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open Butch's Big fancy Ball (Social/Romance RP)

Silverwisp the Bard

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Into a hall of shiny massive pillars Asnee stepped. His pace sounded nicely against the marble floor as he made his way through the crowd to meet the host. His dress was loose, yet neat, letting him to move freely. One reason why he always used that black dress to every gathering he visited.


He was unusually spirited that night in the Ball. Despite of his disinterest of social gathering with strangers, the fact that he might meet Joan again kept moving his legs.


It didn't take him a long time to spot the host. The diamond dog's height contrasted against the crown among him. Decorated with glimmering diamonds, his metal helmet instantly attracted any pair of eyes that happened to see it. "Perhaps silver," Asnee thought to himself as he walked closer and moved his sight to the face of the towering figure.


"Mr. Butch," Asnee stood with his backlegs, equating his height with the diamond dog, and wrapped a hoof with another as a greeting, "It's a pleasure to see you in such beautiful evening."


(OOC: @@Silverwisp the Bard, yer turn matey.)

Edited by Sky Warden



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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Rudolph trotted happily into the wide ballroom, where many ponies were enjoying themselves by talking, dancing, or exploring around the magnificent building. He wondered what to do first, there were so many ponies! Suddenly he felt very small. How could he find somepony to 'hang out' with in this big room? 


"No Rudolph, you mustn't think that way," he told himself, "Just be yourself and somepony is bound to be friendly."


He put on his best smile and tipped his hat to any passerby's as he walked down the corridor. Nopony seemed to pay him much attention. Soon he came up to a stallion who was standing by himself, glancing from side to side just as he was. 


"No doubt he's looking for somepony to talk to," he thought, "Perhaps we can have a good conversation." He cam up to the stallion and bowed his head formally. 


"My name is Rudolph Jäger, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. May I ask your name?"




Edited by Love*Potion

Meet my OC's : Honeycomb and Kismet


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@@Sky Warden,

Butch shook the offered hoof heartily, impressed that the pony managed to keep his balance.

"Ahh, pleasure's all mine, Mr. Hoof, hows the workshop doing these days."

He was pleased that he had remembered the pony's name, he had made a point of remembering the names of former business partners. Then he took in the pony's clothing.

"Ehm, did someone die?"

@@Love*Potion, @@MyLittleCell,


Having acquired a glass of fruit punch and honeyed locust donut at the massive buffet table, Joan, was making her way towards the huge window front overlooking the gardens. Out o the corner of her eye she saw Butch, shaking the hoof of a stallion that had his back turned to her, undoubtedly mashing the poor guys bones to a pulp. She was half considering walking over, when the broad brim of her head bumped into something.
 She turned. She was standing in front of two colts: An elegantly dressed earthpony in the process of picking up his top hat and a pegasus wearing goggles, whose wings looked like they had gone up against a weedwhacker and come in second place.

She took a hasty sip from her glass to clear her mouth, praying that there were no pieces of locust sticking out of the donut in her left wingclaw.

"Oh, I'm terribly sorry about that. Good evening to you. "

Suddenly she felt very underdressed.

Edited by Silverwisp the Bard
  • Brohoof 1



My Art Thread, updated (almost) daily

Tomorrow will take us away, far from home

No one will ever know our names

But the bard songs will remain.

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@@Silverwisp the Bard,


((Actually i forgot to mention he's in a suit, he has a bowtie but is still wearing his goggles.))


Gearbox grinned.

"Nice to meet you both. I'm gearbox." He smiled at the bat pony.

"If you dont find it rude, might i say that i don't think i've ever met a batpony, at least not in person." He said, sounding only a bit flirtatious. 

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@@MyLittleCell, @@Silverwisp the Bard,  


Rudolph dusted off his lucky hat and placed it back on his head with a smile.


