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private Blank flanks

Gaullin Everfree

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It was a normal morning in ponyville, Princess celestia had raised the sun and the weather pegasi had seen it fit for the day to be sunny and clear, so there were no clouds to be seen It was the beginning of a good day.

Lightning spark yawned and stretched out his wings before jumping up from his bed and taking a look at his flank in the hope that a cutie mark had appeared overnight, "I guess my talent isn't dreaming of finding my special talent" he grins and scratches his mane, "well maybe next time” Lightning spark thought to himself before trotting out of his comfortable room and down the stairs into his main hall way where he proceeded to look for his father’s old aviator goggles.

His friends constantly ask him why he wears them, after all they're old and look unfashionable not to mention the fact that they were also too large for him, but Spark knew that, in fact he wore them and took them with him wherever he went for two reasons, the first being sentimental, it was the only way for Lightning spark to remember his father who'd died when spark was still a foal, it made him sure that he did have a father and that he hadn't made him up, The other reason was that Lightning spark was sure they brought him good luck in all the times he wore them something good would allays happen like when he found fifty bits, or the time he accidentally flew into a heavy storm and found his way out of it unscratched.

"Ha found you!" Lightning spark laughed to him-self as he said this and put the goggles around his neck.

He looked at the mirror on his way out and his mother’s words rang through his mind "You look so much like your father spark!" She'd say to him when he used to ask her about him, "You have the same beautiful orange eyes and grey coat, sometimes i forget Starfall's gone, and i begin to call his name out before i remember that he died."

"Mum, how did dad die?" Spark would often ask but get no reply from his mother, other than a sad stare from his mother before she'd fly to work.

Shaking himself back to reality Spark walked out the door, he'd have to stay focused if he was going to get his cutie mark, that meant he'd have to meet up with the others by the town hall. 

Smile today and be happy and make memories worth remembering because tomorrow may leave you alone and in tears.

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Snowdream opened her eyes slowly. The warm sun, raised by Celestia herself was streaming in through her window. She yawned and sat up, her shaggy two-toned blue mane was notted and disheveled. She sat up in her bed and looked at the clock on her desk. The red numbers flashed angrily at her, appearing as a red blur to Snowdream who was still half asleep. Realising that it was time to start the day, she got up and fell into her usual routine.


Try and get up. Fail. Sleep for five more minutes.


Try to get up. Succeed.


Fall over, and sleep where fallen.


Wake up.


Realise she's late.


Scramble to the bathroom.


Every morning, the same dull routine. As she entered the bathroom, she checked her flank, as she had done everymorning since she could remember. She was ever-hopefull that her cutiemark would present itself too her...Which it didn't.


The blue unicorn levitated a brush up and started working on her haystack-mane. After a small but loud argument with the hairbrush, she finally won, her mane falling exactly the way she liked it.


She finished off getting ready and exited her house, off to meet the others at the town hall

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Making a soft landing in front of the old time hall Spark noticed that he was the first one to arrive, he saw a huge opportunity here and decided to waste some time flying circles in the air, his thoughts wondered back to that rainbow maned cyan pegasus, "one day i'll beat her, i'm sure of it, but until then i'll have to keep on practising whenever i get the chance!" 

One of spark's goals was to beat the recently famous Rainbow dash in a race, he'd gotten this crazy idea when he heard her tell another group of blank flanks she'd gotten her cutie mark from winning a race at her full speed.

After a couple of minutes of flying around in circles it was pretty obvious that spark had lost his sense of balance and that he'd be crashing down onto the ground or into a building any second soon, unfortunately for him he crashed into a table of very annoyed stallions.

"Look i'm sorry i'll pay you for your meal" Lightning spark tried explaining himself to the group of ponies, but they wouldn't have any of it, it was clear that they were motivated by their number and bravado and things started to escalate pretty quickly so much so that by the time spark had noticed they had gathered a crowd.

Smile today and be happy and make memories worth remembering because tomorrow may leave you alone and in tears.

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As Snowdream was trotting towards the townhall, she saw some kind of commotion happening. She trotted over to investigate what was going on.


"Woah, what happened here?" She asked to nopony inparticular. She noticed a pony who seemed to be the center of the chaos. (@)


"What happened?" Snowdream asked.

Edited by Snowdream
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"we were all just sitting around and talking when this,this blank flank idiot attacked us out of no where!" A green coated unicorn explained to @@Snowdream,



Poking his head out from behind the unicorn Lightning spark pulled off a cheerful yet mischievous smile, "Hiya Snowdream! You're out allot earlier than usual today" He said cheerfully, refusing to acknowledge the presence of the angry group.

