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private Pony University (Romance//Sol)


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((Gonna have to do some timeskip to account for the fact hasn't been on, I don't want to be out of all this drama after all.))


Gardenia had been having an... interesting day. During breakfast she was on the receiving end of more than a few looks. Considering most of the students there were first years, and that she had made a bit of a scene yesterday in the hall, she figured some rumors were spreading about her.


That fear was reaffirmed when she had gone to class, after bidding Blaze adieu. She could have sworn she felt somepony throw something at her head, and the looks she had been receiving were either of contempt or pity. Even the professors were uncertain of what to make of her.


She decided to spend the rest of her evening in the library, where nopony would pay her much attention and she could gather or bury her thoughts.


"I really didn't want something like this to happen. Why'd that Todd guy have to come around and make me open my mouth?" Gardenia let out an exasperated sigh, "I berated him on his lack of tact and I just go and make him cry, bringing up his home-life, which I had no real idea about. "


Gardenia felt her eyes start to water, and she buried her muzzle in her book to try and hide it, "I swear, every time I open up my mouth somepony gets hurt! He may have been a big ninny, but was I not more so the jerk? He didn't need his feelings hurt that bad. I should really apologize to him."


The tears that were forming receded with that thought, "Let's see... he had jacket on, signaling he was part of some fraternity. Delta Tau Delta, if I recall my dead languages correctly. It should be easy enough to locate, he made a big deal about his 'success', after all."


With that thought, she cantered from the library and found her way to Greek Row. She was initially turned away, whether it was because she was an underclassmare or because her reputation preceded her, she did not know, but when she mentioned she was there to apologize to Todd, they promptly let her in and escorted her to him.


"Umm, Mr. Stocks, or rather, Todd, I—" Gardenia felt the words in her mouth choke up a bit; she still didn't think highly of Todd, and knew that this would only further stroke his ego, "I would like to apologize for what I said yesterday. I really shouldn't have brought up such personal issues."

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What should have been a small snack, but was more along the lines of a small meal later, Denim was about to sit down to write the letter when she changed her mind, instead turning into the bathroom and shutting the door. She turned on the shower with her magic while she undressed, then climbed in, leaving her clothes in a small pile in the corner.


After the shower, Denim trotted out, wrapped in a towel and braiding her dampened mane with her magic. She was dry, except for her mane, having used her magic to dry herself off. She left her mane and tail damp however, so when they dried and she undid the braids, they'd be wavy. As she sat down on the couch, she floated her old clothes into her room, and set a piece of paper before her on the table, and floated a pencil over to her. She summoned a pair a reading glasses after a bit of focus and put them on before she begant to write,


"Hello family! Writing to you to let you know that I have safely arrived to University! Yes, I did arrive a day or so ago, but I didn't really get the chance to write. Last night was pretty eventful.


Met a few really nice ponies so far. Two of them are a musician couple. They kinda remind me of Amicus and Cantáte, a guitar player and a DJ.


Another one is a senior. A Pegasus writer, who also just so happens to know a lot about zebra potion making.


And then there's my roommate, a stallion named Royal Flush.


Yes, you read that right. Stallion.


Don't worry though, he's respectful, and really quite sweet, if a little reserved. There hasn't been anything like that between us. Just friendly interaction, though I will admit, he is pretty damn cute! (excuse the language)

Don't worry though, I'll be responsible. (Ami, Daddy, there is no reason for you two to go all commando, calm down.)


Anything interesting going on with you guys? I'd love to hear back from you soon! I'll keep you guys updated with a letter each week, if you want. But anyway, that's all I really have for now. I'll see you guys on break, hopefully!"





Denim sighed and set the pencil down, folding the letter once before focusing on it until it proofed out of the air. She would have to wait a bit for her family's replies, as they still had to use the conventional mail service, but that was alright. Gave her time for some interesting things to happen.


Denim had grown tired in the amount of time it took to complete her tasks, so she reluctantly pulled herself off the couch and stumbled into her room, Hal heatedly pushing the door, which didn't shut all the way, and plopped right down on her bed, still clad in the towel, though she wrapped her long tail partly around herself as she drifted off into sleep.

