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open Happenings in the Everfree RP


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OOC: http://mlpforums.com/topic/64297-happenings-in-the-everfree/#entry1580769


The group of 10 ponies have finally arrived in Ponyville from Canterlot. They quickly left the train.


Lyone looked around the village. It was getting dark, not that many ponies were roaming the streets. She looked back at her companions. 


"Let's go. We're due to meet with the two Elements of Harmony in five minutes at the library." Lyone said to her group, the marched in the direction of the library.


The few ponies that were still out on the streets looked at the group curiously, wondering if they were the help called from Canterlot. 


Edited by Lynette


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Chloe galloped behind Lyone and paced herself to keep up with her friend, they continued galloping to the library, Chloe looked around at the town and glanced at the few ponies who were still outside. She looked foreword and ignored the onlookers who stared.

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Redstorm was glad that they finally left the train. He could finally fly.

"Fresh air..." He muttered as he walked past some random ponies who were staring at them.

*Finally back home... how long did that ride take? It felt like forever...*

He stretched his wings and flew into the air, hovering above the group of ponies.


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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Rorona stretched her limbs a little upon walking off the train. A unicorn named Chloe and a Pegasus named RedStorm, were already infront of her. She followed the Pegasus leader, Lyone, towards the liabary, where we we ment to meet with two of the elements of harmony, about the problems happing in the Everfree Forest. Rorona noticed that the residents of the town were watching, and she didn't like the creepy feel of it. She hurried along and continued to think of the possiblilities.

Edited by Skye42

Some ponies, just wanna watch the world BURN  DERP derpy_emoticon1.png

My oc's are in my profile here: http://mlpforums.com/user/17043-skye42/

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Trotting out of the train, Cinder pushed her helmet up back into place - she still wasn't used to wearing it and no matter what she did it STILL felt too loose.


"Why did I sign up for this again?" She wondered aloud to herself as they passed through Ponyville. Of course, it had been a spur of the moment decision but she had stuck with the training and eventually ended up being sent out on a mission.


She nodded in response to Lyone and followed closely, not noticing the watching eyes.

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Silver Note stepped out of the train and shook all over! In the process he showered Cinder with fur and feathers. He gave her a sheepish grin of apology. "Terribly sorry M'lady."  He said with a slight bow.


Stepping forward, Silver glancing around at the others who had recently exited the train. "I wonder what we are in for" he pondered to himself. The orders had been rather brief but he was sure Lyone knew what she was doing. Then letting out a loud "Wooopeee" Silver soared up into the air to hover near Redstorm. "I really hate trains don't you?" He said to Redstorm. Silver Note hovered over the train watching the others disembark and surveying the gathering crowd of town ponies with wonder.

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 Then letting out a loud "Wooopeee" Silver soared up into the air to hover near Redstorm. "I really hate trains don't you?" He said to Redstorm. Silver Note hovered over the train watching the others disembark and surveying the gathering crowd of town ponies with wonder.

Redstorm shrugged.

"I don't hate them... I just prefer flying or walking. I'm just glad that I'm finally back home. Well... for a short time. We're gonna go into the forest anyway... I bet it's gonna be awesome! Just think what dangers and adventures lie there... maybe a hidden artefact! We'd be just like Daring Do, only in the Everfree forest!"

He laughed and started silently humming an adventure song.


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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Rorona noticed that RedStorm was talking about fun on a mission to the Everfree. What idiots. Do they think that this is a game? Do they think that they can "Respawn' or 'Reset'. She didn't like the idea of it, but she had a job to do. And she will come home alive, and bring back everyone else with her.

Edited by Skye42

Some ponies, just wanna watch the world BURN  DERP derpy_emoticon1.png

My oc's are in my profile here: http://mlpforums.com/user/17043-skye42/

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Cinder winced at the two loud pegasi above her, noting that neither of them seemed too concerned about heading into the forest. She also noticed the look that the pony ahead of her was giving them - she didn't look impressed.


Catching up quickly she tried to see who else might be coming off the train behind her: she hadn't payed much attention to her companions on the train and was curious as to who else might be joining them.

Never quite forgotten.

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Night Dart stepped onto the platform as the train's doors opened. He stretched out his wings and took flight, not far behind his Pegasus comrades. Idly, he wondered what was in store for them. He remembered his first time in the Everfree, and he wasn't sure he should return. It was the reason he was still with this group,anyway. A small frown formed on his face. He wanted to go back to the Empre and see how Diamond Dust was doing. Still, he had a job to do, they all did, so he landed and followed Lyona.

