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ooc Uncharted Skies (OOC)


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Uncharted Skies


Story and setting:
After many years of scrimping and saving, a young courier has finally raised enough bits to fulfill her lifelong ambition of journeying into the unknown and discovering what lies past the edge of the map. She purchases a small airship and with the help of friends in high (and low) places, she puts together a small crew that will accompany her as she embarks on an adventure to places that no other pony has ever gone before. Beyond this place there be dragons.
Set in/beyond the Republic of Equestria, a slightly steampunk re-imagining of Equestria where the only elements of harmony and princesses are found in foal stories.
Ship stats:

Amber's ship is a hydrogen-balloon airship called The Celeste, named after the magical princess from the popular fairy tales. She is approximately 20 meters long and can be piloted by a 2-3 pony crew and an engineer while still carrying up to 10 passengers comfortably. She is propelled by two stern propellers and if wind conditions are correct and all crewponies are handy then she can fly a spinnaker off the bow. Under the deck she features a small galley, an engine compartment, 4 berths including a V-berth (bunks in the other 3), a captains cabin, and a saloon with a charting table.

I'm trying something a little different this time; that's right I'm doing something akin to an audition. I only want a few characters in this (it will be private), but don't let that get you down, anyone is free to send in their OCs and I will judge them and give verdict. Here's what we're looking for. For now I'm only taking 7 characters, but if someone remembers a position they think would be necessary for a trip like this let me know.
For OCs please include the usual:

Name: (duh)
Gender: (male/female/other)
Age: (estimates are fine, no characters under 16)
Species: (earth, unicorn, pegasus, or non-pony)
Appearance: (picture, description, or both)
Cutie Mark: (no blank-flanks in ages 16 and above unless non-pony)
Personality: (because "ponality" sounds stupid and is a horrible pun)
Backstory: (make sure it makes some sense with the RP story)
Other: (anything that doesn't fall into above categories)(optional)

Also include your position on the crew, OCs should fit their job description.
Director: (me, In charge of the mission)
Captain: (in charge of the crew. Sorry suckers, Kyle gets this spot free because he's helping me out)
Cartographer: (looking for a real egghead here, good art skills help too)
Engineer: (somepony/griffin/whatever that is good with machinery)
Mercenary: (athletic, weapon's master, trigger happy gun-nut, basically keeps everyone safe)
Medic: (doubles as a chef, should know the difference between missing leg and a paper cut)
Crew: (fly's the ship and does the dirty work)
Also the any of the following that apply to you:
Time active: (We need to know how active you will be. Sorry but if you can't post at least once every day or two then this may be a bad RP to join. Word of warning, if you are inactive for to long and begin to hold up the RP, your character WILL be killed off.)
Past experience roleplaying: (Helps judge how serious you will be. If you do have experience provide links, this is not restricted to these forums. Any other writing experience works too; fanfics, short stories, anything you think will help.)(Optional)
Other: (Anything else about you as an RPer that you feel I should know.)(Optional)
The auditions will close when I feel that I have a good pool to choose from. Certain spots may stay open a little longer.
Oh hush you knew they were coming.
- When not posting character dialogue use ((i.e)) so you won't confuse anyone. Otherwise post it all in -the OOC thread.
- Use good spelling and grammar, typos are alright every once in a while, accidents happen, but please, pre-read your response before posting.
- Cursing is fine, but refrain from using it in every other sentence.
- Don't take control of other peoples characters (such as speaking for them) unless you have direct permission from that person or DM.
- If someone is inactive for a long time, don't bother with them. Let me handle that.
- If you are inactive for too long, don't be disappointed when your character is killed off or handed to somebody else. Don't come begging to be let back in either.
- No spamming, derp.
- Don't post in the RP thread unless your character has been approved by DM.
- Do not kill off major characters without confirming it with the character's creator or DM, this does not count for minor or unnamed characters.
- No god-modding, All OCs are created equal (this is a total lie, but still, no god-modding).
- All character's must be pony, zebra, changeling, or griffin. No alicorns and no dragons. If you feel you deserve an exception (you don't) and have a good reason for that (you don't) PM me.
- I understand this RP has some steampunk elements, but don't everyone be a cyborg alright.
- I am the only Dungeon Master (DM) unless I pass the title on for whatever reasons.
Cast (closed):
Director: TheSteampunkNinja - Amber
Captain: KingOfIcecream - Kaesar
Cartographer: Durandal - Myst
Mercenary: TheSteampunkNinja - Slug
Engineer: Durandal - Empyrean
Medic: TheOnlyBadgerChild - Star
Crew: ToriTheThespian - Thesbie
Edited by TheSteampunkNinja (TSN)


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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Well I'm about to go to sleep and I'm on my phone which is more tedious to type on, so could you reserve the engineer spot for me? If not that's understandable. I just think Volt Switch would be a good engineer. If you do reserve it or noone takes it then I'll post the info in 6-8 hours.

