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Remmy blushed at Ciel's question. "Um, no not really. I just met him. He seems okay though..." She trailed off and looked at Whirl Wake again. She hadn't noticed his wings earlier which was odd because she was pretty observant. It was odd that a pony interested in medicine was a pegasus, since most of them either did weather stuff, the rainbow factory, or in some cases racing. At least to her knowledge. It was interesting finding who went out of the norm and did something that Remmy was passionate about.


@, ((I hadn't realized you edited your post :derp:))


Dust smiled and sat down. He began to slowly eat is food. "Nice ta meet ya Cloud. Can ah call ya Cloud? Just askin cuz some ponies prefer their full names."

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@ (Ah, nevermind, you edited your post.)

"Yeah, you can call me 'Cloud'. Normally I go by Acoustic, but I'm really not very picky when it comes to my name." Acoustic said naunchalauntly and waving a hoof as he took another bite from his meal.  "So, what are you here to study?"


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"Ah don't really know what ahm here ta study. Well ah am excited for Music. Hopefully they have a piano." Dust noticed the guitar on Acoustics back. He should have guessed he was a musician just from his name. "Ah see ya play the guitar. Ahm a pianist myself, if ya didn't already guess that from what ah said earlier."

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Ciel smiled, "Yeah he looks...Good." She didn't want to say that the stallion didn't seem all too attractive in her eyes, because the mare seemed nice and Ciel didn't want to push her away by dissing a love interest. Or just a like interest.

Speaking of not wanting to push ponies away...Ciel realized that her bare flank was in danger of being seen by Remmy, so she quickly swept her tail onto it, trying to look casual in the motion. She didn't really want anyone to know she was a blank flank until she got to know them and possibly became to close of friends for them to ditch her when they found out. Although it's probably be very hard to hide her flank everyday... Maybe I'll buy a cloak from a nearby shop...Or a dress or something.


"So...Have you spoken to him yet?" She asked gesturing to the stallion.

Edited by DarligPegasi
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@@DarligPegasi, ((Btw, cutie marks are on both sides of a pony. It's kind of weird :P))


"Hmmm? Oh yea I have. I was just talking to him and this mare I was talking to, by the way I think she was flirting with me, told me stuff about him then nudged me closer to him and walked away. It was an... interesting ordeal." She noticed that Ciel had moved her tail to cover her flank but didn't think anything of it. 

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(( xD Really? My whole life has been a lie. O.O Well I'll edit my post to fit that. Thanks!))


Ciel quirked an eye in surprise. It's not that bisexual or lesbian ponies were foreign to her it was just that she didn't seem them around much. She made a mental note to ask Remmy about that mare later.

"That's adorable," she chuckled, surprising herself. The word 'adorable' was not in her vocabulary. Maybe 'weird' or 'umm okay'. But not...Adorable. It was probably because Remmy seemed so upbeat, that the word popped up in her mind. "Maybe you guys will be in the same classes or something. By the way what classes are you taking?" She was hoping that they shared at least one lesson.

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"Yes, I do very much enjoy my guitar." Acoustic Cloud said with a smile of pride. "I used to be a bit of a pianist myself, but I felt a greater passion for the guitar.  But there is something about all stringed instruments I love." 

Acoustic realized he was rambling on and on.

"heh" He chuckled, rubbing his neck. "So... how long have you been playing the piano?"

Edited by Rainbow Dashey


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Dust had to think about the question for a moment. "Probably over ten years.  Ahm self taught too, and ahm pretty darn good if ah do say so mahself. But it didn't get me mah cutie mark, and that always surprised me." He looked at his flank, where there was a minecart instead of anything music related. He shrugged. "Guess ah was just better at minin."

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Acoustic Cloud's ears perked up.  Not many ponies learned music on their own.
"Self taught, eh?" Acoustic said with a smile. "I've never been one for lessons either." 

Acoustic had a million questions about Diamond's music running through his head, but he restrained himself to a few.  He'd only just met the guy; don't want to scare off the first pony he'd met--Nothing like a bad first impression.


