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Stone nodded her head, what else could she say. NO. And leave, where could she go, she's on a ship with him. "Sure, what's up" she said putting her hoof through her head trying to find something to do instead of figiding. She didn't want to look nervous talking.

sole sighed and scratched his head nervously "well... First I wanted to apologize for how I acted when we broke up..." He began "and I wanted to make sure you know what your getting yourself into. We're not exactly going on a cruise ya'know." He said jokingly, yet very nervously.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Stone nodded "yeah....it's ok, but don't worry I know I can handle myself hun, you should know that yourself, I'm as tough as nails". She said all in a smart ass tone while adding a smirk to it all. "Though, I don't know how to fly, due to the fact that I don't have wings. So I'll have to swim if we sink" she said with a shrug.


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"Your help would be greatly appreciated," she replies. She steps back to let him out. "So, umm, you work under Luna, yes?" Of course he does, idiot. He even told you! "How much d-do you know of our religion?" She blushes, continuing to look down as she waited for him to lead her through the ship.

(OOC: I was supposed to get an email when you responded... Sorry for the wait.)

As Cosmo began to guide Lyth, he replied, "Sadly, not much. I study magic udder Princess Luna and complete missions she gives me but I've never been taught or looked into her religion. I used to pray to her when I was in my clan. But when I had the chance to learn the religion properly, I already met her. I found it difficult to really worship her, having seen her flaws up close. I respect her and am happy to serve her, but I can't really see her as a true goddess." Cosmo felt odd about confessing that. The awkwardness he'd felt around Lyth was wearing off for him, seeing he wasn't the only one of the who was nervous, but he wasn't sure it was a good move to tell a priestess, the goddes she worshiped wasn't a real goddes to him.

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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Stone nodded "yeah....it's ok, but don't worry I know I can handle myself hun, you should know that yourself, I'm as tough as nails". She said all in a smart ass tone while adding a smirk to it all. "Though, I don't know how to fly, due to the fact that I don't have wings. So I'll have to swim if we sink" she said with a shrug.

sole sighed "yeah, that's not happening." He said calmly "I can carry ya if this ship sinks. Besides, if your names any indication, you'll sink pretty quickly." He said on a smartass tone right back to her. "And I know you can fight, but without your powers your not as strong." He siad honestly.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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"W-well....." He got her this time. "Yeah....your right, I hate water, I can't swim, plus in out of my element. But it still doesn't mean I can't "pursuad" others, if you know what I mean" she said with a smirk. She knew other ways around danger, even if she didn't have her powers, she still had her looks.


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"W-well....." He got her this time. "Yeah....your right, I hate water, I can't swim, plus in out of my element. But it still doesn't mean I can't "pursuad" others, if you know what I mean" she said with a smirk. She knew other ways around danger, even if she didn't have her powers, she still had her looks.

sole smiled "sorry stony, but I don't think even your looks could get ya out of the shit were gonna be facing." He said with a laugh "although it might be pretty funny to see ya "persuade" a giant, pony eating, sea monster." He said jokingly, before sighing "but I guess it works on me pretty well" he mumbled.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Swordpoint grinned toward the open sea. "Crimson! I am ready. Shall we unfurl the sails and set out? I have plotted our course according to the information that I have obtained."


Rainbow smiled, unable to contain her excitement. "This is gonna be so awesome! I've never been on a ship before, and now we're going sailing over the ocean! Plus, we'll get to see some action, too!"


Swordpoint glanced at her nervously, but he kept quiet.

Crimson nodded with a grin, "yes brother, we set sail NOW, so let me do the honors of unfurling the sails!" Said crimson with a slight grin before his horn began to glow red and the sails were bathed in the same red glow, before unfurling themselves, crimson then chuckled, okay everyone, it seems that since it is nightfall that the only ones needed for now are myself, swordpoint, and our lookout, you may all go get some sleep if you wish, choose any room you like, but just remember to be ready for action on a moments notice, for the life of a pirate is a dangerous one..." Said crimson warningly.


Twinkle yawned and sighed before looking at crimson with a bored look, "I guess your right, there's no use for me as of right now, so I'm going off to sleep, goodnight..." Said twinkle with an ominous smirk, "I think I'll sleep in his bed before he gets there...just to mess with him...also it'll be enjoyable to see the look on his face..." Thought twinkle as she quietly made her way into crimsons quarters.

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Stone shrugged "you never know, it could be another pirate ship, then we all get captured. I use my skills, and then we all get out, and you worship me for ever doubting me" she said poking him in the chest "just wait, trust me I'll prove you wrong on every level"


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Stone shrugged "you never know, it could be another pirate ship, then we all get captured. I use my skills, and then we all get out, and you worship me for ever doubting me" she said poking him in the chest "just wait, trust me I'll prove you wrong on every level"

sole smiled and shrugged "somehow I doubt ill be worshipping you" he said jokingly "but if you ever do save us from something like that, I might just kiss ya!" He said sarcastically "and how would you be proving me wrong? A ship of pirates is different from a sea monster!"


