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private Adventure to Atlantis

Miss Light Diamond

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@@Dawn Stripes, @, @,




Dox looked up to see Moon sitting across from him. "Oh, uh... Hey, Moon..." Buck, now how was he going to take care of things when there was another pony in the same pod as he was? And, as luck would have it, two more ponies showed up, and bergan to usher others inside. Great, juuust great, now what do I do? He thought to himself.


The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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@@Count Paradox


She looked at Paradox as if he was in some kind of weird moment. But looking at his injuries, she thought that she was trying to treat them.


A few more bits of blood rolled down the left side of her face which caused her vision to go blurry again. But just a moment later, she dropped from her seat.




A shoutout to Dr-Whooves for making this sweet thing~

Anyway, go ahead and visit my http://mlpforums.com/user/380-sirius-crescent/'>About Me page for my characters :3

Engaged to Steel Crescent as of 5/1/2013

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@The Party Pod

@@Count Paradox,


Giant had to quit trembling, he told himself. There were ponies in danger. 

I can't let more of them down!


He slid to the floor, scrabbling about under the seat until he found what he was looking for. Grabbing the heavy clamp in his mouth, he pulled back until solid steel shutters slammed shut on all the pod's window, ceiling, port, and stern.

They were supposed to be for leaks and for keeping sea creatures out. But they worked just as well to block the view.

Carelssly burning through the emergency flashlight's charge, which he also brought out, Giant twisted the knob until it became a lamp. Light returned. He could get to some semblance of work.


There were injured ponies in here. Giant was no medic, but at least he could deal with scrapes and make sure nothing got infected. He pulled out his first aid kit and looked at the black and white pony first. Looked like there might be something nasty happening under that eye patch.

"You oughta' let me take a look at that eye, son," he growled. "I think you're gonna' need it before we get off this crazy trip."

Edited by Dawn Stripes
  • Brohoof 1

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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Frostbite looked at the ponies in the pod with her, Giant freaked out again before pulling himself together and tending to the stallion at the side of him, and the mare to Frostbite's left looked like she wanted to lie on the floor for a while. 

"Anypony needs me, i'll be getting some shuteye" she sighed as she attempted to roll over and rested her head on the wall, covering her eye with her foreleg. 

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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@The Party Pod ? (Love the name wub.png )


Ocean ran behind Iron Hoof until they made it to the long hallway leading to the escape pods as the submarine gave another shake, knocking Ocean to the floor. Iron grabbed her hoof and pulled her back up, but didn't let go as he pulled her down the hall...towards a large puddle of water. "NO NO NO NO NO NO...NO WATER. IRON HOOF NO." She yelled, trying to get out of his grasp. But he ignored her. Whatever it was, they needed to get off this sub.

He pulled her right through the puddle and kept walking. Ocean winced as her hooves touched the water...but instead of falling off...the water seemed to stay on her hoof, in fact, her hoof seemed to soak it up as it became clear...then, It started spreading up her legs.
Iron Hoof knew what was happening but took no notice as he practically threw her into the escape pod. Ocean was no completely water...she had the shape of a pony but she was clear and the water seemed to be flowing.


She stared at the other ponies in the sub...wide eyed, it was a little difficult to see but she just kept staring.

Iron Hoof ran up to the front and turned on the escape pod. Ocean looked up at the front and shook her head, trying to stop Iron Hoof. "The other crew members can get another escape pod. We need to go NOW."


(Ocean cant speak when she is in her water form...)

  • Brohoof 2

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@The Party Pod


Steel scrambled away from the pod he just evacuated, whilst also shoving Cookie in there. Said pony was still spouting off thanks and gratitude in his slurred Dodge Junction twang even as Steel closed the hatch.


Steel ran to his own escape pod. The red light flashed and the alarm blarred. The ship shook with a blast and Steel was slammed against the wall, head first. His vision blurred as he got up and continued to run. One wing outstretched to make sure he wasn't bumping into anything. Finally he found his designated pod and reached for the porthole. Due to his blurred vision however, he misjudged where the step was and tumbled inside.


