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movies/tv Movies Everybody Loves That You Don't Like?

Lauren Ipsum

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wow it seems like many prople have a problem with lotr because the movies are too long. ...What the hay? I think the movies are waaaaay too short! I would want them to be at least 5 hours each.There are many things from the books that I would love if they were in the movies, and well if the movie is longer, it's going to be more detailed, which makes it even better. Adventure is not all about stuff happening all the time, ugh.


The length of the movies is not the main reason I dislike Lord of the Rings. It's just one of the minor reasons. Length on its own doesn't matter to me in a movie. I just don't like the LOTR story. It's just not my thing. I love details in movies, and I have no problem with movie lengths in general, but due to the fact that I don't like the LOTR story, it just feels long and drawn out to me. 

Edited by Blue Moon
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I have a question. I've noticed a ton of people saying that they hated Cars and Cars 2. It's been forever since I've seen Cars, and I haven't seen the sequel, but I'm wondering what everyone dislikes about the movie?


Not trying to defend it since I don't really remember it, I'm just curious. I don't remember disliking it for any reason.



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I cannot stand the Final Destination films, they're just awful. Stupid premise, terrible writing and acting, really unlikeable characters, I could scrape more interesting characters off the bottom of my shoe. Worst of all though is the fact that all of them are exactly the same movie, I think there were 5 of them. I don't mean some similarities here and there, I mean 100% identical, describe the 'plot' of one of them and you've described the 'plot' of all of them.


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Now you see me


Seriously, what was all the hype about? Why was I even stoked to see this movie?


I have to say, some tricks were pretty cool, but none of them were any of the big tricks except for the vault mirror thing. I liked the card tricks, the fight in the appartment, the car switcheroo thing and the whole mentalism thing but that's it. The big tricks aren't even humanly possible, you can't just move from one roof to another in just 3 seconds. I expected the movie to have more realistic tricks, ones that you see everyday but used in creative ways.


However, those expectations were shot down pretty quickly after I realized this was just another disappointing hype. How anyone likes this movie is beyond me.


Any type of "funny" parody movie


They're not even funny while you're drunk. Decor is cheap, actors suck, script sucks and the jokes are cheap and lame. If you want to make a comedy movie, come up with something creative.


Movies like The Mask (first one), Bruce Almighty, Me Myself and Irene, Brazil and Ace Ventura are all good comedy and they don't rely on some base idea that making fun of a movie is comedy.


I really can't explain the hate I have for parody comedies even if I had a million words so I'll keep it short: they're absolute shit.


Star Trek: Into Darkness


This was nothing but an action movie with Star Trek in its name.


Final Destination series


Boring, overdone, senseless. Just a gore movie. Why not just make a slasher with a real villain instead of a supernatural unstoppable force that's actually not all that unstoppable at all.


Saw series


Blah, do I even need to explain. At least this movie has a pretty cool villain. I just dislike mindless gore and shallow personalities with random mental conflicts.




I'm pretty sure I still have a lot more movies I dislike but it seems I have denied them so much that I can't even remember them, which is good.

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Avengers.. Apparently there's a massive fandom for that but I just not getting involved, no tanks...

High School Musical... EWWW

Despicable Me...I just don't get why that's funny...

Hunger Games.. Too violent and Peeta Bread is annoying as CRAP

TWILIGHT.. Because its Twilight, ya know..

Star Wars/Star Trek/Lord of the Rings - they're all the same to me I don't care

Edited by Dashabel

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The story was average, but it annoyed me with the "save the planet" message. The characters were standard, and the visuals everyone keeps raving about really weren't anything special.


Rocky Horror Picture Show

I honestly didn't find this even mildly enjoyable and got bored half way through.


First two Harry Potter films

Bad acting, unlikable characters, descent story, but way too many plot holes.



I know plenty of people dislike these films/books, but it always surprises me how many people actually seem to like them.


Man of Steel

Dreadful dialogue, bland characters, no one seemed to even be acting, horribly inconsistent, and the story had a lot of things that didn't make much sense.    


Every Chris Nolan film ever

I'm sorry to pop his hipster fanboys bubble, but he's a pretty bad director. That, and the stories in his films only ever seem to work when he nicks it from someone else. The plot lines in many of his films are pretty standard, and he just fluffs them up with pretentious BS to make them appear deep. In doing so, many of his films are full of plot holes and inconsistencies (*cough* Dark Night Rises *cough*). I had a big issue with "Inception" because he took an interesting and potentially surreal concept, dumbed it right down, and still tried to pass it off off a deep and abstract film, when really, it just didn't fricking explain things that really needed explanation. 

I did actually enjoy The Dark Night, though.