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" We're here." Lyona announced, ruffling her wings. She knocked on the door of the library.


"Spike, can you get that?" A shout came from within. A few moments later, a green and purple baby dragon answered the door. He looked behind his shoulder and yelled back, "It's the ponies from Canterlot!"


Shuffling sounds were heard and a lavender pony appeared behind Spike, smiling. " Come in! Fluttershy's already inside."


" I presume that you're the ponies we're supposed to meet? Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy?"


The unicorn nodded. " Yes. We'll explain everything to you inside."


Lyona nodded and walked into the warm library. 

Edited by Lynette


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Rorona walked along with the group, following the leader. She was remembering the day when she was given a job as a battle medic, when the group stopped. They have arrived at the destination. Lyona knocked on the door, which was answered by a green and purple dragon. How odd... The group was ushered inside. There was a lavender unicorn , a yellow pegasus with a soft pink mane and the baby dragon from before. I wonder what's happening in the Everfree, that's got everypony in town here on edge.

Some ponies, just wanna watch the world BURN  DERP derpy_emoticon1.png

My oc's are in my profile here: http://mlpforums.com/user/17043-skye42/

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Blue Splash stepped off of the train platform, spreading his wings wide for a minute and then folding them back down. He started after the ponies in front of him making sure to keep an eye out on their leader. He glanced up when he heard the two pegasi in the skies and rolled his eyes. He hoped they knew better than to be loud and rowdy like that when they got to their destination.


When they reached the large tree, Blue Splash scraped the mud off of his hooves before stepping into the library, skirting around the small dragon in the process. He had never liked dragons whether they were babies or not. He stood at casual attention, off to the side and took in the appearance of the tree inhabitants. A purple unicorn pony and a light yellow pegasus, he already knew that they unicorn was Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia's student, so the pegasus must be Fluttershy.

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Cinder stood in silence, waiting to see what was going to happen. She desperately wanted to go investigate the baby dragon but managed to at least keep the semblance of discipline.


She had heard of Twilight and Fluttershy, though she had never met them herself - even when living in Ponyville.


'Wow, you could cut the tension with a knife...' she thought.

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Twilight cleared her throat. " Well anyways, now that you're all here, I guess it's time to explain. Every night since approximately a fortnight ago, the animals of the Everfree have been strangely noisy. There's always sounds coming from that forest, but not to this extent. I went there myself and scanned the forest. I found out that the level of magical energy in the forest is higher than usual. That's all that I've been able to discover."


Fluttershy stepped forward meekly, looking at Twilight for permission to speak next. Twilight nodded. 


" Well, when the noise first started, I walked to Everfree forest to try an find out what's happened. I just couldn't stand the thought of something bothering those poor animals... I talked to a few of the residents there, to try and find out what happened. They refused to talk to me." Fluttershy sounded a little hurt as she said the last sentence. " They looked like they were very afraid of something, but they didn't want to tell me what..." The yellow pegasus said quietly.


Lyona looked at the two ponies. " So basically the magical energy levels are unusually high and the animals seem afraid. Is that all you found out?"


The Elements of Harmony nodded. Lyona sighed. 


"That's not much, but it's something. Thanks for the info. Around what time do the animals start yowling?"


" Usually after the sun sets." Fluttershy said. Lyona nodded. 


" We'll be headed out then. The sun is very low now. Let's go, ponies."


The baby dragon opened the door for them.


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*Magic... magic... is it like bad magic?* Redstorm thought.

He smirked as Spike opened the door.

"See'ya later, Spike!" Redstorm said as he walked out the door. *Atleast... I hope we see later.*

Redstorm shuddered. He hadn't thought about what could happen in the forest. They might even not come out alive...

*Well... what. I didn't think before I signed up. Typical me...* Redstorm smirked again.


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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Blue Splash trotted out of the giant tree and after his leader. The details of their mission were very peculiar and not that helpful to be honest. As far as he knew, none of them could speak to animals. or interrogate one for that matter. So how would they know what to look for? The Everfree forest was odd in general, so how would they know what was normal and what wasn't?

He pondered, voicing his concerns but didn't want to start anything, so he remained silent.