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@@Psych Ward,


Light Eye went and grabbed herself a hayburger, showing them the meal card and they logged it away to be filed as one of her meals later.

Noticing how lonesome Psych seemed, Light walked over to her and sat down next her, taking a couple of bites of her food.


"Man," she said in between bites. "This stuff is good. What did you get to eat?"

 Despite eating and talking, she was very careful not to eating with her mouth full, and tried to be considerate not to totally gross everyone out.

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"I suddenly wasn't hungry," Psych shrugged.  She still should probably go get some water.  "I'll eat something around dinner time.  I'm gad to hear the food's good at least," she smiled.  "That just makes the entire college experience so much better."  She fiddled with her sleeves. 

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@@Psych Ward,


"Yeah, that's true. A lot of the freedom is very refreshing. Leaves more room for experimentation with your lifestyle, y'know?" Light Eye finished her burger. She was a ludicrously fast eater, having gulped down the burger in about 4 bites. "Sure you're not hungry? You were the reason we went out to go get food, after all." She looked mildly concerned. 

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"I'm fine," Psych Ward nodded.  Her meds did that to her sometimes.  She would prefer they didn't, but the good they did was much more important than having a normal appetite.  "I think I'm gonna go get a water though," she said, starting to get up.  She carefully check her saddlebag, double checking for the third time that day that her pills were there.

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@@Psych Ward,


"Alright," said Light Eye, not wanting to mention the meds. Psych Ward would take to her about it in her own time, and it wasn't right of her to rush that. She could invade people's personal space on occasion, but even she knew better than to broach a topic like that without the permission of Psych. "I've got some snacks back at the dorm if you change your mind." 

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Psych Ward nodded, grateful for the mare's kindness.  She went up and got a glass for water, filling it up in the drinking fountain.  She carefully swallowed the pills, bringing the glass, still half full, back with her a few minutes later.  She carefully sat back down.



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Psych Ward laughed softly, rolling her eyes a bit.  She took a large sip, emptying the glass.  "I would have to say it is empty considering there is no longer water in the cup," she said with a smile.  She pushed the now empty cup the side with her hoof.


(I redesigned Psych Ward last night.)



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(Appearance.  Her sweater is red with a more prominent collar since it's actually supposed to be a sweater this time and not a straight jacket and she has an ear piercing.  Her hair is a bit shorter with different colored streaks and her body is a darker gray.)


Psych Ward nodded.  "That is true," she smiled.  "Although I have much experienced your hot air."  She slid her book into her saddle bag and laughed softly to herself.

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  On 2013-07-13 at 1:28 PM, DarligPegasi said:




Ciel soon grew bored of the fortune telling or magic tricks or whatever the pony was doing. She trotted back to her table only to find that there was already somepony sitting there. Taking a deep breath and doing her best to look confident as well as friendly she approached the mare. She sat down across from her where her food was sitting and gave a little smile.

"Hi there." She cringed inwardly, her voice sounded flat and croaky. But that was only because she had kept silent for the majority of her time there.

Elipsis was startled when the pony greeted her, she looked behind herself then spoke,"...h-hi..." She sat there for a moment then spoke again "I'm, Elipsis" she introduced herself and looked up, "who are you?" She thought that sounded stupid, but she didn't care. Elipsis hoped the other pony was weirded out by her. She waited for an answer.

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((Blarg, two pages of posts I've had to skim over!))


Steeleye settled into quietness rather easily after most of the other ponies stopped paying attention to him. The blank card had made him nervous and he need the quiet to clear his head. 'Why did someone have to pull out the cursed thing -here- of all places?' he thought to himself inside of the security of his own mind. 'I feel bad about lying to her about no one ever drawing it, but it would be far worse for her if she knew. Or worse for me possibly. Oh Celestia, why does this -scheibe- always have to happen to me? That mare's mane caught on fire the last time I was hear and I'm -still- having to deal with the repurcussions of that alone.' Despite his inner panic, Steeleye would appear perfectly calm and rather hungry on the outside, silently consuming his noodles. His father had once said he had an appetite that would have been better suited to a buffalo. He would know, buffalo had come by to buy his blacksmithing services. That being said, when buffalo sealed a business transaction they often stuck around for a few days and relied on the length of your patience and/or hospitality.


