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gaming Dragon Quest Series Discussion


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Ok, so since there weren't any discussion topics for Dragon Quest (or any for that matter...) and I was in a Dragon Quest mood, I felt like making this my first topic anywhere outside of the intro board XD


Anyways, here we talk about the Dragon Quest series, anywhere from Dragon Warrior (aka the first Dragon Quest game) to the unreleased Dragon Quest X for Wii and Wii U, not to forget the Dragon Quest spinoffs like Dragon Quest Monster and the like :P


Currently I'm addicted to Dragon Quest IX for the DS... I just finished my second playthrough two nights ago xD I'm currently tempted to do a challenge run of it, as in running through with only two characters instead of a full party of four! So yeah, anyways, begin discussing! :D

  • Brohoof 1
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Um... I've only played one, but I thought it was great! It was Dragon Quest: Quest of the Cursed King... Where the king was turned into a monster and the princess was the horse... I think it was called Quest of the Cursed King, but I googled it, and it says Journey of the Cursed king...

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Um... I've only played one, but I thought it was great! It was Dragon Quest: Quest of the Cursed King... Where the king was turned into a monster and the princess was the horse... I think it was called Quest of the Cursed King, but I googled it, and it says Journey of the Cursed king...


Yeah, it's full title is "Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King". I have that game but haven't played it at all lately... :/ But Dragon Quest IX... I LOVE it!!!

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Ok, so I'm beginning my Dragon Quest IX challenge run xD Just started it, so yeah :P Basically I'm going to use two characters this time instead of the full party of four :P


Keep on posting pictures of it! XD

Take with digital camera or something :3

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I haven't played too many of the games. DQIV (didn't beat, traded in cuz I was desperate for new games and didn't have a job), DQVIII and DQSwords.


I can honestly say I don't particularly appreciate the artstyle. It works in DBZ, it works in Chrono Trigger...but I don't think it works very well in Dragon Quest.


Overall I'd have to try more games in the series to really say if I like it as a series or not (Made possible by the DS remakes) but I'm still a Final Fantasy and Wild Arms type over DQ.


I haven't touched DQVIII in a while but right now I'm grinding to fight Dhoulmagus. My friend who got me to get the game says it's easier to grind to level 30 so Angelo gets Multi-Heal as that makes the fight ten times easier so I'm doing that while also grinding for money to get the best equipment. Only thing is, it's gonna take a while since my characters are only level 24. My best bet is the Metal Slimes near Argonia. I've been getting lots of money from the Gold Golems on the Holy Island of Neos though which is for the equipment (Which I'm getting first and foremost.)

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Just to update you on how I'm doing in my duo challenge so far, I'm beyond the first boss and am now grinding my characters some in preparation for the next coming boss :) My character as of now is a level 10 Minstrel who uses whips, while my other partner is a level 7 thief using daggers :P Just trying weapons I never really used before this time

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I was the biggest geek for Dragon Quest Monsters: Cobi's Journey on the GBC as a kid. I'm pretty sure I logged over 200 hours into that game. The random Magic Key worlds and exponential breeding system just drew me in, you know? I still have the Prima Strategy Guide that I bought to look at all the "kooky mawnsters" when I was, like, five.

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I was the biggest geek for Dragon Quest Monsters: Cobi's Journey on the GBC as a kid. I'm pretty sure I logged over 200 hours into that game. The random Magic Key worlds and exponential breeding system just drew me in, you know? I still have the Prima Strategy Guide that I bought to look at all the "kooky mawnsters" when I was, like, five.


This. A billion times, this. The games (Cobi/Tara's Journey) were massive, for GBC games. The graphics looked far better than Pokemon Red/Blue, or even Gold/Silver, and the breeding system was far more complex (but not too complex) than anything Pokemon has thrown on the table yet. Sometimes I think to myself "wtf, it should be the DQM series that got uber-popular, not Pokemon." I know there have been DQM games since Cobi/Tara's Journey, but they didn't capture the magic (for lack of a better word) that Cobi/Tara's Journey did.




