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private [RP] Love of a Changeling


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"La la la" Peachy Pie hummed a light melody to herself. It didn't take long to gather the ingredients to the Very Berry Pie she was obligated to bake. Due to her natural skill and experience; it was relatively simple to make it.


The peach colored mare quickly put on the finishing touches onto the pie before she placed it into the oven. She used her sisters tradition to bake the cake at exactly 135.5 degrees Fahrenheit in contrast to herself baking at 136 degrees. The timer had let off a beat to indicate the timer had started.


Peachy Pie then sighed at the mess she had to clean up. It wasn't too much trouble to clean up but the work was usually tedious. She quickly grabbed all the remaining supplies and placed them in stock for future use, hopefully they wouldn't spoil by the next time she would need them.


After cleaning up Peachy looked towards her pie she had left by the window opening. She went closer to inspect it. "Who I'm tarnation took some of my pie?" Peachy screeched for a second. She couldn't believe some varmant had went up and left with a piece of her pie. The proof however was in the pudding or pie in this case.


"Huh?" Peachy murmured seeing a letter. She picked it up and began reading it. Needless to say she couldn't believe what she was reading but by the appearance of the letter it looked lofficial.


"Oh my Celestia! I need to tell somepony." Peachy said to herself. "Oh, but who should I tell.... them changelings could be just about anywhere." She would have to contemplate her next move because she knew she had to do something!

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Flaire was returning from her concert, another triumphant success. She was offered a ride back to her hotel in a carriage, but she decided to walk back alone and take in some of the sights instead. The sun was beginning to set, which cast a lovely orange glow across the city. While some considered Fillydelphia to be rather neglected as far as appearances went, and there certainly were parts of it that left much to be desired, there was a certain homey feel to the place, at least as far as Flaire was concerned. She was quite used to city life. The concrete jungle was her home.


She stopped at the train station, where she decided to take a rest and watch as other ponies went by. As she sat on a bench, several ponies went by who recognized her, most likely from some public event or another in which she performed at. Fortunately, she was a rather well-liked individual, with pleased looks from anyone who knew her face. She had been to Fillydelphia so many times, she could hardly count them anymore.


Over the horizon, she looked out to see dark clouds to the west. They all seemed to gather ominously in one place, for some reason. The rest of the sky was perfectly bright and happy, though, which made Flaire raise an eyebrow in suspicion. The Cloudsdale Weather Brigade must have been neglecting its duties... "Oh!" She exclaimed, remembering the letter one of her fans had given her...


Flaire pulled it out, an eager smile on her face. She loved getting fan mail, and she was known for meticulously writing back to as many as she could. Taking a closer look at the seal, her eyes widened. She knew that mark--everyone knew it as the royal seal! Perhaps it was an invitation to perform at Canterlot! Breaking through the seal with glee, she hastily opened the letter and read it, her facial expression progressing from happiness, to surprise, to fear... and then to miffed.


"Vhat is this?..." she asked no one in particular. "Who..." Flaire looked upon the letter with disdain. "Who would send me such a beautiful letter, only to fill it with such rubbish?" She quickly rolled it back up and tossed it in a nearby garbage can. "I should report zis," she thought out loud. "Somepony is using the Princess' likeness, and..." she looked back to the garbage can, which now was emitting a golden glow from the top. "Zen again, it would be awfully hard to forge ze signature of ze Princess." Flaire got up and pulled the letter out of the can, all of which was now eerily cleaner than it was before...


She looked back toward Canterlot and its dark clouds hanging overhead. Her eyes widening, she quickly started in the direction of the park. "It is not true... no way it is true. I-I shall go to ze park and prove it!" Flaire exclaimed, her voice now quivering with fear. "I shall prove to everyone that someone is using ze Princess' likeness. Despicable forgers! Yes, zat is what it is..." she mumbled as she hurried toward the park.

Edited by Questio and Ashling
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Alice walked along with her wagon as she headed for the park.  The new revelation had her now just looking towards the paths she walked and not at anypony as she was a bit afraid that she would draw attention from a Changeling.  She also was no longer singing for obvious reasons.  As she walked the cobble stoned path, her eyes started to fall upon a very different sight.


The park itself was beautiful in a stark contrast to the city around it.  The flora was a beautiful sight with its assortments of lilies, tulips, and roses of various colors of red, blue, and pink.  The fauna was full of life as squirrels passed through the trees collecting their acorns, various birds from chickadees, pidgins, and mocking birds were having a song symphony of their own.  The trees around Alice brought a small smile on her face as she saw that it gave quite a bit of cover that would be perfect for a picnic in all the right places, although Alice didn't mind the sun at all really.  She saw the fountain up ahead.  She saw that it was beautiful and glorious as the water sparkled as it fell from the statue into the basin itself.  The statue bore a resemblance of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna together to show their bond as to the importance of how each of them guard their respective times of the day and night to achieve balance.


She trotted up ahead and there she found a most curious pony sitting a bench and she wondered if he was one of the ponies that would be here as well as her.  She couldn't be sure, so she wanted to test him first as he could be a Changeling wanting to take a moment by the fountain.  She walked with her wagon of flowers and approached the pony.  "Ummmm, it's a beautiful day out in the park isn't it?"  Alice asked the pony sitting on the bench.  "Did you come out here to enjoy the scenery too?"  She asked further to the unknown pony.



  • Brohoof 3

Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

My OCs: Alex Night


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The quick approach from the pony was surprising, and he immediately thought that she couldn't know about the meeting unless she was part of it herself, but better just to act normal for now. Who is part of the meeting will be evident at sundown. "No, I've seen many beautiful places," like Galifrey, he thought, sadly, "but I'm just here to sit and rest a bit. I'm waiting for...something, and I thought, 'Why don't I just sit down and take a rest'."