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Swordpoint did not speak as he guided the ship on the course he had plotted. Rainbow, however, was restless. "I wonder..." she said, "what kind of monsters do you think there are out here?"


Swordpoint shook his head. "This is my first encounter with the ocean. Your guess would be equally as probable as mine."


Rainbow sighed. "Look, can you, like... use magic to have the ship steer itself or something? I wanna go for a flight."


Swordpoint turned to her quickly. "No. You should remain here. The sea is treacherous, Rainbow. Do you recall what we saw on our scouting flight? Those storms are dangerous, and I do not know what manner of creatures infest these waters."


"Oh, come on!" Rainbow shouted. "I'm supposed to sit here on this boring ship?! There isn't even anything to do!"


Swordpoint sighed and looked at Crimson. "Crimson! Perhaps you could entertain Rainbow? I would prefer that she not fly at night in unfamiliar waters." 

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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Stone shrugged, " you never know hun, you nerver know" she said. Giving him a nuzzle on his chest. She then smirked, feeling good about herself....till she felt the boat move and she fell over loosing her balance, and sence if direction. "O-ow...." She mumbled as she laid there.


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Stone shrugged, " you never know hun, you nerver know" she said. Giving him a nuzzle on his chest. She then smirked, feeling good about herself....till she felt the boat move and she fell over loosing her balance, and sence if direction. "O-ow...." She mumbled as she laid there.

sole quickly helped her up with a sigh "sorry about that stony, the ship gets kinda rocky sometimes." He apologized "well... At least we're up now." He said with a shrug "that, and I'm easily bored. Wanna find something to do?" He asked lazily, as he yawned and began to stretch tiredly.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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(OOC: I was supposed to get an email when you responded... Sorry for the wait.)

As Cosmo began to guide Lyth, he replied, "Sadly, not much. I study magic udder Princess Luna and complete missions she gives me but I've never been taught or looked into her religion. I used to pray to her when I was in my clan. But when I had the chance to learn the religion properly, I already met her. I found it difficult to really worship her, having seen her flaws up close. I respect her and am happy to serve her, but I can't really see her as a true goddess." Cosmo felt odd about confessing that. The awkwardness he'd felt around Lyth was wearing off for him, seeing he wasn't the only one of the who was nervous, but he wasn't sure it was a good move to tell a priestess, the goddes she worshiped wasn't a real goddes to him.

(Was asleep until now)


She laughed, "Ohh, how you are misguided. Luna takes more of a leadership role. The real 'goddess' is the night it's self. While it's true that most of the order see her as a god, it is simply because they cannot imagine the night as a powerful force. As Luna is her princess, the night has ever blessed her. I suppose this misconception is broader than I thought..." She sighed, "As one of the few who've actually read the texts, I can quote freely. 'The night seeith all in partnership with the day, and calmeth his heat with her wisdom." Luna is not mentioned once, and Celestia is not a stallion."


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Swordpoint did not speak as he guided the ship on the course he had plotted. Rainbow, however, was restless. "I wonder..." she said, "what kind of monsters do you think there are out here?"


Swordpoint shook his head. "This is my first encounter with the ocean. Your guess would be equally as probable as mine."


Rainbow sighed. "Look, can you, like... use magic to have the ship steer itself or something? I wanna go for a flight."


Swordpoint turned to her quickly. "No. You should remain here. The sea is treacherous, Rainbow. Do you recall what we saw on our scouting flight? Those storms are dangerous, and I do not know what manner of creatures infest these waters."


"Oh, come on!" Rainbow shouted. "I'm supposed to sit here on this boring ship?! There isn't even anything to do!"


Swordpoint sighed and looked at Crimson. "Crimson! Perhaps you could entertain Rainbow? I would prefer that she not fly at night in unfamiliar waters."


Crimson gave swordpoint an odd look, "uhh...okay, how about..." Crimson looked around the deck, before spotting Maximus and grinning, "hey, Maximus! How about playing a song or two?" Asked crimson before teleporting a grand piano on deck from the storage room.

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(Was asleep until now)


She laughed, "Ohh, how you are misguided. Luna takes more of a leadership role. The real 'goddess' is the night it's self. While it's true that most of the order see her as a god, it is simply because they cannot imagine the night as a powerful force. As Luna is her princess, the night has ever blessed her. I suppose this misconception is broader than I thought..." She sighed, "As one of the few who've actually read the texts, I can quote freely. 'The night seeith all in partnership with the day, and calmeth his heat with her wisdom." Luna is not mentioned once, and Celestia is not a stallion."