His Blue and yellow mane had gotten tangled and dirty so he just tried to hoof it off.


"Shut up Blank!" Shouted a angry red unicorn, this was followed by a mixture of other comments and remarks from the other ponies in the centre of the circle.

Smile today and be happy and make memories worth remembering because tomorrow may leave you alone and in tears.

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Mini G opened his heavy eyes and sighed, realizing he had fell out of bed and onto his manticore skin rug... he stood up less than gracefuly and in his sleepy zombiefyed state, whacked his hoof on the door frame. After a few minutes of hopping around the room yelling "ahhh! G, you durpy excuse for a unicorn!" he waddled out of his room, neglecting to check his flank for a fabled "cutey mark". He had given up hope long ago. he looked at his black, matted clump of hair that was supposedly a mane "that's right G you lookin gooooood! what filly in there right mind wulddent take a second glance at you, you swanky stallion" he said to himself... "one day G one day


Mini G opened his heavy eyes and sighed, realizing he had fell out of bed and onto his manticore skin rug... he stood up less than gracefuly and in his sleepy zombiefyed state, whacked his hoof on the door frame. After a few minutes of hopping around the room yelling "ahhh! G, you durpy excuse for a unicorn!" he waddled out of his room, neglecting to check his flank for a fabled "cutey mark". He had given up hope long ago. he looked at his black, matted clump of hair that was supposedly a mane "that's right G you lookin gooooood! what filly in there right mind wulddent take a second glance at you, you swanky stallion" he said to himself... "one day G, one day" he muttered and slowly made his way from his everwood cabin into ponyville to meet his friends.



by DwarfEmo13

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Meteorite was awoken buy a ray of sunlight from his curtains "Ah morning already" he proclaimed "well time get up" he said while levitating his sheets he then proceeded to his bathroom as he look at the mirror he notice his mane was tangled " ugh" he grunted he then levitated his comb he then began to brush his mane softlyand after brushing his mane he began to brush his teeth. As he quickly ran down the stares his father said " slow down son your gonna fall again like last time" he said worried." I know dad" he said while grabbing his saddle bag. As he walk to his father to say goodbye his father levitated something around his neck."huh" he said confused he look down his neck to see his fathers necklace "you like it" he said happily."dad way are giving this to me"." well you see it's my luckily guitar necklace son I had that on when I got my cutie mark I think it may bring you some luck with your own now go on have fun with your friends" he said. As meteorite was walking around looking for his friends he notice a crowd of ponies as got closer he saw a group of stallions were yelling at his friend lighting spark.(@Lightning spark) he then rush through the crowd of ponies he then got in between the the stallions and his friend "HEY leave him alone he said he then turn over to where lighting was "you okay" he said while giveing his hoof to his friend

Edited by Meteorite
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"A very special message to all residents of ponyville the Princess luna's meteor shower is tonight, everypony is welcomed to take part in this wonderful celebration that will be held in the highest hill of our wonderful town!" Mayor mare announced out loud through a amplified speaker so that the majority of ponyville would receive her message.



(Key event) 


"Who the hell is this idiot?" A grey earth pony laughed and walked up to meteorite stopping at face distance, his cutie mark was of a baseball bat with a nail going through it, spark shuddered, he didn't want to think about what that pony had to do to find his special talent.


Spark glanced at hisold friend and gave his a reassuring nod, "I guess now i have a reason to fight back" spark thought to himself before turning to face his attention back to meteorite who was now standing between him and the aggressive group of ponies.

He calmly walked over to meteorite's side and spread his wings out in full so that the others would know that he was now willing to fight back.

"A long time ago in Pre-school" Lightning spark began "Me and meteorite were picked on for various reasons so we would often find ourselves getting into fights with other ponies, this happened so often that me and Meteorite    made a deal that if we were to ever find ourselves in a fight the other would fight along side him, i swore to fight for all of my friends and stick by their side to the end so if you think it's wise to lay a single hoof on him go ahead! But be warned if you do hit him i will come at you with everything i have!" Lightning spark yelled the last sentence loud enough for everypony in the area to hear, some of spectators had started to walk away, others were talking about the surprise they'd gotten from what had been a seemingly helpless clumsy idiot, into a battle ready aggressive young stallion, but the group of ponies hadn't got the message that they were no longer welcome so they stood their ground.

Edited by Lightning spark

Smile today and be happy and make memories worth remembering because tomorrow may leave you alone and in tears.

