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private An Unexpected Trip to the Human World (Closed!)


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Well if it’s any constellation I’m willing to help an any way possible as you can see I help you when I didn’t even know who or what you are” he said smiling he looked over to her plate and saw that she didn’t even touch her pancakes “and come now it your food so you can become big and strong” he said flexing his muscles he then chuckled at his on joke he rise his fork and took another bite “and remember after were done we can go get you some new clothes and on the way maybe find your friend how does that sound?” he asked still chewing his food he swallowed the his food and turn to her “hey do you have any more questions before we do anything else?”

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Liam smiled. "Well, you can always ask me questions, and I'll do my best to answer them. I really enjoy it, actually. It allows me to see the differences between your world and mine, which I think is fascinating. To answer the questions you just asked: yes, humans do get married. As for what humans do in their spare time, I guess it depends quite a bit on the individual. Personally, I mostly like playing and listening to music, and drinking with friends. And breasts are for feeding babies... foals, I guess you'd call them. They produce milk which the babies drink when they aren't old enough for real food."


Star gave Liam a quizzical look before she looked down at her chest. "Human's are really odd." She said, looking back up at Liam. "So...when women have a baby...they feed it and give birth to it, I assume...what do the men do ? In Equestria the parents sorda...make it equal...they take turns with diapers and baths and stuff. Is that how human's do it too ?" She asked.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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@@Meteorite, She started eating hungrily when she heard the growl of her angry stomach as she placed a hand over it. "I think my stomach is going to declare a revolution if i don't feed." She said grabbing the pancakes taking good bites out of them and the response of her body accepting the food made her realise just how hungry she was. "What the hell did you just make? This is delicious!" she says grabbing the rest of the plate and lunging upon the food like crazy. After she was done she licked her fingers and took a tissue and started wiping herself. "Heh... sorry... bet you weren't expecting a Queen to act like this. Well... i haven't gotten really used so much to this body." she says looking at him. At that moment he notices his dual colored eyes. "David... i don't mean to be rude. But... where your eyes always like this?"

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Emily nodded when Moonstruck told her to...shoo.

She walked out of the room and down the hall back to the kitchen where she finished making some avocado, tomato, cheese and pesto sandwiches.

She placed the sandwiches onto two plates before cleaning up the kitchen.

Moonstruck took a few minutes, but eventually managed to get all her clothes on in the right places. She wasn't sure she liked them. They felt unnatural, and especially in the case of the long pants, restricted her natural body movement. She walked out into the kitchen, a strange expression on her face. "Do people always wear... So many clothes?" She asked.





Reggie was mostly silent for the ride, mostly since she was figuring out where to go online that would believe her story and, more importantly, take her seriously. Finally though. they arrived, and Reggie got off the trolley and walked to an apartment complex a few blocks away. It was nice; not high end, but it was clean, and new. She pushed open the door and walked to an elevator, pressing the 'up' button. Her brow was furrowed, in a way Cat knew meant she was thinking, and thinking hard.

Applejack didn't say much on their trip, and a frown curled her brow as she stared at the inside of the small elevator as it *ding*ed. 

Find the Heart of the Jungle!

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(OOC: Well yes, didn't see quite all of this coming, but Magneus kind of made things...worse plol. And she does know nothing of this world. You have to consider that almost certainly Fluttershy would be used to some animals eating other animals, but what bothers her most, as mentioned earlier, is that SHE felt the desire to eat meat, which jars strongly with her self image. Things would be very different if they were all still ponies.

From a realist perspective, many stories and their conjecture about how a Equestria  would view Earth are...un-warrantedly optimistic. And then you go to the other end where you have all-humans-must-die grimdarks, and those aren't much more thoughtful. Only a few fics give it real thought.)


Fluttershy nodded, accepting the explanation, and paced around for a little bit, walking into the bathroom under the pretense of washing up, and gave herself some time to think.