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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@@Alex Kennedy,


Neon smiled "Its alright.." She looked to the side "The truth is.." She looked back at Rambler "I have, a couple times...but i was drunk so i don't feel it really counts, well it does...but...well i would have told you if it was just us....Sorry for lying but part of what i said was true, that i want to...with somepony i really love, i guess i just forgot that i couple times" 


Signature made by me! :3


MillyMusic , Heather ,

Neon Strobe , Scarlet Stage

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Gardenia had a small chuckle, "he's kind of adorable when he can put aside those anxiety issues."


"Well, I am sure they would have a good selection of food for you to chose from in the cafeteria. Come on, we might even meet some more friendly faces there."


She put her saddle-bags on, and made her way out of the door. She didn't wait for Blaze, confident he would catch up with her anyway.

Blaze simlpy nodded and followed her. "Alright. But I'm not planning on any new friends. Well, not today. You know, spend more time with my current set of freinds. Like you." He said, his face already going red. He held the door open for her as he should. "Uhh, after you."


(OOC: mfw you go and make my time irrelevant by posting because I wasn't here. Because ironicly I went to sleep when I was supposed to.)

Edited by darklord260

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Looking up from the leg press machine he had been working out on, Todd frowned for a moment. After a moment of mental debate, he glanced at Gardenia's escort. "Leave us. This will be private, thank you very much." While the two stallions were leaving, Todd racked the weights from the leg press back onto the racks, all seven hundred and fifteen pounds of it. Smirking, Todd wiped a bead of sweat off of his forehead with a towel, and then trotted over to his couch, motioning Gardenia to do the same. Letting out a long sigh, he turned to her. "You've caused me a lot of problems, you know that Gardenia? Because of you, I have been punched in the face, had to do a lot of social maneuvering  and was forced to put an arrogant colt in his rightful place... I would've been better if I'd never seen you. But, what happened happened, so, lets get down to brass tacks. I know you are here to apologize for your comment against my family. I will admit, my family life isn't ideal. There is a big set of horseshoes for me to fill. However, I would very much appreciate it if you DIDN'T bring that up again. The fact that you knew to come apologize does say a lot for you and your character. So, I will forgive this transgression, if only because I only like to make one new enemy per week if I can help it, and that slot belongs to an arrogant soccer twerp... He won't be a thorn in my side for much longer. So, how about we start over? I will concede I said some... uncouth things, and so did you, so we will begin fresh. What say you?"




Waking up from a dream of Todd dressed in doctor's scrubs and giving him a lobotomy in a cold sweat, Windy sat bolt upright in bed. Realizing that Minty had already gone into the bathroom to take a shower, he crawled out of bed and began doing a bit of yoga to try and work the kinks and knots out that had come as a result of his beating while he waited for Minty to finish in the shower. 

Edited by Windy Runner
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Gardenia felt a bit relieved upon hearing what Todd was saying, but she couldn't quite identify if it was because her apology was accepted or if she was deriving some degree of satisfaction from learning that Todd had been at least as inconvenienced as her.


"But what he says about that 'soccer twerp' does worry me... it's probably none of my business but I would rather another pony not be his enemy."


"yes, we can start fresh, Todd."


"So long as you don't act so uncouth again." she thought, addressing herself as much as Todd. 



((again, sorry. I do feel bad about it, but it at least makes sense that they would part after their meal due to having a different set of classes. We can RP the breakfast scene retroactively, and we can have some more interactions after this scene between Gardenia and Todd. And if it makes you feel any better, the irony is on me, I finally gave in to my impatience shortly before you got back online. Again, so sorry, hope I can make it up to you.))

Edited by GaleFenrir
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Royal heard over the rumors with increasing concern.

"Sleeping in the gym, in the nurses office, pissing off people i have no control over..." Royal sighed.

"Windy your getting out of my damned control." He raised the bet, turning to the stallions again.