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After a few minutes G was in the middle of town. he stopped off at sugar cube corner for a cinemen bun he chose the biggest bun he could get his gruby little hooves on. "this tasty pastry is almost as big as my head" he saw his friends amongst a crowd of bustling ponys in the town center. he trotted over, skewering the bun onto his horn.. "hey look guys im a kebab! he squealed with delight. "what's been going down in pony town??" he was barely audible due to the sugary bun in his mouth.


............"is this a bad time" G whimpered helplessly as he noticed the aggressive situation and cowered behind lightning spark. G was never one for scenarios like these. He was small for his age. he just shut his eyes and hoped everything would turn out alright..



by DwarfEmo13

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"Don't worry G, me and Meteor have your back" Spark didn't drop his gaze from the grey earth pony and kept his wings out flustered, it was a staring contest, and things would possible have gotten worse until the green unicorn stepped in.


"Leave them Smash, these blank flanks aren't worth our time" He dragged his grey friend away with him as they left with the rest of the group, before the green unicorn stopped moving "This ain't over kid we'll be back be sure of it" there was a calm yet threatening tone to his voice, but his message was clear, Spark watched with his wings still spread to their full extent as the unicorn walked away.


Spark let his wings fold back again and allowed himself a sigh of relief and looked at the white unicorn to which he had pledged his loyalty to, "Thanks @@Meteorite[/b]  @, I see you're already starting the day well!" Spark said going back to his happy playful smile.

"Anyway where did @@Snowdream, head of to, i could have sworn i saw her a few minutes ago" he said before he started yelling out her name as if she'd just magically appear in front of him, That thought made him snigger to himself as she really could just appear in front of him by using her magic.

Smile today and be happy and make memories worth remembering because tomorrow may leave you alone and in tears.

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Mini g stood up slowly quivering...... "are they gone"? it was almost a wisper this time.

"good! because you know me, I was guuna lay down some of my famous moves! like the G slam, The wurling G and my personal favourite.. the flying roundhouse G tackle. but you know keep it on the down low" he said with gusto. He walked over to stand next to lightning spark. And puffed out his tiny chest as if he had slain the mightiest beast.

"so were's the other ponys?  @Snowdream and @Meteorite there essential to our teams dynamic." He sat down and finished off the tasty treat still dangling from his horn.



by DwarfEmo13

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"Well i have no idea where Snowdream is but i she's probably gone shoe shopping or whatever the girls in ponyville do, and as for Meteorite he's here with us already!"

Spark stares curiously at Mini G who's happily finishing off his treat "How does he shrug off a scene like that so quickly?" he stopped staring at MG the second he came back to reality to avoid any awkward assumptions or situations.

"Hey G those look like the famous cinemen buns that mrs cake makes, how many bits did it cost you?" the sweet smell of the buns brought an even bigger smile to spark's face.

Smile today and be happy and make memories worth remembering because tomorrow may leave you alone and in tears.

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"Oh sorry Meteo, i think all that sugar is giving me hallucinations." he looked up at meteorite with a giant toothy grin revealing most of the bun stuck in his teeth, he put the rest in his already stuffed mouth "mmmphh mmpp mmmh...." ..he swallowed. "these are the best buns in Eqestria. and it only cost 3 bits! sugar cube corner is were its at my freind. hic!" he pulled himself up and shook the crumbs out of his tangled mane and looked up at lightning. G had always considered him as a brother, him being an only child. G would always look to lightning for guidance.



by DwarfEmo13

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Witch Doctor stepped off the hot air balloon that just came from Canterlot. Looking around trying to find the local inn, also he looked for the local school.


Ponyville...my new life starts here. Hopefully i can forget about the stuff that happened in Canterlot. A young colt already leaving home and left to fend for himself this is going to be a rough year here. I just need to keep my mind off of Canterlot... Shaking his head. I'll visit them one day. I promise mother and father... Putting his head down for a moment.


He spotted the inn sign he started dragging his bags towards the inn. Stopping half way there, Why did i pack so much stuff! It's to heavy for me to carry alone! Wiping the sweat off his face he started to move again.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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It hadn't been too long ago that Angel Feather had arrived in Ponyville from Canterlot.  She had finally decided that yes, going off on her on would be best.  It was better then staying there...

Canterlot just wouldn't ever look the same to her.

And Angel still couldn't understand why she hadn't gotten her cutie mark yet.  Perhaps it was simply her lack of self confidence.  Or trauma?  Can trauma prevent you from getting your cutie mark?

Angel Feather though, wasn't thinking of her cutie mark.  She slipped through the front door and locked it.  She slipped the key under the doormat and walked away easily.  She wasn't carrying a thing.  She liked to not carry anything.  It made her feel free. 



