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private Party in Eden RP


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Violet flattened her ears against her head and clenched her eyes shut as Vesper screeched.

She covered her flattened ears with her hooves before slowly opening one eye to look at Vesper. "Wh-Why did you do...oh...OH COOL." She yelled, quickly slithering closer to him again. "YOU CAN USE ECHOLOCATION? NO WAY." She yelled, totally forgetting about everyone else. "How does it work? Do you get like some mental image instantly? Or does it take a minute? Can anypony learn how? How far away from stuff can you use it? Can you use it on anything?" She asked, positively beaming at Vesper.

Vesper's eyes bugged out as he shrunk away from Violet. "W-w-why...what wrong Vee-o-let? No hurt Vesper!" Her sudden outbursts shocked and confused him. He didn't even know what 'echolocation' meant. He backed away slowly towards the exit, wondering what to do.

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"Oh, w-well then, uh, Eve? I um..." He turned his head and cleared his throat, when from the corner of his eye he noticed Minty had gone. He couldn't help but frown sadly and let his ears droop. "She didn't even say bye..." he muttered before turning back to Eve and taking a deep breath.

"I'd just like to say what a wonderful garden you have here, and I would like to thank you for inviting me to this party." 

Eve gave the colt a warm look.  "Thank you," she said, quietly. "And I'm glad to hear you're enjoying yourself."


She turned to walk towards the vineyards, but paused to look back at Dusk. "Is everything alright?" she asked softly. The colt did seem slightly upset about something.

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Violets happy expression faded and she blushed. "S-Sorry...I just...get a little excited sometimes." She said, backing away from Vesper before looking at Draco, Amour and Frost. "Uh...S-So...Vesper said it was this way...lets get going..." She said, quietly as she moved in the direction Vesper said to go.

Something something something something


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Violets happy expression faded and she blushed. "S-Sorry...I just...get a little excited sometimes." She said, backing away from Vesper before looking at Draco, Amour and Frost. "Uh...S-So...Vesper said it was this way...lets get going..." She said, quietly as she moved in the direction Vesper said to go.

Vesper nodded weakly before walking along the path he had earlier dictated. He walked beside the snakepony nervously. "What echolocation mean?" he asked her curiously, deciding she wasn't a threat. She was just excited...about something. He didn't know what.

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"Hm? Oh n-no there'...it's nothing." Dusk stammered, shuffling his hooves slightly. "Where, um, where is everypony?" he asked, suddenly rather more shyly than he was speaking before. "I...only saw a few ponies here, and then...well." he chuckled, looking around at the garden and the plants, and for any of the others trying to avoid eye contact. 

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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@, @, @, @@dragon4111,


Amour winced when Vesper shrieked suddenly but didn't berate him when his sudden noises resulted in knowing the exit to the maze. And when Violet started gushing about Vesper's...Echolation, Amour nearly laughed in surprise. She didn't of course, but it was just nice to know that everypony had something they were crazy about. She quickened her pace so she could walk side by side with Violet. "Oh, how cute! You like echolation, he likes...Echolating..."She paused on that part, not knowing if that was the correct verb form of the word. "You two would make such a cute couple!" She whisper-squealed, her eyes shining. She could see it now. A beautiful three tiered wedding cake with frosting styled into scales, with little plastic bat wings placed along the sides! "Of course he would have to take some braytish lessons or something, but it probably won't take that long. So how 'bout it? Wanna set a date? Do ya, do ya? DO YA?!" She squealed.

Edited by DarligPegasi
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Violet gave Vesper a quizzical look...shouldn't he know this? "Echolocation is what bat's use...to catch pray and stuff." She said. "You just did it...with the screeching and stuff." She said, turning to look at Amour. She smiled when Amour first spoke but her smile faded slightly when Amour started talking about couples...she felt herself blush and she quickly shook her head. "I...dunno, he's cute but...Wait...a d-date...For What?" She asked, her eyes widening. "Bu-...I just...met...and we...he doesn't...there's...somepony." She glanced back at Frost and Draco before looking down at the ground, rubbing her hooves together nervously, still blushing furiously before she shook her head. "I don't really want to talk about that stuff." She said, quietly. If she couldn't make friends until she was eighteen...how was she supposed to meet a special somepony? She had always done her best not to think about that kinda stuff.

Something something something something


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@, @, @, @@dragon4111,


Amour pursed her lips but shrugged. Someponies were shy, it couldn't be helped. She wouldn't push the issue. But she was going to design a snake and bat themed wedding cake as soon as she got home. "Okay then, so what do you wanna talk about? OH!" She attempted to stealthily glance at Violet's flank, when she realized that she didn't know where that would be on a snakes body. And she didn't want it to seem like she was checking her out! "If you don't mind me asking...What is your special talent? If you have one. And it's okay if you don't! My sister doesn't have one and she's 16..."She trailed off.

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She looked up to see Amour glancing at her back. For a split second, Violet thought she was checking her out...but then Amour asked her next question, and Violet understood. "Um...I don't know. In the few books I've read about Naga's...they do get cutie marks, but I haven't found mine yet...I...I read allot, if that counts..." She said.

