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private Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Path to Destiny


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"HAPPI?" Porygon asked. "Do not tell me you are thinking of starting a Rescue Squad. It would be far too dangerous for someone of your....status." Porygon said looking Oddish over as if he was scanning her. "As for the rest..." Porygon began to look over the other Pokemon he had noticed entering Paradise. "It seems the others are no better. It would be illogical to think that you could form a working team. Much stronger and more experienced Pokemon have tried only to be consumed by the same hatred and discord that plagues the rest of the world."


[That last sentence totally means Discord is the main villain right?]


 "I think you'd find me more than capable enough for a "rescue" team." Cyndaquil said bluntly to Porygon. "Despite my quiet nature, I'm quite good at fighting, but mainly keep to myself because it's easier to do things yourself at times. I just felt that maybe this Paradise could help me become stronger..." He couldn't help but feel underestimated. He had been through many a dangerous dungeons,and was not stranger to being a leader on the rare occasions he was with a group.


 Feeling that he needed to vent out some built up flame Cyndaquil went off towards the mountains in the back. "I'll be atop the hills if any of you should need me." He said softly.


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Riolu had heard about these mystery dungeons and how every time you go in one the layout is always different and he has heard that there are ancient relics that may prove useful to him. "So tell me Eevee how much do you know about these Mystery dungeons" Riolu said calmly

"All I know is that the Dungeons are an awesome place to find an Adventure, I'm sure that between all of us there'll be no problem getting through the dungeon," Eevee told Riolu. "Don't worry buddy, I'll protect you and Oddish from the big bad pokemon in there," he said with a loud laugh.

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"All I know is that the Dungeons are an awesome place to find an Adventure, I'm sure that between all of us there'll be no problem getting through the dungeon," Eevee told Riolu. "Don't worry buddy, I'll protect you and Oddish from the big bad pokemon in there," he said with a loud laugh.

Riolu thought to himself "i will say this Eevee has no shortage of gusto i will give him that much" Riolu agreed to assist Oddish and Eevee in exploring a nearby dungeon "Alright Eevee i will assist you in exploring this dungeon if you two so desire me to." Riolu said calmly 

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(OOC: I'm using a tablet right now, so my thoughts are going to be in quotation marks.)


"So many Pokemon here... And they all seem pretty happy..." Kindle thought with a smile, as positivity was quite lacking these days. And personally, she thought Paradise looked quite nice. "Maybe life can be more positive..." That thought kind of got shattered when she overheard a Porygon say how illogical it was to form a team with Pokemon like themselves and when she heard a Doduo's head comment on how poor of a place this was.


Riolu thought to himself "i will say this Eevee has no shortage of gusto i will give him that much" Riolu agreed to assist Oddish and Eevee in exploring a nearby dungeon "Alright Eevee i will assist you in exploring this dungeon if you two so desire me to." Riolu said calmly


On a brighter note, the Vulpix noticed Oddish and the others talking about going into a Mystery Dungeon. "A mystery dungeon, that's amazing!" She thought with excitement. Kindle walked over to the trio and after a few minutes of hesitation, she asked," Mind if I come?"]

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((Was hoping internet would be up so I could do longer posts. Lolnope. Regardless...))


"Yes! They certainly are!" Oddish replied. While still cheery, her voice had dropped a bit. A hint of frustration was there, but really only noticeable to those that new her well, which made Absol show a slightly annoyed face as well."Really? Awesome!" Oddish replied, though the change in voice remained. "We just went out adventuring a while ago, actually!"((I would prefer if such assumptions were not made. I'll go with it for now, though.))


The other pokemon, including the Zorua, were on the side of Paradise Absol had originally been watching. The note seemed to be somewhat old, as a result, most likely no longer relevant. Though that wasn't certain.

"Wait, you're adventurers? Oh, man, it's my lucky day! Listen, can I go adventuring with you? There are some Pokémon who... don't like me that much. I'm great in a tussle, I swear!" Pawniard hopped from foot to foot, anxious for an answer. The voices from the town were getting steadily louder...



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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"Mail! Mail!" Pelipper shouted before the letter came floating down on Duo's head. Duo picked it up with her beak. Trio read the letter quickly.


"...wow. Whoever came up with this thing has problems, man." Was Trio's first reply before being pecked to death by Duo.




"...So, we're invited to Paradise?" Duo asked casually like her pecking Duo and hurting him didn't happen. "What's that?"


"Sounds stupid." Trio told Duo after recovering from his injury. Duo shot her other head a death glare, and Trio returned with with a frown. "...fine. We'll go."




Doduo headed to the land called Paradise. As the two...heads made their way into the area and found some Pokémon, Trio burst out in laughter.


