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@@DarligPegasi, @,


Lavender Pierce


Lavender noticed that the black pony had disappeared and stomped her hooves angrily. She glared at the other purple pony. "Why are you doing this? First you drench me in water, then you try to literally blow dry me by force and now you've ruined any chance of me making friends in this STUPID CAMP!" She yelled, feeling the urge to cry, but she sucked it up, and cantered out of the cabin and back to the middle of camp.


((Yeah there are showers, its like a locker room bathhouse type thing. ^^))

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@@DarligPegasi, @,
"Lovely, Art Streak muttered to herself. Figuring all chances of befriending this pony were gone. Maybe she could coax the shy pony out of the showers, now that the stuck up pony had left.
Going into the bathroom, she looked around. "Hey, are you in here? I'm sorry for whatever I did to you." Art Streak said.

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Fire sighed. "I called it before you dibsed it. But if you reaaaaalllly want, I'll take that one over there, looks more comfy anyways." She said, jokingly sticking her tongue out at Rag.





Star nodded. "Cows, chickens, sheep. And Dodge is a two hour train ride from Ponyville." She said, looking up from the ground to look at Missy before looking back down shyly.

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((The door entering to the bathroom was already locked...))

Sorrow was sitting on a toilet seat, hiding herself within her wings, and shaking a bit now. Why couldn't these ponies leave her alone? She couldn't stay alone by herself ever since coming here from Cloudsdale... She also seemed to whimper as well.

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((I thought that read that she locked the stall... I'm sorry >.<))

When she heard no response, she knocked on the door. "Hello? If you want to be left alone, that's okay, I guess. I'll just go see Blaze Finder," Art Streak said, a bit dissapointed. She really wanted to be friends with this mare, and she didn't want to bother Blaze Finder.

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((She did, but it was also the bathroom door as well.))

Sorrow stopped her whimpering for a split second, but then started it back up. She honestly didn't care what would happen to Art Streak at that point. She just wanted to be left alone...




((It wouldn't matter if Sorrow wasn't accounted for at the middle of the camp... Right? :P )) 

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@@Emerald Wave

Rose figured that they ought to get going, in case that accursed donkey actually decided to show up at all. "Emerald, I think we should get moving, I feel a lot better now, thank you again by the way." Rose left after helping to dry the mattress best she could, headed for her cabin first. She needed her meter.


She walked by the bathrooms on her way, past Art Streak fiddling with the bathroom door. She didn't really want to know, nor did she care, what was going on over there. 


When she finally got to her cabin, it was very quiet. Something seemed, different. She wasn't quite sure what though, so she shrugged it off and entered to cabin through the front door. Maybe she was just seeing things since she listened to Emerald's story. She walked over to her bed, and grabbed something from her bag. She winced just a little as she pricked her hoof. Sure enough, her blood sugar was low.  "Damn diabetes." She wondered if anypony heard her swear, she wasn't allowed to at home and wondered what the rules were in this place. Probably a lot stricter then home, she thought. 


Rose decided to just lay in the cabin for a bit. The view out the windows was sure something, and she fixed her eyes on a little sparrow who was jumping around on a tree limb. She smiled, and took out her sketchbook, well, the pegasus's sketchbook. Her hoof flew around the page, perfectly depicting the bird. She frowned as she looked at her cutiemark. She bet all the ponies she would meet in art school would have.. well, artsy marks. She lay the binded paper on the ground and watched the bird for a while before settling in with a book to read.

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Leafdew groaned as all the mares in the cabin started fighting. "Could everypony please, SHUT UP! My Celestia, I don't care.who left behind who, we're stuck with each other for at least a week, so we might as well try not to despise each other."


He looked around the cabin, then asked the single most important question; "Now are there any colts I can talk to in here?"

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"Again, stay cool. It's only the first day," Art Streak thought to herself. She slowly walked out of the nice little cabin, and into the big, wide circle. Finding a soft, comfy cloud to sit on, she spread her wings and jumped into the sky. Using her wings to propell herself upwards, she took the prized cloud from the beautiful blue sky. She grabbed a hold of the fluffy substance with on of her front hooves, and dived to the ground. With her sitting cloud secured, she laid down and waited.
((At this point, Art Streak is waiting for the NPC post. Please don't interact with her until Matted comes.)