She could go to the zoo tomorrow. In all honesty, she really want to see. Not just because she was used to being surrounded by more animals than this, but because now she needed to see. Fluttershy had to know how things were in this...world. What it meant to be a human.
That's what Alex and Magneus and Aly had said...a different world. That made Fluttershy purse her lips and stare at her reflection in the mirror for a few minutes. How was she supposed to get home if she was in a different world? How had she even gotten here?


That was a big enough issue to almost eclipse her current troubles. Fluttershy took the liberty of giving herself a bath in the accompanying tub, because it seemed like no one would mind, and once she was clean, left the bathroom feeling able to face this alien Earth for a while longer. All the humans she'd met had still seemed so nice on the outside--Fluttershy couldn't reconcile the image with one of ponies that would eat innocent creatures. She couldn't reconcile it with her siting down and eating an innocent creature.


But as long as no one tried to cook bacon for her tonight, Fluttershy could keep from panicking. There weren't any other options anyway; Fluttershy was used enough to not always having a lot of options.


She stopped in front of Magneus, unsure what to say. Apologize? No. She couldn't. But she was going to be here the rest of the night. Ask him to apologize? ....No. Not after he'd helped her, and might yet.

"I...let's watch that show now," she suggested, a very tactless but honest attempt at changing the subject. "I think I should find out what people are saying about me, do you?"

Edited by Dawn Stripes

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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Star gave Liam a quizzical look before she looked down at her chest. "Human's are really odd." She said, looking back up at Liam. "So...when women have a baby...they feed it and give birth to it, I assume...what do the men do ? In Equestria the parents sorda...make it equal...they take turns with diapers and baths and stuff. Is that how human's do it too ?" She asked.


Liam shrugged. "Ideally, yes. In practice, usually not. Typically the mother does most of the work raising the child, while the father works to make money to support them. But every family is a little different in the way they handle that sort of thing. When I get married and have kids- assuming I ever do- I'd like to think that I'll try to share the work equally with my wife."

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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"In Equestria, we really only eat plants," Twilight responded, "If that's what you mean by vegetarian, then my preference is on the vegetarian side."

Twilight Sparkle never did eat meat back in Equestria, but the thought of eating another animal would probably be quite alien to her.


Logan nodded, clapping his hands together, "Got it." - "Well, that rolls out hamloaf then."

He pivoted on his heel again and walked out and down the stairs, speaking to himself as he went, "Not sure why you even asked that Logan. You grew up around horses, and she apparently used to be an Equine. It should be obvious that she wouldn't eat meat."


He opened his refrigerator, looking through it for something he could make that didn't involve meat. Finding nothing that wouldn't take over an hour, he check the freezer, and to his good fortune found a simple pasta dish, involving only the pasta itself, the sauce and a variety of cheese. He took it out and went through the preparations for it.


His phone vibrated once more to remind him he had unread messages. Taking it out, he noticed first and foremost that they all seemed surprised. He opened the full group message page and read their replies, the one that stood out most said, "Well, I had been going to just say that Kieffer found himself a girlfriend that was just a goddess of cosplay, but then I saw the wings and horn. I would have blamed those on imagery editing material, but I know that Logan doesn't have near enough knowledge of 'non-practical' computer programs to do that. The fact also being I was hanging out at Logan's house yesterday and he never said anything about dating anyone...

Gentlemen, I do believe old Copper has found himself a Twilight Sparkle."


Logan furrowed his brow at the words, 'saw the wings and horn'. He scrolled up to the picture and looked at it closely. Sure enough, right there on Twilight's forehead and shoulder-blades, were the faint, lavender hued ghosts of a pair of wings and horn.

A new message came in, "Seriously?! I live in Manheim ALL my life, and nothing remotely cool or exciting happens other than that flood last year. But the day after I leave for Europe, Logan finds a human Twilight Sparkle?! What the hell?!"


The conversation continued, Logan simply watched silently, "Yeah.. Kieffer, I'm definitely coming over tomorrow."


"Same here."


"You lucky jerks."


Logan simply sends a confirmation text, then shuts his phone, shaking his head. Ulysses trots over once he notices him in the kitchen and sits, staring at him intently. Logan scratches the large dog between the ears, "This is all getting pretty interesting Ulysses. Wonder what's going on?"


