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Let's learn to draw ponies! Sketch this picture! (Current: Pinkie Pie)


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 It's very possible that what you're uploading isn't the actual image but a thumbnail. This could explain why your pics are coming up as small as they are. The best thing to do is usually upload your image to a free host such as Deviant Art and simply link it here. I never really did like how IP.Board treats uploads and I just feel better knowing there's an external link available elsewhere.

Weeell, I went to DeviantART to go make an account to post pictures, and the front page sort of...  I've...  It...  I'VE BEEN TAINTED AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!  IT WAS HORRIBLE!  THERE WAS LOTS OF SEXUALLY SUGGESTIVE PICTURES!  AND THE WORST PART WAS THE VORE.   There was so much vore.  Well, I'm making an account now.

Edit: picture is here:


Edited by BroWhovian TestSubject
  • Brohoof 5


"May the Force be ever in your favor, Mr. Potter" ~ Gandalf the Grey

This is my OC with the unoriginal, therefore original name,

John Smith

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Ah, good old Bonbon, always sitting funny and going on about hooves and ponies. What ever is the root of her obsession may remain forever a mystery.

Ohmagodohmagodohmagod xP I LOVE this!


Just my guidelines and undersketches and such~ Not finished. Fixed anatomical errors with the length of BonBon's back.




EDIT: done. Yeah.. Could've done better, I've done higher quality stuff before.



Edited by Octavia's Cellozoid
  • Brohoof 8

Finland is my favorite. All the other Hetalia characters can go now.

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Here we go...LyraBonBonPractice.jpg


I keep wanting to make their heads thinner for some reason, rather than properly round. Not sure why. And my eyes are getting weirder rather than better... Hrm...


And it took quite an effort to not have Lyra magic up a pair of bunny ears for Bon-Bon.

Edited by Fhaolan
  • Brohoof 6


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Here we go...attachicon.gifLyraBonBonPractice.jpg


I keep wanting to make their heads thinner for some reason, rather than properly round. Not sure why. And my eyes are getting weirder rather than better... Hrm...


And it took quite an effort to not have Lyra magic up a pair of bunny ears for Bon-Bon.

Just with the eyes-it looks like you were standing in front of them with a camera and no trousers on!

Seriously-it's way better than anything I could produce-well done.


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Heads up everyone!!!! I can't make bold text on an iPad so I hope this post doesn't get scrolled over.


My laptop is busted. I have limited access to online devices right now, and the fact that I can't bold text on here should tell you that I am even more crippled. I am unsure that I will be able to keep this thread rolling smoothly.


Luckily! We have the lovely Accellerant who is willing to help me out. Keep an eye out for him because he may be the one to post new images and runs the show while I'm gone. I'll try to put any images in my first post, but we'll see how that goes.


Anyway, I'll be getting a new laptop in 1-2 months. For now, I'll go edit the first post and say all this stuff there (though I can't edit the text to make my message more visible... Boo).

  • Brohoof 1


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Heads up everyone!!!! I can't make bold text on an iPad so I hope this post doesn't get scrolled over.

My laptop is busted. I have limited access to online devices right now, and the fact that I can't bold text on here should tell you that I am even more crippled. I am unsure that I will be able to keep this thread rolling smoothly.

Luckily! We have the lovely Accellerant who is willing to help me out. Keep an eye out for him because he may be the one to post new images and runs the show while I'm gone. I'll try to put any images in my first post, but we'll see how that goes.

Anyway, I'll be getting a new laptop in 1-2 months. For now, I'll go edit the first post and say all this stuff there (though I can't edit the text to make my message more visible... Boo).

PM me if you want help. I do everything from my iPad, don't worry, you aren't alone! ^^ I can show you how to post images, use italics and bold, everything.

  • Brohoof 1

Finland is my favorite. All the other Hetalia characters can go now.

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PM me if you want help. I do everything from my iPad, don't worry, you aren't alone! ^^ I can show you how to post images, use italics and bold, everything.

Aw, how sweet of you. Thanks! But unfortunately, this iPad is my mothers, and I am only visiting her for the weekend. Otherwise I'd definitely accept your iPad tutorials. All I ask for is patience, but if I need to ask for more than that ill be sure to let you know :)

  • Brohoof 2


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Too bad about your laptop D1SC0RD, I love this thread so I sure hope it keeps going.   :(


As for myself, I'm behind schedule again. Here's Rarity and Pinkie:








Kinda happy with this after all. Some proportions are off though as usual. Also, my drawing paper gets messy, I need a better eraser.

  • Brohoof 6

We use our stomachs to digest ya!

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Too bad about your laptop D1SC0RD, I love this thread so I sure hope it keeps going.   :(


As for myself, I'm behind schedule again. Here's Rarity and Pinkie:





Kinda happy with this after all. Some proportions are off though as usual. Also, my drawing paper gets messy, I need a better eraser.


