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private An Unexpected Trip to the Human World (Closed!)


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(OOC: Okay, what time is it now? ....I'm gonna' assume it's in the afternoon, since everyone else has gone through a few days and those waiters are probably leaving for the dinner shift)




Fluttershy sat down on the couch, feeling a little out of place with how to make herself useful. When at home in her cottage, there was an animal that needed tending every five minutes and then some, so even between Pinkie's antics and Ponyville's exciting schedule, she was never really bored. But her in her unexpected exile, she wasn't sure what to do with herself.


The apartment was so very...empty. Nothing skittering across the floor, nothing singing near the ceiling. She wasn't being expected to take care of anyone or anypony, which was quite a change for the first time in a long while. Instead of relaxed, however, Fluttershy just felt lonely.

She was a little tired after the excitment of learning....Fluttershy wasn't really sure what she'd learned, honestly, not yet, but it had been exciting for sure. She debated between trying to find something to read and seeing if she could finally make herself useful, and the latter won out. These humans had done a lot for her; surely she could figure something out.


The easiest thing to do was make dinner. Fluttershy was used to feeding lots of hungry critters; food was one of the most powerful tools in her care arsenal, and so, despite a lifetime spent mostly making the same very simple treats again, as a result of caring for animals instead of ponies, she was in some ways an accomplished chef. The stove and refrigerator were no mystery to her, and if her stomach and the light were telling the truth, it would be about time for dinner soon. Magneus would appreciate having something to eat.


She pulled open the fridge to take a look at what was inside. There was some cheese in wrapped slices, a few veggies near the bottom but no fresh greens, which she had a hard time understanding, some bottles of various sauces, what looked like leftovers in plastic near the back, and a few packages of something called bacon that looked like long, greyish-red strips she didn't recognize. She decided not to use it; it might have gone bad, whatever it was, and she couldn't tell. But what kind of salad could she possibly make with this? Maybe if she had a few flowers she could do sandwiches, but for some reason daisies didn't sound appetizing right now...

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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They Arrive to Charles home, as he getting out of the driver side, then he open the door for Rarity and smiles too. "We are here, then he went to the door, unlock it for Rarity to enter and looking at her too. "Bathroom is up stares second door to the right, Gust bed room is the third door to the left and my room is first door to the left too and I will be brining your clothing into the gust room too." Charles saying as he went to get the clothing.


"Thank you so much," Rarity said. The first thing she did was take off the white high heeled boots, then the grubby white dress which she dumped in the laundry basket with a shudder. Last of all, she took off her underwear and walked into the shower cubicle. Studying it, she realised she had no idea as to how to make it work. Then a thought occurred to Rarity; maybe she could use magic to make it work? Of course, she had no horn here, but she had... fingers, wasn't it? She clicked her fingers, and the shower came on.


Smiling triumphantly, Rarity got under the shower and began to wash her hair and body. She noticed that her cutie mark of blue diamonds was on her flank, or whatever humans called this part of the body. That was alright. Once she had a chance to sort herself out, then she could find out if there was any way of contacting her friends.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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"Thank you so much," Rarity said. The first thing she did was take off the white high heeled boots, then the grubby white dress which she dumped in the laundry basket with a shudder. Last of all, she took off her underwear and walked into the shower cubicle. Studying it, she realised she had no idea as to how to make it work. Then a thought occurred to Rarity; maybe she could use magic to make it work? Of course, she had no horn here, but she had... fingers, wasn't it? She clicked her fingers, and the shower came on.


Smiling triumphantly, Rarity got under the shower and began to wash her hair and body. She noticed that her cutie mark of blue diamonds was on her flank, or whatever humans called this part of the body. That was alright. Once she had a chance to sort herself out, then she could find out if there was any way of contacting her friends.

After Charles bring in His Clothing to his room. then all of Rarity clothing into her room then he went to his Mac desktop computer, as he turn it on then open his Aol account then began to sending a E-mail to his Boss of NSA. Saying that *He meet one of them name Rarity form another world, that came though a portal and her friends is not a treat to the World but Chrysitals is and we need keep a eye on Chrysitals make sure. But also I am going to find that third scource of engery too and see were it came form. So I can figure out how to get Rarity and her friends back home.*


Then once he send the e-mail. Then few minuets it came back to him and he began to read it. *Ok thanks for the report, also I we will have someone keep a eye on this Chrysitals person make sure she don't do anything hostel and keep searching. Because let hope nothing don't change too." Then once it done. He began to think while looking at the possibly that Rarity friends are out there somewhere and he thinking that.

