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Refuting claims of haters


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Right now I'm going to refute all the claims of those who hate our fandom. I know every fandom has haters but come on, if you hate something have valid points.


1. Bronies are pedophiles.


Refutation: MOST bronies are fathers, brothers, uncles, cousins etc. of little girls who started loving the show after watching it with them. We are the ones escorting and keeping little girls safe in pony conventions and if a brony tries to mess with a little girl in any way, odds are he's going to be dealing with a raging relative brony.


2.  Bronies are man children


Refutation: What is wrong with adult and teenage males liking a show for kids? We've been doing forever. Most teen age bronies are pretty active in life with hopes and dreams and a lot of the adult bronies are with jobs and family. A lot of haters I've seen are actually fans of kids shows themselves like Regular Show and Adventure Time (just like us). This brings me to my next point:


3. MLP is for little girls.


Refutation: So what? We don't like the show because it's for little girls, we like the show because it is legitimately awesome with great animation and characters etc. Those are good enough reasons for someone to enjoy any cartoon and not get picked on for it. But no, if somehting is for little girls, than we have to stop liking it. What pisses me off is that this is the only claim that some haters can think of and repeat it like wildfire.


4. Bronies are gay:


What is wrong with being gay? Plus, the vast majority of us are proven to be hetro and a number of us are in relationships with girls we like. A lot of the adults in this fandom are married with kids as well. 


5. Bronies are furies/want to have sex with ponies


Refutation: I highly doubt anyone in this fandom seriously wants to engage in sexual intercourse with a pony. Those who say they do are pretty much trolls. True this fandom has cloppers in it, but I don't consider them to be a true part of this fandom because they're more interested in reading about their weird fics and place ponies in sexual situations rather than actually discussing the show and appreciating its values. As for the furies, well if you have any show with animals or creatures in it like Pokemon, you are going to have furies. But like the cloppers in this fandom, they're more interested in their drawings than the show itself. Hell 95% of bronies are turned OFF by clop and furry. The only time we actually find our selves gawking over ponies is when we see PROPER anime humanizations of them that look hot.


Peace out  everybrony!

  • Brohoof 9

"People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do." Issac Assimov

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Actually I personally know many people (15-20)that are both in the furry and MLP fandom, Including myself. and most of the furries like MLP for the same reasons most other Bronies like the show. And a lot of furries (or "furs")  are just into clean aspect of the furry and Brony communities, either dressing up to go to a convention or the art or various stories written by others.


I said this in another thread...I don't get the hate between Bronies and furries....I really don't it's rather stupid. It's not "Loving and tolerating" at all. They're both fandoms. Like people hating on the anime fandom or Doctor Who fandom or whatever other fandom.....If you don't like something so what? Just fucking ignore it.


But of course you always get the haters and trolls. I just ignore them...it's easy....I sometimes laugh at what they say because usually their facts are wrong, not sourced and/ or misguided.



With that said. I've also met a lot of Bronies that don't mind "'furry" at all and are totally cool with it.

Edited by Flutter Dash
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I'll refute them from my own perspective.


#1 - None of the people I know who like the show are interested in children in a sexual way at all. And, while none of my brony friends have kids (because we're all around our early 20's), I'd be willing to bet that they have young family members, such as cousins, that they would PROTECT from pedophiles. So bronies, at least the ones I know, are pretty much the opposite of pedophiles.


#2 - Well, I'm pretty sure all of us are in college and/or working. We have plenty of moments of immaturity, sure, but we're far from being man/women-children.


#3 - True. It is indeed for little girls. Knowing that doesn't keep me from liking it. Animation is one of my favorite forms of entertainment, whether it is intended for children or not.


#4 - Indeed, bronies are gay. They are also straight. I personally am a lesbian. How is this an insult? Oh no! Some of us have a different sexual orientation from you, random hater! Look out, or you'll get cooties! On a serious note, perhaps 70% of the bronies I know personally are straight, and 30% gay/bi/pansexual (though these are just the ones I know personally; me being a lesbian, I tend to know a few more people of non-straight variety, from my college's GSA and whatnot). We are a mixed bag of relationship statuses too - most are single, but I know a few straight couples who love ponies. I also watched FiM for the first time ever with about 5 straight guys and 1 straight girl, back in 2011 when the brony community was still in its infancy. So I really don't see where the gay thing comes from.


