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(Honestly) how do you react to objectified women in media  

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  1. 1. How do you react to the women shown to us in our media-thin, large in bust, "sexy" etc?

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  • Brohoof 9
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Most people will brand me as crazy for saying this, but the devil controlls the media, the founder of the modern church of satan said that tvs are one of the greatwst things to happen for his churxh, tv's give us unhealy bad thoughts, and if you think, tv is just stories, and stories are very powerfull, thats why the bibble is in storys


Anywahs since proably no one will belive me, im just some crazy person

  • Brohoof 5


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I really don't like how the media glamorizes being extremely skinny and having a perfectly flat stomach. That is unhealthy, especially when bones are showing because women are starving themselves trying to look good to the media. And in my opinion, that isn't attractive. And whenever a girl has a healthy weight, they are apparently considered "fat" which can make them feel bad. It is really disappointing to see this in today's media. There is nothing wrong with a little weight, as long as it doesn't get unhealthy and becomes a risk to life. And being too skinny can be a life risk as well. 



There shouldn't be a set look to women. All women are different and have different body types. I hate all the commercials glamorizing extremely skinny bodies and talking down to the other body types like they're bad. 

  • Brohoof 7
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The media is out to do their job, get views. So what's the best way to get views? Have dumb people view their dumb, materialistic television shows. And it's very easy for them to get those dumb people to watch their dumb shows because there are more dumb people wathing T.V. than normal people. "Damn man! Look at that nice ass!" is basically most of the morons staying tune to MTV, that T.V. channel that doesn't stand for what it means anymore. All they show in that channel are stupid "reality" shows and semi-reality/ sex education shows.

  • Brohoof 2



No matter how much you try.... you can never hit that f***ing dog from Duck Hunt.

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Seriously, I feel like asking Zecora to entice the Media with her charm (or hex) for having set all the idealistic rules of how women should be because no one should be stereotyped into an "ideal figure" that the Media tried to shove down our throats of.

  • Brohoof 3

Equestria's Lone Ranger and dedicated ex-prosecutor...




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I know what women aren't supposed to look like, they aren't supposed to look like like twigs with giant melons hanging down from them. Most men I have talked to and of course just dosen't find that attractive yet so many women believe that men find this attractive because that is the image that is presented in media far too often. So a lot of women starve themselves and get fake these ridiculous cosmetic surgeries like boob jobs when none of it is really even necessary in the first place.


While there are certain features I find attractive in women and of course preferences, as I get older I have noticed that physical appearance becomes less and less important to me and values and personality have become a bit more important in which women I find attractive and which ones I do not.

Edited by EarthbendingProdigy
  • Brohoof 5
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Most people will brand me as crazy for saying this, but the devil controlls the media, the founder of the modern church of satan said that tvs are one of the greatwst things to happen for his churxh, tv's give us unhealy bad thoughts, and if you think, tv is just stories, and stories are very powerfull, thats why the bibble is in storys


Anywahs since proably no one will belive me, im just some crazy person


I actually agree with this in a lot of ways. The majority of movies, shows, and songs nowadays often involves messages of, "Hey, do this stupid crap to fit in with all the 'cool' people! Get drunk, do drugs, get laid, party recklessly, it's ok! Because that's what life is all about, conforming to the mainstream of what makes you popular among a bunch of idiots! It's ok to sin, because life isn't perfect without doing the wrong thing! Don't look like this? Well that sucks, do something about it to fit in!"

  • Brohoof 5
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We can't do anything to change it. We just have to deal with it. Really, I think that looks are only a quarter of what makes the person. I 

hate it when someone things that if they look good that they will get what ever they want, or when a guy says ''I love that girl just because of her looks''. The last one annoys me to no end, since I feel like they don't think that the girl could actually be a huge asshole and just use them, but I can't do anything to change what they think so I usually don't say anything. That isn't saying that looks don't matter at all, looks still play a part in what makes a person I just don't find looks as important as the personality.


I personally dislike how the media judges how women should look. If I see a advertisement about something like that I will change the channel or turn off the TV for a while and wait.