(OOC: For those of you who don't know what hamloaf is [and I'm positive that's a good percentage, seeing as it's a thing local to Manheim ], it's similar to meatloaf, but is made from ground ham, ground pork, brown sugar and seasoning.)

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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Murray went completely wide-eyed for a second, tumbling off the other side of the mattress as soon as he realized she was awake. He landed with a small thud and hit his head against the hard floor. "Sorry...   that was an accident. Can we just forget that ever happened?" He stood up rather unsteadily, trying to keep his head faced down so that she might not see the slight shades of crimson creep onto his face. "So...   breakfast?"


Cicada smiled. "Yes please," she said, feeling hungry. She could always go out for a walk later to get her fill of emotion. Thank Chrysalis that humans were so free with their emotions; much more so than ponies! She could feed on their excess emotions and they wouldn't even notice.




The next morning, Rarity woke up early. She was disappointed in that it hadn't been a dream, but then, there was a compensation in the form of all the fabulous clothes she now had. She washed, freshened up and got dressed in one of the outfits she'd picked out the day before.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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Cicada smiled. "Yes please," she said, feeling hungry. She could always go out for a walk later to get her fill of emotion. Thank Chrysalis that humans were so free with their emotions; much more so than ponies! She could feed on their excess emotions and they wouldn't even notice.




The next morning, Rarity woke up early. She was disappointed in that it hadn't been a dream, but then, there was a compensation in the form of all the fabulous clothes she now had. She washed, freshened up and got dressed in one of the outfits she'd picked out the day before.

Charles getting up, taking a shower, getting dress then he looking at Rarity as she got up too and smiles. "Morning Rarity and want to go out for to eat?" Charles saying as he was going to his computer check his e-mail before taking Rarity out for breakfast as he was thinking and was looking at his computer as he open his net. Then his e-mail as his friend form NSA send him one and began to read it. *Ok I can find your friend friends and tell you were they are so she will know. Also you old me one."


Then Charles sent him one back saying. *I will one day* Then he sent the e-mail and shut off the computer.

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@ nioniosbbbb


Well…the reason my eyes like this is because I have a condition known as Heterochromia it’s when one eye color is different than the other in simple terms see look” he winks only his left eye lid to show his blue eye and winks his right eye lid to show her his light brown eye “I guess I got my blue eye from my dad and I got my brown one from my mom” he standing up and retrieving the plates he went into the kitchen and put the dirty dishes in the sink he walk over to her “listen I’ll be right back I’m going to change” he walk into his room and pick out his clothes (sort of like the style of the picture below but with the collar down and just black and red or something like this) he puts on his collared shirt and jacket on and he ties he black and red Nikes he also gets his silver watch, he then walks back into the living room “so what do you think?” he ask as he spin around “and by the way anymore questions?”




Edited by Meteorite
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@@Pripyat Pony,


Murray shuffled himself into the kitchen, using the last of the milk to make Cicada breakfast and a cup of coffee. He set the jug and walked back out to the living room with the bowl of cereal. "So...   I was thinking...   was there anything you wanted to do today? I don't have a job to go to right now, so we can do whatever you want." He handed over the bowl, trying not to spill it everywhere. "We could go get you some new clothes, we could go see some of the sights, go for a walk, do...  something. I don't really know what your plan is to get home yet, so...  yeah." It's a start. Murray was having a rather hard time masking his obvious nervous interactions and attractions, unexpected for someone like him.

Edited by Lightning-Dust


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Logan nodded, clapping his hands together, "Got it." - "Well, that rolls out hamloaf then."

He pivoted on his heel again and walked out and down the stairs, speaking to himself as he went, "Not sure why you even asked that Logan. You grew up around horses, and she apparently used to be an Equine. It should be obvious that she wouldn't eat meat."


He opened his refrigerator, looking through it for something he could make that didn't involve meat. Finding nothing that wouldn't take over an hour, he check the freezer, and to his good fortune found a simple pasta dish, involving only the pasta itself, the sauce and a variety of cheese. He took it out and went through the preparations for it.