He looked down at the flowers and asked, "Are you selling those? They are of great quality, but also in quantity." He smiled up at her from his seat. He thought that he should get some insight on what was going on, like anybody knew, in Equestria, which was, apparently, where he was. He inquired, "So, I bet you're here to look at the scenery, with that wagon of bright flowers go come through the park, as such a eye-catcher, they are. I admit, this park looks amazing at this time of year, but, like I said, I'm just here for a quick rest as I wait for some to arrive. Then I'll be off to, oh, I don't know." At least this was the truth. "So, what's your name? Mine's John Smith."

  • Brohoof 4

Signature made by me!

Here's a list of my old names so you all remember me, old to new. Strawberries Yum/The Opal Family/The Opals/Luna Opal/Bumble Berry/Rainbow Jack/Colgate Revolution/Bad Seed/Bad Apple/The Alicorn Amulet/Opalicious/Doctor Who/The Tenth Doctor. I can't believe how long I've been here :')

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((OOC: Yaaay yay.png posty posty time biggrin.png !))"Uh, s-sure, the hotel... Oh, I couldn't possibly let you buy me supper." Sunset said, blushing. "I-I brought my own money, and Glowing Notes already made me lend some of her bits... B-But if you want, you could eat with me... I-I-I mean, you said you, uh, were looking for a restaraunt too, r-right?" Her cheeks were red-hot now. Her blue eyes were staring at him somewhat hopefully. She didn't know why she hoped he would say yes, why she asked in the first place. "Y-you don't have to if you don't want to...

"A-anyway, I don't think it's even my mail. L-like I said, I don't know anypony with that color aura... I-I don't know what anypony would want with me anyway. I-I-I dont really have many friends besides Glowing Notes and an Earth Pony named Brightheart..."Sunset stopped for a moment, realizing what she just said, albeit quietly. She mentally shook her head nd scolded herself, and changed the ubject, at least somewhat. "Maybe it's yours? Or a letter carrier dropped it by accident?"

She started walking again, grabbing the scroll and putting it in her saddlebag, then Asnee gestured to her suitcase.

"Umm... I-If you're sure. I don't want to be a bother or anything to you... "

"Some of her bits..." Asnee though to himself. "Her bits...," he repeated in his mind. "Her..." That word revealed that this Glowing Notes Sunset kept talking about was a mare, and it somehow relieved him. He bit his bottom lip, trying to hold an urge to laugh that came out of nowhere. He realized that his cheeks were hot, and he stole a glance at Sunset mindlessly, finding that she was blushing even harder than him.


"W-well... no problem. I-I will treat you this time. It's okay." He took a deep breath to stabilize himself and turned to face Sunset with a smile plastered on his face, making sure that she could see his face, "Just say it's a thank you for telling me where the restaurant is."


Asnee listened to Sunset's explanation about the letter, and that she didn't know about the sender. "Could the Princess send it to the wrong person? Ah... no. She's too skilled for that... or... a trap? Hay no, Asnee. That aura looks like the Princess indeed."


"I'm not sure if it's for me, Miss Sunset. Usually my family get the letter from the mailbox, since most family members are not unicorns. Maybe we can check the letter later."


He received her suitcase softly, and carried it for her along the street. It didn't took him so long to reach the residence district. The neat and straight paved road with decorative trees on both sides told him that they were in the right place. He even could notice the pattern of the buildings. After asking for a guard pony for the exact direction, they found the hotel they were looking for.


The hotel didn't look so rich, but it felt cozy and comfortable enough. They quickly went to the restaurant, which was pretty busy. Though, they found a nice table in the corner of the room next to a window which opens outside, showing a tiny garden the hotel had around its walls, separating it from the street  in a pleasing way.


"So... Miss Sunset. What would you like to eat?"

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Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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Flaire walked briskly towards the center of town, and the fountain that was set as the rendezvous point. "Changelings in Equestria? It's impossible!" she said, increasing her pace. "But what can I do about it? Shouldn't ze Royal Guard be handling this? Why does Celestia need me to take care of zis problem? I am no soldier!" She was galloping at full throttle, now.


When she took a corner to the left, there was an apple stand, where the owner was just closing up shop. Unfortunately for Flaire, she failed to see it in time and plowed straight into it. Apples flew every which way from the impact, a couple of them landing in the saddlebags of a couple of bystanders who were obliviously absorbed in whatever they were doing.


"Hey, watch where you're going!" called a stallion wearing a farmer's hat. Clearly he was the owner. Stepping out from behind the wrecked stand, he looked over at Flaire, who was sitting on the ground, rubber her forehead.


"Owwwww" she moaned. "Why do zey put these things here..." She continued rubbing her head.


"Now how am I supposed to--" The farmer stopped as he took a good look at the purple face before him. "Well now, isn't this a surprise... I know you! I've seen you up on the signs at that fancy place over yonder!"


"Yes, that would be me..."

"Well it's a pleasure to meet'cha, my dear." He extended a hoof to help Flaire up. She obliged, and dusted herself off when she was up.


"Thank you so much, but you see I am in--" Flaire looked over and saw what had happened to the stallion's cart. "Oh no, I am so terribly sorry." She looked through her bag and brought out a purse. From it, she pulled out a checkbook and quill, and started writing. It was remarkable, how she was somehow able to write without the use of magic, though she always did it so fast that no one could ever figure out how she managed. Tearing off the check, she handed it to the stallion. "Please accept my sincere apologies. Zis should cover everything."