"Oh that's quite alright," he said, turning to greet the mare that had apologized, "It was merely an accident-"


Rudolph stopped immediately after the sentence and stared at the mare's wings. They were unlike anything he had ever seen. So different, so unique, so frightening yet so fascinating. He realized he was staring with his mouth wide open. He excused himself and began to speak again;


"Your wings madam are... simply magnificent. I have never seen such a form on a pony before. Tell me, from whence did you come? I am Rudolph Jäger, a young stallion fresh from a small village in Ger-mane-y. I have made it my life long quest to discover and explore new worlds and cultures. And this madam, is a prime example of what I am searching for. I am merely here to learn." Rudolph finished with a goofy smile on his face, excited as a child to be a part of such a different world than his home.


((OOC: Rudolph's not trying to be creepy, he is just super excited. Read his OC page in signature if you want to know more about his background and reason for traveling Equestria))

Edited by Love*Potion

Meet my OC's : Honeycomb and Kismet


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@@Silverwisp the Bard,


Asnee was slightly surprised by the diamond dog's strength. He guessed it was nothing to Butch's real strength, considering how big and heavy his arms were.


He snorted to Butch's last sentence. One of the things he couldn't tolerate most was an insult to his family heritage and tradition. If he didn't remember that this boss was his business partner, he would have bucked him on the face along with his fancy helmet at that very second. Yet, the smile on his face remained, "The workshop is bustling with activities these days, Mr. Butch. We are having many irons in the fire."


Couldn't force himself to laugh at the insult, he unleashed a small chuckle, "No one died. If it's my dress, it's just a formal dress from my culture, sir. There are many cultures in Equestria. You may want to study them." His smile suddenly turned into a small smirk as he noticed the helmet, "And is there any special reason my you're wearing a helmet, Mr. Butch? Because I don't think that you just forgot to put it off."



(OOC: You have a creepy sense of humour, Silverwisp. laugh.png )

Edited by Sky Warden



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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Compass spotted one of those batwing ponies in a very nice dress. She always thought batponies were really cool. They had and offical name though. Pterasi or something like that. Now, the pegasus named Forest had said that he was from Cloudsdale, which she had something to say about.


"I once took a hot air balloon trip around Cloudsdale. The guide pony was really nice and the view was amazing, but me and the other tourists got pelted with tomatoes by some racisist pegasi. I still have a hat with tomato stains..."

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(OOC: Lol he's a stallion, i thought i said he earlier.)

Gearbox raised an eyebrow at the strange pony.  "Strange little one, arent you?" He didnt wait for an answer

"These wings were created to allow injured pegasi to fly. There made of brass, and use many motors. I've also been working on some ship designs. Perhaps you'd be interested in those."

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"That seems rude. Why would anypony want to throw tomatoes at a pony like you?" He said nonchalantly. He looked at the architecture of the room that they were in. 'Boy, this building sure is massive. I'd be surprised if we could get a look at the place before the end of the night.' He thought

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Compass somehow shrugged. (She's a pony, I dunno) "I think it was that gang of pegasi that think pegasi are the best and that every other race of pony must die. I don't really know."  Compass was a very curious pony, though, and she really wanted to explore. "So, do we go explore this maze of a house now, or later? Also, when does this party end? Is it one of those more-than-one-day parties?"

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As the room was filling with even more ponies Forest was growing more out of place.

"Wow this place really is full. Wow i never thought other pegasus where like that!" What Compass said had shocked him a little.

"I mean I personally would like to be a unicorn and control stuff with magic, Still flying is my love"

"I think i'll go to the buffet table before i explore this place. I gotta eat and stuff" Forest departed the group and headed to the buffet table.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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'A lot of questions this one has.' Black thought. "I'm ready to look around when you are. I think that it'll end around midnight." He said truly having absolutely no clue. "I wonder if there'll be fireworks when the party ends. I love fireworks, they're beautiful."

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Gearbox raised an eyebrow at the strange pony.  "Strange little one, arent you?" He didnt wait for an answer "These wings were created to allow injured pegasi to fly. There made of brass, and use many motors. I've also been working on some ship designs. Perhaps you'd be interested in those."