"See, Duo, I told you this was a sick joke!" 


"Shut up." Duo told Trio before they headed and walked up to Oddish.


"Um, this is Paradise, correct?" Duo asked.


"Well, if it is." The very blunt head blurted out. "Then it's one sorry place!"


"Please excuse my other head." Duo told Oddish apologeticly. "He's...odd. Anyway, i'm Duo, and the other head is Trio. If you want to refer to us as a whole, call us Doduo."

((Bleh. Forgot to reply to this... Apologies.))


Oddish barely seemed to even notice the two heads. With everyone taking to her at once, it was difficult to notice anything specific. Though it was incredibly delayed, she eventually noticed the two...or one.


"Oh... Hi!" Oddish said, rather bluntly. "It's great that you decided to come to Para-" Oddish cut herself off yet again to respond to the other questions.

(OOC: I'm using a tablet right now, so my thoughts are going to be in quotation marks.)

"So many Pokemon here... And they all seem pretty happy..." Kindle thought with a smile, as positivity was quite lacking these days. And personally, she thought Paradise looked quite nice. "Maybe life can be more positive..." That thought kind of got shattered when she overheard a Porygon say how illogical it was to form a team with Pokemon like themselves and when she heard a Doduo's head comment on how poor of a place this was.


On a brighter note, the Vulpix noticed Oddish and the others talking about going into a Mystery Dungeon. "A mystery dungeon, that's amazing!" She thought with excitement. Kindle walked over to the trio and after a few minutes of hesitation, she asked," Mind if I come?"]

"Oh?! What was that-" Oddish began, before the Absol she sat on, finally noticing how flustered she was fully, cut her off. "Yes. Of course you can join. That's what the letter was for, after all."

"Wait, you're adventurers? Oh, man, it's my lucky day! Listen, can I go adventuring with you? There are some Pokémon who... don't like me that much. I'm great in a tussle, I swear!" Pawniard hopped from foot to foot, anxious for an answer. The voices from the town were getting steadily louder...

"Of course." Absol replied. Again forgetting that this pokemon was not an adventurer, and, most likely, didn't wasn't to join for the purpose of actually adventuring either.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Trio groaned at being cut off by the Oddish before noticing Duo playing with her Ley Generator. 


"This again?" Trio groaned. Duo rolled her eyes. 


"Hey, if we're with these guys, they perhaps I could find a team that can back us up as we summon a Magnagate into...well...somewhere."


"You're a nerd."


"No, i'm not, i'm a scientist. Ever since that Houndour scientist showed me how to do these ley lines, i've been fiddling around with them ever since."


"You're an idiot."

"..." Duo made their body sit down as she started playing with the ley lines. Meanwhile, on their other side of the body. Trio was searching for someone to save him from one of the few times when he was not in control of their body.

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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@"Okay, great! Now, is there anything important going on right now? Or can we leave? Wait! BRAAAAINWAVE!" Pawniard grabbed the gummy, and in two swift chomps it was gone. "Oketh, aht nathrl." Pawniard adopted a "natural" pose, leaning on Absol and completely forgetting about the sharp blades he had in place of hands...



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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Kindle regarded Pawniard with a cock of her head. How can I act natural when you come in and wolf down a gummi like there's no tomorrow? Her ears then twitched and she heard the same angry voices Pawniard was hearing. Half-guessing and half-putting two and two together, Kindle asked,"Did you steal that?"

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"Really? Awesome!" Oddish replied, though the change in voice remained. "We just went out adventuring a while ago, actually!"

"Oh,ok" Shinx said. He felt bummed about the fact that they already went to a dungeon.But new adventures await!


He walked towards the new Pokemon that was invited as well.He thought that meeting these new Pokemon would increase the trust between the group.

Edited by PonyzzFTW



Thanks to Lugia for the signature.


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Cyndaquil made his way to the top of the hill in the back of Paradise. He took a look behind him to make sure he was a decent distance away from Oddish and the group so as to not disturb them or scare them. That's when he noticed another pokémon join in, a doduo. He let out a slight sigh, but then he thought, "It may be a big and...odd...group, but maybe I could learn something from them...". He shook his head and turned away from the group.


"Alright...gotta' keep it fueled for as long as possible." Cyndaquil said with confidence as he took a couple deep breaths. He focused his energy into his flame and relaxed his body.


"*deep breath* GO! Flamethrower~!" With that Cyndaquil shot a large burst of fire into the horizon. Concentrating on his fire, he kept his flame going for a while until he felt weak. "Umph...better..." He panted, "But still not good enough."


Wanting to recollect his energy, he took a seat and watched over Paradise, hoping something "interesting" would happen.


