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open The Dark Tournament (FULL!)

Literally Snails

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"Okay fighter's take your stances please!" Juri said. She gave her usual glance at both contestants before she continued. "BEGIN"

Cosmo charged at the first syllable, his enchanments propelling him across the ring in moments. He swung Altiar at Goldre's chest, jumped to the side of her, and circled his blade around to stab her in the joint of her wings, hoping to prevent her from flying off.

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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(OOC: we're ready to fight and I'm getting excited, please hurry up and start biggrin.png)

Seeing Goldre's graceful entrance cooled Cosmo's anger about Lite enough to regain his composure. He smiled and gave his opponent an up nod. "I hope you aren't planning on me being defensive this time. Bad Dreams and I are connected so killing her would've been an issue, you and I are not. Though I'll gladly accept your surrender, I won't hold back a killing blow if it's necessary," although he could live with doing so, Cosmo didn't want to kill anyone this tournament except Standoff. "The bucker likes decapitations does he... Arh! Focus Cosmo, Golden Dreams is your opponent!"

"Surrender? Only i your nightmares!" Goldre snorted indignantly.

 As soon as the ref allowed them to begin, she took to the air and swirled up a massive orange and blue tornado. Nearby clouds were sucked in. Goldre stopped suddenly, releasing all the clouds and forming a canopy above the arena.

Terrorite came out. She looked slightly different since the crowd had last seen her, but all her stripes were there.

"Well, then." she growled. "Let's get this party started."

Shes swiped at Cosmo with her shadow whip.

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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Crimson sighed and nodded as well, "I heard what standoff has done to lite by reading the mind of a careless crowdmember.......if you defeat me and make it to the next round.......kick his flank for me.......that pitiful fool should learn not to kill an unarmed opponent, especielly the way he killed lite..." said crimson in a bitter voice as he watched swordpoint leave. Once swordpoint was gone, crimson walked into the center of the empty arena and sighed once more, "well....looks like I have some time to train.....maybe I can try out that new move I've been working on.....i hope this works.....I still haven't tested it yet...." thought crimson, before throwing off his hat and cloak, he then took a deep breath and closed his eyes, and after a few moments, he opened his eyes again but instead of his normal red and golden catl-like eyes, was now what looked like flaming orbs, crimson then tilted his head up and began to look at the sun, after a few moments, his red mane and tail had turned into flames, crimson grinned triumphantly, "IT WORKED!! Said crimson happily as he turned around to see his now flaming tail, and seeing through his flaming eyes, "now.....let's see what i can do with it..." said crimson, before turning around and looking at one of the stone walls, crimson smiled and used his flames as jet boosters, but insteade of the normal large and blazing inferno on his hind hoovs, these flames were, smaller and more concentrated on speed and presicion, than power and strength, as crimson used it he felt himself shoot forward at increadible speeds, now the wall that was ten feet infront of him before was now inches away from him, crimson quickly attempted to use his hoof to punch the wall, but the resulting impact was more powerful than he expected, as he shattered the entire wall with his punch, crimson panicked and shut off his flames, causing him to come to a stop in the rubble remaining of the wall, crimson smiled sheepishly, "I think it works a little too well......but at least I have a new technique, I think I'll call it....."hells comet!" Said crimson happily before remembering he was wasting his time, crimson sighed as he looked at the damage, "uuhh.....I think I'll clean this up after im done with my training session..." said crimson, before walking back into the middle of the arena to try again.

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(I'm reposting this because I'm pretty sure it was ignored...)





"Alright, fighters, You may begin!" The ref said, starting the second match.


"This is perfect!" An audience member said.


"Those two are so evenly matched, they'll be at it for hours!"


(Hello? Are you two online?)


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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"Okay fighter's take your stances please!" Juri said. She gave her usual glance at both contestants before she continued. "BEGIN!"