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Blaze decided that he should just go back to the middle of camp. He had been a little disappointing when Artsy had left, and Emerald and Rose didn't respond to him, so he just left. He saw Artsy there but decided not to talk to her. Should probably make more friends around here. Maybe that blue mare with that fiery looking mane? There seems to be more mares then colts here...

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As Rose and Emerald dried off Emerald's bed, Rose went back outside. Emerald quickly glanced out the window to make sure nopony was looking at her, and when she didn't see anypony, she picked up her suitcase and sat downing her bed, still slightly wet. She sighed and began to rummage through it.


Emerald pulled out a yellow notebook, on it was written "Emerald." She opened it and began to write.


"Day one at summer camp, I met a Pegasus named Blaze Finder, but I'm not interested in having a romantic relationship. Besides, he's interested in a purple Pegasus. That makes sense. I made a friend named Rose and I told her about Inferno and my thirteen year old life. She had heat stroke and diabetes at the same time, and I'm sitting alone in my cabin right now. Did I mess it up? I hope not." Emerald then ran back to camp.

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Rose set her book down beside her bed, figuring that she should probably get to the middle of camp, just incase that donkey acctually was there. She didn't want to draw attention to herself from him by being late to the 'meeting' or whatever. She lay back on her bed, stretching and giving a yawn.


Eventually, she ended up half falling half stepping out of her bed. All she really wanted to do right thn was take a nap. A nice looong nap, the cabin was very peaceful.


She pushed open the door with her snout, breathing in the fresh air. She walked up the path and ended up in the middle of camp, where most of the ponies were, but no donkey.

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After hearing complete silence from the entire bathroom, Sorrow unlocked the stall door, slowly walking out of the bathroom, and entering the main part of the cabin. There was no one inside there too... She looked out a window, seeing that there were all the rest of the campers... Was she supposed to as well? Well, she needed to go then... She went over and replaced the blankets that she and Lavender had removed from their beds and grabbed her notebook, and left the cabin, heading right over to the middle of the camp with the others. However, she was a bit aways, so she couldn't interact with anypony...

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@@Windy Scamper, @@Descant, @, @@Ampharos, @, @@RosemaryPetal, @,




Matted, the donkey trotted into camp with a drum hanging from his neck. He heaved out a sigh and began a slow and depressed sounding drum roll. This when on for a few minutes before a bright pink stallion, with a curly mane tied into a sloppy looking ponytail jumped out from behind him. The stallion stood up on his hind legs and, smiled wide showing two rows of bright white teeth.


"HELLOO-O FILLIES AND COLTS!" He yelled, doing a back flip and then a front flip. "My name is Bubbly Fizz and I am your counselor, friend and confidant!"


He ran around the campfire shaking everyone's hands. “Now then, today I want to get to know you on a deep spiritual level!” He paused and stared at all of the foals, seriously, then his face split into a grin. “So we are going to have a scavenger hunt!’ He rubbed his hooves together and plopped down onto one of the logs. “I have…Borrowed something from every cabin and hidden the objects all over the camp! Now I will give you all a riddle and you have to work with your cabin mates to find the thing that I hid!”


“Now then for Cabin 1:

Something shiny I have taken

A thing that snips

A thing that’s sharp

I have placed it somewhere high

And if you don’t find it,

It’ll go bye-bye!”


“Cabin 2:

“These objects are very important

For without them you cannot live!

They jingle and they jangle

They are something that you give

And receive something in return.

I've given it to someone sad

Who needs is very bad.


“And last but not least Cabin 3:

This item is very essential

As it holds an element important

If you travel without it

You’ll find that you’ll collapse.

I have hidden it somewhere expected.

So run little ponies, go and get it.”


And with that, the pink stallion, clapped his hooves and dropped a smoke bomb in front of him and disappeared. Well not really as everyone had a clear view of him and Matted galloping away at full speed.


((Check the OOC thread for what he took.))

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@@RosemaryPetal,@@DarligPegasi, @

Rai raised an eyebrow when Bubbly Fizz appeared, doing flips and generally acting younger than his age. She didn't really like immature people, especially adults but she soon brightened up and had a big grin on her face when he announced the riddles. She saw that Star and Missy were both sat together, so Rai joined them and gestured for Rosemary to come and sit with them.