Edited by Ampharos
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Well I'm about to go to sleep and I'm on my phone which is more tedious to type on, so could you reserve the engineer spot for me? If not that's understandable. I just think Volt Switch would be a good engineer. If you do reserve it or noone takes it then I'll post the info in 6-8 hours.

Can't reserve spots unless your Kyle (who is assisting me with running everything) but you don't have to worry. As long as you get me the info before the auditioning closes (which probably won't be for a couple days) then I'll add you in as a possible contestant for the spot. Best of luck.

Edited by TheSteampunkNinja (TSN)


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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Well, I figure that I should probably post the OC for the captain, even if I'm already reserved to be in it.


You need to update character page for Kyros a little more. By the way I making a new picture, that old thing is embarrassing me.


Also compass is spelled with 2 S's Kyle, I am ashamed.


Anyway here's the new pic:



And yes I know he only has one wing, get over it.


Edited by TheSteampunkNinja (TSN)


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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I know that you're a pretty talented roleplayer, so here is my app. Voila.


Name: Pluse
Gender: Female
Age: ~20-24
Species: non-pony (earth pony hybrid)
Appearance: See application.
Cutie Mark: See application.
Personality: See application.
Backstory: After Pluse managed to escape her facility, she joined in with the darker sides of the world, where she could remain unnoticed. being able to get on an airship where she would have little to no contact with authorities would be the perfect option; in addition, she doesn't have to get too close to water, which she hates.
Other: I'm applying for Crew One, dat right hand man. Otherwise, merc, though Pluse is more a stealthy...thing.

  • Brohoof 1


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I know that you're a pretty talented roleplayer, so here is my app. Voila.


Name: Pluse

Gender: Female

Age: ~20-24

Species: non-pony (earth pony hybrid)

Appearance: See application.

Cutie Mark: See application.

Personality: See application.

Backstory: After Pluse managed to escape her facility, she joined in with the darker sides of the world, where she could remain unnoticed. being able to get on an airship where she would have little to no contact with authorities would be the perfect option; in addition, she doesn't have to get too close to water, which she hates.

Other: I'm applying for Crew One, dat right hand man. Otherwise, merc, though Pluse is more a stealthy...thing.

Looks great, and I've roleplayed with you before. Interesting OC by the way. ;)


**I've added an application section to show all who are applying.

Edited by TheSteampunkNinja (TSN)


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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(Antigone's Industrialists and Selectionists remind me of Westerfeld's Clankers and Darwinists. Mr. Sharp!)
Name: Myst
Gender: Male
Age: 38
Species: Non-Pony - Griffon
Position: (The Silent) Cartographer
Appearance: Has a warm color scheme - a tawny (color - brownish-yellow) coat, with a royal yellow head and the normal golden talons. He has green eyes and a red-tipped tail. Looks the part of a scarred veteran - scars and a soldierly build degraded by time.

Personality: Obsessed with his work to the exclusion of all else. Though innocent at first, a closer look reveals it is a destructive behavior - Myst often hides within himself, using his work as a way to escape himself and the world he left behind.
Cutie Mark: N/A
Backstory: Perhaps this is best left unsummarized. Can be found on his character page.
Possessions: Owns a simple pistol, various mapmaking supplies, and some other essentials. Most are in a rucksack he carries.
Activity Levels: Expect a post every day or two, though I can be gone for a maximum of two days every so often. In most cases, any absences above two-three days are planned, or the result of unfortunate issues. If anything is planned, expect to be notified in advance.
Past Experience: Six-seven years of RPing total. I began on Two Tailed Fox Forums (a Tails fan forum) and soon jumped over to Revora (a game modding community, mostly). My longest stint was around four years, on a site named RPG Frontier, a successor to Revora's RP forum. Unfortunately, it has met its end, though it lives on in spirit through RPG Tavern. Additionally, I don't have anything released to the public domain, but I have several pet projects in the works (one a MLP fanfiction), the largest being an effort to create a single universe to house my ideas.
Hope this information helps.

Edited by Durandal
  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Blue Moon

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Name: Steeleye Sungazer
Gender: Male
Age: 25 apx.
Species: Unicorn

Position: Mercenary
Appearance: See Character Sheet
Cutie Mark: See Character Sheet
Personality: See Character Sheet
Backstory: ((This is added on to the backstory in the sheet.))