Cosmo saw the whip and let it graze his shoulder in order to put a gash on Terrorite's chest. "She seems like the combat type more than her counter part... and she doesn't seem to like the sun." Cosmo used a teleportation spell to send himself into the air around the clouds. Judging the time and general direction from the sun, Cosmo conjured his Blood Wind into a cone pointed at the sky and torn a hole in the clouds, large enought to cover the arena in sunlight. He teleported back down with a smile, "Sorry, I'm think the announcer said Golden Dreams, not Terrorite." Silently, he knew he had to prevent her from closing that hole, "I might be able to do that once more but then I'll barely have energy to hold Altiar, let alone my speed enchantments... I have to keep her on the ground..."

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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((Here! Sorry I was babysitting for the past day or so. I'll try to be on as much as i canand my schedule is packed for the weekend))


Midnight Glow came out through the tunnel, her smile and glare glinting at her opponent. "Congrats on making to the next round" she exclaimed to the unicorn Radioactive and stopping at the edge of the ring. "Your move"

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Swordpoint stepped carefully through the corridor until he could clearly hear Standoff... and another familiar voice.


"... know who killed her. You did. Money runs this contest, and you've shown me you've plenty of that."


Swordpoint had to cover his mouth to keep from making a sound. I knew it... they are picking and choosing the champion of their choice. They must have quite a bit against me. But I will not falter. I am sorry, Crimson, but I will win our battle... and once I do, Standoff will suffer... unless he takes the chance that I give him.

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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Radioactive studied her opponent. It seems that this pony is a creature more associated with the night. It being day is unfortunate to her. "If you insist. Of course, we could always sit here and talk to each other for a while.  If we do it long enough, maybe the fans will start killing each other, and we can watch them act like animals. From the crowd we've gathered, it would seem that such events are entertaining." Her horn glowed as she pulled a bench out from under some ponies, weakening the steel supports. She levitated it next to her as it melted into a metal blob, constantly shifting and changing.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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@, @,

Standoff nodded. "You're an odd one, Rail. You seem too smart to do this sort of stuff. But who am I to judge?" He nodded again, consulted the restroom sign, turned and walked straight into Swordpoint. "Oh, hello. Sorry, didn't see you there." Standoff looked around, and then back at Swordpoint. "You know, I think I might really have a chance here. Been lucky so far. How about you?"



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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Knightfall grinned, "Hmph, you're not very smart are you?  First, Swordpoint was the winner of my match, Lite Shade fought some weakling.  Also you might not understand it but sssome battle that are much bigger than a little stadium sssquable are being fought on a much larger ssscale, the game of pawns is no interest to me.  Ssecond, I'm the spirit of an ancient Dragon Lord and what are dragons know for?  GREED.  A normal dragon collects a hoard of staggering wealth, I was a Dragon King, what do you think my hoard isss like?  And finally, I'm an old dragon.  I was around when the original Black Black Club started the Dark Tournament, how else would I know of there little groupss name?  I supported them in their activities and we had many lucrative dealings.  I'm wish meet those had the ability to restore the old wayss and establish new mutually beneficial tiesss.  Would your masters be happy if you turned away such an opportunity?"

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Swordpoint glared at Standoff. "I bring you a warning. Your senseless killing will not go unpunished... I promise you. And if you truly believe that your grisly actions will win you this tournament, you are wrong." He stepped forward. "Money does not control everything. It cannot subvert the spirit or suppress the heart. I fight for what is right... and you once did, as well. I am aware of your desire to restore your friend, but that does not excuse your actions. What good is there in regaining what you've lost if you lose yourself as well?" He extended his hoof to Standoff. "Renounce this path, before it drags you into the darkness. If you refuse... you would do well to pray that you and I never meet in the ring... or outside this tournament."

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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Cosmo saw the whip and let it graze his shoulder in order to put a gash on Terrorite's chest. "She seems like the combat type more than her counter part... and she doesn't seem to like the sun." Cosmo used a teleportation spell to send himself into the air around the clouds. Judging the time and general direction from the sun, Cosmo conjured his Blood Wind into a cone pointed at the sky and torn a hole in the clouds, large enought to cover the arena in sunlight. He teleported back down with a smile, "Sorry, I'm think the announcer said Golden Dreams, not Terrorite." Silently, he knew he had to prevent her from closing that hole, "I might be able to do that once more but then I'll barely have energy to hold Altiar, let alone my speed enchantments... I have to keep her on the ground..."