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Logan nodded solemnly as Twilight made an aghast comment about Hitler. He took the pistol from its place on his ribs and took the full clip out and setting it aside, "It's men like him that make me carry this," He pulled the action back on the pistol to make sure the chamber was clear of any ammunition at the perfect timing to accentuate the comment, "And keep even larger ones in that safe over there," He gestures to the safe on his left, "And more throughout the rest of the house. It's also one of many reasons why I became an Officer of the Law."


He looked out the door way towards the hall, and at a few of the pictures hanging in the study, setting the pistol on top of the leather book beside him. He shrugs, "It's no bother. They hold memories, the past. My past. The other people are my family, my two older brothers, my older sister. My mother and father. I was lucky to be born into that family.


"How about you? You have family?"



(OOC: For an idea of perspective: Logan's desk is positioned so he is facing the larger bookshelves, the door and gun safe to his left and the far wall to his right. From Twilight's perspective (assuming she's sitting in the chair to read) she is facing the door, partially his desk. To her left below the window is a small space heater in place for the colder months, and to her immediate right are the bookshelves. Should she look directly in front of her she would be looking out of the door into the hallway leading to her room.)

"Back home in Ponyville, I have a great family," Twilight said, with forlorn in her voice. "My brother, Shining Armor is a price. I'm the youngest in my family. My mother and father both don't live in Ponyville, but ever since Princess Celestia took me in as her student, I've been living there ever since."

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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@@Dawn Stripes,

(I just had a thought. What happened to the cat earlier?)


Magneus watched Fluttershy go into the kitchen to do who knows what before heading over to the computer. "Hey Fluttershy, once you are done doing whatever and i'm finished on the computer, want to watch something on the TV? Maybe we could check out the show you star in, that might be interesting" he said loud enough so Fluttershy could hear him. Jonathan jumped up on Magneus' lap as soon as he sat down at the computer. "Hello there stranger. Miss me?" he asked the cat, who obviously didn't know what he said but cuddled with him anyway.

Edited by The Original PWD

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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(He hid in the closet. In a catlike way)


Fluttershy came out from the kitchen waving a package. "Hi, Magneus; what is this stuff? I was going to make some dinner but mostly the fridge just has bacon. I don't know how to cook bacon. And that..." Fluttershy gave it a moment's thought. "Yes. I want to see. Let's do that." 

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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@@Dawn Stripes,


Magneus was a bit confused. 'Does she really not know what bacon is?' "Its pig. Chopped up pig in the form of thin long slices. Its actually pretty good" he explained and walked over, knowing he could check his online things later. "Aly refuses to try it though. She doesn't know what she misses out on" 

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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Fluttershy's face turned white. The package slipped from her hands and dropped with a faint squonk on the floor; she didn't bend to pick it up. "Okay," she said airily, turning away. "Excuse me for a minute." She turned and walked back to the bedrooms, leaving Magneus.

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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@@Dawn Stripes,


"I'm guessing shes a vegetarian... crap' he thought as she went pale and left. "Uh... are you still going to cook dinner?" he yelled after her. He shrugged and walked over to the computer, sitting in his seat again and hoping Fluttershy will come back out to cook some food. He also wanted to know a bit more about her.

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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(OOC: Sorry about the long wait)

Rachel stood there, frozen, as the boy spoke.
What the hell? How does he know that? Hmm... Probably just dumb luck.
"Yes, this is my home... "
Some kid randomly shows up in my bedroom and talks like he knows everything? OF COURSE IT'S STRANGE!
It did occur to her that he may have some mental issues, and decided to approach with caution.

"Look, uh... kid, I don't know what you're talking about, or why you're in my apartment. I don't know why you'd just appear in my closet. Start from the top."


Diliges nodded as she confirmed they were in her home, "Make's sense."

She explained she didn't have any answers for him, and instead wanted him to tell her what happened before. He cursed inwardly at that. He'd spent to much time letting his curiosity get the better of him on one thing, he didn't give himself time to observe and really learn anything. He had just been about to try and come up with a story on the fly when he heard what she'd called him, "Kid?!" 