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Lyona sighed. The information that the two ponies gave them did not help much. They would have to wing it until they got something. She noticed Redstorm smirk. " What are you smirking about? They didn't give us any helpful information, and the Everfree forest is very dangerous."


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Lyona sighed. The information that the two ponies gave them did not help much. They would have to wing it until they got something. She noticed Redstorm smirk. " What are you smirking about? They didn't give us any helpful information, and the Everfree forest is very dangerous."

"Wha- oh... yeah I know. I'm just smiling about how dumb I am when I signed up for this. I guess storms don't think as well."

He flew up into the air.

"If it is that dangerous, then... well... I guess we'll all die one day, right? And if I die... well then it's close to home, right?"

Redstorm laughed.

"Just trying to think positive here..." He said as he flew higher into the air.


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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Night Dart listened carefully. Even after all he had seen in the Everfree a few years ago,  he wasn't sure what would cause it. None of the animals had even noticed the spirit that had spoken to him then. He just followed everyone outside and looked at the sunset. It was getting darker, and his vision was getting better. He walked up to Lyona and said,

"Ma'am, I was thinking that I should help you lead the others in the Everfree. I can see the best in the dark out of all of ius, which is mainly why I was chosen to be a part of this."Slight godmod, but not really. It makes sense anyhow.)


(Oh, and now that I know what's going on, I do think my other character would fit...)

  • Brohoof 1
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Fireblaze walked out from the train, trotting out to the village just a few steps ahead.

'' I'm guessing, that we are supposed to head to the library.'' She said.

She starts following her leader, walking up the stairs to the library with the group to meet the two Elements of Harmony.

'' I don't know what this mission is for, but I'm guessing that we all have to go to the library.'' She walks up to Lyona. ''Lyona, so why do the Elements of Harmony need us to go on this mission?''


Edited by ★Chaotic Lightning★
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Rorona listened to what the problem was. So high levels of strange magic... and animals going crazy after dark... She heard the red pegasus going on about that if he died, he would be close to home. "No, that's not gonna happen. Not while I'm around and still kicking. So long as I live, I will make sure that everypony gets out of that forest, alive." Rorona said with burning passion. She wasn't going to let anypony die, because she failed to do her job. 

Some ponies, just wanna watch the world BURN  DERP derpy_emoticon1.png

My oc's are in my profile here: http://mlpforums.com/user/17043-skye42/

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Silver Note listened carefully to Twilight and Fluttershy as they explained the situation. It wasn't much go to on, and being a pegasus he did not know a lot about magic. He didn't know much about animals either, but he did know some bird calls so that might come in handy. Silver Note patted his saddle bags, checking to see that his flutes and whistles were still safely in place.


Overhearing Redstorm Silver flew up to hover near him.  "We all have each others backs" Silver reassured Redstorm. "And us pegasi can keep an eye on everypony from the air. I'm sure we'll be just fine if we work together as a team"


Silver then landed near Night Dart saying "If you have some knowledge of the Everfree, and good night vision I'd happily follow you. I've never been in a forest before."


Then turning to Rorona Silver Note said encouragingly "I have complete faith in your healing abilities Rorona, I'm sure you will keep us all safe."


Silver then took off to hover above the group, waiting for Night Dart or Lyona to lead them into the forest. He gazed at the setting sun. If the magic only happened at night, perhaps there was some connection to the moon? He kept his thoughts to himself.

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" I doubt we're going to die... It's just a little investigation trip into the Everfree forest. I mean, what could go wrong?" She smiled as she said to Redstorm.


"Okay, if you do see better in the dark then that would help us plenty. Thank-you for volunteering." She told Night Dart.


Lyona frowned slightly at Fireblaze's question. " Well, the Elements of Harmony requested help from Canterlot to investigate all the strange things happening in that forest. Since there's no real threat, the Princess wouldn't need the Elements themselves to go investigate the forest. It's not exactly a life or death situation here, just something strange going on in the Everfree. So the Princess sent us to find out what happened."


Lyona smiled gently at Rorona. "You're an exceptional healer, I'm sure no-one will die. "


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"Can everypony stop talking about getting killed?" Cinder interjected, somewhat nervous. She hadn't been worried about having to go into the Everfree until she had overheard the tones of the others.


"I mean, we're all going to be fine, can we not make ourselves more concerned that we need to be?"

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