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"We need to get going before more show up" Abraxus said sheathing his Dawn Breaker. "I'm going to scout up ahead see if there's any thing we will run into or find useful" Abraxus said as he started off to the direction they were heading before they were attacked.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Stygian had been swiftly felling the enemies that came towards him, using his staff to lash out at them with flurries of tendrils and mortal snaps of razor sharp teeth from the Lurker head resting at the end. Most of them were already dead from the champions' combined efforts, so Stygian took it upon himself to pick off the remaining dremora and Orcs still fighting to no end. The fight finally died down, leaving Stygian staring at the slaughtered corpses. Smiling, he tapped his staff to the ground again, making it open up a strange rift in the air where large tentacles came through. They grabbed the bodies, some Seekers coming through to retireve the rest.

"An offering to Lord Mora," he told the creatures. "May he put their souls and mind to good use..."

Stygian's cold expression changed to anger as he saw the lead Dremora teleport away to who knew where.

"Damn it..."


Stygian regrouped with the others and looked them over....

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*Alzack blushed slightly as Eos skipped away. He put his hand up to his cheek and let out a little smile. But it dropped off his face quickly.*

"No, I cant let myself get attatched to anyone..."

*He thought about Stygian's offer to find a way to remove his curse.*

"Not yet at least."

*Alzack looked around at the field of corpses. Only thier group was still alive. Alzack picked up his ebony blade and placed it on his back. He walked over to his charred cloak that was laying on the battlefield and picked it up. He frowned.*

"Damn, this thing was expensive."

*The cloak was full of scorched holes, he examined the damage closely.*

"Ah well, guess I can still get some use out of it."

*Alzack tore the fabric into strips, he then took some gauze out of his back and placed it against his damaged eye and wrapped the fabric strips around his head as a sort of makeshift bandage, securing it tightly. There were still a lot of strips left so he stuffed those into his bag and slung it over his shoulder. He took another look over the batlefield and noticed something odd.*

"Why is there a troll trying to play patty-cake with one of the dead dremora?"


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"Ask Draco," Stygian said as he watched troll mess with the body before it got scooped up by one of the tentacles from the rift. The rift closed shortly afterwards, making the tentacles and Seekers disappear from sight immediately. The elf noticed Alzack was looking after Eos as she skipped off, albeit with a hint of sadness and reluctance. Stygian gave him a look, basically saying that the offer for learning how to overcome the effects of the Ebony Blade was still open...

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Rhaz sighed in relief as all the enemies were finally dispatched, he then put his hammer on his back and looked at the group, "listen up everyone! If these hunters have found us, then that means draxius knows who we are and wants us dead, and judging by the look on stygians face, one of them have gotten away to inform draxius on our current whereabouts, so if we want to lose their trail, then we must get moving to marakath quickly, we don't want to be surrounded in the open.....again..." said rhaz seriously.

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*Alzack walked back over to te group. He stood near Stygian and said to him quietly.*

"I may have to take you up on that offer after all."

*He turned to Rhaz.*

"I agree, as much as I love killing dremora, I dont think any of us would be able to keep this up for long."

*He tapped his bandaged eye.*

"More of us will end up like this, maybe worse. Moving on quickly is probably the best idea."


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*Alzack walked back over to te group. He stood near Stygian and said to him quietly.*

"I may have to take you up on that offer after all."

*He turned to Rhaz.*

"I agree, as much as I love killing dremora, I dont think any of us would be able to keep this up for long."

*He tapped his bandaged eye.*

"More of us will end up like this, maybe worse. Moving on quickly is probably the best idea."


"Very well, we shall discuss the terms later," Stygian whispered back to the Redguard. "Yes, we are still a long ways from Markarth, it is quite a shame we were ambushed so soon. No matter, keep your eyes open for anything that would endanger us again, as well as things that could inspire our lords to give us directions once again..."

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Draco smiled as the fighting was finished and they had won. "Oohh, is the party over so soon?" He said sarcastically, as he teleported up to the group, still twirling his trusty staff. "Now let's stop with the filer posts and get on with this mission!" He said happily, as he turned the troll into a pink flamingo, which flew away quickly.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Stygian nodded and headed more into the wilderness to avoid being on the direct path which led to Markarth. 

"I hope none of you need to stop so soon for rest. Afterall, most of our actions are done during the night, so this should feel rather comfortable..."

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Eos fell in quickly and rather suddenly beside them from the shadows, nodding approvingly.

"Not all of you are quite as useless as I originally thought," she said bracingly, as she wiped her dagger on a nearby leaf. "Nice work back there. So, Markarth it is? Fine city, if it weren't for all those crazy Forsworn nuggets."

Hearing Stygian's last comment, she chuckled. "I work my best in the dark as well, so long as we keep to the shadow we should be all right."

Edited by Suigintou


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"They're the ones I'm slightly concerned about," Stygian said as he scanned the rocky fields of the upcoming region. "They're famed for holding tight to the dark rituals of nature, as well as summoning and dealing with daedra, sometimes even the Princes themselves. With Draxius now in power and him making Oblivion's forces appear in Tamriel, who knows what things the Forsworn are now capable of? Oh well, I trust that as champions we can handle their pathetic magic..."

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Rhaz scoffed at Eos's comment, "sorry thief, but that's not how I do things, I'm an honorable warrior who charges into battle and faces his foes head on, no matter how powerful or how threatening they may seem...." said rhaz with a grunt, before walking on ahead, maknig sure to keep within earshot of the group.

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"I think that with the position that we are in we should to be open to almost any strategy it may take it win."

*Alzack commented.*

"I mean its what, seven of us against a leigion of deadra? Even Talos would have trouble in our situation."