"S-Sorry I'm late everypony." He apologized as he was seeing stars. "Oh hello there Master Sergeant! Fancy meeting you-" Steel didn't get any further before he felt the throbbing in his head flare up in his skull.

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From afar, Moon heard some other ponies, but dared to turn her head around. Her body started to go in shock just before she could hear the noise of the ponies getting closer and closer.

Eventually she heard a thud behind her, and then caught a glimpse of another pony running to the front of the sub.


What is.. Going on now?


In this case curiosity got the best of her.

At that time, she struggled to get up and slowly walked to the front of the pod to where Iron Hoof and the waterlike pony were. In time though, she stopped just behind Iron and let out a whisper into his ear.

"What is happening.."


(( Note: Moon's left side of her face is covered in blood. That goes for her left hoof too since it was on her wound for a bit ))

Edited by 1_0_4_3268764 0 OK 0


A shoutout to Dr-Whooves for making this sweet thing~

Anyway, go ahead and visit my http://mlpforums.com/user/380-sirius-crescent/'>About Me page for my characters :3

Engaged to Steel Crescent as of 5/1/2013

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(OOC: Well boy has a lot happened since last night! Guess I'd better hurry before Feather gets left behind!)


Feather spluttered and coughed.




Feather's eyelids fluttered open. Her head was throbbing. The flashing red lights and flaring sirens didn't help.


 What happened? The pegasus glanced about, frowning. She was lying upside down with her back against the wall, wings bent out at an awkward angle. Water splashed into her face with each rock of the submarine, reviving her. Groaning, she struggled onto four shaky legs, and rubbed her pounding forehead with a hoof as she tried to get her bearings.


Just minutes ago she had been trotting out of the mess hall and down the sub's maze of corridors, congratulating herself on learning the names of three new ponies in under an hour, when the submarine had suddenly begun jerking and rocking. 


I must have hit my head, Feather realised. She frowned, disconcerted; she had never been knocked out before.





Feather winced at the voice booming from the intercom, which sounded louder than usual. "We're evacuating?" she murmured. "What the buck is going on?!"


Unfortunately, the entire length of the hallway was deserted, so there was nopony to answer her question. Feather turned and began heading in what she hoped was the right direction to the nearest escape pod, only to stop abruptly. Wasn't her room nearby?


"My notebook..." Feather whispered. Then louder, "Great-granda's battle saddle! It's an antique original!"


Feather hesitated, torn. Then she began galloping back the way she had come. 


By the time Feather Quill reached her room, the water had risen to nearly halfway up her legs. She could see her wristwatch floating on the surface - now broken, of course. Ignoring it, Feather waded to the middle of the room to stand in front of her bunk, took a breath, and stuck her head underneath the water. Eyes shut tight, she had to feel around with her hooves. Air escaped from her mouth in a stream of bubbles. Her already pounding head began to swim. Feather was about to give up when her head banged against something hard. 


The chest! 


Feather grasped the handle in her mouth and dragged the heavy chest out from under the bed. Once freed, it immediately floated to the top. Feather's head followed, breaching the surface as she gasped for air. She would never make it if she dragged the chest with her; instead, she heaved it onto the mattress and popped the latches open with her teeth. Inside, her great-grandfather's battle saddle, passed down to her from her father, lay intact and pristine, showing no signs of water damage. It was one of the earliest makes, simple in design: two single-barreled shotguns attached to a harness, complete with saddlebags for ammo and other essentials. A bit activated as the trigger when tugged; yank it to the left and you fired the right gun, yanking it to the right fired the left gun and a straight pull downwards fired them both - or at least, that was the theory; Feather hadn't had much practice, and the thing was so old she suspected it would blow up in her face any day now.


Still, the weight of the saddle felt strangely comforting when she put it on, despite it being slightly too big and fitting rather lopsidedly as a result; it felt as if the spirit of her great-grandfather was with her, offering support. She knew then that she had been right not to leave it behind, even if she couldn't necessarily fight with it.


