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private Pony University (Romance//Sol)


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Royal nodded, coming in right after her. "Neon and rambler, if i remember right." He remembered them from the party. He didn't remember them being an item, but he doesn't think he saw them together anyway.

"Shall we join them? I'm sure they'd appreciate some company." He didn't want this dinner to be too awkward, so maybe someone else would make it less so.

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@, @,


This Todd stallion managed to keep taking Gardenia aback, consecutively; figuratively, she was so aback she might as well have been knocked to her haunches. "He... thinks I am beautiful? I mean, I've occasionally been complimented as such, but that in no way excuses how he is acting right now."


"Mr. Stocks, I am... flattered, honestly. But I have no intention on accompanying you in such a fashion. I am afraid you are just..." Gardenia tried to think of a word that wasn't too rude, but couldn't, and instead said "not the type of pony I would be interested in, sorry."


"I'm not really actively looking for a special somepony, but if I were, he certainly wouldn't be a candidate." She mentally noted.

Edited by GaleFenrir
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Denim nibbles her lip again, thinking it over, "Well, I had been planning on just being alone with Royal... But we're roommates, so there's plenty of time for us to just get to know each back home. And besides, it'd be nice to have other ponies I could call friends here. They were nice enough, from what I remember at least. Who knows? Maybe being around other ponies will get him to reveal more. Grated I haven't asked to much, but whatever."


Denim nods, "Sure! I wouldn't mind getting to know them a little better, 'specially now that I'm sober." She chuckles slightly as as steps over to the couple.


@@Alex Kennedy, @PinkieShyFlutterPie,


Denim waves to them, "Hello! I-- Oh," she steps back, blushing slightly when she catches the last bit of their conversation, "Aaamm I interrupting something...?"

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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Chuckling, Todd waved an airy hoof around, "Call me Todd dear, Mr. Stocks is far too formal for me. And there's no need to thank me, I knew right from when I first laid eyes on you you were- did you say no? How can you say no to me!? I mean, judging from your accent, you're a Canterlot mare! The uppercrust of Equestrian society! And I'm the son of one of the richest stallions in all of Equestria! It should only make perfect sense that we are compatible! Besides, I'm rich! I'm extremely handsome! I'm an athlete! What more could a mare possibly want?!"   

Edited by Windy Runner
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@, @,


"Some tact would be nice." Gardenia said before promptly placing her hoof to her mouth.


"Oh auntie, what did I just say? He is just so... he's such a ninny! My, glad I didn't say that out loud at least."


She placed her hoof back on the ground, "sorry, but you are just such a ninny."


"Wait. I was supposed to not say that."


"I mean really, Mr.Stocks, which I shall insist on calling you, you have an awful lot to learn in how to court a lady."


"Close mouth! Close!"


"And you are only moderately handsome."

Edited by GaleFenrir
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"Yeah, that's what I mean. This conversation got awkward pretty fast, didn't it? You... um, you don't have to answer if it makes you uncomfortable, I guess. But the way we were talking last night, I got the feeling you didn't really mind talking about it."




Rambler turned to the pony from last night's party. "Actually, yes. Very much so. Um... no offense, or anything."

Edited by Alex Kennedy

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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Todd's jaw dropped. Big time. He spluttered and struggled to find words. "But... Mares want successful stallions! And nopony on this whole damned campus is more well put together than me! And I may not know exactly what a ninny is, but I'm intelligent enough to know that is an insult! Father was always right, mares are more trouble than they're worth! And how DARE you say I'm only moderately handsome! I have been on the cover of fashion magazines! I have enough sorority mares at my beck and call to have a different partner every hour if I so wished!" He cried, positively spitting with indignation. 

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@, @,


"Oh, do stop your incessant whining."


"You know what, I am getting used to this now. If my mouth is going to be disobedient, might as well make use of it."


"If you were successful you wouldn't be so distressed by one rejection. You clearly have deep emotional distress. What, did your mommy or daddy never love you?"


Gardenia felt a pang of guilt after saying that, "okay, that may have gone too far. I mean, if that is the case, I really shouldn't be the one to call him out on it."

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Windy felt immensely sorry for Minty as she said nopony liked her. Looking over, he smiled kindly at her, "Of course I like you Minty! I mean, I said it to you in the fitness center, and I just don't say stuff I don't mean! And lots of ponies like you! I mean, Blaze likes you! Even Coach Shinsplints told me he thinks you are 'a real catch'!" Dropping the celery he had been about to chop, he walked out into the living room and wrapped his hooves around Windy from behind, and rocked her gently. "Windy, you've gotta believe me when I say that I lo- really like you."