The farmer looked at it, and when he saw the numbers, his eyes widened and his hat jumped from his head. "Well, I'll be a sly, son of a..." Looking up, he spoke to thank the purple one, but she was already gone, running toward the fountain. Fortunately for Flaire, the fountain was in sight. Taking care to avoid touching the grass, she made her way over the paved walkways and was soon standing before a pair of ponies. They were suspiciously hanging around, next to the fountain.


Angrily pulling the letter out of her bag, she unrolled it. "My coat is full of dust, my mane is..." Not knowing what her mane looked like, she pulled out a mirror and examined herself. "Oh! I am ruined! The shame of it all..." She put away the mirror. "And now that I have done exactly as this letter has asked of me, I only want to know who is responsible for zis nonsense!" Flaire slammed the unrolled letter down on the bench, next to the stallion, her eyes glaring at him like a pair of lasers...


(OOC: @, that would be you.) :P

Edited by Questio and Ashling
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The Doctor looked at the letter the pony had slammed down on the bench then at the pony with the surprisingly German sounding accent. Who knows what they called it here in Equestria? Ah, so she's one of the ponies Celestia has chosen. No matter how many idiots I've seen picked for things to be done, the decisions always seem to get worse and worse. (wink.png) "I'm sorry, perhaps you didn't see that stamp on the letter. I may have spilled a bit of my invisible ink on it, but- Oh, wait, there it is!" He held up the letter and pointed to the princesses' stamp, grinning up at the mare. "Now, take a seat and keep it down. You read the letter, as you said. Now if you mid, I was so rudely interrupted by you while I was talking to this nice mare over here (@)."


The Doctor turned back to the pony he had mentioned his fake name to. "Now, I believe I mentioned my name, but you never did tell me yours," while reluctantly moving aside a bit for the annoying mare. Wouldn't want her standing around for another hour while others arrived, did he. "Again, my name's John Smith, what's your name, Madame de la Fluer?"


((OOC: Yes, Google Translate. I am not ashamed. And sorry for targeting Flaire like that, but you've got to admit, after her entrance, I can hardly go and love her, can I.))

Edited by The Tenth Doctor
  • Brohoof 3

Signature made by me!

Here's a list of my old names so you all remember me, old to new. Strawberries Yum/The Opal Family/The Opals/Luna Opal/Bumble Berry/Rainbow Jack/Colgate Revolution/Bad Seed/Bad Apple/The Alicorn Amulet/Opalicious/Doctor Who/The Tenth Doctor. I can't believe how long I've been here :')

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"Some of her bits..." Asnee though to himself. "Her bits...," he repeated in his mind. "Her..." That word revealed that this Glowing Notes Sunset kept talking about was a mare, and it somehow relieved him. He bit his bottom lip, trying to hold an urge to laugh that came out of nowhere. He realized that his cheeks were hot, and he stole a glance at Sunset mindlessly, finding that she was blushing even harder than him.


"W-well... no problem. I-I will treat you this time. It's okay." He took a deep breath to stabilize himself and turned to face Sunset with a smile plastered on his face, making sure that she could see his face, "Just say it's a thank you for telling me where the restaurant is."


Asnee listened to Sunset's explanation about the letter, and that she didn't know about the sender. "Could the Princess send it to the wrong person? Ah... no. She's too skilled for that... or... a trap? Hay no, Asnee. That aura looks like the Princess indeed."


"I'm not sure if it's for me, Miss Sunset. Usually my family get the letter from the mailbox, since most family members are not unicorns. Maybe we can check the letter later."


He received her suitcase softly, and carried it for her along the street. It didn't take him so long to reach the residence district. The neat and straight paved road with decorative trees on both sides told him that they were in the right place. He even could notice the pattern of the buildings. After asking for a guard pony for the exact direction, they found the hotel they were looking for.


The hotel didn't look so rich, but it felt cozy and comfortable enough. They quickly went to the restaurant, which was pretty busy. Though, they found a nice table in the corner of the room next to a window which opens outside, showing a tiny garden the hotel had around its walls, separating it from the street in a pleasing way.


"So... Miss Sunset. What would you like to eat?"

O-okay, I-if you're sure... I-I don't want to impose..." Sunset said, blushing again as he smiled at her. She realized he had a nice smile, and blushed harder.

"S-Sure... I'd feel bad if it was an accident and we were reading somepony else’s mail, but I don't think the princess would mess up like that..."

She thanked him as he kindly took her suitcase. It was nice, being treated like a normal pony.


At the hotel, Sunset was surprised at how cozy it felt. She didn't like indoor spaces much.

She could not have chosen a better table. Being in the corner, it was out of the way. Nopony would notice her here. And he could look outside at the beautiful garden or the sky if she started feeling claustrophobic. Finally, somepony who got that she didn't like being in public. She couldn't help but smile. It was small and shy, but grateful, and a smile nevertheless.

She picked up the menu and looked through it as Asnee asked what she would like. Something caught her eye. It looked filling, and not very expensive. She showed it to him, saying,

"Um... M-Maybe the daisy and petunia salad with sugarcube croutons? Wh-what are you going to get?"

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O-okay, I-if you're sure... I-I don't want to impose..." Sunset said, blushing again as he smiled at her. She realized he had a nice smile, and blushed harder.

"S-Sure... I'd feel bad if it was an accident and we were reading somepony else’s mail, but I don't think the princess would mess up like that..."

She thanked him as he kindly took her suitcase. It was nice, being treated like a normal pony.


At the hotel, Sunset was surprised at how cozy it felt. She didn't like indoor spaces much.