The rather beautiful mare that was currently the center of attention, he thought her name had 'Aroma' somewhere in it, had caught his eye. While he certainly was a hotblooded stallion with all the natural urges that came with the gender, he had developed self control over the years. Most ponies had it, except for one notable pink mare with balloons on her flank, in some form or another. Steeleye's was characterized by caution and careful evaluation. He had been sent back to school for more or less his own good. Though moral threats were a rarity in Equestria, almost anypony would frown upon a stallion well into his twenties flirting with mares just out of fillyhood. Still... she was quite shapely. Instead of making an advance, he decided to watch and wait.


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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  On 2013-07-13 at 8:53 PM, InfinityWhale said:
((OOC: This is where his quality of unintentionally speaking his mind comes in. Drama tiiiime!))


Whirl Wake shifted uncomfortably, right before trotting over to where Psych and Light were sitting down. He glared at the latter. "Virility? Really?" He gestured to where he used to be standing. "The hell was that supposed to be? She probably thinks I'm a freak now, all because you had to butt in and fill the air with awkward." His petty anger got the best of him, and he continued, despite what his common sense would say. "What, did you think I would hook up with her after knowing her for three minutes? Well guess what, you self-righteous little canniver. This isn't your world, where we can flirt with whoever we want, whenever we want, with no limitations because nobody has feelings. This isn't the perfect world, this is the living, breathing one. This is the real world, with things like trust and pain. In this world, we have boundaries, and no room for those who want to be obnoxious and gleefully ruin it for the normal people out there!" He backed away from the pony, his eyes wide. He was breathing heavily, reflecting hearing those words come out of his mouth. 'What did I just say..?'

Edited by Jverne



OC's: Whirl Wake and Noon - Profile Picture Credit - Signature by Me

  On 2013-02-17 at 3:36 AM, 'Cole Bradshaw' said:

twilight sniper kill blue all tf2 wow map you see firend rianbow dsah,pinkie pie,applejack,rarity,fluttershy wow team red kill blue red win huh robox bad new


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Light Eye took the tirade in stride, waited for him to finish, calmly, patiently took all in stride.


"Your first mistake is assuming I want to be normal. Normal is average. Normal is boring. Normal sits inside a pasture and chews grass all day. I want to be wonderful, extraordinary, and something more. Yes, I make mistakes. If I ruined it for you with that mare, I'm sorry that I did so. That said, I did not. Did you pay attention to her? She seemed very interested. Plus, let's go with the fact that if she can't take a joke from a silly,  hyperactive mare who apparently doesn't belong with the normal people?" She filled this last statement with venom to emphasize it.

"So yes, I stretched my boundaries. I hope you can forgive me. But if you can't laugh in life, then what's the point?"

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@, @@Ampharos,


Ciel turned to the other occupant of the table in surprise. She had thought that the other mare hadn't hear her or something. Maybe she just zoned out after sitting down? Ciel thought. She gave the mare a smile. "Nice to meet you, I'm Ciel," she then gestured at Remmy "and this is Aroma Remedy."

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Elipsis' head droops a little "Hi Aroma, i'm Elipsis" she says is a small squeaky voice. Because she was shy, another pony coming along made her even more uncomfortable "just wondering, are any of you two my room mate in Dorm #4? i couldn't find my room mate because i was late..." Elipsis moves her mane out of her face, and looks up. Elipsis is afraid of making mistakes, because her parents where very mean and strict. and when she made mistakes they'd be as hard on her as possible, Elipsis hates being yelled at. 

Edited by PelateOvercast
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