*Alzack pet Ivory's mane, the mare was walking beside him.*

"I highly doubt that taking the up front and honorable strategy is going to work every time."


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"I have yet to find anything yet...maybe I should head back" Abraxus said as he turned around and started to head back to the group who were 20 miles away. "I shouldn't have gone so far from them we are a group and I left them...im not really smart for doing that"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"They never seemed to be much good at anything," said Eos with a perusing frown. "Hopefully with this new surge in power they haven't been given more than they can handle. However, I'm sure we can handle them...take out the Briarheart, and the rest usually scatter like the vermin they are...they're often the leaders, correct?" 



"My name is not Thief, what kind of half-assed name is that?" said Eos loftily. "Now, Nightingale and faithful servant of Lady Nocturnal, at your service. Excellent for a bit of magic and thieving, and quite handsome of the face, if I do say so myself." She winked and gave an exaggerated bow. "Please call me Eos, Eos Melys. Means sweet nightingale, isn't that ironic?"


Hearing the comment Alzack made she nodded. "He's right. Honour doesn't win wars, particularly not ones where your enemy would happily stab you in the back."

Edited by Suigintou
  • Brohoof 1


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"They never seemed to be much good at anything," said Eos with a perusing frown. "Hopefully with this new surge in power they haven't been given more than they can handle. However, I'm sure we can handle them...take out the Briarheart, and the rest usually scatter like the vermin they are...they're often the leaders, correct?" 



"My name is not Thief, what kind of half-assed name is that?" said Eos loftily. "Now, Nightingale and faithful servant of Lady Nocturnal, at your service. Excellent for a bit of magic and thieving, and quite handsome of the face, if I do say so myself." She winked and gave an exaggerated bow. "Please call me Eos, Eos Melys. Means sweet nightingale, isn't that ironic?"


Hearing the comment Alzack made she nodded. "He's right. Honour doesn't win wars, particularly not ones where your enemy would happily stab you in the back."

Rhaz scoffed, "true, but it'll take more than a poke in the back with a dagger to kill me, by oblivion, I've laughed at giants when they hit me with their clubs! So I have confindence in my skill AND my armour, even if some prefer to attack from behind....and I only called you thief becouse I didn't know your name...." said rhaz quitely.

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"Even the greatest men must eventually fall."

*Alzack said.*

"That is a lesson that my grandfather drilled into me when he was teaching me to fight."

*Alzack looked over to Rhaz.*

"Even the strongest and most resiliant of warriors has their breaking point. I think an army of dremora would easily do for anyone. Im not doubting your ability, but It isnt a good idea to get overconfident."

*He once again pointed at his bandaged eye.*

"You see where it got me."


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"Even the greatest men must eventually fall."

*Alzack said.*

"That is a lesson that my grandfather drilled into me when he was teaching me to fight."

*Alzack looked over to Rhaz.*

"Even the strongest and most resiliant of warriors has their breaking point. I think an army of dremora would easily do for anyone. Im not doubting your ability, but It isnt a good idea to get overconfident."

*He once again pointed at his bandaged eye.*

"You see where it got me."

Rhaz chuckled, "very true, I'm far from invincible, but I am durable, physical attacks may do almost nothing to me, but magic is my true achillies heel....it has hindered me many times in the past...." said rhaz as he walked, now deep in thought from the conversation.

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"A lot of dremora are mages," cautioned Eos. "You would do wisely to learn a few spells to protect yourself from ti...some wards, maybe." She shrugged. "I studied at the College, but I'd be a terrible Restoration teacher. I barely passed my Novice test, I'm still an Apprentice with it."


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"A lot of dremora are mages," cautioned Eos. "You would do wisely to learn a few spells to protect yourself from ti...some wards, maybe." She shrugged. "I studied at the College, but I'd be a terrible Restoration teacher. I barely passed my Novice test, I'm still an Apprentice with it."

Rhaz scoffed and shook his head slightly, "I'll take my chances, I'm a warrior! I do not use magic, even as a last resort, I'm probably worse at restoration than you are! So the answer is no..." said rhaz stubbornly before crossing his arms and grunting as if he was insulted.

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"There are many secrets Mora has given me access to which benefit warriors like yourself," Stygian told Rhaz. "Magic should never be underestimated, even the most simple of spells can harm someone greatly when used right. However, we do not give this type of knowledge freely..."

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"I wouldn't give it, you know what the Princes are like with their secrets," said Eos cautiously. "I remember this one time...oh, but that doesn't matter, that'd be giving secrets away," said Eos with a laugh. "So, what will we be doing in Markarth? I hear they have an excellent bar..."


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Zora slowly creep into on his party. Zora had faded out of combat to silently kill his targets from a distance instead of fighting hand to hand. 

"I guess I went missing for awhile. Sorry about that" Zora said as he walked into the open scratching his head.

"So where are we heading to next?"


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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"Markarth, apparently."

*Alzack said to the Kajiit.*

"Where have you been?"

*Alzack asked. He suddenly stopped walking, and Put his hand to his bandaged eye.*


*He cursed.*

"Damn potion wore off already."

*He grimaced in pain as the bandages began to grow darker from the stain of the blood running out of his wound. He quickly climbed up onto his horse's back, quickly loosing strength.*


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"I was busy hunting off an orc that tried to run from battle" Once Zora made something his prey he wasn't going to let go of it easily. He could see Alzack begin to sag and blood drip from his wound. gabbing a tonic from his bag he decided to give it to Alzeck.

"Hey Alzack don't die on us" Moving closer to alzack Zora was ready to catch him and had the tonic in his hand.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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