I recommend what they call a 'kneadable' eraser. It can actually pull the pencil of the paper by pressing it against the paper rather than rubbing it (although it can do that too), so you don't end up with all the detritus, or wearing away the paper quite as fast. They're soft (kneadable), so you can smoosh it to get rid of the graphite on the bit you're using. That way you're not just smearing the graphite all over the page. They're usually a strange grey package near the art pencils that you may not recognize as an eraser unless you read the package.

  • Brohoof 2


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I won't be drawing this one, sorry guys :/ my iPod's dead and I can't get ahold of a charger for the next week, and I have no other way of getting the image... I'll be back up to drawing soon though c:

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Fart. I honestly wanted to rip out the side of the page with Bonbon. Nothing about her looks right to me except for the mane/tail, as usual. Biggest goof is that somehow their heads ended up being much farther apart than in the original. No idea how that happened, but there you go.

  • Brohoof 6
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Well, I'm on holydays, with almost no drawing supplies or desk, and only tiny pieces of note paper, and an awfully SLOW WiFi (this was a pain to upload and post)

Warning : Bad image quality and bad drawing.




I know, the bench is ugly and Lyra looks like a stallion... #shame

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...Two days late. Sorry guys. Here's my sketch (in my opinion, my worst one yet).




Also two days late is the new image, but it's up there now! I haven't drawn it yet though, but its coming!

Edited by D1SC0RD
  • Brohoof 5


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For some reason I had to draw this *smaller* than normal, when I know I need to start drawing bigger. Weird.




It's almost like my mind has stuck on a setting where ponies are drawn a certain size, and because these are fillies, I have to draw them smaller to be in scale.

  • Brohoof 6


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It took me so damn long to draw these (many hours for each). I'd better switch to paper to sketch ponies at much faster rate.

Wings of Rarity - I got bored. Same with the bench.





  • Brohoof 4
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Worst attempt ever, I dunno whats wrong with me, I'm having a lazy day today, and it's like my brain fried. I had to leave it as a sketch because I've now got my 3rd migraine of the day. Now I', gonna lay down. Anywhooo without further ado:


Edited by Scrumpy
  • Brohoof 4

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

Scrumpy is cider made in the West Country of England,[1] particularly a band through Devon, Somerset, Gloucestershire and Herefordshire, though it may also be found in Kent, Sussex and East Anglia. The term is especially used to distinguish those made locally in smaller quantities and using traditional methods from mass-produced branded ciders.

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          Good day my fellow Drawfriends and welcome to the limited edition of "Lets Learn to Draw Ponies - Accellerant Edition!" I'm not going to lie, this first post is going to be text intensive so if you want you can skip to the next assignment by searching for the keywords Sketch of the Week. As most of you are aware, @D1SC0RD is still currently dealing with their computer exploding and I'm going to fill in while they're away. Now normally the plan is to draw an image @D1SC0RD has posted and to follow up by submitting our results. I plan to continue this practice but I'm also going to include additional options for you to choose from.


          You may be thinking something along the lines of, "Accellerant, have you gone mad with power?!" Well, yes, but I also want to try a few things out and see if they work out for better or worse. I also noticed that not many participated in the last theme which is why I want to try a few things out. Besides, think of it this way, I won't be at the helm forever and I'm sure @D1SC0RD will be back before we know it img-1688031-2-raritygangstaplz.png





          So what will these 'options' be exactly? I plan to give an average of three options per week. Your available options will be as followed: Sketch of the Week, Theme of the Week, Previous Practices and Extra Credit! You do not have to do all of these. Please, please, please, PLEASE only do what you're comfortable with! img-1688031-3-raritysadfaceplz.png


          Sketch of the Week is what we always do, we sketch out the image of the week and post when finished.

          Theme of the Week will be the toughest, there will be NO reference images and will require you to rely on your noggin and collective experience. This is the toughest but richest experience.

          Extra Credit! is an extra addition to your weekly Sketch. The image can be something related to the current week or it can be completely random. It can be something we've tackled before or it can be an entirely new subject. Whatever the case, it's all about getting that extra mile in.


          Alright, I've put in my ranting, lets get to drawing! img-1688031-4-rarityhappyplz.jpg





Next Image Posting - August 4th

Remember: Choose whichever one you'll enjoy the most, have fun with it and don't stress out img-1688031-5-frenchrarityplz.png


          Sketch of the Week: The Cutie Mark Crusaders!





We haven't drawn too many fillies as of yet so it'd be good to get them down before we explore other body types. It's not that hard if you think about it, they're just a smaller variant of mares. But what happens when you bring both filly and mare into the same picture?! DUN~DUN~DUUUUUUUUUUN!!! 