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  • Brohoof 2
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I know what women aren't supposed to look like, they aren't supposed to look like like twigs with giant melons hanging down from them. Most men I have talked to and of course just dosen't find that attractive yet so many women believe that men find this attractive because that is the image that is presented in media far too often. So a lot of women starve themselves and get fake these ridiculous cosmetic surgeries like boob jobs when none of it is really even necessary in the first place.


While there are certain features I find attractive in women and of course preferences, as I get older I have noticed that physical appearance becomes less and less important to me and values and personality have become a bit more important in which women I find attractive and which ones I do not.

I agree with you so much here. I see too many people get together just because of appearance and they usually end up not staying  together. Personality and values are so much more important as you will eventually get tired of someone's appearance and if that was the only reason you were in a relationship with someone, it's not going to last. But you actually love someone for their personality, unlike just liking the appearance of someone and not caring about the personality.

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Oh wow, I just realised that I am the FIRST woman (or girl) to be replying to this topic. I feel outnumbered.   Where are the other girls in here...
Welcome to the internet. You must be new here :)



In all honesty I agree that the portrayal of women in modern media is outrageous, but I don't really see any way for them to fix it. The way the world is right now, any attempts to shift this portrayal to something less idealistic would create upheaval because it is the portrayal people have looked upon since the advent of such media. Usually this will just result in flipping to a different channel on TV or something of the sort. The media is forcing people to have this perception, and the people are pressuring media into giving them this perception. its a vicious cycle.



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Oh wow, I just realised that I am the FIRST woman (or girl) to be replying to this topic. I feel outnumbered.


Where are the other girls in here...

If you're a girl, then that means that you have to be skeleton skinny, have as much make-up as a clown does, and you have to be very mean and bitchy. These are the guidelines set by modern media, and if you don't follow them, CONGRATULATIONS!!! You are an actual human girl.

  • Brohoof 2



No matter how much you try.... you can never hit that f***ing dog from Duck Hunt.

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If you want a slough of silly idealizations about how people are "supposed to be", look no further than the media. It's bad enough that shows like TMZ exist to fuel society's obsession with overprivileged celebs, but you can see these warped ideals of beauty (for women and men alike) in just about any popular program, even the ones that claim that "it's what's inside that counts".


But even worse than these programs are the commercials, it seems...especially the ones you would think shouldn't have anything to do with beauty, given the nature of their product. Of all things, I recently saw a Verizon Wireless commercial where I noticed that the handful of people on-screen were all "thin and beautiful". The camera panned to show a bunch more people, and I thought, "There's gotta be at least one chubby person in the bunch, right?" But no, how naïve! Every goddamn person, no doubt hand-picked by the commercial's producers, looked like they'd just walked out of a Calvin Klein ad.


And you know what the worst part is? As progressive as the past couple decades have been for humanity as a whole, and as vocal as people like us have been about the stupidity of this whole thing...nothing is changing. No matter how often we call out the media for the shallow filth it is, it continues to shamelessly shove its own skewed vision of beauty down society's throat. Sadly, I don't see this changing anywhere in the near future. dry.png

Edited by Lowline
  • Brohoof 1
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I hate the way women are portrayed in commercials. Overly skinny people disgust me, mostly because if someone is that skinny they have a problem. I'd be lying if I said appearances don't matter, because they do, but I don't think a women, or anyone for that matter, should live their life trying to fit into society's ideals. 


My favorite celebrity example of this is Jennifer Lawrence. I know she's still good looking and everything, but she's a good weight, doesn't really care about her diet, and acts like a total dork. 

  • Brohoof 2


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I don't think its fair to almost 'prey' on the young girls of socity today.. I see and hear so many kiids talk about how 'fat' they are... and they're way heaps skinnyer than me 

I also hate the fact that the media just shows skinny people, I know for a fact that everybodies body structure is different to everybody else's through genetics or how they have devoloped.