He said indignantly, crossing his arms and looking down at her, "What makes you think I'm a kid? You look to be barely older than I am... In fact if I was to wager a guess I'd say you are actually younger than me!"

It seems he was unaware he appeared to be a teenager. Then he realized he'd said that aloud, and cursed once more, grumbling, "Forgive me my Queen." Before looking Rachel in the eyes, "I had been hoping to keep this under wraps for much longer, but it seems I won't be allowed that privilege. I am what is known as a Changeling, a shape shifting creature from another universe. I honestly can't tell you how I ended up in that closet, all I recall was fighting alongside my Queen when I was caught in a spell gone wrong, and I came to in there."


He turns to look at himself in the window, studying his appearance, "I am used to being in bodies that are not my own, but I have never seen one quite like this," he turns to face her once more, "I'll understand if you wish to call out or yell to some form of security now. I would, if I was in your position."



"Back home in Ponyville, I have a great family," Twilight said, with forlorn in her voice. "My brother, Shining Armor is a price. I'm the youngest in my family. My mother and father both don't live in Ponyville, but ever since Princess Celestia took me in as her student, I've been living there ever since."


Logan listened as she spoke about her family, "Sounds like you miss them," he said, catching the undertone, "I don't blame you."


He was going to say more but at that moment he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He slipped it out and glanced at it. His friends had received his message and responded with a variety of answers, all of them disbelieving. He sighed slightly, selected an option and angled the phone to get a view of Twilight from where she was across the room, taking the picture and attaching to his message,  with the words, "I'm serious. This is actually happening."


Logan didn't notice the faint, apparition-like wings or horn that were coming out of Twilight in the photo. He slipped the phone back into his pocket and stood up. Logan walked over to the bookshelves by Twilight and looking them over, his arms crossed loosely over his chest,  "So your home is ruled by a monarchy, with a kind and queen and the like? We don't follow a monarchy here in America, but they do exist in this world."


He thought about what she'd said, "And now I'm confused... You said your brother is a prince, *and that you were a princess*, so are your parents the rulers, and Celestia your sister, or aunt? Or did you two marry into royalty?"


Logan was completely unaware how Equestria's government system worked, *much less how Twilight was just appointed royalty.*


(OOC: The text within the * is optional, since I can't remember if she mentioned her being a princess, though I'm sure she did.)

Edited by 00Pony

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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@ nioniosbbbb


He stared at the table for while trying to think of what do he turn to her and said “of course I will help but...couldn’t you ask for their love?” he said softly “what I mean is that maybe if you ask and explain to them what you just told me maybe they share their love with you and your subjects, maybe it will be hard at first to regain their trust and cooperation but I doubt they’ll let a kingdom die” he said smiling “and I understand that as a queen you have to do whatever it takes to save your people” he put his hand on her shoulder “hey you know what, if I can come with you to your world...maybe I can help and everything seeing that I’m neutral in the conflict” (doubt that will ever happen) he thought   ((OCC: wait a mintute…you brought a human character named Rachel? Damn reminds me of my ex  sad.png ))



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(OOC: Sorry about the long wait)



Diliges nodded as she confirmed they were in her home, "Make's sense."

She explained she didn't have any answers for him, and instead wanted him to tell her what happened before. He cursed inwardly at that. He'd spent to much time letting his curiosity get the better of him on one thing, he didn't give himself time to observe and really learn anything. He had just been about to try and come up with a story on the fly when he heard what she'd called him, "Kid?!" 

He said indignantly, crossing his arms and looking down at her, "What makes you think I'm a kid? You look to be barely older than I am... In fact if I was to wager a guess I'd say you are actually younger than me!"

It seems he was unaware he appeared to be a teenager. Then he realized he'd said that aloud, and cursed once more, grumbling, "Forgive me my Queen." Before looking Rachel in the eyes, "I had been hoping to keep this under wraps for much longer, but it seems I won't be allowed that privilege. I am what is known as a Changeling, a shape shifting creature from another universe. I honestly can't tell you how I ended up in that closet, all I recall was fighting alongside my Queen when I was caught in a spell gone wrong, and I came to in there."


