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open Casual Baltimare RP


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"That's Ok," Sky said as he pulled the cards out of his bag and sat them on his desk. The one with the Weather Factory emblem on it. "I'm fine with Solitary."


Sky walked back over to Caramel. "So, what kind of show is it if I may ask. It sounds like you two are going to have busy night."

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Caramel giggled slightly at Sky as he brought the cards to his desk and returned. She then went and grabbed a chair before sitting in it backwards while resting her front hooves and head on it's back. The mare looked at Sky curiously as he asked her the question, "From what I heard from Emb earlier, it was supposed to be some sorta fireworks show for a mare that wanted him to do it...before the rain anywho." Caramel nodded to the window. "Now he's lookin not only to take care of the order but to also help spread word of my voice. I'll be singin' at it, thanks to Emb. You'd best be sure to be there now alright?"  

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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Sky smiled at the mare. "I'll do my best to be there. It sounds like a fun night...but that means after this storm, I'm going to have a lot of cloud clearing to do. Do you know where in the city it was going to be so I can get an early start in that section?"

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Caramel tapped her chin thoughtfully as she tried to remember where it would be before it dawned on her. She facehoofed herself in her head. "Emb said we'd be havin' it at one of this here town's parks. I'm not really sure which one heh," the mare admitted while scratching her head. 

Edited by Aerodynas

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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"Ello,"said Harry as he pushed open the door. He removed his umbrella, causing a few droplets to drop onto the floor.The bottom of his hooves and tail were drenched, allow the rest of his body was somewhat dry. "Sorry for the trouble, but this storm is mighty fierce."He said,"Might I ask when it'll be fully taken care of?"

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"Emb said we'd be havin' it at this here town's parks. I'm not really sure which one heh,"



Sky was a bit confused by her answer.


"....Um, this should help," as he turned and looked at the map of Baltimare hanging behind the captains desk. "Well, we are here," as he pointed a hoof. There are three parks in Baltimare. The largest being just a block away, so I would say there would be a good place..."


As the door to the office opens.




"Ello,"said Harry as he pushed open the door. He removed his umbrella, causing a few droplets to drop onto the floor.The bottom of his hooves and tail were drenched, allow the rest of his body was somewhat dry. "Sorry for the trouble, but this storm is mighty fierce."He said,"Might I ask when it'll be fully taken care of?"


Sky looks over to the stallion that just entered the office, and unintentionally gives him a look of implied facehoof as he turns to address the newcomer.


"The storm has about two and a half hours left in it. If this city's old weather team wouldn't have been so lazy, we would have only needed a little afternoon shower, not a thunderstorm..."


Sky realized that the tone he used was less that friendly and quickly apologized. "I'm sorry it came out that way. First day as a weather team captain."

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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The rain was still pounding heavily as Pondah made the arduous trek to his destination. He made use of any protection from the rain he could find as he searched. After a while, Pondah found himself next to a sandwich shop. He swiftly entered the store and began to search for a price list.


'Well that's handy. All sandwiches cost two bits each. So two sandwiches at two bits each... I owe four bits already! Hooray for crippling debts!'


​As quickly as he came, Pondah left the sandwich shop and returned to the office. It didn't take as long to return as Pondah had retained some memory of the route to and from the office. With a rapid movement, Pondah was through the door with his completely saturated mane wrapped around his neck.


@, @Aerodynas, and @MichaelRogers

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Sky looks over to the stallion that just entered the office, and unintentionally gives him a look of implied facehoof as he turns to address the newcomer.


"The storm has about two and a half hours left in it. If this city's old weather team wouldn't have been so lazy, we would have only needed a little afternoon shower, not a thunderstorm..."


Sky realized that the tone he used was less that friendly and quickly apologized. "I'm sorry it came out that way. First day as a weather team captain."


Harry, although initially feeling hurt, could understand the reason for the outburst. He slowly nodded his head in understanding, saying,"It's okay. This is a lot to handle." Pausing for a moment, Harry added,"That's quite a respectable position you have there, son."

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@, @@MichaelRogers, @, @,


Caramel nodded with a faked sage look upon her face, "Yes, er, I do quite believe that would be an acceptable area for our excursion." She couldn't help but giggle afterwards and look to Harry who entered the room...guess we weren't the only one's gettin caught in the rain...With a kind wink, Caramel introduced herself and Ember to the newcomer, "Howdy there partner, the name's Sunny Caramel and if ya look to yor right, that'd be my friend Ember..." Suddenly she realized she couldn't think of the second part of his name, as she attempted to recover in her words, "He's been workin awfully hard to get a show goin for the folks here in Baltimare, but the rain kinda caught us at a bad time." The mare couldn't help but pat Sky on the back as she continued, "However, this here nice ole' pegasus helped us get somewhere dry and even grabbed us some fine fixins. Don'tcha fret, he may look as stern as a bull but he's really as thoughtful as Celestia on Hearth's Warming Eve."