She could not have chosen a better table. Being in the corner, it was out of the way. Nopony would notice her here. And he could look outside at the beautiful garden or the sky if she started feeling claustrophobic. Finally, somepony who got that she didn't like being in public. She couldn't help but smile. It was small and shy, but grateful, and a smile nevertheless.

She picked up the menu and looked through it as Asnee asked what she would like. Something caught her eye. It looked filling, and not very expensive. She showed it to him, saying,

"Um... M-Maybe the daisy and petunia salad with sugarcube croutons? Wh-what are you going to get?"

Asnee held his breath when he saw a small and shy smile on Sunset's blushing face. He had to admit that she looked beautiful that time. He tried his best to remain neutral, but a giggle escaped as his cheeks turned red in a small blush.


"I-I think I will have the same menu." With that he called the waiter and ordered their lunch. As he waited for their food to be ready, his mind raced for a conversation. "Not hometown... nor past. That might be dangerous to ask. Hobbies... lame. Ah yes, the letter."


He looked around. Not sure what he was looking for, but it might be just a form of awareness and a feeling of something important in the letter. Not spotting anything which took his curiousity, he turned back to Sunset. "I think it will be alright to open the letter now, Miss Sunset. If it was not for us, we could find an excuse and explain it to the Princess."


Despite the weirdness of everything about that letter, he trusted the mare without doubt. She didn't look dangerous after all... in fact, the opposite.


(OOC: Better do it quick so we can start the adventure soon. :) )

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Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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@, Alice listened on as the Earth Pony started to answer her question.  Although she happened to notice that this pony's Cutie Mark was in the image of a hourglass, leading her to believe that he was a Time Pony that she read about in her school studies even though she never met one.  She happened to notice how quickly he forms words and speaks them as if his words were speeding up.  She did happen to notice that there was a pause in his words when he mentioned that he was waiting for something, but his speaking speed came right back.  She was jostled back to attention when he mentioned about the wagon of flowers that she was dragging behind her.


"Oh, yes.  I am bringing these flowers over to the floral shop here in Fillydelphia to help me start a business in Canterlot.  I'm just here to meet some friends at the fountain before I go though."  Alice said to the Time Pony named John Smith, which she thought was a strange name but she would never mention it.  She was about to ask more from him, but her thoughts were interrupted by a very livid mare that slammed a very familiar scroll next to John Smith.




Angrily pulling the letter out of her bag, she unrolled it. "My coat is full of dust, my mane is..." Not knowing what her mane looked like, she pulled out a mirror and examined herself. "Oh! I am ruined! The shame of it all..." She put away the mirror. "And now that I have done exactly as this letter has asked of me, I only want to know who is responsible for zis nonsense!" Flaire slammed the unrolled letter down on the bench, next to the stallion, her eyes glaring at him like a pair of lasers...


"Oh...  Ummmm, maybe it might be from the princess..."  Alice suggested innocently, her stance shifting a bit uncomfortably.  However the attention was centered back on her from John when he asked for her name.  She couldn't help but smile inwardly as he tried to be fancy with his compliment to her.  She thought it was silly, but she humored him.  "My name is Alice.  It's a pleasure to meet you and to you as well, miss."  Alice said cheerfully to John before addressing to the new mare.  She knew that she might be one of the ponies that was supposed to meet up with her and she had a feeling that John might be another as well.  However, the Time Pony was still enigmatic on that aspect and she won't know until she sees the letter as evidence to see if he is not a Changeling.

  • Brohoof 3

Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

My OCs: Alex Night


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Peachy Pie was still a bit unnerved after reading the strange letter.It was quite terrifying to think that the princess of the Sun was in trouble and nopony, not even the royal guards could help her. "It can't be possible it just can't." Peachy rationalized with herself in order to remain calm.


She then realized it may have just been a prank or something. Those young fillies and colts of today do like to prank the population of Fillydelphia every now and then and she may have just been today's unlucky victim. The thought just made her even more relaxed and she sighed in relief.


Shrugging it off Peachy went on and grabbed the now ready Berry Pie fresh from the oven and sat it along with her own pie . Both pies gave off a exquisite aroma that filled the air. "Ah think some fresh air could do me some good right now," Peachy said to herself. Being couped up inside wasn't the best way to spend a nice and sunny afternoon like this. She then trotted out of her house and into the somewhat busy streets of Fillydelphia.


She decided to go and sit in the small park area.. Once she arrived she was blissed with the serenity of the flora and fauna. There she saw a small group of ponies discussing something. She sat down by the nearby fountain a bit close to them to hear ,but not too close.  She ignored them as if they weren't there but couldn't help but eaves drop on there conversation. 






(I apologize for the late post)


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Flaire looked at the flower pony. "How could zis possibly be from ze Princess?" She asked, frantically. "The Princess would never write such a thing!" She tended to revert to her thick accent when confronted with anything. "How could ze great Celestia allow herself to be taken prisoner by such fiends!?"


Suddenly, a thunderclap could be heard in the distance, rumbling from the dark clouds that loomed to the west. They were growing more prominent, and it looked as though they were headed toward Fillydelphia.


Flaire gasped in a most dramatic way. "Do you know what zis means?..." Flaire asked in an equally dramatic tone. "Do you know what zis means!?" She grabbed the Time Pony's shoulders and looked him square in the eye. "It means Canterlot has been taken over by those... those... things!!" She let go of him and looked down at the ground, tears filling her eyes. "Zey are all so icky and... bugish and..." Dropping to the ground, she wrapped her arms around the Time Pony's legs and sobbed profusely. "Please tell me it isn't true! Why-y-y-y-y...." Tears poured from her eyes. "How will anyone ever come to see me, now zat zey are all insects!!??"