He turns to look at himself in the window, studying his appearance, "I am used to being in bodies that are not my own, but I have never seen one quite like this," he turns to face her once more, "I'll understand if you wish to call out or yell to some form of security now. I would, if I was in your position."





Logan listened as she spoke about her family, "Sounds like you miss them," he said, catching the undertone, "I don't blame you."


He was going to say more but at that moment he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He slipped it out and glanced at it. His friends had received his message and responded with a variety of answers, all of them disbelieving. He sighed slightly, selected an option and angled the phone to get a view of Twilight from where she was across the room, taking the picture and attaching to his message,  with the words, "I'm serious. This is actually happening."


Logan didn't notice the faint, apparition-like wings or horn that were coming out of Twilight in the photo. He slipped the phone back into his pocket and stood up. Logan walked over to the bookshelves by Twilight and looking them over, his arms crossed loosely over his chest,  "So your home is ruled by a monarchy, with a kind and queen and the like? We don't follow a monarchy here in America, but they do exist in this world."


He thought about what she'd said, "And now I'm confused... You said your brother is a prince, *and that you were a princess*, so are your parents the rulers, and Celestia your sister, or aunt? Or did you two marry into royalty?"


Logan was completely unaware how Equestria's government system worked, *much less how Twilight was just appointed royalty.*


(OOC: The text within the * is optional, since I can't remember if she mentioned her being a princess, though I'm sure she did.)

"Well," Twilight responded to Logan's curiosity, "I guess our monarchy doesn't work like it does in this world. My brother served in the Royal Guard, and became a prince upon marrying Princess Cadence, one of the princesses of Equestria. I became a princess myself when I completed my studies of friendship, and finalized a new type of magic that was never before made into practice. My parents are just ordinary ponies, I guess. They aren't royalty or anything, but they sure are proud of us both."

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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Fluttershy took several minuets to figure out how to work the window casing, but soon had it open, and slid up the screen door. The air of Glasgow blew into the room--not as clean as what Fluttershy was used to, but, in some ways perhaps, cleaner than what was behind her.


There weren't enough sheets in the closet to make a rope long enough to reach all the way to the ground. After tying the far end to the knob of the locked door, the last one was still a good two floors above the ground. She couldn't jump that distance, certainly not without wings. So after looking around, she snuck quickly into the bathroom and stole a few rolls of toilet paper to finish it, throwing the handmade rope back out the sill and leaning over with a gulp as it drifted until its far end brushed the sidewalk below. 

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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@@Dawn Stripes,

(Silly Fluttershy. You would need a lot of toilet paper to make a rope strong enough to go down.)


Magneus heard a few noises from behind him, but it was nothing of concern to him. "Hey Fluttershy? We going to watch your show or no? You said yes, but when?" he asked hopefully loud enough so she could hear him. 

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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(OOC: Gonna' find that out the hard way)


Fluttershy ignored the innocent-sounding calls of the human in the living room and threw one leg over the sill. It looked a lot farther down when she actually wanted to climb down that it had when she was just looking out the window.

"Be brave, Fluttershy. You're a pegasus. You can handle heights." And so she closed her eyes, screwed up her face, and climbed.


It was slow going; Fluttershy clung tightly to the rope, holding on by the well tied knots and using them as footholds to keep from sleeping. When her rope swayed in the wind, it was all she could do to hold on tight to keep from whimpering. But she kept going, because by now, the closest safety was down.


Until she reached section made of toilet paper. The first thing Fluttershy felt was releif that she must be close to the end of her climb, then a dreadful yet silent snap as the rest of her escape rope gave way. With only an "Eep!"  of pure shock, she lost her grip as he feet went out from under her and dropped last several feet to the concerete, where she lay in breathless pain as a crowd of bystanders gathered in disbelief around her.

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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"Well," Twilight responded to Logan's curiosity, "I guess our monarchy doesn't work like it does in this world. My brother served in the Royal Guard, and became a prince upon marrying Princess Cadence, one of the princesses of Equestria. I became a princess myself when I completed my studies of friendship, and finalized a new type of magic that was never before made into practice. My parents are just ordinary ponies, I guess. They aren't royalty or anything, but they sure are proud of us both."


"I see.." Logan says, "I'll bet your parents are proud. Ordinary folks, yet both their children are royalty. And not to mention your brother was a military leader beforehand, and you were the student of royalty."


