Darrala 269 April 23, 2013 Share April 23, 2013 I pretty much never remember my dreams. When i do, they're usually nightmares. A couple of nights ago i had a pretty f---ed up dream where general Grievous got eaten alive by some weird bipedal monster-thingy that was about the size of an Allosaurus. iRacing like a boss since 2015 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Friendship_Cannon 1,676 April 23, 2013 Share April 23, 2013 no, usually I don´t, but if I do it´s definitely a nightmare with someone I love or myself dieing or something cruel happening... so, I´m happy when i don´t remember, though I wish I had cool dreams... somehow Signature made by the amazing ~Harmonic Dreams~ I always pictured you as a cross between Demoman and Pinkie Pie for some reason. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Righteous Fury 344 April 23, 2013 Share April 23, 2013 Never remember my dreams. Sometimes I wake up with this feeling of dread or fear, and I know I've had a nightmare but I can't remember it very well, and it fades within a couple hours. Weird. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quilava 1,290 April 23, 2013 Share April 23, 2013 I remember most of my dreams (especially those that are incredibly powerful). Most Powerful dream *lengthy read but quite descriptive* My most powerful/semi-recent dream was another dream in which I experience death (would be the 3rd/4th known time). (Just gunna skip 'til the powerful and slightly scary part). I was at this parking garage with my family, we got a space, and got out. Not wanting to be around the people there (all ruffions/bad people) we walked away, that'd when the "concert" (idk where..just people started dancing and I remember heavy metal playing) started. A mosh pit had formed and we got away quite quickly and stood afar. Then, one of the bigger dudes (stereotypical white body-builder type) came running over to me and pushed me (thought he just wanted make sure everyone experienced the mosh so I was okay with it). But when I got up he did it again. After I got up for the second time, he came at me again, I started running but he kept chasing, laughing yet his face wasn't happy nor stern. I eventually stopped and he rammed both his fists into my sides under where my lower 2 ribs should be, the pain was excruciatingly sharp. Managing for a third time to get up (im an idiot in my dreams ><) he does it again, but even harder. I decided to lay there still, so he would stop. But then I couldn't open my eyes, I remember saying to myself: "okay, open your eyes...open...oh god". Then my body got incredibly heavy, then lightened almost to a feather. My dark vision became illuminated with a white/gold gradient. A letter revealed itself to me and begun to show text with a very soft voice. "This is your thrice time on death (should've been third, but thrice is what i remember)." I became lucid for that moment but that was it as I remembered that I had died in other dreams (which scared me a bit). I skipped (like spamming the A/B button through chat) and the final part of the letter said "It is not your time" to which i replied "Hell yeah it's not my time >:|. Giving me the choice of death/live I chose to be revived. I was then in my parents bed (no idea why I wasn't buried *thank god i wasn't though* or how long it had been). That's all I can remember, but when I woke up, I felt odd. These dreams always seem to have a lasting effect on me. Good for knowledge...bad for the time in the dream. Thank you if you read . Feels good sort of to get this out Most of my dreams are incredibly vivid and have incredibly odd points that make 'em stay with me. Haven't really had a nightmare though for as long as I can remember :|. 1 ^~Signature by Me~^ ~^Click on the Image above for already made signatures/graphics^~ Request A Signature | Have a Question? | Signature Tips/Tricks Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Potato Sprout 109 April 23, 2013 Share April 23, 2013 I can remember some dreams that i have, it's always the most retarded ones aswell. So i guess i could share one that doesn't make any sense at all. So me and my friend was walking to a store before school because i needed some stamps. I don't remember why i needed them though and i probably didn't need them. So we walked into the store and started looking at some bread when we noticed my friends brother (Who doesn't exist and have never existed). He was standing at the other end of the self where the bread was kept. He fired his "watergun" at us. (Don't know the real word for "watergun" but you get what i mean). So we just keept looking at the bread and his brother keept firing at us until i said that we would be late to school if we didn't leave now. So we left... Never got my hands on those stamps... Well, i could tell the story of my locust cousins... But i guess you could ask me for that one if you wanna hear it. My request thread: http://mlpforums.com/topic/68016-dannedankers-perler-bead-request-place-thingy/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MorningFlash 214 April 23, 2013 Share April 23, 2013 I don't really remember my dreams, but when I do, they're usually nightmares. Like once, when I was 6 or 7, I dreamt about Mr Bean setting my house on fire and I've had a crazy phobia of Mr Bean ever since 1 Credit to Lunia Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Chaotic Eddie~ 479 April 23, 2013 Share April 23, 2013 (edited) I don't dream often (because I don't sleep often). But whe I do, they are really weird, however I don't really remember them unless I write them down. I should get into that more. Also, this. http://www.thisman.org/flyer/thisman_eng.pdf I know it's totally fake, but still. Edited April 23, 2013 by Rainbow Izumi I do poetry. Give it a read? http://highonpoems.com/poet/ed_gosling Many thanks to weirdokitterz for the awesome siggy! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thrashy 2,800 April 23, 2013 Share April 23, 2013 I used to have quite a vivid level of dream recall back when I was actively keeping a dream log, but nowadays I rarely have time in the mornings to jot anything down so it all gets lost. Over the past couple of years my dreams had been dominated by scenarios of my best friend having returned early from his two-year mission in Japan, but those have ceased now that he's been back for a few months. As of late, it seems the only time I'll remember a dream is when it involves...well, a girl I haven't quite gotten over yet. Yeah, those dreams suck verily. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Urkelbot 63 April 23, 2013 Share April 23, 2013 I kind of go through phases of remembering dreams. Other than that, it's only the very vivid, and silly, or conversely, the incredibly Mundane. I have also tried writing my dreams down with varying degrees of success. For instance, I dreamt something one night, woke up at 3ish, and wrote it down. When I got up fr work, I had forgotten I wrote anything down. I returned from work hours later and picked up a scrap of paper on my night stand on which I had written the words "Future Dolphin Scarers"... I was baffled for a minute, then remembered my dream which involved a reality show where people would wear a dolphin mask, and jump out of hiding to startle people in public. As of yet, none of the networks will hear my pitch for this (ingenius) show. I also once dreamt that I saw a news report that stated that Singer Michael Buble has gained 400lbs (roughly 180 KG or 29stone) and knocked over a tree... Never figured out what made my brain think of that one. Oh, and one more. I once had to call up my friend to check a dream that I wasn't sure was a dream at the time. I had dreamt that American Football commentator, and Video game franchise Mogul John Madden had died at the age of 97. My friend assured me that this had not happened, and that Mr. Madden was nowhere near 97 Years old yet. I could go on I'm sure, and perhaps will later. I hope you all do! I love hearing about People's Dreams! maybe I'll try writing mine down again. 1 I'm a' tell you who's best pony, by da hour. Just like Rosie O'Donnell at a Bisexual Bridal Shower. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainblow H. Ash 5,091 April 23, 2013 Share April 23, 2013 I kind of go through phases of remembering dreams. Other than that, it's only the very vivid, and silly, or conversely, the incredibly Mundane. I have also tried writing my dreams down with varying degrees of success. For instance, I dreamt something one night, woke up at 3ish, and wrote it down. When I got up fr work, I had forgotten I wrote anything down. I returned from work hours later and picked up a scrap of paper on my night stand on which I had written the words "Future Dolphin Scarers"... I was baffled for a minute, then remembered my dream which involved a reality show where people would wear a dolphin mask, and jump out of hiding to startle people in public. As of yet, none of the networks will hear my pitch for this (ingenius) show. That is frankly an amazing dream... and an amazing idea for a show! I wonder why none of the networks have picked it up yet... oh well, keep trying my friend! *Takes a puff on pipe* I remember a common theme in a lot of my dreams, and not necessarily a single dream either, is that I'm driving around different places that I frequent, and I can't seem to hit the brake in time or my car won't stop fast enough to avoid hitting the people in front of me, whether they be stopped at a stop light or a stop sign. I dunno why... could it be a sign? A warning? A prophecy? Or maybe it's just my darn brain playing tricks on me. I dunno. #bringbackmerriwetherwillaims Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
firesoxs 93 April 23, 2013 Share April 23, 2013 (edited) Most people forget their dream within ten minutes of waking up. The ones that stick with me are the one where my subconscious creates false memories to make the dream more real. I once had a dream that I was part of the X-Men and it was pretty cool, and I even had memories a "complicated" past with Cyclops that made him hate me. The other type of dreams that I remember are the ones where you dream that you wake up and start your day, I once had a dream where I woke up ate breakfast and sat down to watch an episode of MLP. The scary thing is the episode was 100% accurate I didn't even know I was dreaming until I woke up. Edited April 23, 2013 by firesoxs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NightOwl 912 April 23, 2013 Author Share April 23, 2013 I don't dream often (because I don't sleep often). But whe I do, they are really weird, however I don't really remember them unless I write them down. I should get into that more. Also, this. http://www.thisman.org/flyer/thisman_eng.pdf I know it's totally fake, but still. Everyone dreams! It's just like you said though if you are a very busy person you tend not to have great dream recall but if you tried for like a minute or two in the morning to try and recall the dream you'll start remembering them better . Signature by me avatar by Azura. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wingnut 7,003 April 24, 2013 Share April 24, 2013 (edited) I think I remember most of my dreams. They are usually set in places I live, work at, or travel to a lot. But it's a very discombobulated version of reality. Neighborhoods and whole cities are in totally the wrong place relative to each other. I usually know where I'm going...but how I have no clue. Existing buildings may be gone while those long vanished can reappear. When driving, the traffic lanes are unpredictable, hazardous, and can suddenly change from right side driving to left side and then back again. My dreams often involve a lot of subway or train riding. But, of course, the railcars themselves and the tracks they ride on look totally different from the real world. Next I may be rushing to get to work at Office Max...a place I haven't held a job at since 1999. On rare occasions, I am able to fly. Even rarer, I realize that I am dreaming which allows me to take total control...it's like running my own virtual reality simulator. Also, I sometimes I run into old friends I haven't seen since I was a child. And perhaps the most poignant thing of all is that mom and dad are both alive and well in my dream world. I just wish I had more MLP dreams. I've had a few, but not as many as I did of other favorite cartoons in the past. Edited April 24, 2013 by Wingnut 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NightOwl 912 April 24, 2013 Author Share April 24, 2013 I had a pretty cool dream last night. I was flying a lot in it. Over the cities and fields. I was jumping down stairs and able to slow my decent. People were like "How do you do that?!" and I was like "Dunno, because I'm cool like that" Haha . Signature by me avatar by Azura. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest April 25, 2013 Share April 25, 2013 It's very difficult for most people to remember their dreams without writing them down. Your subconscious tends to erase your dreams within the first 10 minutes of waking up. I'm definitely going to start doing this tonight, I really want to start having lucid dreams again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Michael DeSanta 258 April 25, 2013 Share April 25, 2013 I have many dreams most of them are day dreams to be honest but I had dreams that specifically match the episode of Pokémon where they are on a cruise ship and it goes down in the ocean cannot remember the name of the episode it was the original version. Another one has to do with volcanos and lava and I had a dream based off call of duty and by the way these are three dreams I can remember still no pony dreams yet??? I BUKING LOVE AMERICA AND POLTICS. some wise quotes "An armed society is a polite society." "if it neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg, It should not bother me if my fellow man believes that there are twenty gods or there is no god" Thomas Jefferson. Don't worry I'm a pinkie pie fan and I have my random moments of cupcakes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gone Airbourne 21,977 April 25, 2013 Share April 25, 2013 For some of my dreams I do remember them. Most of them have to do with past events of my life. Not many of my dreams are randomly strange. But a lot of them have them have to do with the past. Maybe has to do with me yearning for the past in some cases... idk though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ManiacForPonies 27 April 26, 2013 Share April 26, 2013 I don´t usually remember my dreams to often. But when I do I can never forget them. The exception being nightmares. I usually remember those, but not for too long. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Urkelbot 63 April 26, 2013 Share April 26, 2013 Anyone start their Dream Log yet? *Update* I remembered my Dream the night before last because it was AWESOME. I dreamt that I was at the Secondhand store, and for the mere price of $16.99 I found an independently made game console that would Play NES, SNES, Atari, Sega genesis, Jaguar, PS1 and PS2 games! I totally bought the shit outta that thing. I also found at the store, a Genesis Game Genie, and a Sega CD attachment.... God I'm a dork. (On a separate note, when I type the word Dreamt, it tells me It is spelled wrong... I was taught that it was a real word, have the rules changed?) 2 I'm a' tell you who's best pony, by da hour. Just like Rosie O'Donnell at a Bisexual Bridal Shower. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thrashy 2,800 April 26, 2013 Share April 26, 2013 (edited) Anyone start their Dream Log yet? *Update* I remembered my Dream the night before last because it was AWESOME. I dreamt that I was at the Secondhand store, and for the mere price of $16.99 I found an independently made game console that would Play NES, SNES, Atari, Sega genesis, Jaguar, PS1 and PS2 games! I totally bought the shit outta that thing. I also found at the store, a Genesis Game Genie, and a Sega CD attachment.... God I'm a dork. (On a separate note, when I type the word Dreamt, it tells me It is spelled wrong... I was taught that it was a real word, have the rules changed?) That is a pretty awesome dream...almost sounds like a Super Genintari, but 20% cooler. And yeah, as far as I know "dreamt" is an actual word, but then again, I'm sometimes amazed at the words Firefox doesn't recognize... On a side note, tried recalling what I was dreaming this morning, but to no avail. Methinks some new tactics are in order! Edited April 26, 2013 by Lowline Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainblow H. Ash 5,091 April 26, 2013 Share April 26, 2013 Anyone start their Dream Log yet? *Update* I