Flaire gasped again and looked up at the Time Pony. "What if zey take me too? I will die in captivity..." She put her arm across her forehead in despair. "It is useless... all is lost... put me out of my misery and let zem have ze shell that was once... Violetta Rose..." She buried her face in the Doctor's hooves and continued sobbing...

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Chilltide was annoyingly awoken from his nap in the fountain by what he comprehended as thunder, after regaining consciousness. The ominous dark clouds rolling off the horizon, though obscured by the ever-flowing fountain water, only strengthened his belief in the legitimacy of the letter. However, his hope was somewhat restored by a group of ponies conversing at the other side of the park. They all seemed to be rather obscure, and one held a letter that sparkled with the same aura as the one he had gotten. Just before approaching them, his unnecessary cautions forbid him from continuing.

What if they're changeling spies that know of the plan, and are simply out to capture me?


He was appalled by the thought, he didn't want to be driven insane or... or worse by the creatures. He would have to stealthy and ready to fight at any moment. Focusing his horn, he readied the fountains water so that he could use it to freeze the "ponies" if they were in fact changelings. Awkwardly stepping out of the water, Chilltide interrupted any ongoing conversation.


"Hello everyone... haha, having a very NORMAL conversation, are we...? Ha, heh... eheh.."

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The Doctor looked strangely down at Flaire sobbing at his hooves and he quickly slipped his hooves out of her grasp. He then twisted his gaze toward the new pony who had just recently confronted them. The Doctor was never one to jump to conclusions, even if the stallion had been awkwardly suspicious when he had spoken. "No, we hate normal conversations! We just talk about royalty and what would happen if they were, say, kidnapped," he said in a joking tone, winking to Alice when his head was faced away from the pony. Now The Doctor's face became a bit more serious. "If somepony just happened to take over the kingdom and put the royals in a dungeon," he began, before pausing.


The Doctor's face was now completely stoic and he was staring into the pony's eyes. His mouth was slightly curved up at both sides of his mouth in a strange smile, in a ironic, knowing smile. He took his glasses and put them on his muzzle. "If that happened, who do you think would have done it?"


((OOC: Hope our Doctor didn't make a mistake with stating such a thing to a changeling, that would suck... XD))



Edited by The Tenth Doctor
  • Brohoof 3

Signature made by me!

Here's a list of my old names so you all remember me, old to new. Strawberries Yum/The Opal Family/The Opals/Luna Opal/Bumble Berry/Rainbow Jack/Colgate Revolution/Bad Seed/Bad Apple/The Alicorn Amulet/Opalicious/Doctor Who/The Tenth Doctor. I can't believe how long I've been here :')

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Asnee held his breath when he saw a small and shy smile on Sunset's blushing face. He had to admit that she looked beautiful that time. He tried his best to remain neutral, but a giggle escaped as his cheeks turned red in a small blush.


"I-I think I will have the same menu." With that he called the waiter and ordered their lunch. As he waited for their food to be ready, his mind raced for a conversation. "Not hometown... nor past. That might be dangerous to ask. Hobbies... lame. Ah yes, the letter."


He looked around. Not sure what he was looking for, but it might be just a form of awareness and a feeling of something important in the letter. Not spotting anything which took his curiousity, he turned back to Sunset. "I think it will be alright to open the letter now, Miss Sunset. If it was not for us, we could find an excuse and explain it to the Princess."


Despite the weirdness of everything about that letter, he trusted the mare without doubt. She didn't look dangerous after all... in fact, the opposite.


(OOC: Better do it quick so we can start the adventure soon. :) )

Sunset hadn't noticed Asnee giggle or blush, but noticed his uneasiness. He seemed like he didn't want to look at her, and she felt a bit put off. Then he stopped looking around, and focused on her.


"Umm... O-Okay, I'll get it."

Sunset fumbled around in her saddlebag for the scroll.. She found it, and put her saddlebag back on the floor. She stared at it for a moment, wondering who it could be for, then gently undid the ribbon holding it closed. She held it up and read it. Her pupils dilated a bit.

"Wh-Wh-What?" Sunset's mouth dropped open, eyes wide as she finished reading the letter. She handed it to Asnee, shocked.

It... It can't be... It just can't... It's not possible...

Their food came and she nibbled absently on her sugarcube croutons, confused. How could this be possible? It would be difficult to forge the signature, impossible to completely imitate the Princess' magic aura.

What was going on?


"It... I-I... It's real, isn't it? Well... Either way... H-how do we know who it's f-for? It doesn't show a name..."

She whispered. She was confused and scared. How could she possibly trust anypony now? How could she know that her mother wasnt a Changeling? Could she be sure that Asnee wasn't a Changeling?

She didn't know if she could deal with that. He had been so nice to her, and hadn't asked about anything very personal.

Sunset froze, staring at Asnee through her mane with terrified blue eyes.





(OOC: sorry for late post, been a bit busy. I'm on for a bit today though. )

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Sunset hadn't noticed Asnee giggle or blush, but noticed his uneasiness. He seemed like he didn't want to look at her, and she felt a bit put off. Then he stopped looking around, and focused on her.


"Umm... O-Okay, I'll get it."

Sunset fumbled around in her saddlebag for the scroll.. She found it, and put her saddlebag back on the floor. She stared at it for a moment, wondering who it could be for, then gently undid the ribbon holding it closed. She held it up and read it. Her pupils dilated a bit.

"Wh-Wh-What?" Sunset's mouth dropped open, eyes wide as she finished reading the letter. She handed it to Asnee, shocked.