I know that every woman in my family we can't get as skinny as the girls on the television because our ancesters where orignally hunters and farmers... real workers. Our bones are structured to be broad and strong and we are basically born with some muscules already devopoled. The media shows only one type of person and doesn't consider the population as a whole, that woman as a whole are very different in body shape, personality and looks and they disregard that 


... and I am a teenager girl 

  • Brohoof 3
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I'm a girl, so maybe I have a misunderstanding. But it would seem that this over-sexualization is in our media because people eat it up. The "appeal" of large breasts and small waists isn't because "thats what the media promotes"... rather, marketers studied what grabs people's interest and used their findings for their advantage. The idea that hourglass figures are attractive is possibly due to the evolutionary side of things (a woman with large breasts can support a child, wide hips for childbirth... the whole "healthy mate" sort of deal). So I don't think we can entirely blame the media. If what I said about the reproductive side of things is true, then this general attraction is a part of human biology. So when the media realized that sex sells, things began getting exaggerated. And then people are told that's what beauty is and they are also told it's unattainable. Can you guess which part some men and women ignore? ;) (hint: it's the latter one!)


Anyway, it's a part of our culture right now. It's gotten to the point where we are practically desensitized to it. Some people pay more attention to it than others, and we can't forget that men feel pressure as well! Don't tell me you don't think "Pfft, yeah-f**king-right" when you see those hunky Hollister models!


Maybe some day people will find less primitive things that catch their eyes. But for now, everyone just needs to roll with the punches and not confuse fantasy with reality. Lots of people don't agree with the media's idea of beauty anyway. It's unfortunate that it messes with people's minds though...


TL;DR-- Can't point the blame at the media if people eat it up. All media does is reinforce that behavior. That reinforcement is what messes with people's minds. Pretty sucky, but maybe one day it'll change. Just try not to worry about it in the meantime ;)

  • Brohoof 4


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I know why this is this way, the media is just creating money. These are all advertisements, how does a woman keep herself fit, by doing exercises eating healthy and all that yada yada, that is if you want to do it naturally, the thing is most of them need to have surgery because of this. I honestly don't understands this. I just don't understand this obsession with looks. I dislike it actually, I care much more about personality and I just want people to be themselves. I think it's not alright sending this message to younger girls and just women in general that to be perfect you have to look like well something that doesn't exist in the real world. Even guys experience this, this obsession with looks is getting to everyone. What are they trying to do, make some kind of new breed of supersoldiers or something.

I mean I'm not tall or anything, well considering that everyone in my country is well over 2 meters. I'm just myself and I want people to just be themselves. That also includes looks, I don't want us all to look exactly the same. But who knows maybe we will all look the same in the future, everyone following "how to be your gender".

I just dislike this media stuff and their unreal representation. I just want people to be themselves, the best way to achieve this is if we all decide to not follow these unrealistic representations.

I still live a healthy lifestyle and at least try to keep myself in shape, but I do so for myself and I'm not obsessing over it.
I'm just being myself :3

Edited by Fluttershyfan94
  • Brohoof 1
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I know I'm going to sound strange saying this...


I didn't pick any of the options because I don't feel that any of them accurately represented my reaction. Unlike most women these days I don't feel that self-conscious about my body, and if I do it's not about looks it's because I know I'm not eating healthy enough. I don't feel that affected by the ads of what women are supposed to look like. Maybe the only thing that bothers me is that they're all so tall, but I'm also really short and I know that. But even then, I don't hate being short and I don't really wish I was tall. 


The only way to change it is to ignore it. I rarely pay attention to these ads so they don't affect me. By giving the media attention every time they put out an unrealistic and womanizing ad. But their behavior gets them not only attention, but results. 


Remember, they do the same thing with guys. Advertisers have created a whole "world" of "perfect people" of which we can never even hope to be a part. So why bother worrying about either getting in or getting rid of it?

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I'm a girl, so maybe I have a misunderstanding. But it would seem that this over-sexualization is in our media because people eat it up. The "appeal" of large breasts and small waists isn't because "thats what the media promotes"...

Yes indeed sex sells, but what I still can't figure out is how alot of these women who are so thin that you can see their ribcages hanging out still manages to be presented as the standard of beauty even though most men I know personally including me honestly don't see don't see the appeal of that. Yes evolution has played a role in what is considered physically attractive but does someone who is obviously anorexic look like a "healthy mate" to you?