#5 - WELL I BETTER NOT SHOW YOU WHERE THE LEMONADE IS MADE. SWEET LEMONADE, MMM SWEET LEMONADE. SWEET LEMONADE, YEAH SWEET LEMONADE O.O *dances* Anyway, that statement is true. There are a small percentage of bronies who are furry and/or are sexually attracted to the characters in FiM. And you know what? THAT'S TRUE FOR EVERY FANDOM. Everything 'pon the Internets is soiled. Nothing is sacred. Rule 34 has existed since before the Internet, and the Internet has allowed it to thrive. This is nothing new, and it's nowhere near as bad in pony fandom as other fandoms.

  • Brohoof 2



Together since October 19th, 2011


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  On 2013-06-06 at 2:37 PM, Sergios117 said:

...this fandom has cloppers in it, but I don't consider them to be a true part of this fandom...


This bring up an interesting point: even if you don't consider them part of the fandom, they still consider themselves a part of it.  Isn't it futile, or even counter-productive to try to qualify who is or isn't a part of any group?


The same argument is found within most in-groups...

- Some Christians don't consider Catholics to be "real" Christians

- Some gamers don't consider Farmville players to be "real" gamers


Instead of dismissing something outright, it would probably be more productive (and fair) to acknowledge the fact that the community does not have a unanimous opinion on what constitutes acceptable or proper ways of enjoying the same thing.

  • Brohoof 2



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  On 2013-06-06 at 2:37 PM, Sergios117 said:

they're more interested in reading about their weird fics and place ponies in sexual situations rather than actually discussing the show and appreciating its values.

Really, this argument again? Okay so not all bronies are cloppers that is true but all this scapegoating of cloppers and making such arbitrary standards of who is and isn't a fan like that actually emboldens the haters by making us look like a cult and drawing unnecessary attention to peoples private habits which again draws in the trolls many of whom probably wonder why there is so much focus on some peoples masturbation habits in this fandom when virtually no other fandom has that kind of obsession.


And the assumption that they are not interested in discussing the show and appreciating its values is simply unfounded, there are plenty of people on here who have admitted to being cloppers who have actively participated in many discussions involving the show in much the same many non cloppers have. For most of them the rule 34 is a nice bonus and not the primary reason they are into the show. The reason why you don't notice them is because most of them don't talk about it or if they do it is only when appropriate.

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Look my personal definition of clopper is separate from rule 34. Yes rule 34 is actually clop but if you still engage in meaningful activities with the show, then fine. Plus, most people who like rule 34 don't go yapping about it everywhere. My definition of clopper is just someone who loves reading only explicit fanfics of MLP just to satisfy their desires. Kinda like a waste of space although it is not that.

"People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do." Issac Assimov

They're incomprehensible, they're bloodthirsty and they're not taking 'magic' for an answer:


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  On 2013-06-07 at 3:06 PM, Sergios117 said:

Look my personal definition of clopper is separate from rule 34. Yes rule 34 is actually clop but if you still engage in meaningful activities with the show, then fine. Plus, most people who like rule 34 don't go yapping about it everywhere. My definition of clopper is just someone who loves reading only explicit fanfics of MLP just to satisfy their desires. Kinda like a waste of space although it is not that.

Well, your definition doesn't exactly line up with the general consensus in the brony community. I also think you'd find it hard to find someone who loves R34 of MLP without actually appreciating, liking, or watching the show itself. Lots of people on this very forum are self confessed cloppers, and they are among the biggest contributors to this community. Generally, a clopper is someone who enjoys MLP sexually.


On a more topical note, I don't really like the term "haters" and I don't feel it is worthwhile to refute their so-called arguments. People who go out of their way to attack a group have already made up their minds about that group. No amount of arguing will change their minds.