It... It can't be... It just can't... It's not possible...

Their food came and she nibbled absently on her sugarcube croutons, confused. How could this be possible? It would be difficult to forge the signature, impossible to completely imitate the Princess' magic aura.

What was going on?


"It... I-I... It's real, isn't it? Well... Either way... H-how do we know who it's f-for? It doesn't show a name..."

She whispered. She was confused and scared. How could she possibly trust anypony now? How could she know that her mother wasnt a Changeling? Could she be sure that Asnee wasn't a Changeling?

She didn't know if she could deal with that. He had been so nice to her, and hadn't asked about anything very personal.

Sunset froze, staring at Asnee through her mane with terrified blue eyes.





(OOC: sorry for late post, been a bit busy. I'm on for a bit today though. )

Rising his eyebrows to Sunset's expression, Asnee received that letter and read it. "Dear Celestia," he thought to himself. The words on it were not easy to take, yet it was convincing and legit enough. He paid more attention to the mare in front of him. She obviously looked terrified. Though, he didn't easily believe her anymore. This pony could be a changeling, and her expression was just a mask.


He shrugged and started to eat. Many thought darted in his mind. Many feelings. He didn't really feel whatever he chewed. This pony might be a changeling, and the reason she looked surprised was that this letter revealed their plan... and there were some others mails. Even so, he didn't want to take the risk merely because of his own thought. "She just came to the town after all. Better to proof myself first."


Gathering every pieces in his mind, Asnee prepared himself. He grabbed a knife on a table and an apple next to it, and acted as if he was going to use it just like normal ponies. Then when he took it closer to him, he sliced his own hoof, "Ouch!" He winced as the pain went through his finger to his head, and watched as it started to bleed. "Sorry Miss Sunset. My hoof slipped. I was careless." Making sure that she had seen the blood, he grabbed a tissue and cleaned it. Changeling's skin would be revealed if the mask was damaged, so he guessed it was enough to convince her. "Totally worth it."



(OOC: sorry for the late reply. I had to attend something today. )

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Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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Rising his eyebrows to Sunset's expression, Asnee received that letter and read it. "Dear Celestia," he thought to himself. The words on it were not easy to take, yet it was convincing and legit enough. He paid more attention to the mare in front of him. She obviously looked terrified. Though, he didn't easily believe her anymore. This pony could be a changeling, and her expression was just a mask.


He shrugged and started to eat. Many thought darted in his mind. Many feelings. He didn't really feel whatever he chewed. This pony might be a changeling, and the reason she looked surprised was that this letter revealed their plan... and there were some others mails. Even so, he didn't want to take the risk merely because of his own thought. "She just came to the town after all. Better to proof myself first."


Gathering every pieces in his mind, Asnee prepared himself. He grabbed a knife on a table and an apple next to it, and acted as if he was going to use it just like normal ponies. Then when he took it closer to him, he sliced his own hoof, "Ouch!" He winced as the pain went through his finger to his head, and watched as it started to bleed. "Sorry Miss Sunset. My hoof slipped. I was careless." Making sure that she had seen the blood, he grabbed a tissue and cleaned it. Changeling's skin would be revealed if the mask was damaged, so he guessed it was enough to convince her. "Totally worth it."



(OOC: sorry for the late reply. I had to attend something today. )

((OOC:it's fine. I've been busy with school and got bombarded with notifications, so I didn't find out until now that you had replied. So I'm not quite in the position to be mad or anything.))



Sunset watched as the pony picked up the knife and fought the urge to gasp.. She thought he was going to kill her. Her head drooped a bit. She waited for the pain but nothing came. instead, he picked up the apple, brought it closer to himself. She stifled a wince as he sliced his hoof, tried to ignore the queasiness at the sight of the blood.

He might be a changeling, Sunset. You can't trust him. It doesn't matter how nice he is. He's probably just faking it so you think he's real. Changelings bleed, too, don't they?

"I-I... It's o-okay... I-I, uh..."

The Pegasus shrank in her seat, still terrified. She shivered.


She couldn't take one eye off of him. She wanted to fly away.


Fly! His disguise was an Earth Pony, so he would have to transform to be able to get to her.

She knew there were probably better ways to figure it out, but she knew she had to find out now.

Taking a big gulp, Sunset quickly opened her wings and darted to the ceiling.

Edited by Silent Dawn
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((OOC:it's fine. I've been busy with school and got bombarded with notifications, so I didn't find out until now that you had replied. So I'm not quite in the position to be mad or anything.))



Sunset watched as the pony picked up the knife and fought the urge to gasp.. She thought he was going to kill her. Her head drooped a bit. She waited for the pain but nothing came. instead, he picked up the apple, brought it closer to himself. She stifled a wince as he sliced his hoof, tried to ignore the queasiness at the sight of the blood.

He might be a changeling, Sunset. You can't trust him. It doesn't matter how nice he is. He's probably just faking it so you think he's real. Changelings bleed, too, don't they?

"I-I... It's o-okay... I-I, uh..."

The Pegasus shrank in her seat, still terrified. She shivered.


She couldn't take one eye off of him. She wanted to fly away.


Fly! His disguise was an Earth Pony, so he would have to transform to be able to get to her.

She knew there were probably better ways to figure it out, but she knew she had to find out now.

Taking a big gulp, Sunset quickly opened her wings and darted to the ceiling.


Asnee jumped back from his seat, surprised by the mare's sudden movements. He could have jumped and grabbed her legs, but he noticed that she was terrified. Terrified. Terrified by what was all that mattered. She could be terrified by a thought of him being a changeling, his bleeding hoof, or that she was actually a changeling herself. She could be scared of the letter and that their secret had been leaked, but she should have known it exactly when she said the letter was from the Princess. He set his mental state ready for a fight.