As Pondah burst through the door soaked, Caramel had to look away to keep herself from laughing uncontrollably. She couldn't help but snicker, though, as she greated her newly aquainted friend, "Dang...you're about as wet as a pup taking a shower bud." With another stifled laugh, the mare walked up to him an booped his muzzle playfully, "Need some help?" She was looking down at the stuff Pondah carried.

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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@Aerodynas, @Sir. Lion


Harry turned towards the orange mare, listening to her greeting. Finding such a polite pony was such a pleasant thing, and he was about thank her when a blue stallion burst through the door. "Oh my,"Thought Harry,"That boy there is soaking wet. If only I had some towel of sorts to lend to him." His brows lowered in concern.

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Hearing his name was enough to snap Ember out of his somewhat trance-like work, setting down a half finished firework to wave at the group by the door.  Recognizing a pony that he didn't know, the unicorn calls out with a friendly "Hello!"


Ember takes another moment to quickly finish the rocket hovering just off the desk thanks to his magic, setting it on a somewhat impressive pile of nearly identical copies of it.  To the untrained eye they would likely all seem to be the same thing, though Ember knew precisely what each rocket would detonate as.


Standing up from his borrowed desk Ember trots over to the others, giving a friendly smile to the newcomer.  "Sorry, I guess I get kinda distracted when I'm working...  What'd I miss?"











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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@, @@Aerodynas


Harry, upon hearing hearing a friendly greeting, turned around to see a black stallion. After listening to his question, Harry replied,"You did not miss much. I just came in a few minutes ago, and I was introduced to that nice Sunny mare." Harry gave a friendly smile for a moment before realizing that he had forgotten to introduce himself. "Oh! I am so sorry. I forgot to tell you my name." Harry held out hoof. "I'm Harry P. Rogers."

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Pondah shrugged before repyling. "I could use a little assistance with my mane," ​Pondah said. "A long thing like this can take a while to wring out and with this weather, there's no chance of drying it in the sun. If you're really desperate to help, I'll be in the bath upstairs." 


​Slowly, Pondah moved towards the stairs to the apartments. He was sluggish and gentle in his movements so as to stop any water dribbling into the carpet. He'd done enough cleaning today. Once at the top of the stairs, Pondah kept going straight and found himself at the door to the bathroom. He pushed it and went in. Staying slow, Pondah entered the bath and began to unwravel his mane.

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Sunny perked up with a helpful smile, "Sure, I'm not a hair stylist or nothin but I could give ya a hoof." As Pondah headed up stairs, Caramel winked at Ember, "Be back in a sec Emb." Then, with a little trot to catch up, she followed the soaked stallion into the bathroom. She tried to keep herself from giggling too much at the unfortunate stallion as she grabbed a cloth from one of the hampers and went up to Pondah, motioning for him to sit.

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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"It's ok," Pondah replied. "I just want it dried. I don't care about styling it." Pondah hopped out of the bath and set out a towel in front of Sunny. He sat on it and turned his back away from her. Slowly, he unraveled his mane-scarf until it was all dangling behind him. "Just be careful," Pondah whispered. "I really don't like having ponies touch my mane..."

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Ember starts to reach for Harry's hoof, though he stops at the last moment to pull his hoof back with an awkward smile.  "Oh, umm, sorry...  S'a pleasure to meet you, Harry.  I'm Ember Sparx, ya can call me Ember though.  I'd shake your hoof, but that's probably a bad idea at the moment...  Don't mean to be rude, just that mine are covered in powders right now.  Some of which are somewhat combustible..."  


He laughs a little nervously before nodding his head back towards the desk he had been working at.  "I should probably explain, I make fireworks for a living...  I'm just here at the weather office because Sky here is a hero and rescued me and Caramel from the storm.  Well, me anyways, she didn't really need to be rescued."  


He turns to grin at the captain of the weather team as he says this, adding to Sky "Oh, and no worries, I promise that there is absolutely no chance of me accidentally burning down your office...  Any rumors you may have heard about a cheap hotel near here were completely blown out of proportion, and only somewhat my fault."











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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@, @@MichaelRogers,



Sky remain locked on the window, watching his work outside unfold, almost in a trance.




"That's quite a respectable position you have there, son."

"Hun, Oh yea, Thank You. I just have the strangest feeling that this job is going to be the end of me." as he looks down to the ground. "Cloudsdale sent me here for what was to be a quick inspection on why Baltimare was so behind in their weather. When I got here, I found that the team only consisted of 4 pegasi. Ponyville alone has 10 and it's only a third the size."