I personally think that they push this sort of standard more to women than to men because it is all about control and brainwashing, they know that most women don't look like that and most men don't go for that but they push it anyway so they be obsessed and distracted over that. There is a major difference between petite and skeleton, what blows my mind is that by todays standards Marilin Monroe would be considered a plus sized model, seriously. Yes she had that hourglass figure and a good sized pair of breasts but they matched with her other features and that is why she was considered attractive.

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The media and society aren't kind to bigger women - no doubt about it.


But it's an issue that affects all women, yet we seem hell bent on making skinny women the scapegoats for the problem. People talk as if every one of them are monsters who hate fat people and pray at the church of Abercrombie & Fitch, and that frankly isn't fair. It stinks of sour grapes and dilutes an important message. You can't complain about a segment (media, or what have you) warping body image for women while simultaneously calling skinny "ugly" - it's hypocritical. We should be able to lift people up without putting others down as a collective. [/soapbox]

  • Brohoof 1

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Yes indeed sex sells, but what I still can't figure out is how alot of these women who are so thin that you can see their ribcages hanging out still manages to be presented as the standard of beauty even though most men I know personally including me honestly don't see don't see the appeal of that. Yes evolution has played a role in what is considered physically attractive but does someone who is obviously anorexic look like a "healthy mate" to you?


I personally think that they push this sort of standard more to women than to men because it is all about control and brainwashing, they know that most women don't look like that and most men don't go for that but they push it anyway so they be obsessed and distracted over that. There is a major difference between petite and skeleton, what blows my mind is that by todays standards Marilin Monroe would be considered a plus sized model, seriously. Yes she had that hourglass figure and a good sized pair of breasts but they matched with her other features and that is why she was considered attractive.


Different ideas of beauty. You get the curvy side of things (which is supposed to be the sexy one) and then you get the thin ones which are supposed to look cute or dainty.






*note: her head is as wide (if not wider) than her waist. If a ballerina doesn't have the right figure, they are fired or not hired at all. Many ballerinas suffer from anorexia or bulemia because of this, yet they capture the idea of grace and beauty.



So yeah. There are different sorts of beautiful that girls want to be... Girls don't aim to look like skeletons. They aim to be like the images above. But when eating disorders come into play, then it becomes obsessive. A girl trying to be thin will so SO SCARED to gain weight... and it's near impossible to not gain weight when you start eating normally again (body turns it into fat ASAP). So people get to the skeleton point because they've developed an actual phobia about gaining weight. Its a complex issue and takes therapy and doctoral assistance to get over.


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You know, I'm reminded of this interview written for the game Sudeki that came out for the original xbox. When it came to researching their progress on the game, they asked reviewers for input and the majority of the respose was it needed more t1t5 and a55. So it's not always the programmers thinking that's what we want, we're also telling them that's what we want. One might argue that it is a result of the 'satanically controller media' or 'Lunatics (haha)' *grin* but there's many things that operate both ways. But when it comes to beauty it doesn't mean the media has to control you that way. Their protrayal of beauty distracts you from finding real love simply because it also gives you a false idea about love. And it's only one part of the idea of love. IF you keeping looking for woman that you believe fit that profile but always had in the back of your mind what you really want in a girl/guy, then you probably wouldn't notice if they came into your life at some point becuase of the ideas you have in your mind about looking for a woman. But I would still ask you pony, do you still not find yourself walking down the street and saying to  yourself "She's cute." and then see and notice what ideals you have that would have you say that to yourself? Now, i'm talking more about a mental note then bahavior such us your tongue hanging out with you next thought based upon lame primalistic urges. But in the grand scale in which we look at everything would we or are we not all guilty?

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So people get to the skeleton point because they've developed an actual phobia about gaining weight. Its a complex issue and takes therapy and doctoral assistance to get over.

I didn't mean to imply that women aim to be skeletons and I apologize for any misunderstanding but only that these sort of issues are in large due to the portrayal of the anorexic/skeleton like figure as beautiful it just plays into the insecurities a lot of women have over their appearance.

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The media teaches us to be SEXIST, y'see. Stereotype, that's it. In which "women or girls who don't look or sound as ideal as what the stereotypes have been pinpointed to us are social hazards of the world" being fed into the minds of the masses, but luckily not all are gullible enough to be accepting these so-called 'ideals' that the media had been spoon-feeding us all.

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