His phone vibrated once more to remind him he had unread messages. Taking it out, he noticed first and foremost that they all seemed surprised. He opened the full group message page and read their replies, the one that stood out most said, "Well, I had been going to just say that Kieffer found himself a girlfriend that was just a goddess of cosplay, but then I saw the wings and horn. I would have blamed those on imagery editing material, but I know that Logan doesn't have near enough knowledge of 'non-practical' computer programs to do that. The fact also being I was hanging out at Logan's house yesterday and he never said anything about dating anyone...

Gentlemen, I do believe old Copper has found himself a Twilight Sparkle."


Logan furrowed his brow at the words, 'saw the wings and horn'. He scrolled up to the picture and looked at it closely. Sure enough, right there on Twilight's forehead and shoulder-blades, were the faint, lavender hued ghosts of a pair of wings and horn.

A new message came in, "Seriously?! I live in Manheim ALL my life, and nothing remotely cool or exciting happens other than that flood last year. But the day after I leave for Europe, Logan finds a human Twilight Sparkle?! What the hell?!"


The conversation continued, Logan simply watched silently, "Yeah.. Kieffer, I'm definitely coming over tomorrow."


"Same here."


"You lucky jerks."


Logan simply sends a confirmation text, then shuts his phone, shaking his head. Ulysses trots over once he notices him in the kitchen and sits, staring at him intently. Logan scratches the large dog between the ears, "This is all getting pretty interesting Ulysses. Wonder what's going on?"


(OOC: For those of you who don't know what hamloaf is [and I'm positive that's a good percentage, seeing as it's a thing local to Manheim ], it's similar to meatloaf, but is made from ground ham, ground pork, brown sugar and seasoning.)[/size]

After a long session of reading through encyclopedias, trying to gain as much knowledge as she could about the human world, Twilight headed downstairs to see how the meal was coming along.

"Logan," she asked, "how's the meal coming along?" She saw the pasta cooking in the pan, as well as the sauce. It all smelled really good to Twilight, but she still was a bit nervous about trying human food for the first time.

"It can't be too different than pony food," she thought to herself.

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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@@Dawn Stripes

(I was hoping for Flutters to bring up the topic of clothing, since... you know... she took a bath? Unless she took a bath in her clothes :X)


Magneus nodded and moved over to the computer where he started up Netflix. "Normally TV shows are scheduled and then shown on the TV, but since the show wont be on at this time, this lets me choose what to watch when i watch" he explained as he navigated his way to the show. He started up the first episode and scooted his chair back. "Bring in a chair from the kitchen so you can sit down"

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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@@Meteorite"As you said... i should get some clothes. If my stay upon this world is going to be lengthy then i need to appear as normal as possible in order not to attract attention. I want to know all i can of this world. Whatever happens today i want to meet Cicanda my right-hand. She is here in New York... whatever happens i want to stay in contact with her. If you do that... i will be ever thankfull."
@@Pripyat Pony, "Can you hear me Cicanda? Have you woken up?" sends Chrysalis "I believe soon enough i will be out in this city of New York. If it is possible can you find a common place where we can meet? Oh and bring Murray with you. I wish to thank him for keeping you safe."

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(OOC: The day I take requests for how to play my char...what am I coming to........I did bring it up earlier...at least it's not an OC. Ignore my babbling.)



Fluttershy carried over a chair and sat a reasonable distance from the laptop, preparing herself for another very weird experience. It couldn't be worse than what she was leaving until tomorrow, she told herself.


She was waiting for Magneus to do whatever he needed to do to make the show appear on the computer. While waiting, she tried to make the wooden chair more comfortable by kicking off her shoes and the short white socks that had come with them, giving them and their unexplained origin a glance before setting them by her chair. They could use a wash eventually, after her tumble, and she noticed for the first time that the sundress was a very particular shade of yellow. No wonder she'd felt so comfortable in it. It was the color of, well, her.

How odd.