"See what you can do about this rumor with this poor minty mare. I suspect shes rather innocent in this." He mulled over the thought of todd for a minute.

"I'll have to find you, windy. I think we have some things to talk about." He threw his cards in, taking his money that he won.

Royal impressed himself, after only two days he managed to get connections, and he had to take todd down.

He knew exactly who he needed for the job...

Edited by MyLittleCell
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Looking up from the leg press machine he had been working out on, Todd frowned for a moment. After a moment of mental debate, he glanced at Gardenia's escort. "Leave us. This will be private, thank you very much." While the two stallions were leaving, Todd racked the weights from the leg press back onto the racks, all seven hundred and fifteen pounds of it. Smirking, Todd wiped a bead of sweat off of his forehead with a towel, and then trotted over to his couch, motioning Gardenia to do the same. Letting out a long sigh, he turned to her. "You've caused me a lot of problems, you know that Gardenia? Because of you, I have been punched in the face, had to do a lot of social maneuvering  and was forced to put an arrogant colt in his rightful place... I would've been better if I'd never seen you. But, what happened happened, so, lets get down to brass tacks. I know you are here to apologize for your comment against my family. I will admit, my family life isn't ideal. There is a big set of horseshoes for me to fill. However, I would very much appreciate it if you DIDN'T bring that up again. The fact that you knew to come apologize does say a lot for you and your character. So, I will forgive this transgression, if only because I only like to make one new enemy per week if I can help it, and that slot belongs to an arrogant soccer twerp... He won't be a thorn in my side for much longer. So, how about we start over? I will concede I said some... uncouth things, and so did you, so we will begin fresh. What say you?"




Waking up from a dream of Todd dressed in doctor's scrubs and giving him a lobotomy in a cold sweat, Windy sat bolt upright in bed. Realizing that Minty had already gone into the bathroom to take a shower, he crawled out of bed and began doing a bit of yoga to try and work the kinks and knots out that had come as a result of his beating while he waited for Minty to finish in the shower. 

Minty just got out of the shower and dried herself off once she heard a knock at the door. "He-yyyyyyyyy...?" she said surprised when she saw the stallion at the door. He was a fairly--a very attractive stallion standing there. "Hey, I'm Chase Trails," ​he said casually. Minty felt like her heart melted. She can't even describe how amazing he was. 


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Windy stopped his yoga and turned to look at the new stallion in the doorway.


"Huh... Minty is looking at him in a really odd way... She never looked at me that way. You dolt! She likes him! No, she likes me! If she likes you like that, then why doesn't she get weak kneed whenever you talk to her? This Chase Trails scrub is no good! Well, he might be fine... Wait, is that a Delta Tau Delta pin on his sweater? That's the same frat as... TODD! I knew that guy was a no good scrub!"


Trotting over to the door, Windy frowned at the stallion. "May I help you? I don't believe either of us know you, so why are you here?" he asked; rather rudely. 




"Great! I always did take you for a smart mare... And Celestia knows I could use somepony of my intellectual calliber to talk with around here. Don't get me wrong, the guys are great, but some of them just... well, they're a few plates short of a dinner set. It gets old. Doing the same stuff every day, the same drudgery, all just to keep father satisfied. Just to get him to notice you, to say, just once, that he loves you and cares for you..." Todd murmured, staring off out his window. Shaking his head and turning to look back at Gardenia, a look of panic flashed over his face. "Forget you heard that! Nopony can know I said that! Its weak, and Todd Stocks is NOT weak!"

Edited by Windy Runner
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Royal left the sorority, trotting his way towards the dorms again, when he realized he wasn't quite sure where blaze actually had his dorm. 

No need, it seemed. He saw minty talking to someone in front of their dorms, but royal decided not butt in quite yet.

He turned around the corner, putting the side of his head to the corner, being able to hear what was going on.

Great, royal. Now your actually stalking.

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Windy stopped his yoga and turned to look at the new stallion in the doorway.