"Right then," Feather grunted. Inspecting the saddle bags, she saw that one of them was empty, and the other only contained half a box of shells. Taking her notebook and a pen - despite her name, Feather did not in fact write with a feather quill; she had learned not to the hard way after getting a muzzle full of feathers - and shoved them into the empty saddle bag. Then, with a last forlorn look at everything she was leaving behind - mainly books - she turned and ran out of the room.


The water was still rising, causing Feather to slip and slide. The submarine was a labyrinth. Disorientated, Feather cursed the grey-walled corridors for all looking the same. She decided to stick to the left wall, but nevertheless got the feeling she was just running in circles. 


I've seen that pipe before. Feather took a right. I've seen that door too.  This time she took a left, then left again, then a right. But no matter where she turned, nothing changed; and still there were no other ponies - just flashing lights and wailing sirens. Feather was lost, which meant she was probably going to die. She kept running anyway.


She took another corner, and groaned loudly. She'd passed that poster showing a map of the sub twice already!


Wait a minute.


"Oh." Feather could have facehoofed. Then, inspecting the map closer, she did facehoof. The closest pod was just under two minutes away! 


Elated, Feather broke into a renewed gallop, heading down a corridor which she swore was brighter than the ones before. Reaching a junction, she barely noticed the giant frozen over crack in the wall, instead running straight past it to the closest escape pod. Straight away she noticed Iron Hoof at the controls, and realised with a shudder how close she had come to not getting in.


"Hello everypony," she panted, collapsing into the nearest vacant seat and immediately soaking it with the water that was clinging to her pelt and clothes. "Well this is jolly exciting, isn't it?"

  • Brohoof 1

Uh...I have no idea what to put here.





"Yes a perfect gift for me,

 Is a smile as wide as a mile,

To make me happy as can be!"

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A slight rumbling began to rock the submarine as Star Keeper sat unaware of the chaos around him. Only when water began to pool at his feet did he begin to think that something was up. Then the craft shook violently, tossing Star from his seat and onto the wet ground. He pulled himself back to his hooves, now more concerned about how his scrolls and books fared in his room.




"Well bugger." Only way to really express his thoughts on the situation. He quickly turned to Short Fuse and gestured towards the exit. "I think that's our cue to get the hell out of here. The pods aren't too far away."


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@@Count Paradox


(OOC: Should wait for Par..but there's other interactions to be had as well)


Giant looked away from his first injured pony to see another one getting up to reveal a huge gash on her face. Oh colt, he thought. There'd better be a real doctor on this tub.


The next thing he noticed was that Frostbite appeared to be...taking a nap.

Giant swayed on his hooves, then recovered his balance and gave the mare a swift kick. "Get up, filly! This is no time for a nap! I need you on that pod door so we can get the hoof outta' here!"


Ten ponies now. He glared at Iron Hoof, daring the captain to close the pod before two more crew members boarded, and then turned back to the black and white colt. "Better hurry," he groused. "Looks like I got a lotta' bandaids to dispense." He reached for the eyepatch.

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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@@Dawn Stripes,


Frostbite grumbled and sat back up "There are like...10 ponies on this thing, why me?" she complained "Fine, what do you need me to do?" she looked at Iron Hoof who seemed to be itching to pull the lever to set off the pod, and the injured ponies nearby "you want me to freeze the lever or something? I guess you dont actually want us to get off this thing?"

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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Gah! This mare was actually trying to defend falling asleep in a survival situation? With the sub still rocking and water starting to gush through a low bulkhead from the enormous gurgling sound, and sparks flying down every other hallway?
How could she even sleep in this?


"We're not leaving 'till I have twelve ponies!" he snapped. "Keep an eye on him, will you? And if anypony comes down the corridor, get them in here! Help them if they're injured!" 