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Just when Shadow's worry was about to make her collapse, her eyes darted around. She spotted a blue blur; which on later inspection proved to be a Shinx. Letting out a big sigh; Shadow turned to the Shinx. He seemed friendly enough, at least to her.

"Hey! Do you know anything about Paradice?"


((I'm a bit new to RP, if I make a mistake please forgive me))

"I am new to the Paradise too." Shinx said.He looked to the Zorua."If you want to know anything ask Oddish." Shinx was curious about the Zorua."Hey,whats your name and did Oddish send that letter to you too?" He waited the Zorua to answer his questions.Well apparently i'm not the only one who doesn't know this place.



Thanks to Lugia for the signature.


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Due to no-one reclaiming the rescue kit, the Mudkip decided to look in some nearby dungeons for the owners, despite the hardness of the job. However, he got a long way away from Pokémon Paradise and was feeling very afraid. He didn't know where he was. He let out a short cry, but fell down, unconscious, far, far away.  



My main OC is Rick. Link to my main OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/rick-r3145My Unicorn OC is Mind's Eye. Link: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/minds-eye-r3273I also have an alicorn pegacorn OC, Fred. Link: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/fred-r3298

Also, the arbitrary Earth Pony OC, Marshall. Link: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/marshall-r3314

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@@MagicalStarRain"NO! Um, maybe? Well, it doesn't matter now. I ate it! And there's TONS of Pawniard around here who look JUST LIKE ME! Now, don't say anything about stealing and we'll be- oop! SHH!" The mob arrived, Kelceon leading the charge. "Hey, are you the Pawniard that stole my prize gummy?"



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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@,@@PonyzzFTW,  @,



Sandshrew wasn't surprised when Zorua decided to start talking to a Shinx instead. He was used to it. 


"Yeah, I ought to talk to Oddish," he mumbled softly before turning to walk in through the gate to Paradise.


He caught a glimpse of several Pokemon training in the area (What does Paradise actually look like?), including a Cyndaquil breathing fire up on top of a nearby hillock, and a small little bundle of sunshine that was unmistakably Oddish, who was talking to ... A Doduo. 

Sandshrew could talk to Oddish later.


Instead, he padded up the hill slowly to stand beside the Cyndaquil, who had since stopped breathing his fire. He sat down wordlessly, unable to think of anything to say, really. 

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"*Uh*..." Cyndaquil was taken back a bit when he noticed there was a Sandshrew sitting next to him. He looked puzzled as well as a bit saddened. "I wonder what's wrong with this one..." He thought. 


 He took a deep breath, collected himself a bit more, and turned to Sandshrew. "What's goin' on buddy?"


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Oh geez, this isn't good. Kindle knew very well what happens when one steals from a Kecleon. She heard that they're immensely powerful and will stop at nothing to beat up shoplifters. Well, better save his skin I guess. "Actually, I another Pawniard carrying a gummi and they were going that way," she said, gesturing with her tails that they went over to the crossroads in the direction leading to the dungeons. She then gave Pawniard a look that said,"This is last time I will help you."

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"THERE!" Duo half-shouted at her notes. Trio questionably looked at Duo.


"Duo...what have you got there?" Trio asked.


"The formula with the entercards should create a simple practice dungeon for training. It should be good for Pokémon around our level." Duo told Trio.


"...is the formula simple?" 


"Yes." Duo happily responded.


"...You call that simple?!" Trio blurted.


"Oh, you should see my other foru-"


"Stop right there." Trio told Duo. "We're staying here?"


"...the others. Should we tell the others?"


"No, i'm not done yet. About twenty more minutes to create the entercards out of these blank ones, and we should be good to go."


Trio sat down and groaned.

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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"*Uh*..." Cyndaquil was taken back a bit when he noticed there was a Sandshrew sitting next to him. He looked puzzled as well as a bit saddened. "I wonder what's wrong with this one..." He thought. 


 He took a deep breath, collected himself a bit more, and turned to Sandshrew. "What's goin' on buddy?"

Sandshrew glanced at Cyndaquil, from where he had been gazing uncertainly at Doduo. He shrugged. "Nothing much," he said awkwardly. "Got a letter from Oddish. Something about coming to Paradise, so here I am," he said, waving an arm at his surroundings. "I saw your flamethrower attack." It was a matter-of-fact statement.

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@@MagicalStarRainPawniard grinned wildly. "We are a great team! Come on, let's go break something!" He dashed off happily, not looking to see if the Vulpix was following.


Once he'd made it a fair distance away, Pawniard wiped his forehead in relief. Not only had he pulled off another heist, but he'd made a clean getaway.