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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A bright blue flash appeared infront of Spark as Snowdream teleported infront of him.


"You did just see me a minute ago!" Snowdream giggled, "I had to pay mrs cake back, i borrowed three bits from her the other day. I see you managed to work your way out of that jam." Snowdream pointed out.

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Spark yelped in fright and jumped back, he wasn't expecting Snowdream to have teleported right in front of him, well he was but not that  soon, he tried laughing it off as a joke so the others wouldn't make fun of him, but he knew they weren't stupid someone probably caught on. "Ha i was totally expecting that, plus you guys know i don't scare easily!" 

Looking around he noticed that every one was here by the town hall like it had been planned the night before, well technically they'd all planned it ever since the Meteor shower was announced, it turns out princess Luna wanted to do something special for her subjects so she'd started working on a special kind of meteor shower.

Ever since spark had heard of this event it had been the only thing on his mind and he'd often ask his friends if they were as exited as he was.


"So now that we're all here..." Spark noticed a grey pegesus struggling with some luggage, and a happy grin came to sparks face as he spread his wings and took off to the air before landing straight in the path of the seemingly new arrival to ponyville.


"Hi I'm Lightning spark!" he announced "If there's a new pony in town it's only right we help him, after all it is the ponyville tradition" 

Smile today and be happy and make memories worth remembering because tomorrow may leave you alone and in tears.

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suddenly lil G poped up from behind angel fether balancing a tray of assorted cakes and sugary snacks. "hey ponskis! i figured that you all might be hungry from your trip, so i bagut some tasty pastrys for evrypony!.. choose your favorite!. except this one! dis ones mine". He nose dived into the second cineman bun today and started eating.



by DwarfEmo13

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Witch stopped when he noticed a colt in front of him, "I just want to get to the Inn!" He thought. Putting down his bags and holding out his hoof, "Hi I'm Witch Doctor..."


He doesn't have a cutie mark ether...he is so happy and carefree...just need to make it to the Inn and try to forget my past... He thought as he looked at the colt in front of him.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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Snowdream saw Spark rush over and confront a pony she had never seen before. She trotted over to join him.


"Calm down Spark, your going to give somepony a heart attack if you keep bombarding them." Snowdream giggled lightly (@, )


"Anyway, hi, my name is Snowdream." She introduced herself to the seemingly new pony, "Do you want any help with your bags?" She asked, noticing that he seemed to be struggling with his heavy load.

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Great the last thing I want a greeting party. I just need some peace and quiet, but i better make the best of it. He thought.


"I could use some help with my bags..." Saying very quietly, "I'm Witch Doctor just moved from Canterlot." Turning a little pale as he spoke.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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Great the last thing I want a greeting party. I just need some peace and quiet, but i better make the best of it. He thought.


"I could use some help with my bags..." Saying very quietly, "I'm Witch Doctor just moved from Canterlot." Turning a little pale as he spoke.

Snowdream heard him quietly accept her offer for help. She flashed him a warm smile and levetated some of the bags away from him.


"Canterlot you say?" Snowdream said, "I'm a canterlot girl myself ya'know." She said cheerfully. She noticed Witch Doctor was a blank flank, but she decided not to bring up the subject, some ponies were quite sensative, and she didn't want to upselt Witch.


"So where are we headed with these bags?"

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"I'm heading to the Inn." Pointing to the Inn ahead of them, "Thank you for the help." Giving a small smile. "Is there anything I should know about Ponyville?"


She is from Canterlot! Please tell me she didn't hear anything about them! He gazed at snow's flank noticing she was also a blank flank. More blank flanks I see at least I'm not the only one without my cutie mark. He started to get nervous around snow.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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"I'm heading to the Inn." Pointing to the Inn ahead of them, "Thank you for the help." Giving a small smile. "Is there anything I should know about Ponyville?"


She is from Canterlot! Please tell me she didn't hear anything about them! He gazed at snow's flank noticing she was also a blank flank. More blank flanks I see at least I'm not the only one without my cutie mark. He started to get nervous around snow.

"The inn? is that where you are staying? Your very welcome to stay with me if you would like, but don't feel that you have too." Snowdream offered. "There isn't really much to know about Ponyville. Basically everypony knows everypony here, thats why we could tell you were new here." Snowdream said.

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"Thank you for the offer, but I need some time to myself. It's been a long trip and I need to get something off my mind." Smiling at snow. "Anything important going on here?" Looking at the two.


Thank Celestia she doesn't seem to know anything, and she is that willing to offer me a place to stay and we just met. Ponyville seems weird compared to Canterlot.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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