"It did, did it?" Terrorite said, still there. "Well, here she is!"

Goldre separated from Terrorite.

"Surprised?" they asked. "Well, the answer is simple." They both pointed to the sun.

It was an eclipse.

Goldre separated into another Goldre and Terrorite. All 4 removed their weapons. Each took to the air, high above the arena.

"Can you reach us? We didn't think so..." they chuckled.

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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"It did, did it?" Terrorite said, still there. "Well, here she is!"

Goldre separated from Terrorite.

"Surprised?" they asked. "Well, the answer is simple." They both pointed to the sun.

It was an eclipse.

Goldre separated into another Goldre and Terrorite. All 4 removed their weapons. Each took to the air, high above the arena.

"Can you reach us? We didn't think so..." they chuckled.

(OOC: I know there's a rule against cloning so be prepared if Topaz doesn't approve...)

"...she dies." Cosmo thought with a dark humor as he watched his now FOUR opponents circling in the air. "The rules only count for one opponent so if can pin just one of them to the out of bounds area I can win... But is this somekind of a bucking joke?!" Cosmo took a deep breath and prepared his Blood Wind in the shape of a dome, "I guess I will have to play defensive..." Then Cosmo remembered a wonderful detail about Solar Eclipses, "...for the six minutes it lasts! Ultimately, I'll have to face Terrorite, but this ability has to leave her weakened at the least, those clones need energy from somewhere... Or are they illusions? If they're real, it'll cost her strength, if not, my Blood Wind won't touch them and they won't touch me..."

Edited by TheBreech

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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@, Standoff looked at him, and then sighed. "I've got a revolver in a vest pocket that I could probably get out, aimed, and fired before you could say 'mommy', but that isn't the answer you want. The thing is, my catharical friend, there IS a reason for what I'm doing. Money may not control everything, but one thing it DOES is this tournament. I'm killing my way to the top because I know for a fact that the more ponies I let live, the more who are going to have one hell of a bone to pick with me when I'm done. And there are those who'd play on that to take me out of action before this ends." Standoff thought for a moment and then laughed. "Besides, who have I killed that anypony would miss? A sad little lying lump of a pony and a disgusting, mentally unstable sadist? I mean, Red is too, but he isn't consumed by it."



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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Crimson growled in anger as he listened to standoff speak to swordpoint, he had just finished his training session and went to find swordpoint to discuss their plans for getting the tournaments secrets, but from where he stood now, crimson had heard every word standoff had said to swordpoint, after standoff had finished talking, crimson waited in the shadows of the doorway waiting to jump standoff incase he made a move to attack swordpoint, crimson growled again, "you may be able to pull out a gun and shoot him before he says mommy, but I can burn you into ash before you can say OOPS!" Thought crimson keeping a sharp eye on standoffs movments.

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Swordpoint glared at Standoff. "I bring you a warning. Your senseless killing will not go unpunished... I promise you. And if you truly believe that your grisly actions will win you this tournament, you are wrong." He stepped forward. "Money does not control everything. It cannot subvert the spirit or suppress the heart. I fight for what is right... and you once did, as well. I am aware of your desire to restore your friend, but that does not excuse your actions. What good is there in regaining what you've lost if you lose yourself as well?" He extended his hoof to Standoff. "Renounce this path, before it drags you into the darkness. If you refuse... you would do well to pray that you and I never meet in the ring... or outside this tournament."

"Only if you keep winning." Rail said plainly before relighting his cigarette. He was clearly less emotional than anyone else in his presence.




"It did, did it?" Terrorite said, still there. "Well, here she is!"

Goldre separated from Terrorite.

"Surprised?" they asked. "Well, the answer is simple." They both pointed to the sun.

It was an eclipse.

Goldre separated into another Goldre and Terrorite. All 4 removed their weapons. Each took to the air, high above the arena.

"Can you reach us? We didn't think so..." they chuckled.

"Um... There's a rule against cloning..." the ref said timidly. "What do I do if she doesn't listen? Stopping her isn't my job... is it?"