Steeleye eventually left his home and father, due to the egotistical streak that most if not all teenagers get at some point. In short, he thought he knew better than his father and was willing to go anywhere to show the world that this was true. As usually turns out, he knew far less than he originally thought was so. But somewhere in his soul, he never gave in to that reality. Instead of giving up and returning home, he set out to learn all manner of things, latching onto subjects with a tenacity that made some think him obsessive. With this craving for knowledge and a skillful, though not very powerful, grasp of magic led him hither and thither across Equestria and eventually into present company upon 'the Antigone'.
Other: I would like it if PinkDaShy was either the Merc or Crew Mem #1. It seems a bit unfair that he/she takes up two spots with the same character. I would certainly prefer to be the Merc, but if you want him/her to keep that position, I would be fine with Crew Mem #2

Link: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/steeleye-sungazer-r1455


Time active: Almost every day unless something unexpected happens.

Past experience roleplaying: I started my roleplay career on the 'Spore' Forum Roleplay section. (It's not much to look at these days unfortunately.) From there I hopped over to Roleplay Adventures ( http://role-player.net/forum/site.php ). I spent a year and half there on pretty much all of the genre's and styles. Then I migrated here.  Currently I am taking a large part in an 'Equestria Divided' roleplay, which moved to another site due to space issues. ( http://equestriadivided.tk/ )

Other: I can go overboard with walls of text if given too much time by myself. (That may seem a bit boasty, but it really is a pain in the butt when I realize I've gone -way- past where I should have stopped and have to do alot of snipping/editing.)

  • Brohoof 1


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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Name:Mint Remedy



Species: Earth Oony

Appearance soft mint green coat, soft blonde hair that is naturally curled into ringlets, teal eyes.(will send in picture later)

Cutie Mark: mint leaf with a yellow ribbon around it that has a heart on it. Shows her caring and kind personality and her talent for neutral cures.

Personality:calm, kind, caring, quiet, not afraid to speak her mind.

Backstory:I will add later

Other: (anything that doesn't fall into above categories)(optional)

I apologize if I seem noob-ish. I'm currently on my ipad, which is lagging horribly, and cannot edit my post, I will when I get on my laptop.

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Name: Cairn (Karen) Jumper

Gender: Female
Age: 27
Species: Earth Pony
Appearance:  See Profile (Sorry bout oc creator pic)
Cutie Mark:  See Profile
Personality:  See Profile
Backstory:  See Profile

Position: Cartographer
Other: (Yes, a cairn is a thing.)




Time Active: Check 3-4 times a day, whenever i'm bored.

Other: May sound bad, but it's my first mare character, so it might sound a bit weird, idk.

  • Brohoof 1
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(Antigone's Industrialists and Selectionists remind me of Westerfeld's Clankers and Darwinists. Mr. Sharp!)


Name: Myst

Gender: Male

Age: 38

Species: Non-Pony - Griffon

Position: (The Silent) Cartographer


Appearance: Has a warm color scheme - a tawny (color - brownish-yellow) coat, with a royal yellow head and the normal golden talons. He has green eyes and a red-tipped tail. Looks the part of a scarred veteran - scars and a soldierly build degraded by time.


Personality: Obsessed with his work to the exclusion of all else. Though innocent at first, a closer look reveals it is a destructive behavior - Myst often hides within himself, using his work as a way to escape himself and the world he left behind.

Cutie Mark: N/A


Backstory: Perhaps this is best left unsummarized. Can be found on his character page.


Possessions: Owns a simple pistol, various mapmaking supplies, and some other essentials. Most are in a rucksack he carries.




Activity Levels: Expect a post every day or two, though I can be gone for a maximum of two days every so often. In most cases, any absences above two-three days are planned, or the result of unfortunate issues. If anything is planned, expect to be notified in advance.


Past Experience: Six-seven years of RPing total. I began on Two Tailed Fox Forums (a Tails fan forum) and soon jumped over to Revora (a game modding community, mostly). My longest stint was around four years, on a site named RPG Frontier, a successor to Revora's RP forum. Unfortunately, it has met its end, though it lives on in spirit through RPG Tavern. Additionally, I don't have anything released to the public domain, but I have several pet projects in the works (one a MLP fanfiction), the largest being an effort to create a single universe to house my ideas.


Hope this information helps.


The Leviathan Trilogy gave me absolutely no inspiration for creating the Antigone, it's all just a coincidence...




