Raze sighed as he saw everypony else go back inside the portal. He looked at the portal, then back at Kazas, then back again to the portal. Finally, he made his decision. "Never mind. I have to go... Kaz's condition can wait." 


He grabbed his things, and went into the portal. A couple seconds later, he arrived back at the campsite, and not a moment too soon. The Daemontouched were about to leave for the village.


"Hold on. Like I told you guys before... I'm coming with. I've got a necromancer to catch..."


He strapped on his saddlebags, then quickly tried to catch up to them, with R following behind, once again just appearing out of nowhere.


"Oh? What the hell is this? Don't tell me you had a change of heart for this situation."


"Not really. All I want to do is get this necromancer, and I'm outta there. I'll confront Vaas later if I have to. IF I have to..."


Raze activated his blood aura. "It's been a little while since I used this..." He said something to R. "You said you had something to do with my blood aura?" There was no response. He looked around. "R? Where'd you go?"


"Hell yeah I do! I'm the physical manifestation of it. When you use me, my physical body disappears, and becomes what you're using right now." Raze was a bit surprised, and R gave a bit of a laugh. "I'm still here, just inside your mind... a part of your thoughts, per se."


Raze nodded silently, then continued walking.

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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Diego made the decision instantly; he was going to go to the village and help capture the necromancer. He was sure that Starfall and Glory would be safe in the griffon kingdom. Turning to one of the ponies staying, he said, "Tell Starfall where I've gone. Let her know that whatever happens, I will come back to her. But I have to do this, for the good of Equestria."


He turned and walked into the portal, following after Vaas. From what he'd learned of the necromancer, he was sure that Vaas could not do this alone and would need assistance in the capture. Not just the necromancer, but everypony in the village would be trying to destroy Vaas, and hadn't he said that he counted Diego as a friend? Diego still felt an attachment towards Vaas and felt that he could not bear to see him needlessly cut down. Besides, his status as a chaos mage turned alicorn meant that he was duty bound to offer his help.


Calling after Vaas, Diego said, "I will help you fight the necromancer. You called me friend once, and I believe that still stands."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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