"Huh... Minty is looking at him in a really odd way... She never looked at me that way. You dolt! She likes him! No, she likes me! If she likes you like that, then why doesn't she get weak kneed whenever you talk to her? This Chase Trails scrub is no good! Well, he might be fine... Wait, is that a Delta Tau Delta pin on his sweater? That's the same frat as... TODD! I knew that guy was a no good scrub!"


Trotting over to the door, Windy frowned at the stallion. "May I help you? I don't believe either of us know you, so why are you here?" he asked; rather rudely. 




"Great! I always did take you for a smart mare... And Celestia knows I could use somepony of my intellectual calliber to talk with around here. Don't get me wrong, the guys are great, but some of them just... well, they're a few plates short of a dinner set. It gets old. Doing the same stuff every day, the same drudgery, all just to keep father satisfied. Just to get him to notice you, to say, just once, that he loves you and cares for you..." Todd murmured, staring off out his window. Shaking his head and turning to look back at Gardenia, a look of panic flashed over his face. "Forget you heard that! Nopony can know I said that! Its weak, and Todd Stocks is NOT weak!"

"Oh? I'm just here to make some friends! I didn't know that you'd have such a beautiful mare here, though," Chase flirted. Minty blushed, and backed away. "Heh.. t-thank you.." Chase gave a smile to Minty. "What's your problem?" Chase asked Windy once Minty was gone. "Can't ya take a bit of flirting?"


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Glaring at Chase, Windy stepped threateningly towards him. "Listen here Trails. You've got a hell of a nerve to barge into MY room and try and get flirty with MY roommate, who also happens to be with ME. I mean, we aren't official, but, in case you live under a social rock, which I don't find hard to believe, I'm sure you've heard the rumors about our 'adventures' in the training center. Now I don't know about you, but I don't think there's anything more for you here champ. So why don't you just take your long distance runner flank and run it anywhere that isn't here?!"    

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"Well I'm not the best at playing my clarenet but my dorm room number is 9 so you can lessen to some of my practices if you would like I won't mind at all" Luna said. "Oh I forgot to ask what is your dorm room number" Luna asked so that she could see him every now and then.



"Room number 8" I said with a smile"And I'm sure you're better than you think...!  Um... unfortunately the lock is broken on the door currently since somepony broke it down... um... long story how that happened but... you wouldn't happen to know where the janitors office is would you?"

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Glaring at Chase, Windy stepped threateningly towards him. "Listen here Trails. You've got a hell of a nerve to barge into MY room and try and get flirty with MY roommate, who also happens to be with ME. I mean, we aren't official, but, in case you live under a social rock, which I don't find hard to believe, I'm sure you've heard the rumors about our 'adventures' in the training center. Now I don't know about you, but I don't think there's anything more for you here champ. So why don't you just take your long distance runner flank and run it anywhere that isn't here?!"

"I didn't see her making a sappy face at you. How possibly can she be with you, punk? You're just one of those stupid soccer players. Who plays soccer anymore? Take my advice and ditch her for good. She isn't worth your while." Chase sneered at Windy, giving a cocky smirk.

Edited by Shaymin


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Royal face-hoofed, dropping to the ground.

"He did not just say that..." Royal made sure to mutter, of course. And he was to far away for anyone to hear, but he noted it anyway.

He looked around the corner to see this stallion.

"At least you picked a good one, minty." He muttered.

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Gardenia felt a pang of pity looking at Todd, "I really did hit a sore spot, then."


"I won't mention a thing. But, if you ever need to talk, you know where you can find me, then," she said to excuse herself, and began to turn around.


((hint hint, interrupt her from leaving))

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"Punk!? You little... Soccer is far more of a sport than just RUNNING on a friggen trail! And Minty is hideous? And not worth my time? If she's so hideous, why were you trying to hit on her then, dipstick?" Windy growled, getting right into Chase's face 




"Wait! Don't leave Gardenia... Look, I know you probably don't want to do this with me, since you probably still think I'm an arrogant toerag, but I have a big football game tomorrow. The biggest of my career. Would you... come and watch me play? It'd mean a lot to me..."


