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open Happenings in the Everfree RP


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'' Well, I'll get some real sleep then. Wake me up in when it is morning, so I can continue on the journey with the group.'' Fireblaze said, holding her hoof on her head to try to heal the headache.


'' Good to know, well good night.''  Falling asleep on the forest ground.

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" You guys..." Lyona rolled her eyes. " You were supposed to sleep before the journey. I swear, ponies these days. " She muttered the last part. The raised her voice so the rest of the group could hear. " We travel by night and sleep at daytime. So if you're sleepy now, it's your fault. Let's get moving."


Lyona walked into the Everfree forest, amidst the spooky melody of the forest. 


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'' Fine, if you insist. I didn't get to sleep since, I got an alert on my front door that I was recruited for this journey.'' Starting to rise up from the ground, rubbing her tired eyes. '' Okay, let's get moving then.'' Hearing Lyona's loud voice in the air.


'' I guess you were put in charge for a reason.''

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"Hey, I'm fine!" Cinder said before turning to Fireblaze "Give it half an hour, you'll be wide awake." She held up the empty bottle the Fireblaze had drunk from. "This stuff is pretty potent."


She tossed the bottle behind her.


(Off out now for a few hours, so just assume Cinder is going along with whatever is happening :P )

Never quite forgotten.

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" Darn right I was." She grinned. "Now get your plots moving. We haven't got all night."



"At least you won't be asleep on the job." 


She looked at silver note. "Hey, you're a musician so you must have pretty keen ears. Can you tell me which direction the yowling is loudest?"


(I have to go to sleep pretty soon as well.)


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'' I guess I'll give it half an hour, like you said.'' Looking over at Lyona with an evil grin. '' Your lucky that your in charge of this, I don't listen to most people that boss me around.'' Starts moving faster with the group along the forest path.


'' I will stay awake then.'' Fireblaze puts her hoof on her head in agony.

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Lyona rolled her eyes. " Not really bossing you around, but whatever floats your boat, I guess. Drama queen." She looked back at the group behind her, waiting for them to catch up. " Come on, hurry up. We haven't got much time, and I'd rather spend it searching." She tapped her hoof impatiently. 


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Fireblaze catches up Lyona. '' Sorry about my outburst, and my sleeping schedule getting the best of me.'' Looking over at the group following behind my path. '' I guess this searching business, can start now.'' She starts to put her hoof on her chin. Starting to yawn because of the very quiet atmosphere.

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" S'okay. Yeah-" 


Suddenly, the animals yowled even louder. The pegasus thought she heard a few of the beasts scream. It was near deafening now. Lyona winced as her ears were assaulted with the noise. 

"Damn animals. Why do you all have to be so friggin' loud?" She mumbled. 


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'' Well, they are animals after all. They all make different sound frequencies, that cause loud sounds.'' She said, feeling a bit scared.


The unicorn's ears start to perk up hearing the animal sounds start to become louder. '' I am really losing my sanity, in this loud forest. I just hope I can survive this whole mission without going completely insane.''


Trotting on her four hooves with the group still. '' How long do we have to keep going through this forest?''

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Night Dart followed the group and watched as the sun went down, his vision becoming clearer and clearer. He stepped up to the Forest edge, beside Lyona, and looked around. "Wow," he said "That's a lot of animals. Wonder what's bugging them."

Night turned to Lyona. 

"So how do we go about this? I'm the one who can see the best here, and we don't want anyone to get lost."


((@, I posted my character that could be a possible obstacle or something in the OOC, can you check it out and tell me if she's accepted or not?))

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Fireblaze keeps following the group through the rest of the Everfree Forest, listening to the rest of the animals making more annoying loud noises. Walking beside of Night Dart and Lyona. '' I think what's bugging the animals, must be a very mystical and evil power must be bothering the animals in the forest.'' Her unicorn horn starts to flash, causing a small spark of power.

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Lyona stopped infront of the Everfree forest. " We're about to head into the forest. If anyone needs a bathroom break or anything, now's the time to do it since it might be to dangerous to do it inside. You don't want a snake or something biting your butt, do you?" She smiled, then looked at the ponies. 


Silver note grinned at Lyona and gave her an over dramatized salute. "I'm ready ma'am" he said confidently, then pulled a bugle out of his music bag and rose up into the air taking a huge breath ready to sound the charge.... but just as he was about to blow his loudest call to arms, he caught sight of Lyona's disapproving frown and impatiently tapping hoof. He cast a cheesy grin at her and simply played a very quiet:


"Dun dun daaaaah................."


Then dropped to the ground to follow the others. Tail and mane drooping forlornly.


Silver Note listened intently to the eerie sounds of the animals. A beautiful lament, a hauntingly mournful song... he thought to himself in quiet contemplation. He studied the mood, the format and the harmony of the song, he mastered the tempo and the beat, and memorized the melody, taking it all in as if wafted away in a dream. He was lost in his thoughts when Lyona spoke.




She looked at silver note. "Hey, you're a musician so you must have pretty keen ears. Can you tell me which direction the yowling is loudest?"



"The sounds are all around us, but they seem to be loudest to the West".


Silver Note pulled a flute out of his saddle bag and imitated a haunting bird call, the music rising up into the air, blending with the animals like some kind of mystical charm. Immediately he was answered by a bird call to the west. The animals were guiding them that way.


"What ever it is that's bothering them, they certainly are calling for our help."


Silver Note pricked his ears towards Lyona awaiting her next move.