Before we continue I must mention that YOU DO NOT HAVE TO DRAW APPLEJACK!!! The primary focus is on the CMC and Babs. The reason why I selected an image with AJ in the picture is so you can make some comparisons between how different AJ's body is in comparison to the CMC. There's other reasons why I chose this image as well (besides laziness) but I'll keep those to myself ;p






          Theme of the Week: A Pony Cooling Off

Man, I'm not sure about you but it's been getting hot around these parts. So why not try to take our minds off the heat and draw a pony cooling off? It can be a pony taking a dip at the pool, resting in the shade or even chugging down a giant slurpee. Or perchance somepony's really angry and just needs to chill out after a heated argument. Draw whatever comes to mind!


          Extra Credit!: Zecora the Balancing Zebra





Ya know, there's something about Zecora and her Zebraness that just makes me want to eat a giant pot of gumbo. That being said I've never really seen this stance being reused within the show. So, lets put two and two together and draw Zecora balancing on her stick (of doom!)






          I lied, this is the last tidbit then I'm going to bed. I'll be blunt, I want your feedback for how I'm doing things around these parts. Also, if you feel as though your struggling or ya need some help, I implore you to ask away. I'm not a pro at drawing but I'll do what I can to help ya out and I'm sure other users would be glad to assist you as well!


Ask and ye shall receive img-1688031-8-crystalrarityplz.png

Edited by Accellerant
  • Brohoof 1


If you do not GO after what you want, you'll never have it. If you do not ASK, the answer will always be NO.

If you do not step froward, you'll always be in the same place. 


Want to learn how to draw ponies? Visit Dave's Pony Artist Resources thread to stop fearing the pencil and start loving it!

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We have to draw WHAT now!?  OK, but I'm leaving on monday for a week so I'll probably miss the next assignment, AND I'm trying to draw some different pictures as a donation to the bronyCAN before I leave, so after uploading the Twilight and Cadance one, I'll probably be ignoring your first Sketch of the Week, Accellerant (sorry) and I won't be here for the next normal picture post.


And here is a link to my picture again

  • Brohoof 1


"May the Force be ever in your favor, Mr. Potter" ~ Gandalf the Grey

This is my OC with the unoriginal, therefore original name,

John Smith

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Hmm, well I didn't get apple bloom's proportions just right and sweetie belle's head is just a bit bigger than scootaloo's but overall I'm pleased with my attempt.


Just gotta remember to plan more and get the basic shapes right before I draw the other lines, I'm always too tempted to begin drawing the head before I do the rest of the body :(



Edited by Dilarus
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We have to draw WHAT now!?  OK, but I'm leaving on monday for a week so I'll probably miss the next assignment, AND I'm trying to draw some different pictures as a donation to the bronyCAN before I leave, so after uploading the Twilight and Cadance one, I'll probably be ignoring your first Sketch of the Week, Accellerant (sorry) and I won't be here for the next normal picture post.


And here is a link to my picture again


          It's all groovy mate, do what you can when the time's best for you. You can always go back to a previous week when it's convenient for you. Please don't feel as though this is some official class where I'll dock ya points for missing an assignment. We all have different paces and I implore everyone to go at the pace which best suits you! straightmanepie3plz.png?1


Hmm, well I didn't get apple bloom's proportions just right and sweetie belle's head is just a bit bigger than scootaloo's but overall I'm pleased with my attempt.


Just gotta remember to plan more and get the basic shapes right before I draw the other lines, I'm always too tempted to begin drawing the head before I do the rest of the body :(




          No worries mate, we all have different approaches for how we do our sketches and there's no shame in doing what you do (I actually do the same thing quite often!) Ah yes, where are my manners? Welcome to the forums my friend! Don't be shy about visiting the welcoming plaza and letting us know a little bit about yourself pinkiepieblushplz.jpg?2


If you do not GO after what you want, you'll never have it. If you do not ASK, the answer will always be NO.

If you do not step froward, you'll always be in the same place. 


Want to learn how to draw ponies? Visit Dave's Pony Artist Resources thread to stop fearing the pencil and start loving it!

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Theme of the week? Turning us loose to do our own thing so soon, @Accellerant? For some of us, that'll be like giving super-soakers to a bunch kids on the worst of sugar highs. :yay:


I'll give the theme pic and the CMC pic a shot right after I start on the TwilyXCadance pic I've yet to begin...that can count as my own extra credit, I suppose.




Alright, so here's the much delayed pic:




Other than Twi looking terribly faded, and me not having the foresight to question whether I'd have enough room for Cadance's tail, I think it turned out pretty decent.

Edited by Lowline Thrash
  • Brohoof 4
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Ponies cooling off? Here ya go :3


This has been me pretty much solidly throughout the last week lol


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