((OOC: I'm so sorry for the confusion, I was talking to Joan, SilverWisp's OC. She walked over to us and bumped into us. Is she still with us? The bat-winged pony? I'm waiting for Silverwisp's reply. Sorry for the only OOC post but I figured we needed to clear things up a bit before we go on wink.png )) 

Meet my OC's : Honeycomb and Kismet


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Compass nodded. "I think it would be cool to fly and walk on clouds, or do what earth ponies do. I had quite a few earth pony friends, and they all did a ton of different things. I think there was a unicorn who was hired to make fireworks, so they should be on every now and then. I think maybe we can wait for Forest and talk with this pony over here." Compass pointed her head towards Novella.

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Butch bristled. Take off his helmet? With others watching? The nerve of that pony. If Hoof had been a diamond dog, Butch would have gone for his brass knuckles and implanted the initials "B.B.B." squarely on Hoof's face.
But Hoof was a pony and Butch had always had a weakness for ponies with moxy, so he went for two cigars instead.
"I like you, Hoof. Bareknuckle-, well barehoof guy. Like me. Care for a smoke?"


"If you dont find it rude, might i say that i don't think i've ever met a batpony, at least not in person."

"Oh, not at all. There are not that many of us living in Equestria at the moment and most of those only come out at night."
She raised the wing holding the halfeaten donut, indicating the Nightwatch's jade eye set in her hatband.
"You could try starting a barfight sometimes, you'll meet plenty us in no time."

And this madam, is a prime example of what I am searching for. I am merely here to learn."

Now that he mentioned it, Joan could make out a small crest on the breastpocket of Rudolphs suit jacket, something between an enraged black chicken and an eagle. She tried to recall what she knew about Germaney, which amounted to some stories about beer from sergeant Hasta and a vague image of a vast forest with the occasional castles poking out. Better not mention that.
"Well, in the name of the Canterlot Nightwatch, I bid you welcome, how has Equestria been treating you so far?"

Edited by Silverwisp the Bard



My Art Thread, updated (almost) daily

Tomorrow will take us away, far from home

No one will ever know our names

But the bard songs will remain.

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"Well, in the name of the Canterlot Nightwatch, I bid you welcome, how has Equestria been treating you so far?"


"Oh it's been absolutely Wunderbar! I love it here - the lush forests remind me of home yet the loud and crazy ponies are quite a contrast to my small village. I simply adore traveling. You mentioned something about the Canterlot Nightwatch, care to explain? It sounds absolutely fascinating." Rudolph asked the pony. Suddenly he stopped. How could he be so rude! He scolded himself and bowed to the lady.


"Please forgive me, where are my manners? May I please know the name of this lovely mare?"

Meet my OC's : Honeycomb and Kismet


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@@Silverwisp the Bard,

Gearbox laughed. 

"I'd like to think that i have some sort of connection, people tend to stare at my wings quite often." He lifted one, looking back at it.

"Although i suppose my case is more reasonable." 

"I dont think i've introduced myself, im gearbox. And you are?"

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"Oh wait what? Sorry I was just admiring the architectural wonder this place is! It could probably hold thousands of ponies and still have room to spare! It's absolutely elegant but structurally sound. Why it's like nothing I've ever read about in fact! Oh no I'm rambling again...All of my books say I mustn't ramble in these sorts of situations but I can't help it now can I?"   Novella looked down blushing quite a bit.


((Whatever you prefer @@harmonyplus, ))

"This ain't a party

Get off the dance floor

You want the get down

Here comes the gang war"

~My Chemical Romance

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Black smiled at Novella. "Oh, rambling isn't so bad. Its actually cute sometimes. You know I do it all the time. One time I was at a conference for presenting a new discovery and I rambled on about atoms for an hour straight. It took up the entire time slot that I had to present. I'm doing right now aren't I?" He said embarrassed

Edited by Lord Squeeglepoof
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Novella looked up at Black and smiled. 


