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What was your worst night terror/nightmare

Solaire of Astora

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We'va all had them yeah? I'm pretty sure you at least had one nightmare. My worst one was of my whole family being tortured, it ended up with me waking up with tears coming down my face and checking on every single family to make sure they were okay. 

  • Brohoof 2

I am Solaire of Astora, an adherent of the Lord of Sunlight. The sun is a wondrous body. Like a magnificent father! If only I could be so grossly incandescent.

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I haven't had one in a really long time... but the last one I remember was a continuous one. I had the same dream for about three days and it always ended in the same manner.  


I faintly remember finding myself in this really huge house and it being dark and really hard to see. There was no one around and out of no where this thing/person with no face came out of nowhere and killed me in the same manner... o.O it was really freaky and I do remember having this same dream for about close to 3 days... But the weird thing is I haven't had a dream like that in a very long time... This was like 3 years ago too.

  • Brohoof 1



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My worst nightmare was a really weird one. I was a cow in the pasture, and then an alien spaceship came over head. And I kid thee not, the aliens looked like Little Romeo. Freakest nightmare I ever had. XD

  • Brohoof 2



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Well, I remember a lot of scary nightmares. I used to get them every night when I was a child. Since me and my brother would always watch zombie movies and the Walking Dead, I would always fall asleep, nightmares whirling around in my head. I would wake up and cry/scream. But, the one that really made me want to die was the one when, It was a beautiful day I went up to play some video games. When I got my time in I decided to go to my best friend's house, David. Well, when I got there David greeted me and we just messed around. All of a sudden  me and him both heard a moan like a zombie would do. In a matter of minutes the door was covered with blood and hand marks. We could see the zombies heads every where. We were surrounded. Since there was a back door we ran out there as fast as are little legs could carry us. Once we had walked out of his house we glanced forward. Hell, the whole town was on fire, zombies ripping the flesh out of millions of innocent people that we knew. I could even see all of my family members getting killed. David told me that he could see his whole family as well. We didn't know what to do at all. Then I had an idea. I said "Lets umm go to a gun shop so we can like kill these zombies." David: "Okk." Me and him finally got to the gun shop. We got an AK47, shot gun all types of guns. Anything you could imagine really. Once we got are guns we went to an abandoned school. There was a ladder so we climbed up it to get to higher grounds. Again we heard the moans. Thats when we knew that they were hungry. We killed a million of them. In a blur a zombie grabbed David and ripped him to shreds. Tears fled from my eyes. I then woke up. Me and David are actually still friends. I told him about that dream xD. 



"Don't worry only people with

brains with brains will die,

your ok.


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My worst nightmare happened in February. I was the only person left in my neighborhood. So, I searched through many of the homes and found nothing. I started to become a bit scared, so I checked this one house for anything that could help me figure where everyone went, until I heard what sounded like a chainsaw. Then, I heard it getting louder. I had hurried and shut the door while trying to look for a place to hide, but before I could even get a move on, this guy kicked the door down. Losing all courage I had, I fell backwards onto a chair, breathing rapidly. I then told myself if I let this guy hurt me, I'll wake up. As soon as the strange man swings the chainsaw at me, I wake up in a cold sweat. Worst nightmare ever.

Edited by SmartyPants



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I had the same recurring nightmare for years and years...I still occasionally have fears that when I fall asleep I'll end up back in this particular nightmare, even though it is a silly thing to be "afraid" of.


Remember this guy from Nick Jr?



About every other night I would be locked in my living room with this guy on the television. He would always rant about how he was going to kill me or eat me or scare the living crap out of me. And all I could do was hide either under the computer desk or to the site of our television. It got so bad that, when I got up in the middle of the night to go to my parents' room, I would have to ninja crawl past our living room so as to not anger the television even though I was awake and safe.


Finally, a couple of years ago, I had the nightmare again. But this time I walked right up to the television and ripped the chords out of the wall as Face screamed for help. I haven't had the dream since. 

  • Brohoof 4

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Well I guess mine is, when Pinkie pie was Slender man in my Dream :/ Scared the shiz out of me. I still has nightmares of it.. *Shivers* *Hugs pillow* I-I never want that to happen...*Lets tear fall* Manly tears were shed.

  • Brohoof 1


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I've had loads of good candidates for this: being stung by a giant wasp (I am afraid of wasps), the guy who abused me when I dated him showing up and killing my family, being stalked by Slender Man in a house we just moved into, demon shape-shifters coming in through the kitty door and being creepy, being chased by creepy things all throughout the house and my girlfriend's face becoming something horrifying, a little dog/lizard hybrid that could kill people in one bite, creepy stuff relating to the Energizer Bunny...