(OOC- Heh sorry, I'm in a different time zone than you guys so just now catching up,~ Mike)


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" We'll be travelling until we find the thing which is bothering the animals. You may be right with your theory, or you may be wrong. I honestly don't know." She told Fireblaze.



-He's really good with this music thing.- Lyona thought to herself. " If it's loudest to the west, then we're going that way."




Night turned to Lyona.  "So how do we go about this? I'm the one who can see the best here, and we don't want anyone to get lost."


"You lead the way, then. I don't want anypony tripping or falling, so warn us when there's something that we can trip over, please. We're heading west of here, so that's-" She looked at the compass around her neck. "-that direction." She pointed a little to the right.


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'' Maybe I am wrong since, animals get startled easily. But, since we are all gathered here together as a group then I have no problem working together with the rest of you in solving this problem.'' Fireblaze said.


Following with the group, looking at the compass. Moving to the right with the group.

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" We're stronger as a group, that's certain. We'll be able to find the problem in no time at all. We've got great ponies to ward off any dangers, and healers to help us." Lyona smiled brightly. -I really hope so. I don't want any ancient, evil force attacking us. Exploring the forest is bad enough as it is.-


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'' You are so right. Don't worry, with all of our combined forces we can definitely destroy whatever ancient evil force is coming our way. So how much longer do we have, until we reach the library?'' Fireblaze smiles with a very evil grin on her face. '' Let's try not to be worried, so we can stay focused.''

  • Brohoof 1
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Silver Note raised an eye brow in Fireblaze's direction. "Reach the.... ?" he paused mid sentence. Didn't this pony know that we'd been to the library already and were way beyond that now? Silver felt an eerie feeling shudder through him and it wasn't from the animal noises.


Silver Note sidled over close to Lyona whispering very quietly to her "Somethings not right about that pony"


Then he continued to follow the others to the west, keeping the rest of his thoughts to himself.

  • Brohoof 1
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'Ok... thats new...' Thought Cinder, looking back at Fireblaze. What did she mean, reach the library? And why did she look so... creepy?


"Ok, yeah. I'm just going to go over there and... do something." She excused herself hastily as she stepped away, hastily trotting around the group "I'm going to help the others. With stuff."


'Well that was... strange.' She thought. 'Why does everypony I meet turn out to be so weird?'

  • Brohoof 1

Never quite forgotten.

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'' I guess since, I'm still a bit tired from that mysterious liquid and from that long journey through the forest. Plus, the animals are still making that pretty annoying yet scary noise.''

Starting to rub her head pretty softly. '' Sweet Celestia, I need some sleep.''

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'' I guess since, I'm still a bit tired from that mysterious liquid and from that long journey through the forest. Plus, the animals are still making that pretty annoying yet scary noise.''

Starting to rub her head pretty softly. '' Sweet Celestia, I need some sleep.''

"Just run around the group for a couple of times. You'll feel better. I guess sleepiness is the reason you thought we were going to the library... and if we were... not through a place with treemonsters." Redstorm said.

"Anyway... are we there yet?" He asked nopony in particular.


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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Running around the group a few times, starting to come to her senses. '' Well, thanks for the suggestion.'' Fireblaze said.


'' Well, I can't wait for us to complete the mission. I was afraid that I would lose my sanity.'' She keeps staying with the group, but having her eyes closed halfway.

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Silver Note was starting to feel a bit dizzy, watching these two mares circle around the group. 'They're making more noise with their hooves than all of the forest animals put together.' He thought to himself with a slight frown. Not to mention leaving a very obvious trail of hoof prints in the leaves. Silver slapped his forehead with his hoof.


"I told you mares get flighty" Silver muttered as an aside to Redstorm. "And it's not even hearts and hooves day...."


Then another thought occurred to Silver Note. Perhaps sleepiness and strange potions were not the reason Fireblaze was feeling so disorientated. Could it be that the strange magic in the forest was getting to  her. That would account for the evil grin. But why would it be effecting her and not any other pony?


Just at that moment, Silver Note snapped out of his thoughts. His ears pricked forward urgently, There was a loud rustling in the bushes just ahead of them. Glancing around Silver Note noted that all the ponies were present and accounted for. He froze in his hoofsteps.


"Hush everypony!" He said in a loud whisper "There's something up ahead, and I have a sneaking suspicion it's not good!"

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'' Finally, something ahead. I'm guessing it is an evil animal.'' Fireblaze said. Stops circling around the group, and ducks down on one hoof with the rest of the group.

'' Since we can't sneak up on it without stealth, we should wait until the coast is clear. Can't just attack it randomly, if we are going to attack the unknown creature that is.''

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((I think this might be a good time to bring Nocturne in... at least for a moment...

Night Dart ducked down into the group's makeshift hideout and whispered to the group.

"All of you stay down, I'm going to see what it is.

He poked his head up from their hideout and looked around. It was extremely dark in here, but to him it was clear as day. Or, clear as day was for ponies with normal vision.  He saw a figure walking in their direction, but it was too far to be heard. The animals still kept making their noises.. After the figure took a few steps, he could see it clearly, but what he saw confused him.

It was... A pony?

It was a dark purple unicorn mare with a deep blue mane that had a lighter blue streak through it. Her eyes were bright red-orange and seemed to glow. Her horn was broken, and she had an eerie smile.

She kept getting closer still and he ducked down. 

"What the..." He shook his head. For now, the group needed to stay put until she was gone. "Everyone stay down..."

((I'll post more later...))

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