"Say, Magneus," she said carefully, trying to breach the invisible strain between them out of curiosity, slowly and carefully as though she might thread a crumbling bridge. Fluttershy never thought she'd be so close to the edge of losing friendships again. Even less so that she might not know whether she wanted to or not. "Do all humans wear clothes all the time? I noticed that everyone I saw today was wearing something, which, unless this is a really fancy place like Canterlot, seems kind of strange."  She guessed it did make some sort of sense. Humans didn't have as much hair as ponies. It would be cold going out without even a brushed coat sometimes, not to mention feel a little exposed. In that case, she'd have to take Aly up on her offer to lend Fluttershy something to wear. That would be nice.

Edited by Dawn Stripes

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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After a long session of reading through encyclopedias, trying to gain as much knowledge as she could about the human world, Twilight headed downstairs to see how the meal was coming along.

"Logan," she asked, "how's the meal coming along?" She saw the pasta cooking in the pan, as well as the sauce. It all smelled really good to Twilight, but she still was a bit nervous about trying human food for the first time.

"It can't be too different than pony food," she thought to herself.


Logan nods to her as she comes down, "It's coming along pretty well. Living on my own I kinda had to learn to cook myself, so hopefully it turns out pleasing."


He chuckles slightly, setting aside the utensil he had been using to tend to the meal, he grabbed his phone and brought up the photo he'd taken earlier, "My friends agreed to come by tomorrow. Hopefully they'll be able to assist you in helping me understand. There is one thing though," he turns the device so the screen is facing her, showing the picture, "I took this earlier to prove to them you existed. Notice anything strange about it? Aside from you being human that is." - "Oh, God that made me sound like a creeper."

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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@@Dawn Stripes,


Magneus wasn't expecting such a topic to come up. "Er... this topic is probably better left for Aly to take care of, but out in public clothes are always worn. Alex keeps his shirt off when in the apartment most of the time, and always when he has a lady friend over. He sure does like showing off his muscles..." he rambled off topic. The episode finally loaded and started to play, and judging by the description from the storybook, this was going to get interesting...

Edited by The Original PWD

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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Flutterhsy was absorbed by the contents of the screen as soon as the 'television show' began to play. The drawings were bright and colorful, just like her favorite foalhood books from back home, and the way they moved was charming.


She started as though jolted each time a pony she recognized appeared on screen. Which meant that Magneus probably thought she was developing a tic by the time the song that opened the show was over. It became a game, matching the cartoonish drawing to the Ponyville residents she knew and loved, although with each passing second, Fluttershy wondered more and more how the humans knew so many things about Ponyville. 


It seemed like the show was mainly about Twilight, which took some of the pressure of Fluttershy, but she immediately felt bad for just passing the burden of this weirdness off to her friend.

Fluttershy pressed back in her chair and went white when Nightmare Moon appeared, much as she had during that fateful Summer Sun festival, but after a few moments, furrowing her brows, she sat back up and relaxed. The Nightmare Moon here was so....unthreatening. It made sense, she supposed, after thinking about it. This did look like a show for foals, after all. It was a little strange to see Equestria's greatest nightmare made into something so...silly, almost, really incredibly cheesy, but she shrugged it off--what did it matter what humans thought of her? She couldn't see it ever mattering.


The trials brought back memories, though, even simplified and lightly rendered as they were. Fluttershy found herself almost wanting to correct Applejack's. What in Equestria did anypony think dropping somepony off a cliff had to do with honesty? Then again, they couldn't very well tell the whole story. The things Applejack had had to be honest about that night were hard for all of them, and not good for a story for foals. In fact, Fluttershy was immensely glad that it wasn't portrayed exactly as it happened. At least some thing were private.


Then again, it made her mind churn again to wonder; how had they known to edit and change those parts?


When the show finally ended, running a reprisal of the opening theme while white names blew across a black background, Fluttershy smiled and yawned. "Well, there's one thing that isn't so bad," she grinned. "It's for foa--children. All my fans are little kids." She giggled in relief. "That's not so bad. It looks like there's a sequel. Can we play that, too? I want to see what they show happening to Nightmare Moon. Wonder how they could make that foal-safe."