But I think the thing that takes the cake is all the nightmares I've had of being on a roller coaster, driving down slopes really fast in a car, and even one where the house I was in shook and turned, and even went completely upside down. See, I've always been afraid of falling. Always hated the rush of air around you and just the feeling in general. But before these nightmares came along, I could handle rides with drops. I was too chicken to go on major roller coasters, but I could handle the drop at the end of Jurassic Park: the Ride, for example. I would get scared, but I was alright bracing myself. And then I had these nightmares, where the feeling of falling was extremely real. I was essentially getting tortured in my sleep, and I kept having them for months and months. Now even a simple Ferris Wheel or an elevator is enough to scare me if the drop is harsh enough, and I sure as heck won't ever be going on any roller coasters.



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I had a dream where the moon landing was proven staged, and I lost all faith in science. 


It was seriously a very sad dream. Not even kiddin' sad.png

  • Brohoof 1


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I have really peaceful dreams. My scariest was when I was stuck on a really small rooftop, and everyone thought we were in a video game, so there was nothing to worry about, we could fall off and it wouldn't matter. Pinkie showed up and I thought she was going to help, but she agreed with everyone else. You might expect the Element of Laughter to do something that would encourage me.


She pushed me off the edge.

Edited by Nurin Insyirah

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Dude, please call me Nurin instead of Nurin Insyirah.

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I recently had a dream where I was a superhero working with a superhero organization (think less about The Avengers and more the kind of setting in Onepunch Man if anyone reads it) when two terrorists threaten to blow up the sun. No one believed them because it's impossible to just blow up the sun. But it did happen. Suddenly the sun was gone and I was standing with my jaw dropped feeling completely helpless as everything around me started flying everywhere, which I guessed was because gravity was no longer normal due to the lack of sun.

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I used to have reoccurring night terrors where I felt like some powerful evil spirt thing was about to get me. I would literally be paralyzed with fear.


On a lighter note, I used to have nightmares where the air vent on my celling would move over to right above me, and them come down at "get" me. I don't know what it did when it "got" me, because I always woke up then.


Yes, I had nightmares about air vents... I was like 10 years old okay? :P


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My worst nightmare was definitely this recurring one I had. I must of had this nightmare 40 times or something like that.


I would be in my room and already I would be gripped with the sense of fear. I would hear a creak from out in the hallway and a tall figure who was completely black, would stoop in through the doorway. Then I would always start screaming as he dragged me away and then the dream would end. I think the last time I had it was a bit different though. The second the dream started I jumped out of bed and raced into my parents room. Boy was that a bad idea. It ended with my dad throttling me and smashing me head first into a wall...


Those nightmares used to freak me out so much, I would wake up and start panicking and turning on all the lights. I finally stopped having it though six months ago or so. I really hope it never comes back.


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It's pretty silly, but since I have arachnophobia, my worst dreams is when a small and/or giant spider, more specifically, tarantulas, chase me throughout the entire dream.


My fear of spiders is rather large.

  • Brohoof 1

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I have a memory which I don't know whether it was a dream, or it actually happened. I was just laying down on my bed and suddenly this child was at my doorway, I blinked and he was right next to me and he touched my face with his cold cold hands. I then screamed and flailed my arms and he was gone. This is why I don't know if it was a dream. I was in the exact position i was in in this "dream" I was laying on my banket that i piled into a mound on my bed. It felt so real. It happened in the middle of the day to and im not one to take naps seeing as I HATE NAPS


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The worst nightmare that I had was, I saw a ghost smiling at me very creepy like and it started to make the walls bleed with demons blood while demons were surrounding me. Then the ghost started to say: '' I'll watch you while you sleep.'' O_O

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I just had a scary ass dream last night. This guy that was like psychotic and mentally ill was trying to bucking kill me, and I grabbed a metal rod and started bashing his head in, hoping it would at least knock him out so I could escape, but it barely even did anything, and all it did was piss him off, so then I tried to escape by smashing the window, but the window was like impossible to shatter and I couldn't get it open so I was like freaking out and then I don't remember what happened after that, I think I just woke up .-.



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I was home with my ex-wife and we were just sitting there watching television when something caused me to stand up. The television froze as did she. The lights dimmed as I walked down a long hallway. I kept hearing the sound of a baby whimpering but I knew that I did not have a baby because my ex-wife could not get pregnant. I kept walking forward to see that there was a nursery...


I kept screaming inside of my head to stop. To not enter the room. My hands began shaking, ym heart rose into my throat as this terror began to grip my entire body. I grew closer to the crib and the crying stopped. I can see a blanket covering something inside of the crib but I kept fighting. I actually started screaming in my sleep, not like AHHH!!!!! but loud grunts and yelps...I kept telling myself in my head to STOP! DO NOT LOOK INSIDE THAT CRIB


I reached for the blanket, grabbed it and I literally ripped myself out of the dream from the inside. I was wrapped in so much terror that I just yelped and could not go back to sleep.