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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Sandshrew glanced at Cyndaquil, from where he had been gazing uncertainly at Doduo. He shrugged. "Nothing much," he said awkwardly. "Got a letter from Oddish. Something about coming to Paradise, so here I am," he said, waving an arm at his surroundings. "I saw your flamethrower attack." It was a matter-of-fact statement.


"You saw it?" Cyndaquil wasn't all that surprised though. He tried to make it so no one would really notice down there, however, he tends to underestimate his power. "...Yeah I just came up here to get some more training done. Since I heard this is supposed to end up being a sort of "Rescue Squad" or something, I figured I should brush up on some more training. Walking here took some time and I wasn't gunna use my energy training like this." 


Cyndaquil could practically feel Sandshrew's uneasy-ness, he knew the feeling all too well. As introverted as he tended to be, he felt like he had to break him, but he had to start slow.


"So what brings you here to this place? Surely you had to have had a real reason for leaving where you were..." Cyndaquil said softly, trying not to press the subject.


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"You saw it?" Cyndaquil wasn't all that surprised though. He tried to make it so no one would really notice down there, however, he tends to underestimate his power. "...Yeah I just came up here to get some more training done. Since I heard this is supposed to end up being a sort of "Rescue Squad" or something, I figured I should brush up on some more training. Walking here took some time and I wasn't gunna use my energy training like this." 


Cyndaquil could practically feel Sandshrew's uneasy-ness, he knew the feeling all too well. As introverted as he tended to be, he felt like he had to break him, but he had to start slow.


"So what brings you here to this place? Surely you had to have had a real reason for leaving where you were..." Cyndaquil said softly, trying not to press the subject.

"Wasn't a bad idea, to practice," Sandshrew said, nodding slowly. "Although we'll probably need some of that energy later." He sat there, still gazing outward, and mumbled in response to Cyndaquil's quiet question, "I just... The letter and... I just thought I'd like to meet Oddish and, I dunno, meet the challenge." He took a deep breath, as if trying to calm himself. Not that he had visibly appeared distressed or anything, however.

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Kindle just looked on as the thief dashed away. Sure, like I'd go ahead and join you. I only saved you because Kecleon shopkeepers aren't the most forgiving of Pokemon when their stuff gets stolen. Sighing and acting casual, the Vulpix settled herself near a fallen tree and read one of her scrolls to pass the time while waiting for Oddish and the others to get ready for the adventure.

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"Wasn't a bad idea, to practice," Sandshrew said, nodding slowly. "Although we'll probably need some of that energy later." He sat there, still gazing outward, and mumbled in response to Cyndaquil's quiet question, "I just... The letter and... I just thought I'd like to meet Oddish and, I dunno, meet the challenge." He took a deep breath, as if trying to calm himself. Not that he had visibly appeared distressed or anything, however.


Cyndaquil knew that something had to be wrong, he could just feel it. But he had to let it go, pushing a question onto somebody is no way to get it out of them. He thought for a moment and quickly came up with another idea.


"So what's your best ability? You know, an attack that you're always trying to perfect or get better at?" He said with a happy kind of tone. "I hope this works" He said in his head.


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((I have returned! In technicolor!))



@"Okay, great! Now, is there anything important going on right now? Or can we leave? Wait! BRAAAAINWAVE!" Pawniard grabbed the gummy, and in two swift chomps it was gone. "Oketh, aht nathrl." Pawniard adopted a "natural" pose, leaning on Absol and completely forgetting about the sharp blades he had in place of hands...

"Ow..." Muttered Absol, being basically stabbed by the Pawniard. It wasn't the most painful thing, as Absol had been dug into in the thickest part of his coat, but it still wasn't very comfortable. So, Absol moved away, fairly quickly in a jerky motion. A movement that would be likely to throw the Pawniard off balance... not the most natural looking pose.




"THERE!" Duo half-shouted at her notes. Trio questionably looked at Duo.


"Duo...what have you got there?" Trio asked.


"The formula with the entercards should create a simple practice dungeon for training. It should be good for Pokémon around our level." Duo told Trio.


"...is the formula simple?" 


"Yes." Duo happily responded.


"...You call that simple?!" Trio blurted.


"Oh, you should see my other foru-"


"Stop right there." Trio told Duo. "We're staying here?"


"...the others. Should we tell the others?"


"No, i'm not done yet. About twenty more minutes to create the entercards out of these blank ones, and we should be good to go."


Trio sat down and groaned.

Suddenly not being bombarded with pokemon and their questions for once, Oddish turned her attention to Duo and Trio, who had suddenly just exclaimed something, though didn't appear to be around any other pokemon. Oddish bounced off of Absol, and onto Trio's head. "What'cha doing?" She asked, completely disregarding any annoyance that she may be causing Trio, or Duo for that matter.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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