Sky walks over to the window and puts his head agents it. "Today I found out I was...resigned here. I just don't know what I did wrong. The first day, I tried to be nice to the weather team get their production up. Yesterday I tried to be firm, and three of them quit. I only have one other pegasus on the team. She is kind of ditzy, but loyal...but still, two pegasi to take care of a hole city."


Sky looked to Harry to ask him a question. "Is their a reason that Baltimare has so few pegasi that I'm missing? I've seen unicorns and earth ponies galore, but other than those that were on the team when I got here, I haven't seen any others....Well looks like the rain is beging to slow down."


Skycoaster let out a sigh as he walked over to Ember. "So, which park are we using tonight so I know where to begin clearing theses clouds out?"

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Caramel smiled friendly, "It'll be fine mister." The mare took the towel with a wink and then gently began to wipe down Pondah's mane slowly, the light reflecting off the wet hairs. In an attempt to make him feel a little more comfortable, Caramel tried to break the silence. "So...Tell me ah little about yourself. How'd ya find yourself here in the big city?"

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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"Oh!  Umm, well there was a nice looking park a couple blocks away from here that I thought would be a nice place to set up...  Say, you wouldn't happen to know if any of them have a stage already set up in them, do you?  Because that could influence the decision, I was hoping to help draw a crowd so they could listen to Caramel sing.  So if there was a stage that she could use, that would be even better."  


Ember turns his gaze to the map that Sky had shown Caramel earlier while he was distracted with his work, his eyes scanning over it eagerly.  Spending so much time traveling had left the unicorn with a well established appreciation of a good map.  











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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Caramel smiled friendly, "It'll be fine mister." The mare took the towel with a wink and then gently began to wipe down Pondah's mane slowly, the light reflecting off the wet hairs. In an attempt to make him feel a little more comfortable, Caramel tried to break the silence. "So...Tell me ah little about yourself. How'd ya find yourself here in the big city?"

Pondah took a sharp breath in when Sunny touched his mane. He let out a few short and ragged breaths before composing himself enough to respond. "I'm here on a sort of holiday," ​ he whispered. "I just sort of picked a direction and kept going straight." 


Small dribbles of nervous sweat began to make their way down Pondah's face as Sunny's deft hooves worked their way through his mane.


'Try and stay strong. It'll be ok. She isn't trying to hurt me...'

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"Just here to be here huh? Well I can't say I blame ya for that," Sunny humored. She tried to pretend she didn't see the sweat or the quick rise and fall of his breaths but it still made her try to work more softly but quicker...luckily Sunny had experience in these sort of things. "There ya are, dry as a freshly milked cow. I hope it wasn't too bad for ya," the mare gleefully chirped as she took the towel and trotted over to a hamper to set it on. 

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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"OK than, and I beleave there is a stage there....at least I remember one when I crashed into a tree a few days ago....yea. Fun times..."


Sky, Looking at the map, made a plan in his head for how he was going to clear the clouds. "Um, Ember, I'll start over the park so it will give you time to set up, but what way to you want me to clear first." as he hovered up to the large map. "This side of the park is the shopping district, where as here is residential. To be honest...."


A loud boom of thunder shook the office.


"Great, what could that be!" as he flew over to the window, looking out. The rain was beginning to die down, however the lightning was beginning to pick up.


"Everypony stay put. I need to get this taken care of right now."

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Pondah's eyes were transfixed on a single point on the wall opposite him. It was all he could do to prevent himself from completely losing his bottle as his mane was dried. Even as Sunny moved away after finishing, Pondah's gaze remained fixed for a brief moment.


'See? It wasn't that bad. Making progress already.'


Slowly, Pondah ran a hoof through his mane. The bone dry strands slipped over his hoof and shined in the light of the sun. "Thank you..." Pondah whispered.

Edited by Sir. Loin
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Sunny trotted over to Pondah happily, giving him another wink. "Awe, it ain't no big deal. No pal of mine's gonna be trottin around with a drippy mane," she stated proudly. "If ya need anythin else, you be sure to ask ya hear?" Then, smiling widely, the mare made her way to exit the bathroom.

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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'Pal? How are we friends? All I've done is waste her time drying me and moving desks. That's not friendship. That's slavery.'


Pondah furrowed his brow as he tried to understand what, if anything, was friendly about slavery. He picked up the towel he was sat on and hung it over the bath to dry. A while behind Sunny, Pondah made his way out of the bathroom and moved into his room that he was borrowing.


Swiftly, Pondah trotted to the bed, wrapped the duvet around him and snuggled into it. The comfort of a warm wrapping caused a small smile to spawn on his face.


'Duvets are awesome! After accidentally trying the one in Bubble's hotel room, I couldn't wait to try one without consequences.'

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