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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@Party Pod



Iron hoof began charging up the engines. Ocean tapped him on the shoulder, leaving a large wet spot on his fur. But he ignored her and reached for the button to close the door but Ocean grabbed his hoof and shook her head angrily, mouthing words that looked like swears. She gestured back towards the door. "MISS OCEAN I SWEAR TO CELESTIA IF YOU DON'T LET GO OF ME I WILL THROW YOU OUT OF THIS POD." He stood up and pushed her back onto the floor, sending water around the room as her body hit the ground.


Again, the entire submarine shook as the beast outside knocked it. "We're leaving." The doors to the pod closed as the whole thing shot out away from the submarine into the ocean...

  • Brohoof 1

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@ Party Pod


Just as the pod launched, it was able to push out so much force that it had sent Moon on the ground, landing next to Ocean. It was a bit upsetting to her in a way for Iron Hoof to do such a thing, but she withheld her anger and focused on what was happening now.


"Ugh.. You didn't have to do that so suddenly you know..."

  • Brohoof 1


A shoutout to Dr-Whooves for making this sweet thing~

Anyway, go ahead and visit my http://mlpforums.com/user/380-sirius-crescent/'>About Me page for my characters :3

Engaged to Steel Crescent as of 5/1/2013

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@,@@Dawn Stripes,  


"You saw it, nothing I could've done" Frostbite sighed in relief,  sitting back comfortably - or at least as comfortably as you could get in a steel chair surrounded by 8 other ponies and a puddle at your feet. She looked...confused at what had just happened to Ocean, seeing her just...explode into a liquid form all over the floor, Frostbite had to hold back a laugh - it was all she could do given the situation. "You're a real drip huh?" she joked, bursting out laughing at herself in the most inappropriate way, before suddenly stopping and glaring daggers at the stallion who ejected the pod. 


Standing up and stepping over to him, she growled down his ear "I dont know who you are, and I care even less. I was assigned to this sub to protect its occupants against my will. That doesn't mean I will happily sit and murder 2 of the crew." she looked him up and down, before blowing her mane to one side and looking down her muzzle at him "at least, I wouldn't have done" she then turned to Giant once again and stepped over to him "So, what now?"

Edited by Creeping Dusk
  • Brohoof 1

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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@Nightfall Cascade stumbled along, lagging behind all the rest of the group of ponies, and lost them in the maze of corridors that criss-crossed the interior of the flooding submarine. Dismay filled her as her blurry sight registered that she was alone.  She took a deep breath... As the corridor she was in filled up completely with water. 


Holding her breath, she did her best to maneuver the completely flooded corridor, down, round, about... Where in Celestia's name were the stairs? Cascade's vision began to darken, and almost all was lost when she found what she was looking for - just a small staircase that went up a single floor, but it was enough.


Soaked through, Cascade emerged with a splash onto the floor above, coughing and retching. Her sight began to come back to her, and she saw a still-open pod remaining at the end of the hall. Panicking, she splashed down the hallway, and tumbled into the pod. She was still coughing up lungfuls of water when she said, to the only other inhabitant of the pod, whoever it was, "Go, launch, NOW!" 

  • Brohoof 1

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Iron Hoof glared right back at her. "DON'T You talk to me like that. We were going to die if we stayed any longer. There are other escape pods no SIT THE BUCK DOWN." He yelled, steering the sub towards a large crevasse.



The water around the ground slowly started morphing back together as Ocean pushed herself back to her hooves.

  • Brohoof 1

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@Nightfall Cascade stumbled along, lagging behind all the rest of the group of ponies, and lost them in the maze of corridors that criss-crossed the interior of the flooding submarine. Dismay filled her as her blurry sight registered that she was alone.  She took a deep breath... As the corridor she was in filled up completely with water. 


Holding her breath, she did her best to maneuver the completely flooded corridor, down, round, about... Where in Celestia's name were the stairs? Cascade's vision began to darken, and almost all was lost when she found what she was looking for - just a small staircase that went up a single floor, but it was enough.