"It's okay Miss Sunset!" he shouted to the pony up above him. He grabbed a tissue and wiped his blood completely, pressing his own hoof to stop the blood. "I'm fine. I apologize if it shocked you. It was an accident."


Looking around, he found that some other guests were watching him with weird expressions on their faces. Asnee unleashed an awkward laugh, "We are sorry everypony. It's nothing, really."


He hoped that the other guests would stay away from them. If it was true that Sunset was a changeling, he believed he could defeat her.

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Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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Alice watched on from an awkward position as the new mare started having her small little freak out in front of John Smith.  She honestly felt a little bad for John Smith as he was sitting directly in front of the mare as it was happening.  Just then, Alice jumped a bit at the sight of something emerging from the water fountain.




Hello everyone... haha, having a very NORMAL conversation, are we...? Ha, heh... eheh.."


Alice looked on towards the new unicorn with a hint of curiosity and caution on her face.  Before she could react and voice her opinion to the stallion, John Smith was the first one to speak up to him.  She heard John mentioned about having a normal conversation was too boring and wanted to talk about something different and exciting like the unlikely case that Princess Celestia and the other Royals were held captive against their will.  She couldn't help but wonder why he would go on about it like this until the time pony winked back at Alice.  "Oh, he is trying to make it sound like a joke."  Alice thought to herself as she nodded to the stallion and looked towards the new one.


"Oh yes, that's more exciting to talk about than just things like what ponies normally talk about."  Alice said quickly to help build John Smith's case.  Her smile turned to that of a frown to the new stallion.  "Although I don't know how fun it is to eavesdrop on other ponies' conversations.  Why were you just sitting there in the fountain and who are you?"  Alice asked a bit inquisitively before putting her smile back on.  She walked away from her flower wagon and pulled out a lily from her flower bunch.  She trotted over to the new stallion and extended the flower to him.  "My name's Alice."  Alice stated friendly to the stallion, opening him up for him to tell her and the others his name.  She always knew that this was a good practice to get introduced to others and make friends by a simple act of kindness and generosity.



Edited by Sam Avalon
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Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

My OCs: Alex Night


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Asnee jumped back from his seat, surprised by the mare's sudden movements. He could have jumped and grabbed her legs, but he noticed that she was terrified. Terrified. Terrified by what was all that mattered. She could be terrified by a thought of him being a changeling, his bleeding hoof, or that she was actually a changeling herself. She could be scared of the letter and that their secret had been leaked, but she should have known it exactly when she said the letter was from the Princess. He set his mental state ready for a fight.


"It's okay Miss Sunset!" he shouted to the pony up above him. He grabbed a tissue and wiped his blood completely, pressing his own hoof to stop the blood. "I'm fine. I apologize if it shocked you. It was an accident."


Looking around, he found that some other guests were watching him with weird expressions on their faces. Asnee unleashed an awkward laugh, "We are sorry everypony. It's nothing, really."


He hoped that the other guests would stay away from them. If it was true that Sunset was a changeling, he believed he could defeat her.

Sunset gulped as he shouted up to her and let herself hover lower. She tried not to dart back up as he addressed the ponies around them. instead willing herself to fly even lower. After a few minutes, she steeled herself and landed.

"S-sorry... Um, I-I guess it just s-surprised me wh-when you c-c-cut y-yourself..."

She sat back down uncomfortably and resumed nibbling her salad while looking around. She noticed that Asnee- if that was his real name- looked like he wanted to... Fight her?

Sunset shivered as she finished her salad. She didnt want to worry the other ponies, but they probably needed to know, air at least sompony powerful did. She settled on the small garden. She wouldn't fight, she wouldn't be strong enough. But she hoped that at least somepony would notice and tell somepony who could actually help. She wouldn't run away, either, unless it got too bad.


Sunset wiped her mouth and looked at the stallion.

"U-Umm, do you w-want to go t-take a w-w-walk in the garden?"


((May I suggest, if Asnee's going to try to fight her, that he goes for her wings first so she can't fly away?"

Edited by Silent Dawn
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Sunset gulped as he shouted up to her and let herself hover lower. She tried not to dart back up as he addressed the ponies around them. instead willing herself to fly even lower. After a few minutes, she steeled herself and landed.

"S-sorry... Um, I-I guess it just s-surprised me wh-when you c-c-cut y-yourself..."

She sat back down uncomfortably and resumed nibbling her salad while looking around. She noticed that Asnee- if that was his real name- looked like he wanted to... Fight her?

Sunset shivered as she finished her salad. She didnt want to worry the other ponies, but they probably needed to know, air at least sompony powerful did. She settled on the small garden. She wouldn't fight, she wouldn't be strong enough. But she hoped that at least somepony would notice and tell somepony who could actually help. She wouldn't run away, either, unless it got too bad.


Sunset wiped her mouth and looked at the stallion.

"U-Umm, do you w-want to go t-take a w-w-walk in the garden?"


((May I suggest, if Asnee's going to try to fight her, that he goes for her wings first so she can't fly away?"

Asnee sighed in relief seeing that Sunset flew down and didn't do anything dangerous. He relaxed his body and went back to his seat. He quickly ended his meal, and paid for their lunch. Staring straight and deep into Sunset's eyes, he tried his best to convince the mare that he wasn't a changeling, "Listen. Forget about the garden. I don't know if you're a changeling or not, but I really am an earth pony. Now if you're not a changeling neither, let's try to find out what does the letter mean. But if you are," he pulled back on his seat, "you will have to get over me first." A risk of her being the changeling didn't scare him. She was just one, and he was confident of his own ability.