Edited by Mellon Collie
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1. Some are. but very few. This is the Internet, and their are small groups of pedophiles in almost all walks of life both on and off the Internet. In fact there's a small sub fandom in the Brony community called Foalcon, (DO NOT GOOGLE IT FOR THE SAKE OF YOUR SANITY) whom are hated even among Cloppers. For these type of Cloppers like underage Ponies like Cutie Mark Crusaders. Personally this type of Brony makes me sick! This sort of thing makes me believe some Bronies out there would indeed rape a child. Somehow, I don't think even tolerant canon MLP FIM Ponies (think multiverse) would tolerate these type of Brony. it would horrify them that someone wants to psychologically scar an innocent defenseless child.


The only reason I know Foalcon exists was when I saw one day what was featured in FImfiction. Granted this is the Internet, so nothing is safe from rule 34, but I was still shocked and nearly vomited. I was happy to know all these stories get many downvotes from other users and rightfully so. They have in some alternate realities have turned every character in this show into a filthy pedophile.




2. I have a job, so no.





3. Read the fan fiction Cupcakes and tell me it's for little girls. XD








And if there were true. It's still not a good reason to hate us. What's wrong with being gay anyway?





5. Very few in the fandom do. Also wanting to have sex with a sapient Ponies with a Human like level of intelligence and society is only xenophilia. I could say every Mass Effect fan that what's to date an alien is also a Furry. 


If we are ever going to advance as a species we need to learn as long as some being has a sapient mind, it's only xenophilia. No matter what it looks like. And if you think otherwise I think you a bit of a xenophobe.



I am a Cloper, although personally I wouldn't date Zoidberg. I don't like smelly lobsters.







Edited by Rush

Check out my "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" fan fiction on Fimfiction.net under the same username here: Rush.

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  On 2013-06-07 at 3:06 PM, Sergios117 said:

My definition of clopper is just someone who loves reading only explicit fanfics of MLP just to satisfy their desires. Kinda like a waste of space although it is not that.

I can't say I have ever heard of that definition of clopper before, I have heard of people clopping to explicit fanart who aren't into the show but I have never heard of people doing that with explicit fanfics as it would take some background knowledge of the show for those fics to actually make sense. It is really none of our business either way so it there really dosen't seem to be any point in raging against it. Based on what I have seen though it seems to be anti cloppers that make a much much bigger deal about it than cloppers actually do. As for the rest of it, it they are good arguments but no matter how good an argument is you can't win against a troll if you play their game by giving them attention so it is best just let them hurl insults and make themselves look like idiots.

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Something funny I decided to reason over was a majority of haters saying that "Friendship is Gay."


After thinking for atleast two minutes, I got to this:


Friendship is Gay; This means haters either have no friends, or simply are gay for having friends.

I loved this result. Good job brain! Cx

  • Brohoof 1

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Most of your refuting points are quite correct, and haters are unbelievably dense for using such outrageous claims as a basis for discriminating against us.


But your fifth point - although it's true that very few of us would actually want to have sexual relations with a horse - seems to be marginalizing cloppers a bit unfairly; I don't see what makes members of a fandom who enjoy r34 any less "true" fans than those who limit themselves to looking at only "clean" fan art.


I don't identify as a clopper, so I can't speak for them all. But to try and relate, Final Fantasy VI is one of my all-time favorite video games...and yes, I enjoy me some r34 of it from time to time. But it has zero bearing on how I play and enjoy the game, and I'm certainly no less of a fan for it. I'd submit that it's the same case with many, if not most self-identified cloppers. There most definitely is a handful of them out there who only care about the clop art/fics, and not the show itself, but to say that most cloppers are this way is a huge discredit to the massive number of those who enjoy both.


I do understand your need to argue against the stereotype that we're all cloppers, because r34 is by no means a core element of this fandom that binds us all together. Still, if you take a look at these numbers, a whopping 38% of the members here on this forum consider themselves cloppers. Despite the fact that this number doesn't accurately sample the worldwide fandom, it's still not a number to sneeze at, and I could almost guarantee you that a majority of that 38% are just as passionate about the show as you or anypony else. They just like to clop on the side, is all, and who can really fault them for that? post-14546-0-63164600-1368411649.png


I don't mean to come off as harsh or condescending. I just think those who delve into the "dark side" of our fandom deserve to be given the benefit of the doubt, is all.

Edited by Lowline
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