Something something something something


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@, @, @, @@dragon4111,


Amour winced when Vesper shrieked suddenly but didn't berate him when his sudden noises resulted in knowing the exit to the maze. And when Violet started gushing about Vesper's...Echolation, Amour nearly laughed in surprise. She didn't of course, but it was just nice to know that everypony had something they were crazy about. She quickened her pace so she could walk side by side with Violet. "Oh, how cute! You like echolation, he likes...Echolating..."She paused on that part, not knowing if that was the correct verb form of the word. "You two would make such a cute couple!" She whisper-squealed, her eyes shining. She could see it now. A beautiful three tiered wedding cake with frosting styled into scales, with little plastic bat wings placed along the sides! "Of course he would have to take some braytish lessons or something, but it probably won't take that long. So how 'bout it? Wanna set a date? Do ya, do ya? DO YA?!" She squealed.

This next little outburst scared Vesper a little, causing him to jump a little. He turned to look over at Amour, trying to figure out what she wanted. Vesper didn't understand most of what she said, and it confused him to no end. What was she talking about?

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"I heard somepony call for help, and I was searching for her...that was you, right?" He asked. "Not that it matters anymore...I failed." He hung his head, and began to step backwards. "Might as well delay my death as much as I can." He thought out loud.


Well, life was fun. Ha, who am I kidding, my life was awful. My best friend is an inanimate object....I hope she finds a good home... 


Slide leaned back, expecting the closure of the circle to be there....


Instead, he fell backwards.


He turned around and saw the circle had opened up, and a group on ponies in front of him.


'Hop, look! It opened up! We're safe."


Slide examined the group before him...it was rather odd. A snake pony, a bat pony, Draco, and a mare.


A rather hot mare if you ask me...


"Thank Celestia somepony's here! The maze trapped us with vicious, pony-eating plants, and then you ponies came, and...oh, thank Celestia."


He realized he didn't recognize many of the ponies there, and quickly introduced himself as he walk over and stood next to the pink mare. "I'm Slide, everypony. And I think Hop and I are going to follow you out of here. Considering I got lost already."

<p>MY OCS (So I never have to post a link again)Windy Scamper-Leafdew-Slide Grease-Silent Dance-MacHayver


Thank you ThaumicSlime for my avatar!

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"Hm? Oh n-no there'...it's nothing." Dusk stammered, shuffling his hooves slightly. "Where, um, where is everypony?" he asked, suddenly rather more shyly than he was speaking before. "I...only saw a few ponies here, and then...well." he chuckled, looking around at the garden and the plants, and for any of the others trying to avoid eye contact. 

Eve did not respond immediately. Her ears flicked, and she seemed to be listening intently. "They're... They just left the hedge maze. Pretty much everypony's there." She shrugged. "Come on, we should go over there." For some reason, the Star Rose was opening and closing lazily, and seemed to turn in her ear to 'look' at Dusk as she turned to trot towards the maze.

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Dusk didn't say anything, he just nodded in silence and continued looking around. He couldn't help but let his eyes linger back towards the lake however, just in case he could see something,...


Eventually, he turned away and began following the hostess. Noticing the flower on her head, he narrowed his eyes curiously and gave it a look over, but didn't overly react or pay much attention to it. He was used to flowers staring at him by now, and he wasn't surprised that this mare had another magical one on her ear. At least, he assumed it was magical in some way.  

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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@, @, @, @@dragon4111, @@Windy Scamper,


Amour hmmed, tapping her hoof against her muzzle. "Maybe you're cutie mark has something to do with being a librarian, ooh or a storyteller?" She suggested. "And sorry Vesper, I didn't mean to scare ya." She said to the bat pony when she realized that her excitement from earlier had scared him.


She stopped walking momentarily when two more ponies joined their...Party. One of them came to stand next to her and introduced himself."Uh...Hi, I'm Amour." She said in response, not all too sure why he had chosen to stand next to her of all ponies. Or maybe he wasn't comfortable standing next to Vesper or Violet.

Edited by DarligPegasi
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Draco looked to Vesper when he screeched "Ah echolocation a bat pony specialty," he said with a chuckle he laughed slightly at the two mares outburst. "My, my is that Hop I see," Draco said with a smile as he saw his friend Hop. "Anyhow Miss Amour, Miss Violet, Mr. Slide, Mr. guitar pony, Mr. bat pony shall we get going towards the exit?"

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Draco looked to Vesper when he screeched "Ah echolocation a bat pony specialty," he said with a chuckle he laughed slightly at the two mares outburst. "My, my is that Hop I see," Draco said with a smile as he saw his friend Hop. "Anyhow Miss Amour, Miss Violet, Mr. Slide, Mr. guitar pony, Mr. bat pony shall we get going towards the exit?"

"Silly pony! We go now! Exit this way!" he said, flying ahead of the two mares and flying backwards, leading the way, looking at Amour. He finally decided to ask her what she meant.