Name: Steeleye Sungazer

Gender: Male

Age: 25 apx.

Species: Unicorn

Position: Mercenary

Appearance: See Character Sheet

Cutie Mark: See Character Sheet

Personality: See Character Sheet

Backstory: ((This is added on to the backstory in the sheet.))

Steeleye eventually left his home and father, due to the egotistical streak that most if not all teenagers get at some point. In short, he thought he knew better than his father and was willing to go anywhere to show the world that this was true. As usually turns out, he knew far less than he originally thought was so. But somewhere in his soul, he never gave in to that reality. Instead of giving up and returning home, he set out to learn all manner of things, latching onto subjects with a tenacity that made some think him obsessive. With this craving for knowledge and a skillful, though not very powerful, grasp of magic led him hither and thither across Equestria and eventually into present company upon 'the Antigone'.

Other: I would like it if PinkDaShy was either the Merc or Crew Mem #1. It seems a bit unfair that he/she takes up two spots with the same character. I would certainly prefer to be the Merc, but if you want him/her to keep that position, I would be fine with Crew Mem #2

Link: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/steeleye-sungazer-r1455


Time active: Almost every day unless something unexpected happens.

Past experience roleplaying: I started my roleplay career on the 'Spore' Forum Roleplay section. (It's not much to look at these days unfortunately.) From there I hopped over to Roleplay Adventures ( http://role-player.net/forum/site.php ). I spent a year and half there on pretty much all of the genre's and styles. Then I migrated here.  Currently I am taking a large part in an 'Equestria Divided' roleplay, which moved to another site due to space issues. ( http://equestriadivided.tk/ )

Other: I can go overboard with walls of text if given too much time by myself. (That may seem a bit boasty, but it really is a pain in the butt when I realize I've gone -way- past where I should have stopped and have to do alot of snipping/editing.)

Name: Cairn (Karen) Jumper

Gender: Female

Age: 27

Species: Earth Pony

Appearance:  See Profile (Sorry bout oc creator pic)

Cutie Mark:  See Profile

Personality:  See Profile

Backstory:  See Profile

Position: Cartographer

Other: (Yes, a cairn is a thing.)




Time Active: Check 3-4 times a day, whenever i'm bored.

Other: May sound bad, but it's my first mare character, so it might sound a bit weird, idk.

Everything looks good, I've added you all into the application section.


Name:Mint Remedy



Species: Earth Oony

Appearance soft mint green coat, soft blonde hair that is naturally curled into ringlets, teal eyes.(will send in picture later)

Cutie Mark: mint leaf with a yellow ribbon around it that has a heart on it. Shows her caring and kind personality and her talent for neutral cures.

Personality:calm, kind, caring, quiet, not afraid to speak her mind.

Backstory:I will add later

Other: (anything that doesn't fall into above categories)(optional)

I apologize if I seem noob-ish. I'm currently on my ipad, which is lagging horribly, and cannot edit my post, I will when I get on my laptop.

You need to provide from the OC database, sorry those are forum rules not mine. Also you didn't specify a position.

Edited by TheSteampunkNinja (TSN)


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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You need to provide from the OC database, sorry those are forum rules not mine. Also you didn't specify a position.

I though I did tell you what position. Thought it would at least be obvious if I forgot. Doctor, please. And I do have a page, I just can't link you because I'm on a laggy iDevice.
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I though I did tell you what position. Thought it would at least be obvious if I forgot. Doctor, please. And I do have a page, I just can't link you because I'm on a laggy iDevice.

Alright, but you still need to link the page once you get a chance. I'll add you too the application list for now though.

Edited by TheSteampunkNinja (TSN)


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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Name: Thesbie
Gender: Female
Age: 26
Species: Unicorn
Appearance: Is a tall and thin unicorn. Most of her height is her legs. She is a gray color. She has dark maroon colored eyes that look like they see right through you. Her main is a chestnut color with gold streaks. She also has a scar on her right cheek.

Cutie Mark: Theater masks (the frowning mask is black and the smiling one is white) surrounded by stars.
Personality: She isn't a trusting person and is rude most of the time. She loves being sarcastic and has a twisted seance of humor. But loyal if you earn her trust.
Backstory: She doesn't talk about her past at all but if you ask this is what she'll tell you. That she has two siblings an older brother and a little sister. She'll tell you that multiple governments want her dead. Though if you ask why all she'll say is that she's a bit nosy. She has been running for most of her life. Getting in trouble here and there.
Other: She's a bit of a con artist so be careful. And she loves alcoholic cider. 

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Hello, I would like to be awesome like yourself Mr Ninja, where can I purchase the lottery tickets?