"Why didn't you say love? I don't want to drive her away, ok?! I'm taking this slow..."

Minty smiled, and gave him a friendly kiss on the cheek. "That's sweet." Minty turned on the TV and watched the news report. "Um, are you done with the food yet..? Um, not to rush you." Minty looked at Windy smiling a warm smile. "I can help cook if you want.. I guess I can make some soup if you want to."


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@@Alex Kennedy,


"No, i haven't...i may seem like the type of mare who would have already...considering i always go to parties and what not but, like i said i always dated jerks...if i were to, i would want it to be with somepony i knew i loved.." Neon said a bit awkwardly "What about you?" Neon remembered the mare "Or, uh we can talk later...if you want"  

Edited by PinkieShyFlutterPie


Signature made by me! :3


MillyMusic , Heather ,

Neon Strobe , Scarlet Stage

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Todd took a step back in shock. Stuttering for words, he glared at Gardenia with hateful tears welling up in his eyes. "You... you pathetic peon! You know nothing of me or my family! NOTHING!!! My mother is no longer with me, I'll have you know, and my father, not my daddy, loves me very much! He expects great things of me, and I do not plan on disappointing him! Unlike YOU, who probably have no aspirations or desires! You are the sum of everything I despise! Rude ponies like you are going to be the ones begging and pleading me for a job later in life, and I will throw you out into the cold to STARVE! Do you hear me!?" He said, tears beginning to flow from his eyes. 



((This is really weird switching between nice Windy and dickish Todd...))


Walking back into the kitchen with a faint blush on his cheeks, Windy tossed the diced celery into the broth he had been simmering. "Funny you should mention food, because soups on! Or rather, stews on!" he said, spooning some well seasoned vegetable stew into two bowls and taking them over to the couch. Handing a spoon and a bowl to Minty, Windy plopped down next to her on the couch to watch the TV with her. "So tell me what you think!" he said eagerly. 

Edited by Windy Runner
  • Brohoof 1
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@, @,


"Yep, most definitely hit a sore spot. Good going, Gardenia. Ooh, alliteration! Wait, what was this ninny saying again?"


"I'll have you know there is no possible scenario in which I would be left to starve! Auntie Celestia would never leave me out in the cold like that!"


Gardenia put a hoof up to her mouth, "Did I really just mention that? Oh no no no. I don't much care what this Mr. Stocks thinks, but I don't need Blaze or anypony else here knowing that or treating me differently."

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Rambler shrugged. "Honestly, I don't care if you two are listening. It's not a big deal for me anyway, really. Yes, I have. Quite a few times. And I will inevitably do it again many more times. Love is all well and good, but sometimes when a situation like that comes up, you're not really thinking about it that much. And once you've done it a few times, love doesn't really factor into it so much. At least, it doesn't have to, but it's infinitely better when it does. But now I'm getting into things I'd rather not talk about with just anyone."

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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Rambler sighed. "Well we were on a date, but I guess if you really want to join us, I don't really mind too much."




He turned back to Neon. "What about you, Neon? Do you mind if they sit here and join us? You're the one who wanted to go on a date in the first place, after all, so I'll leave it up to you." 

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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Glaring savagely at Gardenia, and gasping for breath, trying to stem the flow of tears from his eyes, Todd managed to roll his eyes rudely. "Oh give me a break plebe! *sniff* You anger me and then try and get back on my good side by lying of your lineage? The nerve of you commoners... I hope you feel proud of yourself for your immature snips, because they *sniff* will cost you dearly. I will socially annihilate you! I don't have time for this. Good bye... Gardenia. Enjoy your little wimp coltfriend!" He snarled, rushing off, and again pushing aside Blaze as he ran off.


After returning to his frat house and carefully washing his face applying cover up to conceal his tear marks, and putting in drops to clear up his bloodshot eyes, Todd swaggered onto to the balcony that was one of the best perks of his room. Glaring across campus at the dorm wing where he knew... she was, Todd snarled. Turning to look at a framed family picture he had on his desk, Todd clenched his hooves. "Father loves me... He loves me more than anypony else in this world... She's wrong... She'll pay.. But how!? Runner! He lives in her hallway, and he's not too bright! I'll play him for a fool, and turn him against her. He's pretty popular among the student body, what with that rumor going around about him nailing a hot pegasus on his first day on campus in the training center Jacuzzi... If he hates her, they all will.......... And then she'll learn to regret crossing me!"   