remembered my Dream the night before last because it was AWESOME. I dreamt that I was at the Secondhand store, and for the mere price of $16.99 I found an independently made game console that would Play NES, SNES, Atari, Sega genesis, Jaguar, PS1 and PS2 games! I totally bought the shit outta that thing. I also found at the store, a Genesis Game Genie, and a Sega CD attachment.... God I'm a dork. (On a separate note, when I type the word Dreamt, it tells me It is spelled wrong... I was taught that it was a real word, have the rules changed?) Dreamt is a real word, you're in the clear... as Lowline said. Darn it, what a ninja! Anywho, I did indeed start a written dream log, since I don't have anything to record on yet. I couldn't remember my whole dream from last night, but here's what I did remember, copied straight from my log: I was driving to class when I stopped at a convenience store to get something to drink. I was looking around in their drink section, and they had milk, chocolate milk, fruit drinks, and dish soap inside of the fridges. Suddenly, something explodes near the front door, and I see a man standing at the front door all ripped up, and then I fall to the ground and cover my head, the sound of the explosion ringing in my ears. I blink a few times, and then fall unconscious. Afterwards, I wake up at my friend's house and he explains to me that I had fallen unconscious in the store and that I had been that way for twelve hours, meaning I had missed class. I told them that I think a bomb exploded in there, and then we started talking about something that I can't recall. That's all I remember from my dream. Overall, I couldn't remember my whole dream, but I remember that tid bit. I can still hear that ringing in my ears from my dream... freaky stuff! 1 #bringbackmerriwetherwillaims Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Urkelbot 63 April 26, 2013 Share April 26, 2013 Dreamt is a real word, you're in the clear... as Lowline said. Darn it, what a ninja! Anywho, I did indeed start a written dream log, since I don't have anything to record on yet. I couldn't remember my whole dream from last night, but here's what I did remember, copied straight from my log: I was driving to class when I stopped at a convenience store to get something to drink. I was looking around in their drink section, and they had milk, chocolate milk, fruit drinks, and dish soap inside of the fridges. Suddenly, something explodes near the front door, and I see a man standing at the front door all ripped up, and then I fall to the ground and cover my head, the sound of the explosion ringing in my ears. I blink a few times, and then fall unconscious. Afterwards, I wake up at my friend's house and he explains to me that I had fallen unconscious in the store and that I had been that way for twelve hours, meaning I had missed class. I told them that I think a bomb exploded in there, and then we started talking about something that I can't recall. That's all I remember from my dream. Overall, I couldn't remember my whole dream, but I remember that tid bit. I can still hear that ringing in my ears from my dream... freaky stuff! Whoa, That's pretty Crazy. It makes sense that you might dream about a bomb going off with everything in the news lately (In the US at least) The Dish Soap in the cold case is a bit of a head scratcher though. That's what's great about dreams though. 1 I'm a' tell you who's best pony, by da hour. Just like Rosie O'Donnell at a Bisexual Bridal Shower. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainblow H. Ash 5,091 April 26, 2013 Share April 26, 2013 Whoa, That's pretty Crazy. It makes sense that you might dream about a bomb going off with everything in the news lately (In the US at least) The Dish Soap in the cold case is a bit of a head scratcher though. That's what's great about dreams though. Yeah, I clearly remember in my dream thinking in my head as I was lying there that this was just like the Boston Bombing, although it was just a split second thought in my dream since I woke up at friend's house not too long after. And yeah, the Dish Soap I don't understand... I just remember that it was on the top shelf of the drink aisle, although in my dream it seemed normal to me... now that I'm awake, not so much. #bringbackmerriwetherwillaims Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Potato Sprout 109 April 26, 2013 Share April 26, 2013 I don't really know why, but I really feel the need to share a dream i had yesterday, this may not be the correct place to post that but whatever. This one is just a bit to embarrassing for me to keep for myself, I know that doesn't make sense. But I was out taking a walk with my mom, then we split up for some reason. I really needed to go to the toilet, so I did what i had to do in the forest. But the whole thing is just that I didn't just do it in the forest... Now I remember how bad it feels to wake up in a wet bed and I'm probably going to remember that dream for a very long time. My request thread: http://mlpforums.com/topic/68016-dannedankers-perler-bead-request-place-thingy/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Legatus Equus 38 April 26, 2013 Share April 26, 2013 I very rarely remember dreams. It's no big loss, because the few I do are just random synapse firing that makes no sense whatsoever. Lucid dreaming doesn't really hold much appeal to me for that reason. It'd be pointless to try and control stuff that makes no sense anyways. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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