Fubz what the heck? Why are you even... what?


Name: Thesbie

Gender: Female

Age: 26

Species: Unicorn

Appearance: Is a tall and thin unicorn. Most of her height is her legs. She is a gray color. She has dark maroon colored eyes that look like they see right through you. Her main is a chestnut color with gold streaks. She also has a scar on her right cheek.

Cutie Mark: Theater masks (the frowning mask is black and the smiling one is white) surrounded by stars.

Personality: She isn't a trusting person and is rude most of the time. She loves being sarcastic and has a twisted seance of humor. But loyal if you earn her trust.

Backstory: She doesn't talk about her past at all but if you ask this is what she'll tell you. That she has two siblings an older brother and a little sister. She'll tell you that multiple governments want her dead. Though if you ask why all she'll say is that she's a bit nosy. She has been running for most of her life. Getting in trouble here and there.

Other: She's a bit of a con artist so be careful. And she loves alcoholic cider. 

You forgot to include the position. Otherwise it looks good.


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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Oh right, crew. I would like to be crew. Do you need a number? If so then Crew 2. Did I miss anything else? 

Well you missed the the writing experience which is fine since I've RPed with you before, and the time active which is also fine because if you take too long to post I know I can always badger you until you do so.

I added another position, it was specifically added for a friend of mine but if you think it fits your OC then feel free to apply for it. Also if I don't get more people auditioning for more important positions like Crew or Engineer then it will probably be cut out.

**Heads up. I won't be very active until I get back on Sunday, but don't be afraid to apply while I'm gone (especially all of you who are to afraid to apply while I'm here, or maybe ya'll are just lazy). I'll probably be closing off at least a couple of the positions when I return. I would like to take this moment to say that the auditions are likely going to be a little more than a little biased. If I have RPed with you in the past or have contact with you outside of these forums then you will be much more likely to get the spot then somebody I barely know. If you don't get the spot don't feel bad though. Best of luck. I will be notifying those who got positions through PM.

Edited by TheSteampunkNinja (TSN)


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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So, how are things coming? Five days without a response, and the only positions closed are Director and Captain. I'm not trying to rush or anything, but I am curious: when will auditions be closed and characters picked?

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Blue Moon

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So, how are things coming? Five days without a response, and the only positions closed are Director and Captain. I'm not trying to rush or anything, but I am curious: when will auditions be closed and characters picked?

I was going to wait for a few more people to join, but I suppose I could finalize a few of the positions.


I'll close off Merc, Cartographer, and 1st Crew. Also I'm removing the stowaway position, not enough applications as it is to have extras.

**OP updated, sorry to all of those who didn't get their position, however feel free to try for a different one that's still open.


Congrats to ToriTheThespian, Durandal, and PinkieDaShy.


We still need an Engineer, Doctor, and two more crew members. Tell your friends. :)


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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  • 1 month later...

*Update: If you check the OP you will notice I have made some changes. I'm cutting all ties to the Antigone because it was confusing people (and myself) so this RP is completely standalone now. Also we have sort of a real backstory now, as well as some facts about the setting and ship. We still need a medic and maybe an engineer as well.

Edited by TheSteampunkNinja (TSN)


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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Here is Mint Remedy's page. Click her name. I apologize for my issues with getting the link.


Thanks for that, I linked it in the OP.


*PDS has dropped out of the Merc position, so that spot is open once again.*


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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Name: Life Star
Age: 36

Gender: Female
Species: Earth Pony
Appearance: See form

Cutie Mark: A Rod of Acelpius received during culinary/medical training with the Equestrian National Guard
Personality: She's disciplined with strict morals and a level head. She knows her way around a bandage, but slightly less so in the kitchen. Life Star can flip between being a genuine or harsh caregiver in an instant depending on who she's looking after. She has a habit of treating her close friends as her children. This sometimes makes her a bit overbearing. Generally, she's an optimistic mare.
Backstory: Coming from a military family, she was sent to military boot camp. However, she was too young at the time for training as a soldier or medic so she was put in the kitchens. During a viral outbreak, she cared for one lower level guard who fell ill until he was restored to health. That was when she earned her cutie mark and was moved to medical training. A good deal of time later, a general contracted a fatal illness and died under her care. She was stripped of her status and thrown back into the streets. Life Star resorted to being a local doctor for hire after acquiring a little office space.
Time active: I will be as active as I can, but feel free to pester me until I get back on it.
Past experience roleplaying: The SkullCrown Rebellion, The Antigone and various other literate texted-based role plays.

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