Edited by Windy Runner
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Todd took a step back in shock. Stuttering for words, he glared at Gardenia with hateful tears welling up in his eyes. "You... you pathetic peon! You know nothing of me or my family! NOTHING!!! My mother is no longer with me, I'll have you know, and my father, not my daddy, loves me very much! He expects great things of me, and I do not plan on disappointing him! Unlike YOU, who probably have no aspirations or desires! You are the sum of everything I despise! Rude ponies like you are going to be the ones begging and pleading me for a job later in life, and I will throw you out into the cold to STARVE! Do you hear me!?" He said, tears beginning to flow from his eyes.




((This is really weird switching between nice Windy and dickish Todd...))


Walking back into the kitchen with a faint blush on his cheeks, Windy tossed the diced celery into the broth he had been simmering. "Funny you should mention food, because soups on! Or rather, stews on!" he said, spooning some well seasoned vegetable stew into two bowls and taking them over to the couch. Handing a spoon and a bowl to Minty, Windy plopped down next to her on the couch to watch the TV with her. "So tell me what you think!" he said eagerly.

Minty sipped the stew. "Ooh. Pretty good. Tastes better than it looks!" Minty said to herself. "Wellp, this is really good. Better than anything my mom made." She leaned on Windy sideways, and hung her hooves off the side of the couch. She finished her stew in minutes and watched the news in that position.


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@@Alex Kennedy, @PinkieShyFlutterPie, @MyLittleCell,


Denim stopped in her tracks, "Oh! Sorry!"


She puffed her cheeks out slightly - a subconscious trait she usually did when greatly embarrassed. She held her breath, looking at the three ponies around her in turn. She let her breath out slowly and quietly, but didn't speak, lest she say something wrong, again, "What was it that almost everypony back home would say? Homeschooled, therefore no social skills? Yeah, that was it. Looks like they were right, somewhat. This is all reaaaally embarrassing now."


She used her magic to adjust her mane, causing it to fall slightly over her face, hiding her blush behind it, standing slightly behind Royal.


(OOC: Wow... I'm a homeschooler who just made an unsocialized homeschooler joke. Ouch.)

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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"Yeah, I'm pretty happy with how it turned out too... Better than I expected it to be, considering I was cooking in an unfamiliar kitchen..." Windy muttered, as much to himself as to Minty. Tossing his empty bowl onto the table, he grabbed up his textbook and continued reading, and wrapped a hoof around Minty lightly. They sat like that for a while, with Windy reading and Minty watching the news, before he broke the comfortable silence with a question he had been wondering for a long time. "Uh, Minty? So, are we... what are we? Are we marefriend and coltfriend now? What's our status?" 

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Blaze had stood next to gardenia for almost the entire argument, and while he wasn't giving a verbal input, he was there if needed. Or he was a third wheel. Again. He kept a straight face through the entire thing but was still surprised at her sudden offensiveness if that was a word. He was expecting nothing like that at all.

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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"Yah I know that and thanks for the complament and I kind of know where I'm going its just that it's not very good to ask me directions" Luna said. "Hay sometime later today I don't know what time but I will practice my clarenet and you are able to come and lesson to my practice if you want to" Luna said.

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@@Alex Kennedy,


"Oh, sure its fine" Neon smiled and looked up at them, she looked at the stallion "So is she your marefriend now?" Neon said then laughed. Neon wanted to change the subject...'wow did that get awkward fast' Neon thought. Neon scooted over a bit then took a bite of her fries 


Signature made by me! :3


MillyMusic , Heather ,

Neon Strobe , Scarlet Stage

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Gardenia took her hoof off her mouth, "Well, I suppose I would rather that ninny think I am a liar over the alternative."


She turned her head to Blaze, "I am so sorry, Blaze. I didn't intend for something like that to happen. I, um, that is...


Gardenia choked on her words, trying to gain her thoughts and how to best salvage the situation, "I can be a bit of a nasty liar sometimes.


"Good going, Gardenia. Make a fool of yourself your first day."

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"Yeah, I'm pretty happy with how it turned out too... Better than I expected it to be, considering I was cooking in an unfamiliar kitchen..." Windy muttered, as much to himself as to Minty. Tossing his empty bowl onto the table, he grabbed up his textbook and continued reading, and wrapped a hoof around Minty lightly. They sat like that for a while, with Windy reading and Minty watching the news, before he broke the comfortable silence with a question he had been wondering for a long time. "Uh, Minty? So, are we... what are we? Are we marefriend and coltfriend now? What's our status?"

Minty blushed. "Um, we should take it slow, but.. I don't know yet. But I'll consider it." Minty says. Minty got up from the couch and sat down on the bed. She laid down and sighed. "Well, good night." Minty said to Windy. Before she slept, she noticed that she was strangely jealous of Gardenia. Since she was getting all that attention. 'Well, you wouldn't like all that attention anyway..'


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