He chuckles quietly. He actually found himself partially believing her. Why, he had no clue, but he was. He shrugs and continues to speak, "Well, there's one thing we have in common. We both have older brothers in the military."

Logan glances at her, "So, I'm assuming Magic is a big part of your world?"

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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"I see.." Logan says, "I'll bet your parents are proud. Ordinary folks, yet both their children are royalty. And not to mention your brother was a military leader beforehand, and you were the student of royalty."


He chuckles quietly. He actually found himself partially believing her. Why, he had no clue, but he was. He shrugs and continues to speak, "Well, there's one thing we have in common. We both have older brothers in the military."

Logan glances at her, "So, I'm assuming Magic is a big part of your world?"

"Magic is a central part of my world," Twilight added. "We unicorns are the only type who can truly harness the power of magic. Some choose to harness it for the good of all ponykind, while others use it to their own selfish benefits. You see, unicorns are a species that have horns on their foreheads, and use this to manipulate magic. Some of the most skilled of unicorns, like Starswirl the Bearded, for example, have pioneered all sorts of types of magic. I happened to perfect Starswirl's unfinished type of magic; the magic of friendship, which might be the key back into my world."

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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@@Dawn Stripes,


Surprisingly, Alex and Aly were just passing by Fluttershy in Alex's car. Aly looked out the windo- "STOP THE CAR!" Aly yelled to Alex. Alex pulled over to closest sidewalk and looked at Aly. "What's wrong?" he asked. Aly didn't take the time to answer, she just opened the door as fast she could and rushed out to Fluttershy's side. "Oh my gosh, Flu- 'Dangit, I can't say her name in front of all these people...' Sarah, are you okay? What were you thinking?" Aly asked Fluttershy, trying to cover up her almost mistake.

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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(OOC: Sorry about the long wait)



Diliges nodded as she confirmed they were in her home, "Make's sense."

She explained she didn't have any answers for him, and instead wanted him to tell her what happened before. He cursed inwardly at that. He'd spent to much time letting his curiosity get the better of him on one thing, he didn't give himself time to observe and really learn anything. He had just been about to try and come up with a story on the fly when he heard what she'd called him, "Kid?!"

He said indignantly, crossing his arms and looking down at her, "What makes you think I'm a kid? You look to be barely older than I am... In fact if I was to wager a guess I'd say you are actually younger than me!"

It seems he was unaware he appeared to be a teenager. Then he realized he'd said that aloud, and cursed once more, grumbling, "Forgive me my Queen." Before looking Rachel in the eyes, "I had been hoping to keep this under wraps for much longer, but it seems I won't be allowed that privilege. I am what is known as a Changeling, a shape shifting creature from another universe. I honestly can't tell you how I ended up in that closet, all I recall was fighting alongside my Queen when I was caught in a spell gone wrong, and I came to in there."


He turns to look at himself in the window, studying his appearance, "I am used to being in bodies that are not my own, but I have never seen one quite like this," he turns to face her once more, "I'll understand if you wish to call out or yell to some form of security now. I would, if I was in your position."


"I happen to be 22, kid. You look 18. Therefore, you shall be called 'kid' until you tell me your name, kid."Rachel replied, smirking at his reaction.

She waited for him to finish talking, then said, "Changeling... That rings a small bell. Not sure from where, though. Your... Queen, you say?

Hmm... Perhaps I can Google your kind, if you're for real."

Edited by Silent Dawn
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"Magic is a central part of my world," Twilight added. "We unicorns are the only type who can truly harness the power of magic. Some choose to harness it for the good of all ponykind, while others use it to their own selfish benefits. You see, unicorns are a species that have horns on their foreheads, and use this to manipulate magic. Some of the most skilled of unicorns, like Starswirl the Bearded, for example, have pioneered all sorts of types of magic. I happened to perfect Starswirl's unfinished type of magic; the magic of friendship, which might be the key back into my world."

Logan listens as she explains, feeling his phone notify him that he got replies. He doesn't bother to look at it yet, as she was still explaining, "Magic of Friendship?," - "OK, There's definitely no doubt about all this." - "I know what Unicorns are. We have myths and legends about them. And Pegasus."