Ah, the Dragon Quest series. I am quite a fan of it, to say the least. My first experience with it was Dragon Warrior on the NES, but I was too young, and it confused me greatly. It wasn't until I got Cobi's Journey years later that I really got into the series. And now, I've beaten 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, Cobi's Journey, Rocket Slime, and probably more that I can't remember off the top of my head. I've been meaning to start 6 soon, but haven't due to not having enough time to get invested in a long game.


Going to cut this short before it becomes massive and ask: How is Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors? Curious if I should keep an eye out for it cheap.

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Oh my, I have some major nostalgia backing up Dragon Quest 8. My best friend at the time would come over to my house and we would play DQ8 for countless hours. The monster arena was loads of a fun, and the combat from what I remember is fantabulous. I really haven't played any other Dragon QuestDragon Warrior games though.

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i love the series the best i played was 6 and one called the heavenly bride which got boring because i didn't give it enough time but i plan on buying 6 since enjoyed it i also loved 8 for the ps2 good memory's

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lol... I had a feeling KKR would come here eventually xP But anyways, to update my recent adventures in DQ9, I've gotten past Morag in Brigadoom, and am now grinding for materials to use to make new weaponry for my two characters. For my thief, I'm trying to get a Slimedrop to make Slime Earrings, so I can make Falcon Knife Earrings, which although it has 1 attack, can do double strikes :P And for my Minstrel, aka Main Character, she's using whips so I'm trying to get Snakeskin Leathers to make a Snakeskin Whip and maybe eventually a Serpentskin Whip :P Considering how it's taking a while to get those materials, my characters may end up being rather stronger than usual lol... But oh well... XD


Oh yeah, and is anyone curious about Dragon Quest X? It's gonna be a complete change to the series... What with it becoming MMO-like and not playing like the old DQ style... But still, curiosity on how it'll be has struck me

Edited by Trixie Helper Electrobolt
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This. A billion times, this. The games (Cobi/Tara's Journey) were massive, for GBC games. The graphics looked far better than Pokemon Red/Blue, or even Gold/Silver, and the breeding system was far more complex (but not too complex) than anything Pokemon has thrown on the table yet. Sometimes I think to myself "wtf, it should be the DQM series that got uber-popular, not Pokemon." I know there have been DQM games since Cobi/Tara's Journey, but they didn't capture the magic (for lack of a better word) that Cobi/Tara's Journey did.




Ah, the Dragon Quest series. I am quite a fan of it, to say the least. My first experience with it was Dragon Warrior on the NES, but I was too young, and it confused me greatly. It wasn't until I got Cobi's Journey years later that I really got into the series. And now, I've beaten 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, Cobi's Journey, Rocket Slime, and probably more that I can't remember off the top of my head. I've been meaning to start 6 soon, but haven't due to not having enough time to get invested in a long game.


Going to cut this short before it becomes massive and ask: How is Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors? Curious if I should keep an eye out for it cheap.


Be prepared for a very different experience with DQS. It plays in first person and you only go in straight lines, quite literally. You are on a set path and you walk along it while enemies appear in front of you. This is where the game is actually good because you swing the Wiimote to slash at enemies and you can use spells when you get them. You get one partner to use per level and each partner has their own spells to use. You guard using the B button.


Putting all this together you have to fight hordes of strategically placed monsters. Every monster encounter is fought exactly the same each time you go through the level so it's possible to master the game to the point you never get hurt even once. It's got other typical RPG things with equipment and a way to forge equipment too so that's not all that different. You just have to get used to the fact that DQS isn't anything like the other DQ games, it plays so vastly different that you'll have to go in not expecting a typical DQ experience.

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I knew about the different mechanics (did my own research on it a long time ago). I was just looking for a personal-experience-is-it-good-or-bad-thing.


Nonetheless, I now know to look out for it. Thanks. :D


Also, @ everypony playing Dragon Quest 8: If you didn't know, if you get the three golems (golem, stone golem, gold golem) and put use them in the arena, they can fuse into Mazin and can beat the monster arena without much difficulty.

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Well then! As long as you know then I say go for it. As different as it is it's not too entirely different from DQ in general. There's only one town though so be used to that. It's basically a central hub where you do all your shopping and stuff.


There's a decent amount of levels though and they do get pretty epic at times. You can even unlock the final boss' sword which is infinitely powerful. There's also a NewGame+ so you can play through with all your previous equipment, including the all-powerful final boss' sword.