"Pink pony...what you mean? What say about me and Vee-o-leet? No understand. No talk good."

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@, @, @, @@dragon4111, @@Windy Scamper,


"Yes please!" Amour said in agreement to the stallion suggesting to leave the maze. She didn't add that she was starting to get creeped out by the maze itself. No need to get everypony worried!

She inwardly cringed when Vesper asked about what she had been saying to Violet earlier. Violet said she didn't want to talk about pairing up and stuff, so she would have to lie a bit. "Uh, er...Well...I bake and design wedding cakes, so I was just saying to Violet that I've decided to design one based on snake scales and bat wings. But not um to-Uh...Because you know Nightmare Night is coming up and someponies want Nightmare Night themed weddings! So you know, yeah." She trailed off and ended her explanation with a smile.

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Draco chuckled slightly "And you are trying to set up Violet and the batpony in holy matrimony," Draco said with a teasing tone. He began to walk slowly he looked back "If your creeped out I can walk next to you," Draco offered with a smile to his muzzle and a chuckle.


Edited by dragon4111

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@@Windy Scamper,





Violet blushed slightly as Amour explained everything to Vesper, her blush got worse when Amour mentioned a snake scale wedding cake.
She gulped and nervously rubbed her hooves together. "There it is...bout time." She mumbled, as the exit came into sight.
Violet sped up a bit, wanting to get ahead of everypony so she wouldn't have to stay and talk about relationships...and weddings...and snake scale/bat wing cakes...

Something something something something


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"Well, I'm pleased to meet you, Amour," he replied. He lightly shook her hoof and smiled at her. "Well, then again, I'm glad to see anypony after getting lost. And being surronded by vicuous plants."


He looked at Draco, glancing at him. Of course you're here...You just had to try and steal my thunder. You should've just stayed back and kept Remmy company...


"Wait a second!" Slide yelled over at Draco. Where's Remmy? Please do not say you just left her by herself."


This is what happens when your stupid, gigantic ego takes over, Draco...

<p>MY OCS (So I never have to post a link again)Windy Scamper-Leafdew-Slide Grease-Silent Dance-MacHayver


Thank you ThaumicSlime for my avatar!

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Draco looked over to Slide and almost as if reading his mind "Says the stallion who can't stop thinking about himself. I on the other hoof a not selfish. I help all ponies not the ones who are hot. You are self centered Slide work on it. You want to know what happens to heroes don't you well here's what happens," Draco said as he parted his chest fur to reveal a large jagged scar on his chest. "This is what happens to heroes. I am a courier of exotic imports and exports but that doesn't mean I won't help,"


"In the end heroes die. You chose to come here to boost your ego. You think I have one? Tch maybe I do but I'm not full of myself trying to play some hotshot," he said harshly to the arrogant stallion. "A stallion chooses a slave obeys. Your obeying your ego,"

Edited by dragon4111

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@, @, @, @@dragon4111, @@Windy Scamper,


Amour flushed in embarrassment and curled her lip in irritation at Draco. Well he didn't have to say that out loud! She thought to herself. When the exit came into view, Violet sped up quickly leaving her behind. There goes my attempt at making friends. She blew her bangs back and exited the maze, heading over to sit by the stage.


"Thanks for the help." She grumbled over her shoulder at the two stallions who were arguing about egos or heroes or something like that.

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Frost remained quiet for a while, silently mulling over song ideas in his head as he trotted with the others. He DID have his guitar with him, and he was DYING to perform eventually. The pegasus wondered if this subject was what Eve wanted to talk to him about. When Amour brought up the topic of wedding cakes, he froze in his tracks, cocking his eyebrow. What had spurned THIS discussion? "...snake scales and bat wings?" A vision of Violet and Vesper at a wedding crept to the edge of his thoughts, which he promptly shook off. Don't jump to conclusions, Frosty. He's the one that scared her off earlier, anyway. "You know, I think a cake modeled after a drum would be interesting...like, to celebrate a band anniversary or something." Edited by Seraphim


~:What's so fun about firing at targets that aren't moving?:~

Yakumo Yukari


~Touhou Project~

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Violet made it out of the maze and quickly took a moment to gather herself up before looking around, only to see Amour walking over to the stage, looking a little upset.
Violet was not the kind of girl to just walk up to somepony she didn't know all that well and just start talking...but Amour had been really sweet to her since after she had screamed about Violet being a snake...but Violet had almost forgotten about that as she plucked up her courage and followed Amour to the stage. "M-May I sit?" She asked, politely. "You just seemed like a nice mare...and that you wanted to chat without interruptions and stuff." She said.

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Amour glanced up in surprise when Violet approached her. "Oh, Violet! I hope you aren't upset about the wedding cake thing! I was trying to pull the attention away from the subject of marriage, but I'm a terrible liar. And then that stallion just had to bring up matrimony!" She took a deep breath, "I really wasn't trying to embarrass you or make you uncomfortable. I'm sorry."

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