"Yeah you are. But it's not so bad...One time I was at a writer's conference where I was supposed to explain the pros and cons of including or basing your characters after actual ponies...I spent the entire time slot talking about why you should come up with your own characters and plots using the deepest and darkest part of your imagination...I had up to three hours...Used the whole time. Apparently it was a good speech though, I did get a standing ovation so that was kind of cool. I could ramble for days on end without even realizing so stop me if I start going off again. Most ponies don't really notice me so I kind of try to squeeze in as much as I can in a short time.. Wow I'm rambling quite a bit aren't I? I'm so sorry. It's usually not this much...It must be because I'm being social." Novella said, blushing a lot by the end of it.


"This ain't a party

Get off the dance floor

You want the get down

Here comes the gang war"

~My Chemical Romance

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"I don't believe that. How could somepony not notice you?" He said turning slightly red. "I mean, anyone can not notice something, but it's nearly impossible to not notice when somepony is actually talking to you." He said trying to cover his tracks. "Heheh."

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@, Novella turned red again and smiled at him.


"I just tend to blend in a bit I guess. I'm kind of an average pony...Nothing special." Novella replied to him. She thought Black was just trying to be nice to her, since they were in public and all. Novella was always quite awkward in public so no one had ever really liked her romantically.

"This ain't a party

Get off the dance floor

You want the get down

Here comes the gang war"

~My Chemical Romance

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Silverwisp the Bard, on 01 Jun 2013 - 01:51 AM, said:Butch bristeled. Take off his helmet? With others watching? The nerve of that pony. If Hoof had been a diamond dog, Butch would have gone for his brass knuckles and implanted the initials "B.B.B." squarely on Hoof's face. But Hoof was a pony and Butch always had a weakness for ponies with moxy, so he went for two cigars instead. "I like you, Hoof. Bareknuckle-, well barehoofhoof guy, like me. Care for a smoke?"

Asnee stifled a sigh of relief knowing that Butch didn't seem like willing to continue. Thought he wasn't afraid of Butch, the diamond dog's strength was something he would like to avoid in a fight. That is, if it was still possible. Even the strength he used for a hoof shake was in a surprising amount. "Plus the claw."


He politely shook his hoof, refusing the cigarette Butch handed to him, "No, thank you." A hoof gesture to indicate that he didn't mind Butch smoking followed two seconds later, "It's okay." He didn't smoke. Mostly because he couldn't stand the smoke. The last time he tried to smoke, he ended up with red and teary eyes, coughing his way out to the nearest glass of water.


Moving his gaze along the ball's guests, Asnee scanned for a particular pony, holding his breath. "Uhm... if you don't mind me asking, Mr. Butch, has Miss Joan arrived?"

Edited by Sky Warden



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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@@Sky Warden,

Butch bit off the end off one cigar, chewed it and swallowed, he hadn't come where he was by wasting things. He lit up on a nearby candle.

"The captain? Good taste you got there, Hoof, strong legs on that one. Always a good thing, eh? Should be somewhere near the grub table, big blue hat, can't miss her."

He slapped a paw down on Hoof's shoulder.

"We gotta do business again, Hoof. Have your boys talk to my boys, we'll do lunch."

Edited by Silverwisp the Bard



My Art Thread, updated (almost) daily

Tomorrow will take us away, far from home

No one will ever know our names

But the bard songs will remain.

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@@Silverwisp the Bard,


Asnee blushed and unleashed an awkward laugh when Butch told him about where Joan was. Though he had a good control of his emotion, this one was an exception. Even after the whole time from the previous ball, he still couldn't manage himself. "Ahaha, yes. T-thank you Mr. Butch." An itchy sensation invaded his nose as the smoke from Butch's cigarette soared up, forcing him to snort the itch away.


He winced when the a heavy pat landed on his shoulder, bending his legs by the weight and the power of the arm itself and leaving a heat on his skin. "W-well of course, sir. T-that will be delightful." Another awkward laugh, "I-I'm taking my leave- I mean, I will go enjoy some of your cuisines."


With that he turned around, rubbing his shoulder as he walked away to find Joan.



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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