It's still a fun game, especially when you know where everything is and just play through like a boss.

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I haven't forgotten about this topic guys, don't worry :P But wow... Dragon Quest must not be popular with the people on MLPForums... o.o Anyways, about my challenge run...


I made it to Alltrades Abbey, where Abbot Jack (get the gag?) went missing... He had gone into the Tower of Trades, which had been swarmed with monsters. Once I got to the top, he transformed into this beast and took on the name "Master of Nu'Un"... (yet another pun :P Dragon Quest games, always with their puns XD ) Anyways, after beating him up, he returned to being Abbot Jack again, and it turns out he had eaten a fygg (an item of importance for the storyline) and it gave him this power... But we somehow managed to get the fygg back! Anyways, with Abbot Jack of Alltrades Abbey back, we can change vocations and level up from level 1 again :P That means we can get more skill points to apply to more skill trees, or use the skill points to strengthen one skill tree to the max xP Anyways, yeah... That's my progress so far

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Overall I'd say Dragon Quest loses out in popularity to Final Fantasy. Many know of DQ but I don't think too many are fans of it, at least not as many as there are of FF.


I also know DQ is far more popular in Japan than anywhere else in the world and I don't think we have many Japanese people here (if any at all)

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I figure part of the reason Dragon Quest is not as popular as Final Fantasy (outside of Japan at least) is brand name recognition or whatever it's called. Final Fantasy has their Cloud Strifes and their Sephiroths, but who ever talks about Roto? Dracolord? Zoma? Torneko? Because the Dragon Quest series doesn't really hold on to heroes and villains as long as Final Fantasy does, you don't end up with pictures of them slapped on every magazine and TV screen. You don't really get as much of a "mascot" other than the Slime. People see Final Fantasy and go "That's the series with Sephiroth and Cloud". They see Dragon Quest and say "That's the series with.. the slime?"


Another part of it would be dated-ness. When it comes to a lot of advancements in JRPGs, Dragon Quest has kinda been important. As a side-effect of that, Dragon Quest's earlier games are complicated, can feel dated. People probably say "Ooh, I'll try this series and start with the first!" and get annoyed at it's legendary grind. tl;dr it did everything first back in the day and it shows.


Anyways, I play to start on 6 later today if nothing stops me. Knowing me, I'll get started on it, and then have a hard time peeling myself away from it. xD

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Well also the DQ series isn't exactly innovative when it's being updated. A lot of people want new and interesting battle systems and all which is something Final Fantasy delivers in almost every game.


I feel like playing DQVIII now. Time to get back to the old grind, quite literally, and get my characters up to level 30 so I can beat Dhoulmagus! xD


I think the only two things I don't like about the game is


1) The artstyle. I like Toriyama's style in most other things it's in but I don't really feel it works very well in DQ, at least for characters. The enemy designs can be pretty interesting though. In the end it still fits I just don't particularly like it myself.


2) The world map and the fact that you can only see your surrounding area when you open it rather than being able to scroll around to find your next destination. But I suppose that's why they give you spells like Zoom though, so you don't always have to be lost, just when going to new and uncharted territory.

Edited by Raronoopa
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  • 11 years later...

Been into it back when it was localized as Dragon Warrior in fact and due to the Nintendo Power subscription including it as a bonus.

But yeah even with being out of touch with it due to V and VI not being officially distributed in the US at first, plus not keeping up when VII did come out, I pretty much was quick in getting the Game Boy Color remakes of the Erdrick Trilogy and happily went for the Zenithian Trilogy on the DS and besides playing the 3DS port of VII and VIII, I did play the later on my brother's PS2 before hand.

Also do my best to contribute to the wiki (Not wikia).  Also got the first 6 games mobile release, and even 8 which I still get into even with the downgrade from the console port.  Plus as I'm not as tech savvy, it is very easy to get game photos for the wiki from the cell phone games.

Incidentally, I think the MLP episode Dragon Quest could possibly be a nod to the series, and maybe the title Dragonlord, but has anyone in production stated being a DQ fan?  Heck Amphibia and Adventure Times even each had a reference.

For fun, here is my monster teams from VIII:



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