Asnee threw the dirty tissue on his hoof away and took a new one to clean the wound. To make her believe that he wasn't a changeling just by words was almost impossible. He sighed heavily, "I have no idea to convince you. It's up to you to believe me or not." He stood up from his seat and lent a hoof to Sunet, "Let's just walk outside."


He doubted she would take his hoof, but he still hoped that she would. A small smile appeared on his face as he waited for the mare to respond.

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Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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((Yay, finally to the part here we catch up with everypony! Though it may be a bit until then. Sunset is obviously going to be unsure :P but to help you convince her, I'll have her randomly remember about the mask being broken.))


Sunset fought the urge to shrink in her seat as Asnee stared into her sky-blue eyes, as well as the urge to gape at his words.

She listened quietly, wondering how to respond.

'He... Doesn't know if I'm a changeling or not? I hadn't even thought of that... And... Didn't I read somewhere that if a Changeling's mask is broken that the disguise disappears? Yeah, I think that was in one of my classes in Manechester. And... He did cut his own hoof... I have an Idea.'


She saw his hoof and heard his request, and nodded.

"Umm, j-just let me put my suitcase and stuff in my room..."

She quickly grabbed the suitcase and put her saddlebag on, before flying to her assigned room. She went inside and swiftly organized everything. She put two of her books and her sketchpad into her saddlebag, as well as a few other things. Something seemed final about this, and if she would have to leave her suitcase, she would want to read and draw.


Sunset galloped back to where Asnee waited. "S-sorry for the w-wait." She mumbled.


Once outside, she turned to him.

"O-okay, I believe you, s-sort of. All I know is, I-Im not a Changeling. I... I don't e-expect you to b-believe me, but I-I think I have an idea. Ch-changelings can copy the look of the pony, and personality if they do their research, b-but not their t-talents or p-p-pasts... S-so, my idea is, we tell each other about s-s-something in our... Our pasts, up to four months ago. Or tell each other what our t-talents are and demonstrate them..."

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The Doctor was relieved to receive a nod from Alice that showed that she understood what he was doing and extended on what he had said, but he a bit disappointed that he had not gotten an answer from the pony. He watched as Alice got a lily from her wagon and handed it to the stranger, introducing herself. "Ah, yes, names," he said abruptly. "My name's John Smith," he started grinning, before gesturing to the still sobbing pony on the ground and continuing, "and this, er...lovely little lady," placing emphasis on the 'lovely', is Flaire. Quite a drama queen, if you ask me," he whispered to the stallion, hoping Flaire had not heard, which was unlikely during her sobbing fits.


"Assuming you are unable to answer the question of mine, we'll just continue. Too bad you didn't decide to join this animated conversation of ours that...is now over," he finished, looking behind him at the silent bench where the only sound was the continuous sobbing of you know who with the occasional break to sniffle. "So, my eavesdropping mate who rose out of a water fountain-you have no idea how strange that looked-what's your name and could you please explain your reasons of hiding in a bloody water fountain?"


((OOC: Sorry, I may be targeting Flaire a bit in a negative way tongue.png))

Edited by The Tenth Doctor
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Signature made by me!

Here's a list of my old names so you all remember me, old to new. Strawberries Yum/The Opal Family/The Opals/Luna Opal/Bumble Berry/Rainbow Jack/Colgate Revolution/Bad Seed/Bad Apple/The Alicorn Amulet/Opalicious/Doctor Who/The Tenth Doctor. I can't believe how long I've been here :')

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   Chilltide thought a moment before answering, and in the process yet another pony gave an introduction. The beautiful mare gave him a flower as well... a kind gesture... too kind...


I have to be smart about this. They could be changelings... 

"I am... erm... Winter Breeze... one of Princess Luna's royal guards."


  It wasn't a terrible lie, it was believable, although that alias was beyond lame and if he were a guard he would probably have armor on, and of course certification. It wouldn't matter, he just needed to make himself sound important enough to intimidate the potential foes that seemed to await a more detailed response.

"I was in the fountain... hiding... you see, I'm on a super top-secret mission. I was spying on possible enemies and I couldn't help but hear some... related conversation?"

  Chilltide winked at the group nervously, fidgeting with the flower and hoping that he hadn't blown his cover to a lot of changelings. He readied his horn cautiously, ready for the beasts to attack him and unleash their vile wings. If they understood him, he was safe, but if they hesitated or attacked he would freeze them solid and break them before they could take action.

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Sunset galloped back to where Asnee waited. "S-sorry for the w-wait." She mumbled.


Asnee waited as Sunset went upstairs to her room and was surprised that she didn't flee away. He guesses she started to believe him. Along with Sunset, he paced out of the restaurant.


"Talents?" He had nothing interesting from his past, but he was shy to show his movements in public. "Fair enough. My talent is martial art. It's a family martial art, and I wouldn't mind to show it, but-" he looked around - "wait a minute." Finding a spot between the hotel walls, he positioned himself so that only Sunset who could see him.


"The system isn't so flashy, but very practical." Asnee stood on his hind legs, resting his body weight on them. He balanced himself by stretching his forelegs forward, one bent so it was shorter than another. He quickly demonstrated continuous punching movement. When one hoof went forward to attack, another one pulled back to the front of his chest. His hind legs stepped forward and backward constantly as he demonstrated some blocking while attacking techniques. After a minute, he stopped.


"I know it doesn't looks so fancy without any enemy, but that's what I got." Asnee paced closer to Sunset, "Now it's your turn."

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Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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