Another dream that I had involved me being a life-guard at a nice little beach. I was walking down the sidewalk where this unusual presence made itself known. There was an RV with a Hispanic family barbequing. I kept feeling this dark energy nearby and I walked around the side of the RV. There was this dog sitting on the table but it wasn't a dog. The muzzle was much longer and it was panting as if it were too hot. The flesh had been ripped from the dog and it was drooling black ichor and blood. It's eyes were hollowed out and I can see red burning fire deep inside of its skull. It and I just stared into each other's eyes...it's jaws just slowly began to open and I suddenly ran away down the boardwalk down to this tunnel that leads to a different portion of the beach.


When I walk out of the tunnel, I am in this massive chamber that was 2 stories. There was a large section with a dias on the bottom and a cement staircase leading to the top portion. I am now wearing a leather trenchcoat with a tight shirt. These beautiful redheaded women begin serving me drinks that have been set on fire. I don't even blow them out. I down the shots and scream in aloud, booming voice: "MORE! I THIRST FOR FIRE!"


Laughing, I shatter the glass and walk up to the second story. There is a horse suspended by meathooks over the dias. It too has had all of its skin removed. With the redhead nestled up to me, I cheered on the torturing of the deceased animal as the cult members below cheered for my adoration....


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I haven't had a nightmare since I was six years old except for one I had like two or three years ago. Most of my dreams are of me in epic battles against forces that are not of this world. laugh.png


The one I had a few years ago was probably the worst. I dreamt that I was dead.....and that life went on without me. I was witnessing all the people in my life continuing to live on without me. Not to say they forgot me but it was heartbreaking to know I couldn't speak with them or touch them. It was also very "realistic" in the sense that I couldn't open doors or anything. I literally tried to grab a door and though I could touch the handle, I couldn't move it at all.


The only other one I had was this one when I was a kid and I was watching my mom play an NES RPG or something and she went into a cave and before she did I was screaming for her not to do it cuz I "knew" what was in there. As soon as she went in I appeared in an old castle and was trapped in a glass cage where some old guy with really long fingernails would come and scratch my back. Not in a painful way but my mind translated it as something to be feared.


That's about all I got. Most of my dreams are epic and I wish I could record them. xD

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I went to sleep once and later I truly felt like I woke up, was in my bed, door shut, room dark, and laid back down to sleep more, feeling pretty darn sure I was in reality.


Then when I don't go to sleep but just shut my eyes I immediately was in a state of paralysis. I could barely move anything move even with all the fight I was putting up, I couldn't even speak a single word despite trying so hard. Nothing was holding me down or anything it was genuine paralysis. Then I start to hear this life like growling right as if it was right in my left ear right in the room. It was the same growling as the fridge monster from the Ghostbusters movie in fact. I couldn't open my eyes and could move my head very little, I was trying to at least face this thing with courage, but due to the paralysis I could not. It progressively started getting louder and louder, until it finally just let out one terrifying very loud roar that sent a horrifying shock through my entire body.


Then I was really awake with eyes wide open.


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Nightmares are bit weird for me. I enjoy them. Though I suppose the worst was when Pinkie popped up and spoilt it. But hey, such are the risks you take.


On 4/22/2016 at 6:16 PM, The Nightly Spectre said:

One does not ask why The Questioner is awesome. One should instead ask their gods if they ever compare to the awesomeness of the one and only Questioner.

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I don't remember too much about it actually, but there was a robot or something.

Anyway.  At the beginning, I was just going down this freaky hallway with metal walls.  And I was seeing through my eyes rather then actually seeing myself walking through the hall.  And I ended up coming upon this weird robot.

Stuff happened.  Don't remember.

After I got away from the creepy place, I turned and looked to the building in the distance and it exploded.  Then, the robots suddenly right there in front of me.

It killed everyone in there.

Then I woke up.  The immediate thing I realized was that the way everything moved in the dream was horrifying.  It moved like really bad animation.  I also noticed that I was sweating.  But I went back to sleep.

And it came right back.  The ending of the dream came right back with that stupid robot.

Every time I closed my eyes.

It was actually just terrifying.  I couldn't get away from it no matter how many times I woke up and went back to sleep.

So...eventually I had to go to sleep so I kind of just laid there, shaking and getting the dream over with, trying to change it so that it would go away.  It didn't.


Man, that's even freakier when I write it down.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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My worst recent nightmare..... I was but naked in public and no one really noticed me as if it was completely normal, and I went along with it... 

actually on second thoughts thats more like a dream rather than a nightmare 

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Well mine was weird. i was just walking throw town and suddenly every building fall and crumpled to the floor. I had the fear i was going to die. then everything when to fire everyone was dying around me i didn't what to do then suddenly the floor beneath me breaks and i fall into lava.


But mostly now nightmare turn and i face the fear and i use my imagination to take over the terrible things and then i am the hero in my head

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Nightmares are an interesting thing. In them, I've felt very realistic feeling before. I've felt a zombies teeth sinking into my neck. I remember breathing in the radioactive air without a gask mask, and my throat hurting me with each gasp for air. I remember being spun around in a car due to a tornado. I remember feeling a very real sickening fear, due to seeing a Zombie. Weird stuff. 


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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