I know he was involved with Man of Steel, but he was a producer, so I'm not entirely sure how much creative input he had. Judging by how the film ended up, I'm guessing a lot. 




And that's my rant.  :catface:

Edited by Hansel

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  • 9 months later...

The Lion King:

To me, this movie is a clusterfuck of annoying characters, irrelevant plotlines, and annoying ear-raping mind-numbing songs. Oh yeah, and what the hell is James Earl Jones doing in this flick?!



Everyone is a freaking car....... need I say anything more?



I just don't like this movie at all. I left the theatre with a very grim face that said "WTF did I just watch?". I don't despise it, it's just not my cup of tea.



Remember when James Cameron made kick-ass sci-fi action films like Aliens and the first two Terminator films? Well, everything went downhill from here! Why the actual fuck did he take one of the most tragic disasters in human history and turn it into a FUCKING LOVE STORY?!


Live Free or Die Hard/Die Hard 4.0:

It takes what I love about the first three Die Hard films and completely fucks the entire series. Terrible CGI, stupid action and a plot not worth being put on screen.


The Paranormal Activity series:

Two words to describe these films. Boring and cheap


Final Destination series:

No matter how over-the-top and silly the death scenes are, they're still extremely disturbing and nightmare-inducing IMO. C'mon, getting burned alive in a tanning bed?! That's just completely messed up!

Edited by GrauWitz
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Step Brothers: It's disgusting, low class humor that takes everything wrong with comedy and mashes it into one film. 


Avengers: It's not that I don't like it, it's more that I think it's incredibly overhyped. I think it's an average superhero film, and echos movies like Michael Bay's Transformers more than it does anything else. It's mostly special effects with very little plot contained in it. I found that the movie does not hold up as well as the movies that make up the sum of it's parts. 


The Amazing Spider-Man: This movie, nay, this franchise, has so far been primarily miscasted.Andrew Garfield, although better in ASM2, is more reminiscent of the smartass cool kid than the quiet nerd. He reminds me of my high school quarterback, to be honest. So far, I have liked none of the actors cast into these movies except Jamie Foxx, who is one of the best written characters in any of the Marvel movies so far. 


Hunger Games: It's not so much the movie as the genre. I find dystopian plotlines incredibly boring, even if the movie is exciting. I always seem to lose interest. 


Moulin Rouge: Seeing this one mentioned a lot. Didn't realize it was so popular, but okay. It wasn't that the movie was bad, in fact I found it heartwarming and clever, but it just wasn't my type of movie. 


The Big Lebowski: (activates ray shields) It's boring! Honestly! I didn't get the humor, of the humor I did get I found unnecessarily low class, and the movie really draws out with terrible pacing.


Frozen: (intensifies all defensive power) Really overhyped, and it doesn't ignore nearly as many cliches as people thinks it does. The comic relief characters are more annoying than helpful, and could have been completely cut with nothing of value lost. I liked Tangled a lot more.


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Star Trek (JJ Abrams version)

Absolutely everything Adam Sandler has ever done.

The Dark Knight and DKR

Everything Marvel-related

Man the list can go on.

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I do not like MOST of all the movies PG-13 or older with ratings. So all the most popular movies for adults I do not watch, nor would enjoy...I am not one for the sexual BS or over the top violence that are huge parts of the biggest blockbusters since the dawn of CG.....

and yet, I watched and enjoyed Constantine (don't know why I watched it to begin with, I tend to avoid watching most movies in general)....seriously the only real R rated movie I'll watch....

Yeah...I'm "picky" but then again, I am NOT desensitized to what is considered typical American entertainment.

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Probably not the rarest here, but Avatar. God I DESPISE that movie!


What's really frustrating is that I actually kind of like the world it creates. I like the animals, I like how the Nav'i interact with everything by neural linking. I like the idea of having an Avatar and what it can offer as a technology for humans as well as Nav'i to use. I like the vehicles and weapons the humans bring. It's really cool and really well thought out.


So normally you would think, at the very least, that gives the story a pass. ONE WOULD THINK, WOULDN'T THEY?! Alas, that's how bad the story is, it completely devalues the brilliant setting it's placed in!


Jake is a traitor, plain and simple, who utterly failed at his job! Neytiri is a hypocrite who condemns the violence of humanity, but herself almost murders an unarmed, unaware, fully sapient person! Selfridge has the intelligence of a Captain Planet villain, who ignores what Grace quite plainly spells out to him something that could make the RDA ridiculously MORE RICH!


The only character who has any redeeming qualities is, the one who is supposed to be the bad guy!


"I'll get you your legs back."


"My mission is to protect you . . . I will not succeed."


"Pop gas grenades."


All of which gives him more complexity and heroic attributes than the condescending asshats he fights!



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