Cosmo became very interested in Lyth's words. "That... Could you tell me more about your beliefs over this voyage? I would be very interested in worshipping the night itself rather than its princess." Altair echoed Cosmo's surprise and interest. "I wish your clan had more interest in such beliefs..." Cosmo was beginning to regret ignoring his guardian for so long. He was starting to appreciate Altair's spontaneous input and wonder what interesting things he'd seen in the past millennium. "I could join Lyth in teaching interesting things on this voyage. You're always interested in improving your combat skills."

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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She blushes, "That's my job, Cosmo. I teach others the ways of the night. But I'm afraid you'll have to be more specific; I haven't had to teach someone from the ground up in a very long time." (She is higher up in the ranks of preistess hood. This sort of thing is usually done by the preachers. This is my excuse for making up a religion on the fly xP) "Do you think this one's empty?" she asks, pointing to a door.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Stone shrugged "sure, if you want, just no swimming...." She said with a stubborn look. She looked as a piano was teleported to the ship. She then had a flash back of her playing it as a filly. It was her only way out of reality. It was relaxing to her she enjoyed it.


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Stone shook her head "no no, I'm fine" she said with a smile. She then looked at the deck "just thinking about my past that's all" she said "you know I used to super good at playing the piano. I used to play so I could get away from reality, because of how depressing some things where at the time" she said with a shrug.


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Crimson gave swordpoint an odd look, "uhh...okay, how about..." Crimson looked around the deck, before spotting Maximus and grinning, "hey, Maximus! How about playing a song or two?" Asked crimson before teleporting a grand piano on deck from the storage room.

Max blushed after hearing his named being called out in the open again and could feel his heart rate increase. This usually happened to him before he performed. "Uhh, what do you want me to play?" Max nervously asked, trying to keep himself from choking up.

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She blushes, "That's my job, Cosmo. I teach others the ways of the night. But I'm afraid you'll have to be more specific; I haven't had to teach someone from the ground up in a very long time." (She is higher up in the ranks of preistess hood. This sort of thing is usually done by the preachers. This is my excuse for making up a religion on the fly xP) "Do you think this one's empty?" she asks, pointing to a door.

"Well, lets check" Cosmo pressed his ear against the door to check for sound, then opened it to find it was indeed empty. "It's available." After helping Lyth settle in, Cosmo began, "Back to your religion. I'm interested in your beliefs on redemption and any practices or rituals members of your church perform. Other things like the afterlife or origin of life don't seem very important to me. I'll find out about death when if happens to me and knowing how we came to be is pointless unless I'm planning to make life myself, which I'm not. I've seen enough of the darkness in those who tried to avoid that idea..."

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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Stone was scared if the hight for a second as they went above water. She latched into him for dear life as she closed her eyes. She was so afraid of the water right now, it was such an awe full choice if her to join this crew like that, lets just hope she doesn't die.


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Sole chuckled as she clung to him nervously "it's okay stony..." He said calmly "I won't let ya fall. Pluse I can swim pretty good, so ya won't be drowning any time soon, at least not while I'm around!" He said happily, as he put her on the deck carefully "got any ideas on what to do?" He asked curiously.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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"Well, lets check" Cosmo pressed his ear against the door to check for sound, then opened it to find it was indeed empty. "It's available." After helping Lyth settle in, Cosmo began, "Back to your religion. I'm interested in your beliefs on redemption and any practices or rituals members of your church perform. Other things like the afterlife or origin of life don't seem very important to me. I'll find out about death when if happens to me and knowing how we came to be is pointless unless I'm planning to make life myself, which I'm not. I've seen enough of the darkness in those who tried to avoid that idea..."

She sighs, "There isn't really something set I can tell you. Members of our religion follow a Path to our afterlife called the Eternal Night. When one joins the religion, they are sometimes called Wayward Wanderers, in reference to the Path. 'What the night seeist, it keepith in its own wisdom' It matters not to a member of the faith what you've done before joining the Path, what happens after defines them. Many see it as a chance to start over."

She sighs, "After the initial clear slate, it is very difficult to redeem yourself. Most believe it impossible, because they haven't read the texts. 'The night sees all in it's mercy, and judges acts with her wisdom.' Just a few things you should keep in mind so you don't have to re-redeem yourself. Do not kill without purpose. Observe one midnight a month, preferably the full moon. Protect your brothers, your family, and your holdings. Remember your virtues.


There are many positions in our order, though plenty of them are filled. As a high priestess, I am fit to bestow those. In dealing with the faith, obey your superiors." She looks him over, "I can think of a few positions you'd fill nicely. There is a ritual for this I can perform, in which we could be anywhere and you would be recognized. But the only ritual you have to observe is the monthly Moonlight. The official name for observing the night past midnight. There are a few rituals that I have to perform, including one particularly nasty one that involves my dagger, that you neither need to observe nor know of. An interesting factoid; all priestesses are trained to defend themselves." She sighs again, "I am not especially good at fighting. Much better at surviving. And now I'm babling. Listen to me, like I've already gone salt-and-pepper," she giggles nervously.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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