Knightfall grinned, "Hmph, you're not very smart are you?  First, Swordpoint was the winner of my match, Lite Shade fought some weakling.  Also you might not understand it but sssome battle that are much bigger than a little stadium sssquable are being fought on a much larger ssscale, the game of pawns is no interest to me.  Ssecond, I'm the spirit of an ancient Dragon Lord and what are dragons know for?  GREED.  A normal dragon collects a hoard of staggering wealth, I was a Dragon King, what do you think my hoard isss like?  And finally, I'm an old dragon.  I was around when the original Black Black Club started the Dark Tournament, how else would I know of there little groupss name?  I supported them in their activities and we had many lucrative dealings.  I'm wish meet those had the ability to restore the old wayss and establish new mutually beneficial tiesss.  Would your masters be happy if you turned away such an opportunity?"

The door to the committee room opened and the purple suited old stallion was standing in the doorway. "You got my interest." He said. "My time is really expensive, so make it quick."

Edited by Topaz


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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Silver looked onward at the second battle. He was interested I'm Goldre/Terroroite as she cloned herself again as she did in his match with her. Seemed like the ref wasn't going to allow it though.


"Heh... Tough luck for them." Silver said as a slumped back into his seat. "Man I'm so BORED!" He said to himself. He preferred being in battles rather than watching them.


"Wonder if this island has any nachos..." Silver muttered add he felt a little hungry.

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Swordpoint put his hoof down. "Then you have sealed your fate. And as for you..." Swordpoint pointed at Rail. "I will not lose. Perhaps you should put your money on that." He turned and walked down the corridor, not noticing Crimson against the wall of the corridor.

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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Crimson walked quitely up behind swordpoint and chuckled, "I think that went well, even though that ass threatened to shoot you infront of a tournament official, and speaking of asses, that rail guy seems to be a little too sure about the outcome of the fights, but I don't give a shit how mutch money that bastard has, he'll never control me..." said crimson quitely.

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Midnight smiled.  "You do have a point.  Let's drag it out and see how it goes.  So anyways, how did your first fight go?" She said to Radioactive.  She has armor.  Looks tough to penetrate.  I'm sure when the whole thing gets going, I'll be able to get it off of her.  Midnight sat down, but kept her guard.

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Swordoint smiled. "Those pathetic weapons of his are nothing in the face of magic. He is smug, and that is his weakness." Swordpoint calmly walked in the direction of the lobby with Crimson. "I gave him his warning, and he ignored it. But maybe his luck will hold out and I will be defeated..." At this, Swordpoint laughed coldly. "I do jest, of course."

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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@@Applejack25, (I made the same mistake as you. It's not the whole set, just the helmet.)

Standoff frowned, and then walked after the two before taking a left at the restroom. After washing the gunk off his hooves, he looked outside the restroom, and then opened a boarded-up door that hadn't been on the wall a moment ago. He closed it behind him, and it disappeared.

  • Brohoof 1



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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Crimson laughed too, "yeah, funny, wait....why am I laughing? You just made a joke about me not being able beat you!!" Said crimson now glaring at swordpoint, before smiling, "whatever, even if I can't use my powers to fight you, I can still just kick your sorry flank up and down the arena until you forfiet!" Said crimson before he started to chuckle.

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"I meant no offense," Swordpoint responded calmly. "I am very old... I have walked this earth for over forty years, and yet... It took me most of my life to discover more than mindless service to an evil princess. All those years of training and conditioning have served me well. I trust my experience will see me through the battles ahead."

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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Crimson scoffed, "don't worry, I know you were joking, I just wanted to see if you had a good sense of humor, but it knda backfired, anyway, I may sound like an arrogent brat to most ponies who don't know me, but make no mistake.....I've been, through more scarring and traumatzing advenures, than most men three times my age would break from......so don't try the whole "older pony knows best" talk with me, ok?" Said crimson before grinning at swordpoint, "besides, technichally I'm 33 years old.....long story don't ask....." said crimson looking slightly aggrivated, rubbing his temples, "a REALLY long story...." said crimson as ne walked beside swordpoint.

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