"So, we're working on a scavanger hunt with riddles, huh? I LOVE solving riddles and puzzles!" She said happily, seeming genuinely excited about the activity.

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Rose stood by the rest of her group, but didn't talk to them immediately. "Hmmm..." For a second Rosemary was concerned that the odd pink stallion, who she admittedly thought was homosexual, had taken her meter. She really needed that thing, but, you don't give them in exchange for something else, nor does it Jingle and jangle. She spoke to the rest of cabin #2. "Do you think he took someone's keys and hid them?"

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Blaze's eyes grew wide. He looked down to see that his neck cloth was still around his neck. The way the odd stallion had described the item perfectly matched Blaze's relationship with his cloth. He turned towards the others in his cabin. He had only met Emerald. He waited for someone else to reply before he put in his two bits.

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Instead of focusing on the riddle at hoof, all Sorrow did was cough and gag at the smoke that was just brushed into her face and mouth. She used her notebook as a fan, to try to move the smoke away from her vicinity, sitting down on the ground to prevent herself from getting anymore of the smoke.

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@, @@RosemaryPetal, @,


Missy Splash


Missy looked at Rai in surprise. Wow she did a total 180! Well maybe its for the best and she won't be so snippy. However now, Missy was kind of upset. She wasn't good at riddles, in fact she sucked at them completely. "Uh...Well keys do jingle and jangle, and I guess we wouldn't be able to live without them, because we couldn't get into our houses? But who did he give them to and--" She held her head, "I hate riddles! And who else thinks that this is a serious invasion of privacy!"


Lavender Pierce


Lavender stared after the pink stallion. Freak show... She thought. Wasn't any staff at this camp relatively normal? She heard someone coughing and saw the trembling mare from before. She approached her quickly. "Okay, so let's get started. What do you think that pink weirdo took?" She asked.

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Sorrow looked back up to see the mare from before again, but this time, she didn't shake or yell... She looked scared again, though. 


Um... Okay... Something that snips... and is sharp... A knife? Knives are sharp... And they can snip through anything.... So...


Instead of talking, she acted out the word, acting as if she was chopping someone with a knife against the ground.

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@@DarligPegasi,@@RosemaryPetal, @

 "I doubt it would be keys. He had said that the pony he had given it to needed them very bad, so what would anypony want with our keys? They wouldn't be of any use to them..." Rai trailed off, thinking hard, "Jewelry perhaps? Although I didn't bring any. And I don't find it to be an invasion of privacy that much, as long as they give the things back."

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Rose raised her hoof in a response to Missy. "I'm not sure about you girls, but frankly I wouldn't want this guy coming into our temporary 'houses' and taking our stuff! And what about the first cabin? I'm not sure what he meant, but he said that if they didn't find their item, it would disappear!" She turned her head to where the old, grumpy donkey was still standing. "I bet he gave it to him, he sure seems sad enough." She said in a joking manner.

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@, @@RosemaryPetal,

((Matted already left along with Bubbly Fizz))


Missy Splash

Missy nodded vigorously, "I know right! He's being a total creeper, and eek!" She stopped abruptly her eyes widening. "I brought this really cool mood ring that my mom got for me a few months back! What if that's what he took?" She could feel anger bubbling up inside of her, she was already starting to dislike the camp creator.





Lavender Pierce


Lavender blinked, staring at the pegasus. "Are you...Mute?" She asked. Honestly she wouldn't be surprised if the pony was mute, as she hadn't said a word before. Well to her knowledge. The only sounds she had made were whimpers.

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Rai listened to Rosemarys' jokey suggestion that it was Matted and nodded.

"You know, you might be right," She replied, "He seems like the saddest here, at least. So if it's him, why would he need the jewelry OR keys? Anything else you guys can think of?"

Rai had a sneaking suspicion that she may know the answer, but she decided not to let on and let the others solve this for themselves so it would be a team effort.

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Sorrow didn't want to speak at all. Not a single bit. She actually wanted to explain that she wasn't a mute, but if that got out, other ponies would make her talk... So, with a gulp, she lied and nodded to Lavender. That was another bad part of her... She hated lying.

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