Soaked through, Cascade emerged with a splash onto the floor above, coughing and retching. Her sight began to come back to her, and she saw a still-open pod remaining at the end of the hall. Panicking, she splashed down the hallway, and tumbled into the pod. She was still coughing up lungfuls of water when she said, to the only other inhabitant of the pod, whoever it was, "Go, launch, NOW!" 


Nightfall reached for the controls, and hit the launch button. But nothing happened. He looked at the doors, nearly panicking as water started lapping at them. He turned back to the controls, and frantically found the button for closing the doors. Only then did he hit the launch button, and the pod shot away from the Defender. He sat in the control seat, and followed the trail of bubbles coming from another pod.

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Right as Cascade and Nightfall's pod shot from the defender, something from the end of the machines head lit up. There was a bright flash and a bright blue beam shot at the Defender, blowing the whole thing into two pieces.
It slowly sunk to the bottom as the creature swam off to who know's where.


Meanwhile. The few escape pods that had made it were traveling into a large crevasse where the cave was located.

  • Brohoof 1

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Frostbite started to giggle, and then eventually began laughing hysterically. Without turning to face the stallion who was shouting, she replied with a dismissive tone of voice "There was no water in that corridor, besides, I could have easily kept it at bay if there was." she calmed down from laughing, and turned her head back to face him "And i'll talk to you however I feel like, if you feel like trying to change that, you're more than welcome to try" she giggled, slipping her bracelets back on and starting to fill the pod with a cold mist, not thinking about Ocean's current state. "Oh and one more thing? I'm not too good at doing as i'm asked, so dont think i'll even consider doing as i'm told."

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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Iron Hoof stood up and placed a gun at Frostbites head. "SHUT YOUR BUCKING MOUTH." He yelled, staring right into her eyes. "I am in charge at the moment. If you don't SHUT THE BUCK UP, I will shoot you right here right now. And stop whatever your doing. It will kill Ocean." He said, gesturing to Ocean who had just managed to push herself up onto her hooves.

  • Brohoof 1

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(I'm sorry, I HAVE to do this) 


She giggled once again, and touched her horn lightly to the gun barrel, freezing the whole thing solid. "Pull the trigger, your gun will break the second the hammer strikes - if it can even move" she looked at the floor, watching the puddle-pony struggling to rise "oh and 2 more things, I doubt you'll make it out of here alive if you kill me, and I know for a fact your captain wont." 


She sat down on the floor sarcastically, turning to face Giant once again "and there's only one pony in this pod i'll listen to."

  • Brohoof 1

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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@ @


With the few bits of her strength left, she stood back up but barely being able to hold her own.


"I agree with the light blue pony." Moon had added in. "You launched too early for anyone else to get on, and there was no signs of immediate danger."

There was a slight pause in between her words, but after a deep breath she continued.


"Maybe it was for the protection of us, or maybe it was because of you wanting to preserve your own.."

  • Brohoof 1


A shoutout to Dr-Whooves for making this sweet thing~

Anyway, go ahead and visit my http://mlpforums.com/user/380-sirius-crescent/'>About Me page for my characters :3

Engaged to Steel Crescent as of 5/1/2013

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Iron Hoof punched Frostbite straight in the face before turning around and walking up to the front of the pod. "Do any of you SEE WHAT HAPPENED TO THE SUB. IT JUST BLEW UP. If you want me to take you back there and send you out so you can sink with it, tell me now. I will happily do just that." He said, steering them into the crevasse.

Ocean finally managed to push herself up to her hooves as she leaned against the wall. She stumbled over to her bag and pulled out a potion which she drank...well...as the potion entered her body it just mixed with the water.
She dropped her bag on the ground before slumping against the wall.

  • Brohoof 2

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Her head jerked back with the impact, and her nose started bleeding, she looked a little shocked - but at the same time relieved. She simply laughed, blew a kiss and turned her attention to Moon Wave. "Well, he's dead" she chuckled.

"You alright? You dont exactly look in the best condition, if you dont mind me saying" she asked Moon as she slipped her bracelets off once again, to avoid freezing the inside of the pod "Oh and Ocean? You never had anything to worry about."

  • Brohoof 1

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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