"Wow, maybe father had the right idea! Playing at being weak WORKS!!"

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"Room number 8" I said with a smile"And I'm sure you're better than you think...! Um... unfortunately the lock is broken on the door currently since somepony broke it down... um... long story how that happened but... you wouldn't happen to know where the janitors office is would you?"

"I guesse that our dorm rooms are close by and I have no clue where the janitors office is" Luna said. "Even though I don't know where the janitors office is I can help you look for it and the janitors office can't be that far away can it" Luna said as she started to help look for the office.

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"Punk!? You little... Soccer is far more of a sport than just RUNNING on a friggen trail! And Minty is hideous? And not worth my time? If she's so hideous, why were you trying to hit on her then, dipstick?" Windy growled, getting right into Chase's face




"Wait! Don't leave Gardenia... Look, I know you probably don't want to do this with me, since you probably still think I'm an arrogant toerag, but I have a big football game tomorrow. The biggest of my career. Would you... come and watch me play? It'd mean a lot to me..."


"Wow, maybe father had the right idea! Playing at being weak WORKS!!"

"Todd's orders, bitch. I'm not gonna give it away to a loner like you." Chase smirked. "You can't do a thing about it since Minty likes me." He trotted away. "Later, dork." Minty hopped up to Windy. "Oh my gosh, he was so cute!!" Minty said happily. "And he called me beautiful!!" Minty squealed. Edited by Minty Wintergreen


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"I guesse that our dorm rooms are close by and I have no clue where the janitors office is" Luna said. "Even though I don't know where the janitors office is I can help you look for it and the janitors office can't be that far away can it" Luna said as she started to help look for the office.


"Thanks a bunch: I said sighing with relief "You know it's nice to see a freindly face around here.  I'm not exactly the best at making friends... so uh... what did you come here to study for?" I ask trying to make conversation as we wander around looking for the janitors office.

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Blaze walked out of his lessons with a particular smile on his face. Apparently his neurology teacher had the same secret as him, and issues. And she had gotten over them easily. He walked up to the mirror and went back into his changeling form, only to look disgust. "Ugh. Now I remember why there are no mirrora in my room. I look disgusting." He said aloud. "But everything feels allot more spacious. I think I'll stay like this for a while." He smiled and picked up a book.

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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"I have no idea what a toerag is, but I'll assume it's nothing to pleasant, given the context."


"Okay, I'll attend your sporting event. But, just..." Gardenia let out a sigh.


"Okay, just be gentle this time. He seems to be more fragile than I made him to be at first." she had to remind herself.


"don't expect anything to happen."

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"Yeah, that's great Minty... really fantastic to hear... Just... be careful, ok? I'm getting bad vibes from Chase... He's a hundred miles of bad road." Windy said, deciding to leave out Chase's mention of Todd. If he said that, she might think he was lying out of jealousy. "I just.. don't want to see you get hurt."




Todd's eyes narrowed almost imperceptibly at Gardenia's comment, but he reigned in his annoyance and anger. "Of... course. I wouldn't have it any other way." He said, plastering a smile on his face. "She'll come around... after I make school history tomorrow, she'll be begging to be with me! And with my edge, there's no way tomorrow isn't going to be perfect! I might even get to end it on a good note by beating up Runner again! This will be perfect..."


"So, uh, Gardenia, have you considered joining a Sorority?"  

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Royal decided it wasn't quite time to intervene yet, but he approached the still-open door. He didn't want to infringe on their privacy, but he flimsaly reasoned that it would be better then jumping in on them in some tense moment. He decided to lean against the door, while he worked out his next steps.

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"Thanks a bunch: I said sighing with relief "You know it's nice to see a freindly face around here. I'm not exactly the best at making friends... so uh... what did you come here to study for?" I ask trying to make conversation as we wander around looking for the janitors office.

"Well I have a two things in mind like learning more kinds of music of me to play and well I kind of want to be a vet for animals so that I can help take care of them because I like animals a lot" Luna said. "So what are you studying for and what subject in school are you interested in" Luna asked.

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