He steps away, walking back to the desk and retrieving his firearm before walking towards the exit to the study, "I'm going to go put something in for dinner. Feel free to stay up here and read, or look around the house for yourself." He stops an pivots on his heel, peeking back in, "You don't have any sort of preference of food do you? As in meat or a more vegetarian diet?"


"I happen to be 22, kid. You look 18. Therefore, you shall be called 'kid' until you tell me your name, kid."Rachel replied, smirking at his reaction.

She waited for him to finish talking, then said, "Changeling... That rings a small bell. Not sure from where, though. Your... Queen, you say?

Hmm... Perhaps I can Google your kind, if you're for real."

"Yes, 'my Queen'." He says, narrowing his eyes at her, "You've heard of us before? Odd. I was under the impression we didn't exist here previously... But no matter, you don't need to.. what was it you said? Google? You don't need to do whatever that is. I can prove to you that we're real, if you so wish."


He crosses his arms as he says this, quietly adding, "You're still younger than I am," and then sinking into silently talking to himself, "Why would I appear younger..? Either it's our my biology playing a joke on me, or the fact that I was in the middle of a transformation when the spell hit." He catches himself speaking out loud, though quiet, and stops talking altogether, instead he looks at Rachel, awaiting her response, "I'll try and get into touch with the Queen and Cicada after I learn a little more.."

Edited by 00Pony

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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@@Meteorite"I just wish... i just wish we had time! Its a little hard to change the mind of an entire nation when the guillotine is over their heads! Not to mention the fact we're damn ugly to them doesn't help us be considered something more than monsters." she says thinking placing her hand on her chin holding it up with her elbow against the table. "But you are right... i mean this could just be fate... this is like... the perfect middle ground. And as you said you are neutral to this and maybe you could help. Thank you."

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@@Pripyat Pony


Well, looks like he managed to get some sleep after all. Murray woke to the sharp beams of light creeping through his blinds, shielding his eyes from the rays of death. He didn't have a job to go to anymore, so there wasn't much point in getting up early. Oh, well there was his unexpected house guest. He was still half convinced that was all a dream or some kind of delusion, that he may wake up and find that no one was there. But in the end there was only one guaranteed way to find out.


Murray crept out of his bedroom as quietly as he could, still dressed in his sleepwear. He looked around the living room expecting to find an empty floor and no sign of Cicada, but there she was, still sleeping. So it wasn't a dream, wasn't a delusion  and he was pretty sure he wasn't crazy. This was still real.


Murray decided to try and get over where she slept and into the kitchen, where he had placed the mattress inconveniently blocking his way. Despite the simplicity of the task it still seemed rather daunting. He put his foot forward, reaching out across and over to the other side without brushing her at all. And as quickly as that he lost his balance and fell, landing right next to Cicada on the mattress and landing with a small yelp and a soft thud. Great start to the morning.


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Star blushed and quickly sat up straight. "Kay...so...how do you do it ?" She asked, managing to pick up her fork between her middle and index fingers. "It's a little difficult. Do all hoomans eat like this ?" She asked, trying to poke the pancake with the fork...but all she managed to do was scrape the fork against the plate. She dropped the fork and winced. 


Liam cringed at the sound of the fork scraping across the plate. "Yeah... try not to do that. Just... hold the fork like this, and you make sort of a combination of a stabbing and scooping motion to spear food and bring it up to your mouth." He demonstrated the motions slowly so that she could see. "And yes, pretty much all humans eat like this. Some people use chopsticks, but those certainly aren't any easier."

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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Fluttershy tilted her head back, staring up at Aly when she appeared over her.

"Aly..." she called out in horror, "They eat animals! They eat my little friends..." Then she closed her eyes as a wave of nausea passed.

Fortunately, a bit of pegasus magic as well as Fluttershy's light weight was working in her favor. When a few seconds of breathless pain passed, she was able to get up on her knees, breathing heavily. "We have to get away. We have to escape. Can we use the car?" 

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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As soon as Rarity had finished her shower, she was tired. She changed into a pair of pyjamas she'd gotten with the other clothes, and went to bed in the guest room. Part of her hoped that it would end up being all a dream, but when she awoke in the morning, she found it was all too real.




Cicada awoke suddenly to find Murray next to her. "Well," she said. "This is unexpected. Did you expect me to be gone during the night or something?" She laughed.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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