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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Logan nods to her as she comes down, "It's coming along pretty well. Living on my own I kinda had to learn to cook myself, so hopefully it turns out pleasing."


He chuckles slightly, setting aside the utensil he had been using to tend to the meal, he grabbed his phone and brought up the photo he'd taken earlier, "My friends agreed to come by tomorrow. Hopefully they'll be able to assist you in helping me understand. There is one thing though," he turns the device so the screen is facing her, showing the picture, "I took this earlier to prove to them you existed. Notice anything strange about it? Aside from you being human that is." - "Oh, God that made me sound like a creeper."

"Well," Twilight responded, "I was an alicorn in my world, so perhaps those wings and that horn are just there in the picture because I was an alicorn. But why would that happen? You don't see them coming out right now, do you?"

Twilight, while normally a brilliant mare, genuinely felt perplexed on why her wings and horn only appeared as a ghostly apparition in photographs.

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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@@Dawn Stripes


Magneus nodded and let the auto-play go to the next episode. "What do you mean by that? This is exactly how it happened for you, isn't it?" he asked, hoping the answer was yes. He couldn't imagine a shy and animal loving girl going through something traumatic. (Heh)

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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Fluttershy couldn't help giving a wry smile. "Well, not exactly, Magneus. It's for children, after all! Of course it wasn't exactly like that. First of all, it didn't happen in just twenty five minutes."

The same song that had played at the beginning of the last show played again, accompanied by the same animation; Fluttershy especially enjoyed the opening sequence of Rainbow Dash diving through the clouds. It made her look very heroic. Fluttershy wasn't sure how good of an idea playing the same song twice in exactly the same way was; no play back home would have been praised for that kind of writing. Still, Fluttershy assumed that human stories probably used many conventions she'd just have to get used to. "When are Aly and Alex getting back?" she asked off-handedly, waiting for the actual story to start. "We could all watch together."

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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(OOC: My mind is running wild with possibilities of how humans know so much. So much involuntary brainstorming.)

"Well," Twilight responded, "I was an alicorn in my world, so perhaps those wings and that horn are just there in the picture because I was an alicorn. But why would that happen? You don't see them coming out right now, do you?"
Twilight, while normally a brilliant mare, genuinely felt perplexed on why her wings and horn only appeared as a ghostly apparition in photographs.


Logan waves his hand slowly in front of her forehead, giving her a good look of the tattoo on the underside of his forearm - The word "Forgiven" with branching thorn branches (linked below) - He steps to the side of her and does the same at her shoulder blades, then returns to his place in front of her, arms crossed loosely, and shakes his head, "I don't seem them, or feel them. I honestly can't think of a reason why the camera would pick them up. Maybe because they're supposed to be there, but aren't?" He shrugs, turning back around to stir the contents of the pan, "So Alicorns possess both wings and horns?" Logan asks, having only heard the term in passing before, and he was actually pretty curious now.



(OOC: http://oi43.tinypic.com/ifs9cg.jpg that's how the tattoo on his arm is suppose to look)

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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@@Dawn Stripes,


"They don't get back till midnight" he told her. The show was way too girly for him, he disliked it quite a bit. "Dang, I wouldn't watch this even if I was paid to! This yellow coated pink maned mare character is terrible!" he joked and looked over at Fluttershy.

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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Fluttershy shrank and hid her face behind her hair again, although she was growing too conscious of it now that it ceased to work properly. As a mane, this hair was not all that helpful.


After a couple seconds, she turned and paused in feeling awful to take a look at him. Magneus was grinning slightly. He was joking at her!
She scooted her chair away. "Of course you don't like it...it's for children..." she complained softly. "And that's really not very considerate of other people's feelings."

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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Well...you don’t have to thank me” he said smiling “we should get going then...the place were going to is called Macys it’s a really big place it has nine floors ” he said as he help her out of her chair he then opens the front door for her. He locks the door behind and leads her down the stairs to the street and the open his car door for her “your chariot awaits you your highness” he said in a fancy’s way possible.


((OOC:this is what the car looks like it's a 2013 camaro le))


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